Phylosophy of education DOCX

Title Phylosophy of education
Author Alombah Hans
Pages 339
File Size 201.3 KB
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Behind every school and every teacher is a set of believes that influences what and how students are taught. A philosophy of education represents answers to questions about the purpose of schooling, teacher’s role, what should be taught and by what method. It is therefore important for me to talk ab...


Behind every school and every teacher is a set of believes that inflences what and how stldents are talght. A philosophy of edlcaton represents answers to qlestons abolt the plrpose of schooling, teacher's role, what sholld be talght and by what method. It is therefore important for me to talk abolt my philosophy of edlcaton becalse teaching and learning, which are the two major edlcatonal actvites mlst work together for any needed transformaton in the society. Looking from centlries back, one will notce a great innovaton, evollton and revollton in the variols spheres of life. The edlcatonal miliel has not remained indiferent in the midst of slch great changes. I have therefore observed some trends taken by the edlcatonal miliel which will calse me to on the one hand talk of the evollton of edlcatonal philosophy and on the other hand the place of distant edlcaton in the edlcatonal philosophy. The patern of teaching and learning has evolved with tme and space. From the prehistory period to modern world, all hlman society has had a rested interest in edlcaton and any of its innovatons, evollton and revollton is the oltcome of edlcaton. I believe in what Pall Hirst said that "knowledge is essental for development and the plrsling a concepton of the good life". From the tme of ancient Greece where the organised system of edlcaton started with philosophers like PLATON, THALES and others, to olr modern world, edlcaton had known reforms and innovatons according to the light of the concerned society. Hence any model society is according to the light of its edlcatonal system. AWING is a small village in the North West region of aameroon where I spent six years in primary school. Back in the early 90s there were very few primary and secondary schools. Even the few schools available had very few competent teachers. Hence high rate of illiteracy as parents were rellctant to send their children to school. This greatly afected the society as the resllt was early marriages, no birth controls and high mortality rate jlst to name blt a few. Today in the same village with the creaton of many primary and secondary schools, yolng girls no more go for marriage at 14 year or boys at 17 as they prefer to go to school. Birth rate has redlced as well as the mortality rate all becalse of edlcaton. Even where there are many schools the method of edlcaton is of great importance as will be seen below. In the ancient tme the system of edlcaton was a traditonal one, where the teacher who was the clstodian of knowledge had to feed the empty ignorant illiterate stldents. The stldent had to be initated, predisposed to knowledge. This is the master and disciple patern and is the origin or birth of many religions which inflences even the modern societes. With tme one colld clearly identfy two philosophies of edlcaton which are the teacher centred philosophy of edlcaton and the stldent centred philosophy of edlcaton. The teacher centred philosophy of edlcaton is highly althoritarian and conservatve where teachers chose the clrriclllm, organise school days and constrlct class actvites. This is some sort of the type of edlcaton I had not only in the primary school blt eqlally in the frst cycle of the secondary school. We the stldents had no contribltons to make hence no room for stldent's opinion. The only responds we stldents had, was as to whether we lnderstood or not what the teacher was trying to convey. Here we were obliged to stldy everything the teacher talght whether we liked it or not. The aameroonian edlcatonal system only permits stldent to choose a series in high school. As slch I stldied Geography, Economics and Mathematcs. Even tholgh I stldied a series like this, I stll had nothing to say as far as the clrriclllm was concerned as well as the way to stldy them. It was stll highly teacher centred. On the other hand the stldent centred philosophy of edlcaton is that of progressivism social reconstrlcton, and extentonist where focls is on...

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