PSYC 1205 QUIZ ALL QNA - copy into excel CTRL + F enter question to find answer PDF

Title PSYC 1205 QUIZ ALL QNA - copy into excel CTRL + F enter question to find answer
Course Emotional Intelligence
Institution University of the People
Pages 15
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copy into excel CTRL + F enter question to find answer Answers are below question and options True or False: Cultural Intelligence (CI) is a decreasingly important sub-set of SI focused on an individual's capability to operate in diverse cultural environments, a critical skill in multi-national organizations and projects. FALSE True or False: MBTI has a role in relationship building (awareness, communication and planning). TRUE According to Goleman, EI consists of four major domains. These are: a. Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management True or False: According to Robert Plutchik: Optimism = Anticipation + Submission. FALSE The five dimensions of SI defined by Karl Albrecht are: a. presence, clarity, awareness, authenticity, and empathy. True or False: Emotional intelligence is broadly defined as the ability to identify, understand and manage the emotions within and around you. TRUE True or False: Goleman defines an emotional 'competence' as "a learned capability based on emotional intelligence that results in outstanding performance at work." TRUE True or False: According to Robert Plutchik: Disapproval = Surprise + Fear. FALSE True or False: Research shows that people with a high EQ possess clarity in thinking and remain composed in stressful and chaotic situations. TRUE True or False: Robert Plutchik's wheel consisted of 8 basic emotions: Joy, Sadness, Trust, Disgust, Fear, Anger, Surprise, Anticipation. TRUE True or False: If you are self-aware, you rarely but surely know how you feel and you know how your emotions and your actions, can affect people around you. Being self-aware in a leadership position also means having a somewhat clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses. And it means having humility. FALSE True or False: Writing down your thoughts can move you to a higher degree of self-awareness. TRUE True or False: Feedback is about improvements. TRUE True or False: When one experiences anger or other strong emotions, slowing down can help examine the emotions TRUE True or False: Extrinsic motivation has to do with being motivated by being paid (as an example). TRUE True or False: An example of intrinsic motivation can be explained by someone wanting to be paid for a job well done FALSE True or False: Intrinsic motivation is related to internal factors of wanting to do something. TRUE True or False: Keeping a journal when trying to improve self-awareness is a gimmick, not a tool. FALSE True or False: Feedback is not necessary to grow. FALSE

True or False: Keeping a journal when trying to improve self-awareness is a good tool. TRUE True or False: A question such as "Do we say that in English?" is metalinguistic feedback, not elicitation. TRUE True or False: A question such as "Do we say that at all?" is metalinguistic feedback, not elicitation. TRUE True or False: Repetition as a correction refers to the teacher's repetition, together with other comments, of the student's erroneous utterance. FALSE True or False: As a student of UoPeople I can skip working of providing and receiving feedback because it does not benefit me FALSE According to the week 3 readings, feedback is: b. "a process in which the factors that produce a result are themselves modified, corrected, strengthened, etc. by that result" and "a response, as one that sets such a process in motion" Explicit correction refers to: d. the explicit provision of the correct form. As the teacher provides the correct form, he or she clearly indicates that what the student had said was incorrect (e.g., "Oh, you mean," "You should say"). True or False: Devoting time to feedback is not related to my success. FALSE Recasts correction involve: a. the teacher's reformulation of all or part of a student's utterance, minus the error. True or False: Repetition as a correction refers to the teacher's repetition, in isolation, of the student's erroneous utterance TRUE Metalinguistic feedback as a correction contains: a. either comments, information, or questions related to the well-formedness of the student's utterance, without explicitly providing the correct form. True or False: Knowing the domains of SCARF also allows an individual to design ways to motivate themselves more effectively TRUE True or False: The SCARF model helps individuals both minimize threats and maximize rewards. TRUE True or False: NVC stands for Non Violent Communication. TRUE True or False: NVC is about assertive and empathic communication. TRUE True or False: SCARF stands for Sustained-careful-achievable-realistic and fair. FALSE True or False: SCARF stands for Self-developed-certain-ambitious-rigorous and following. FALSE True or False: NVC stands for Neuro-linguistic victory in collaborating. FALSE True or False: Knowing about the elements of SCARF helps one understand issues such as why you can't think clearly when someone has attacked your status, instead of just trying to push the feeling aside. TRUE True or False: The cognitive tools associated with SCARF model have not been verified yet in brain studies, but have been clinically proven to be effective techniques for reducing the threat response. FALSE True or False: An example of using SCARF might be focusing attention on increasing one's sense of autonomy during a time of uncertainty.

