PHL 103 Kant:Hume Notes PDF

Title PHL 103 Kant:Hume Notes
Course Introduction To Ethics
Institution Oakland University
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PHL 103 - Intro to Ethics - Professor White - Winter 2015 - Kant and Hume Notes ...


PHL Notes 3/11/15 Extra Credit - Movie and Response: On netflix Thoughts and feelings on the movie Response written on paper- Due the second to last week of classes Crimes and Misdemeanors Waking Life I heart Huckabees Hume and Kant online quiz - due in 2 weeks 10 questions 7 multiple choice 1 matching 2 true/false Need to know: Hume’s foundational approach to epistemology (idea that there is a foundation of knowledge which is empirical, what we see smell and taste) and based on that we gain more knowledge, plato rejected it. 3 steps for the first test of categorial imperatives Kant: concept of necessary trues- their form and not their content. Either its raining or it’s not raining. Hume’s use of sympathy in his ideal observer perspective Heteronomy and what may help discourage us from engaging in it The kingdom of ends (what it is) Go back to powerpoint slides** and what underlies it. Autonomy The difference between categorical and hypothetical imperatives. Humes view of sentimentalism and how Hume relates moral qualities to the idea of properties. Primary and secondary properties.

2 Written Assignment choices: must do 1 Due

Assignment: respond to a scenario using Kant’s view. Explain what duty to warn is: came out on the basis of famous case where a young man was seeing (tarisoff case) a psychologist at his university health center. The young man said he was going to kill his ex girlfriend. The psychologist contacted the police, the police detained him for 24 hours. Then the psychologist said again that we need to do something about this, their boss said they couldn’t do anything due to privacy issues. The man ended up killing his girlfriend and the parents sued. On one hand you have right to confidentiality, and on other hand you have to safe someone’s life. According to Kant, we have a duty to confidentiality because it’s your body and information and we have the right to have control over it. You would not be honest if doctor thought he was going to tell. So we need confidentiality. It’s a right. This is autonomy. Juan has right to keep his information confidential, it is his body and information. It is a breach of his autonomy if they do tell. He has just reasons. Carlita has agreed to take care of Juan’s wounds. Lying or withholding information undermines Carlita’s autonomy. She thinks he’s healthy and instead he’s consenting to change her HIV infected brother’s wounds which could be potentially harmful to her. She also has the right to autonomy. Define what autonomy is. That we need to respect everyone’s autonomy. Mention 2nd test regarding humanity. Mention case of Juan and Carlita, autonomy plays a role in both situations. 1st or 2nd test of categorical imperative and how it applies to both. Decide which should be followed because the duties conflict. Kant does not give a way to determine which one is stronger. Duty to warn says that there’s a certain level of likelihood that harm can or will occur to a 3rd party and that it’s a harm that is grave and imminent.

Short answer quiz 1. you cannot get the appropriate moral response until you know all of the facts. facts and emotions are related. Change the facts or what you know about the facts and you will have a different emotional response. Ex. see a stabbing, don’t know if it’s from craziness or self defense. Old that reason plays

2. make it an extension of number 1. even if we do what he tells us to do in 1 (get all of the facts) of the situation we’re assessing we still have a problem according to hume because it will be a relativist view because we all view things from diff perspectives. the reason for this is because we are social beings and morality allows us to connect and be apart of a social unit. desire for social cohesion. In order to get the consensus Hume explains primary and secondary qualities. The taste or color of something moral properties are like secondary qualities. just because things look bigger or smaller, blue or black, because of the way we relate to them, so are moral situations. Feel differently of the mother or victor of a murderer under the death penalty. How do we come to agreement? by adopting the same perspective. in order to do this…. Get rid of bias and have an expression of sympathy with humanity. allow yourself to feel what others feel if a person rushes to judgment without getting all of the facts then hume would say they did something wrong and they are morally comparable for it. you can’t always have all of the facts though there will always be things that you don’t know. As long as you try to take the time to find out what you don’t know to make the good decision, making the actual wrong decision is not your fault hume thinks that all human beings adopt this perspective because we are social beings. we want to see what we are in common. very unlike hobbes view (says we are egoists). the only people that fail to adopt the perspective are sociopaths (people that cannot connect with other people) immoral behavior: weak will. everyone has bias. when your bias perspective is stronger than observer perspective. Humes view is different from kants view because kant wants to raise self esteem of ourself and that is what keeps us moral people. hume says to emphasize what we all have im coming which strengthens the ideal observer perspective. 3. autonomy is the central concept in kants moral view. autonomy is commanding to yourself what you think is a good idea to do but that depends on who you think you are. Then explain this concept further: talk about the idea that kant has, what you experience, when you make a choice. when you make a choice we don’t see ourselves being pulled into an action. we look down on ourselves and asses what we desire, what we believe, etc that makes the decision. your identity you choose and you use as a standard to asses the way you feel, believe, desire, in order to come to a choice. choices are what reflect you as who you are. give examples. diff identities make you behave differently, older sister protective, etc. then choose two aspects of kants view that are motivated to autonomy. 4. following the principle of heteronomy. governed by another rperson, god, a ruler, your desires, etc. strengthen our own self esteem, strengthen our connection to other people (autonomy)....

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