Written Assignment Unit 6 PDF

Title Written Assignment Unit 6
Author Dzidzayi Godwins Munhungeyi
Course Marketing Management
Institution University of the People
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Social Media Platform 1

Social Media Advertising Platform

Written Assignment Unit 6 Department of Business, University of the People BUS5112: Marketing Management Dr. Lynne Conte October 15,2020

Social Media Platform 2

Advertising aims to inform, educate and persuade customers to act on the service or product being communicated. The advertising strategies can be emotional appeal, rational appeal or both to customers. The emotional appeal aims to pulls to customers' heartstrings to get them buy a product or service because of its high quality, its use as a status symbol or its connection to the individual's deep-seated interests. (Bradley, J, n. d). The rational appeal highlights on the price and the advantages of having the product. Emotional adverts strategically play around the feelings and stimulate emotions that influence how customers make decisions. (Miller, C, 2016). Rational adverts are designed to appeal to audience going to the mind and logically reason how the product function to satisfy customers’ needs. Would you consider the ad to be an emotional or rational ad? Why or why not I selected the Chicken Inn advertisement on YouTube (Chicken Inn TV Commercial ,2014) The advert is emotional to the potential customers and a little bit of rational when it talks about the price.

Emotional appeal

persuades the potential customers that the product is of high quality which the advert successfully reflects this by showing how good they check the wellness of the chicken to provide quality chicken. In addition, the emotions shared in the adverts, for example laughter, sharing with family in one table and the statement ‘Yummy your tummy’ will stimulate customers to take family to the nearest chicken inn shop. The rationality is on the price of chicken. Customers may reason, comparing the price with other shops to get value of their money.

Social Media Platform 3

Who do you think is the target audience for the ad? The target audience is mostly for families but everyone is included as long as you eat chicken. The target is broad that even kids will persuade their parents to take them to the nearest shop. Why or not should people want to share the ad for it to go viral? For the advert to go viral, people may share the adverts using different platforms but I think a good product sell itself. Customers who went to the shop and enjoy the food, may spread the best information which may be contrary to the advert claims. The best meaning of the advertisements is derived after using the product and customers sharing the testimonies on how they enjoyed the meal. Adverts can be shared but will not say much on the satisfaction. Is the content for your chosen social media platform more suitable for B2B, B2C, or both? YouTube is suitable for both B2B and B2C.If businesses are selling to each other, a lot of information can be time consuming to read but watching the video is much better. Business to Customer work well in Chicken Inn industry. People like to work with other, having conversation and customers want to see how so they may be lured to take action. How many times more likely is it for a lead (potential customer) to convert when developed through employee social marketing? Why? Custmers are likely to trust what the employees tells them about a company so employees may increase the sales of a product by sharing the cont As your company looks to nurture prospects until they are ready to engage with a sales rep, your employees can make an impact by sharing relevant content on social networks.

Social Media Platform 4

Consider these documented findings: 

Leads developed through employee social marketing convert more frequently than other leads.

Socially engaged companies are 57% more likely to increase sales leads.

Sales reps who regularly share content are 45% more likely to exceed quota.

Brand messages distributed by employees are re-shared 24 times more often than if your brand distributes the messages. Plus, customers consider employee shares more authentic than corporate shares.

Select an ad on a social media platform (YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and other social media) of your choice. Provide APA citation and referencing for the advertisement. After reading unit texts and watching the content of selected ad answer below questions: 

Would you consider the ad to be an emotional or rational ad? Why or why not?

Who do you think is the target audience for the ad?

Why or not should people want to share the ad for it to go viral?

Is the content for your chosen social media platform more suitable for B2B, B2C, or both?

How many times more likely is it for a lead (potential customer) to convert when developed through employee social marketing? Why?

List three social media which you consider to be most suitable for a customer testimonial and Why?

Social Media Platform 5

Submit a 2-3-page paper, (excluding the title page and reference page) double-spaced in Times New Roman (or its equivalent) font which is no greater than 12 points in size. Be sure to cite any sources in APA Format. Papers will be peer-assessed using this rubric.

5. How many times more likely is it for a lead (potential customer) to convert when developed through employee social marketing? Why? According to the social selling software Socciable, leads developed through employee social marketing convert 7x more frequently than other leads. Getting leads is only part of the sales battle, a much larger issue is converting these leads into deals. As employee advocacy helps you establish a trust base before the sales process even begins, your leads are more likely to be primed and ready for conversion (Socciable, 2019). 6. List three social media which you consider to be most suitable for a customer testimonial and Why? Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn Why people use these networks? To connect with people (and brands) online. How they can benefit your business? Let us count the ways. Market research, brand awareness, lead generation, relationship building, customer service… the list is pretty much endless (Curtis Foreman, 2017).

Social Media Platform 6

Social networks, sometimes called “relationship networks,” help people and organizations connect online to share information and ideas (Curtis Foreman, 2017). While these networks aren’t the oldest type of social media, they certainly define it now. These channels started as relatively simple services—for example, Twitter was the place to answer the question “what are you doing?” and Facebook was where you might check the relationship status of that cute Economics 101 classmate (Curtis Foreman, 2017). Now, and especially since the rise of the mobile internet, these networks have become hubs that transform nearly every aspect of modern life—from reading news to sharing vacation photos to finding a new job—into a social experience (Curtis Foreman, 2017). If you’re not using these core networks yet as part of your social media marketing plan— or if you’re looking for ideas to improve your existing strategy—you’ll find a wealth of usable information in our guides to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (Curtis Foreman, 2017).

Social Media Platform 7

References Bradley, J (n.d) Small business What Is Rational Appeal in Advertising? Retrieved 10 October 2020 https://smallbusiness.chron.com/rational-appealadvertising-59886.html Chicken Inn TV Commercial (2014) - Homegrown Chicken. [Video file] YouTube https://youtu.be/BcjFZxQeimA Decker, F (2019) Small business Difference in Rational & Emotional Marketing. Retrieved 10 October 2020 https://smallbusiness.chron.com/difference-rationalemotional-marketing-23661.html

Social Media Platform 8

Foreman, C (2017). 10 Types of Social Media and How Each Can Benefit Your Business. Hootsuite. Retrieved from: https://blog.hootsuite.com/types-of-social-media/ Miller, C, (2016) The Dangerous Power of Emotional Advertising. Retrieved 10 October 2020 https://contently.com/2016/04/14/dangerous-poweremotional-advertising

Kelsay, E (2017). How Employees Influence Perception of Your Brand on Social Media https://business.linkedin.com/marketing-solutions/blog/l...

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