TRUE True or False: Judgments are multi-layered observations. TRUE True or False: We squander a lot of our energy and create useless anxiety worrying over issues that are either out of our control or of incidental or irrelevant impact to our lives. TRUE Research shows that we as humans have between: a. 60,000-300,000 thoughts per day True or False: Research shows that we as humans have between: 60,000-300,000 thoughts per day. TRUE True or False: Judgments are different from observations. TRUE Examples of good questions that helps to look for alternative explanations include: a. Are there any other ways that I could look at this situation? b. What else could this mean? c. If I were being positive, how would I perceive this situation? d. All of the above Correct True or False: Judgments show our way of looking at something that is overly critical and not necessarily true. TRUE True or False: When you feel anxious, depressed or stressed-out, your self-talk is likely to become extreme and untrue. You'll be more likely to expect the worst and focus on the most negative aspects of your situation. TRUE True or False: Self-talk applies only to mentally unstable individuals. FALSE True or False: Learning to dispute negative thoughts might take time and practice, but is worth the effort. Once you start looking at it, you'll probably be surprised by how much of your thinking is inaccurate, exaggerated, or focused on the negatives of the situation. TRUE True or False: Feedback is about the future. TRUE True or False: Feedback is about the past. FALSE What is a 360 evaluation? a. An evaluation done by colleagues, person in charge (manager, professor, etc.) and clients True or False: If you are self-aware, you always or almost always know how you feel and you know how your emotions and your actions, can affect people around you. Being self-aware in a leadership position also means having a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses. And it means having humility. TRUE True or False: EI is a basic tool that can be learned and that is the key to professional success. TRUE True or False: According to Robert Plutchik: Aggressiveness = Anger + Anticipation. TRUE Why is it important for leaders to have empathy? a. Leaders with empathy are critical to managing a successful team or organization. b. Leaders with empathy have the ability to put themselves in someone else's situation. c. Leaders with empathy help develop the people on their team, challenge others who are acting unfairly give constructive feedback and listen to those who need it. d. All of the above Correct

True or False: Intrinsic motivation is intra-personal. TRUE True or False: The social intelligence quotient or SQ operates under the scientifically proven assumption that an individual cannot change their SQ under any circumstances. FALSE True or False: Self-motivation is about how you get yourself to do things that you don't want to do and a passion for work that goes beyond money or status. TRUE The social intelligence (SI) quotient algorithm is: a. Socially Aware population classification. b. Positive attitude to progressive social issues ('somewhat progressive' or 'very progressive') c. Attraction and openness to new experiences d. A combination of the three factors listed above Correct True or False: Emotional Intelligence (EI) is measured by your Emotional Quotient (EQ). TRUE True or False: EI refers to everyone's ability to manage time, costs and ensure quality. The rest are nice to have, but not directly related to a success factor. FALSE True or False: Saying: you are so smart is a judgment. Saying: the way you handled your friend showed compassion an observation. TRUE True or False: A good way to test the accuracy of your perceptions might be to ask yourself some challenging question TRUE True or False: A question such as "Do we say that at all?" is elicitation, not metalinguistic feedback. FALSE True or False: Self-talk is the narration that accompanies us at all times. TRUE True or False: Observations are linked with true facts. TRUE True or Fales: Knowing about the elements of SCARF helps one understand issues such as why you can think clearly when someone has attacked your status. FALSE True or False: The cognitive tools associated with SCARF model have been verified in brain studies to be effective techniques for reducing the threat response. TRUE According to McGill and Concordia Universities study on feedback: c. They distinguished six different types of feedback used by the four teachers in this study. Clarification requests as a correction, according to Spada and Frohlich (1995, p. 25), indicate to students: b. either that their utterance has been misunderstood by the teacher or that the utterance is ill-formed in some way and that a repetition or a reformulation is required. True or False: Emotions can be shared across individuals in many different ways both implicitly or explicitly. TRUE True or False: Emotional contagion is not important to personal relationships because it does not foster emotional synchrony between individuals. FALSE True or False: In preparing action plans, SMART objectives are good to have but not important. FALSE

