Philosophy 1-17-18 - notes directly from powerpoint lectures PDF

Title Philosophy 1-17-18 - notes directly from powerpoint lectures
Course Introduction To Philosophy
Institution Kent State University
Pages 2
File Size 66.4 KB
File Type PDF
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notes directly from powerpoint lectures...


“philosophy begins in wonder”- aristotle 2500 years ago in ancient greece, a method for explaining the world beyond myths, stories, & religious beliefs was discovered reason- the ability to support claims or conclusions with premises or reason -how conclusions are justified philosophyphilo- love of... sophia- wisdom -knowledge vs wisdom -the study of philosophy encourages: both the dual capacity for logical & creative thinking, personal responsibility for our beliefs & the construction of our lives, academic success that produces highly desirable job candidates & graduate school entrants -conclusions justified by reason; argument: HOW -content of philosophical study are metaphysics, philosophy of religion, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, & applied philosophy: WHAT -argument- consists of 2 or more statements; a premise that is usually intended to lend support to or justify a conclusion /// an argument is good when true premises do in fact conclusively support a conclusion; typically have multiple premises but one conclusion divisions of philosophical inquiry -metaphysics- the science of reality: what is the nature of being/existence? is reality of one or multiple substances? what are time & space? does the universe have a beginning & end? -philosophy of religion- the existence & nature of god: does god exist? is there an intelligent plan for the universe or my life? is there life after death? -epistemology- the science of knowledge: what is reasoning? what is truth? is any knowledge certain, or is everything capable of doubt? (logic: the analysis of inferences from premises to conclusions) -ethics & social philosophy- what is the nature of good? what is the best way to live a complete & fulfilling life? what, if any, are our obligations to others? -aesthetics- what is beauty? is beauty subjective or objective? what role does an appreciation of beauty play in a fulfilled life? -applied philosophy: philosophy of law, science, medicine, business philosophical continuum objectivism > naturalism > social relativism > individual relativism -objectivism- reality, truth, & morality are absolutes, in no way dependent on human existence or values; often expressed as the will of an omnipotent god, we may benefit from obeying these universal mandates or perish by failing to do so -naturalism- reality, truth, & morality are determined on the basis of human interjection with nature; happiness is the result of making human nature congruent with the greater natural

world /// a matter of scientific analysis -social relativism- reality, truth, & morality are products of one’s own culture; moreover, we realize that other cultures may have different values that are as true & real for them as ours as for us; the social sciences identify these various cultural norms -individual relativism- reality, truth, & morality are personal determinations; my life is ultimately the construct of my own efforts & beliefs; others are free to create their own standards, but what is real or good is what is good for me...

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