True or False: When people unconsciously mimic their companions' expressions of emotion, they never come to feel reflections of their partner's emotions. FALSE True or False: SMART methodology stands for: super-imposed, mutual, achievable, realistic and timed. FALSE True or False: One view developed by Elaine Hatfield et al. is that emotional contagion can be done through automatic mimicry and synchronization of one's expressions, vocalizations, postures and movements with those of another person TRUE True or False: SMART methodology stands for: special, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. FALSE True or False: Emotions cannot be shared across individuals. FALSE True or False: Emotional contagion is important to personal relationships because it fosters emotional synchrony between individuals. TRUE True or False: SMART methodology stands for: sleek, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. FALSE True or False: Devoting time to feedback is a good investment in my learning. TRUE What is emotional contagion? a. Emotional contagion is the tendency for two individuals to emotionally converge True or False: Saying: you pounded your fist on the desk for about 10 seconds is an observation. TRUE True or False: I do not have any self-talk. FALSE True or False: A question such as "Do we say that in English?" is elicitation, not metalinguistic feedback. FALSE True or False: EI refers to everyone's ability to perform, fend off aggressors, and be compassionate in a crisis. TRUE True or False: Disputing your self-talk means challenging the negative or unhelpful aspects. TRUE True or False: SMART methodology stands for: simple, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. FALSE True or False: SMART methodology stands for: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-framed. FALSE True or False: A definition of emotional contagion by Schoenewolf states: "a procedure in which a person or group influences the emotions or behavior of another person or group through the conscious or unconscious induction of emotion states and behavioral attitudes". FALSE True or False: Traditional IQ on its own is fine for technical work and as a person moves into higher management roles. This means that the ability to lead, manage and influence others becomes increasingly important and can be solely relied on technical skills FALSE Robert Plutchik created a wheel of emotions in: b. 1980 True or False: Self-talk enables you to feel better and to respond to situations in a more helpful way. TRUE True or False: SWOT belongs in the business world and should not be used for developing emotional intelligence.

FALSE True or False: An example of a piece of daily communication following NVC is: why do you always leave the book on the floor where I walk? I tripped and almost lost balance four times in a row. FALSE Elicitation as a correction: d. refers to at least three techniques that teachers use to directly elicit the correct form from the student: "fill in the blank", disagreement or repeating the error. True or False: The theory of emotional intelligence states we are born with an innate capacity to recognize emotions in ourselves and the people around us. TRUE True or False: Goleman defines managing emotionality as a competence directly linked with a learned capability based on emotional intelligence that results in outstanding performance at work. FALSE True or False: Saying: "you were mad" is a judgment. TRUE True or False: One view developed by Elaine Hatfield et al. is that emotional contagion can be done through talking to the other person and synchronization of one's vocalizations, postures and movements. FALSE EI at work include: a. Proficiency in managing relationships and building networks b. An ability to find common ground and build rapport c. Expertise in building and leading teams d. Persuasiveness and effectiveness in leading change shown in expertise in building and leading teams e. All of the above Correct True or False: Saying: you pounded your fist on the desk for about 10 seconds is a judgment. FALSE True or False: A definition of emotional contagion by Schoenewolf states: "a process in which a person or group influences the emotions or behavior of another person or group through the conscious or unconscious induction of emotion states and behavioral attitudes." TRUE True or False: When people unconsciously mimic their companions' expressions of emotion, they come to feel reflections of their partner's emotions. TRUE True or False: Whenever you find yourself feeling depressed, angry, anxious or upset, use this as your signal to stop and become aware of your thoughts. Use your feelings as your cue to reflect on your thinking. TRUE True or False: According to Robert Plutchik: Optimism = Anticipation + Joy. TRUE True or False: SI is not an inward awareness (but requires you to be in touch with your EQ), it is outwardly focused on the people you interact with. TRUE True or False: According to Robert Plutchik: Disapproval = Surprise + Sadness. TRUE True or False: Developing SMART objectives help to ensure that objectives will be realized. TRUE True or False: Disputing your self-talk means forgetting the negative or unhelpful aspects. FALSE SWOT stands for:

b. Strengths. Weaknesses. Opportunities. Threats. Feedback is about: a. Feedback is about future improvements True or False: Research shows that we have up to 1,000 negative thoughts per day. FALSE True or False: Cultural intelligence is broadly defined as the ability to understand, and operate effectively in diverse cultural situations and across cultural groups. TRUE True or False: The social intelligence quotient or SQ proves that any individual cannot attempt to be altering their attitudes and behavior in response to their environment. FALSE True or False: The four MBTI basic personality preferences are evident in planning work and conducting meetings TRUE True or False: MBTI is not linked with success definition and its application-this includes understanding how others define and approach success. FALSE True or False: The 'iron triangle' of time, cost and quality is the only way to measure and protect your career and engender success in your project. FALSE True or False: A project manager can take anger and turn it into motivation or use anxiety to make people more careful by planting doubt so a team checks it work more closely. TRUE Cultural intelligence includes: a. Understanding the differences and similarities between cultures b. Being consciously aware of others' cultural preferences before and during interactions c. Being willing and able to adapt to new cultures (including planned learning activities) d. Having a wide and flexible repertoire of situationally appropriate behaviors. e. All of the above. Correct Social Intelligence (SI) is: a. measured by your Social Quotient (SQ) is closely aligned b. it is a measure of social awareness as it relates to a person's ability to understand and manage people and to act wisely in human relations. c. is an equivalent to interpersonal intelligence d. All of the above Correct True or False: SMART methodology stands for: satisfying, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. FALSE True or False: The social intelligence quotient or SQ operates under the assumption that an individual can change their SQ by altering their attitudes and behavior in response to their environment. TRUE True or False: The social intelligence quotient or SQ operates under the scientifically proven assumption that an individual cannot change their SQ under any circumstances. FALSE True or False: People with high EQ will have empathy, remain optimistic even in the face of adversity, and are gifted at educating and persuading in a sales situation. TRUE


Neuropsychology The effort to gain insights into the brain s function by closely examining individuals who have suffered some form of brain damage transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) The technique of applying repeated magnetic stimulation at the surface of the skull to temporarily stimulate or disable a target brain region. Electroencephalogram (EEG) a record of the brain's electrical activity recorded by placing electrodes on the scalp event-related potential (ERP) Electrical changes in the brain that correspond to the brain's response to a specific event; measured with EEG. CT scan A technique for examining brain structure by constructing a composite of X-ray images taken from many different angles MRI Neuroimaging technique that documents the effects of strong magnetic pulses on the molecules that make up brain issue. A computer then assembles this info into pic of brain structure. PET Scans Technique for examining brain function by measuring blood flow & oxygen use within the brain central nervous system brain and spinal cord peripheral nervous system The afferent/efferent nerves that extend from the brain & spinal cord to connect with organs and muscles somatic nervous system the division of the peripheral nervous system that controls the body's skeletal muscles and transmits sensory info autonomic nervous system The division of the PNS that receives info from and controls the internal organs sympathetic branch The division of the autonomic nervous system that mobilizes the organism for physical exertion Parasympathetic branch The division that restores the body's normal resting state and conserves energy Brain stem the brain region at the top of the spinal cord that includes the medulla and the pons Cerebellum the part of the brain that controls muscular coordination and equilibrium cerebral hemispheres One-half (left or right) of the cerebrum, the topmost part of the brain Frontal lobe The area of front of each cerebral hemisphere; includes tissue crucial for many aspects of planning/c...

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