PHYS30011 Clinical and Translational Physiology-Team assignment PDF

Title PHYS30011 Clinical and Translational Physiology-Team assignment
Course Bachelor of Science
Institution University of Melbourne
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Rubric for the first team assignment...


PHYS30011 Clinical and Translational Physiology: Team Assignment – Metabolism You will be presented with a clinical case study. In week 1 you will need to investigate the case study presented to you, and make a diagnosis about your patient. Having made a diagnosis, you will then be asked to prepare a team presentation; that is, pitching a new drug proposal to a pharmaceutical company.

Assignment Brief- Pharmaceutical company pitch: Purpose: Communicating cutting edge scientific concepts along with novel ideas/innovations/solutions to a general scientific audience is an important transferable skill. The aim of this assignment is to pitch an exciting new drug candidate (that will have been developed throughout the module by the students) to biotech investors for translation into the clinic. What the product looks like: BioCures Ltd is awarding $5m to develop a novel therapeutic to treat metabolic disease (obesity/NAFLD/type 2 diabetes). In small working groups (approx. 8-10), students will deliver a 5 minute pitch to investors using PowerPoint, which will be followed by 5 minutes of questions and answers. While one group of students presents their pitch, another group will act as investors. The student group acting as investors will ask questions and will ultimately decide if they will invest.

Assessment completion date Your assessment will be presented in your normal workshop class on the 24th or 25th of August. While it would be ideal if all team members were present for the presentation (and should make every effort to be present), it is not necessary for every team member to present the pitch. However, it is necessary for every team member to contribute equally to the team project. At the end of the project, team members will be asked to evaluate the contribution of the other members of the team. Please return to the sample assignments available in the Introduction block of Week 1.

Assessment Rubric Criteria


Describe the underlying physiology

Out of 20

Describe the underlying pathophysiology


Group should provide evidence that they have undertaken research to identify the contemporary state of scientific understanding in the area (i.e. beyond the textbook)


The description of the underlying physiology shows a deep understanding of mechanism/s of action at subcellular, cellular and organism levels (where appropriate)


Identify possible mechanism of disease

Out of 10

Describe the disease state (signs and symptoms)


Identify how the normal mechanism of function is altered and explain how dysregulation of the mechanism leads to the disease state.


Describe current treatments

Out of 15

Identify the current best practice for prevention or treatment of disease. Does current treatment relieve symptoms or treat underlying cause?


Describe limitations of current best practice treatment.


Propose a potential translational research approach to treat the disease

Out of 40

Have the students demonstrated an intellectually critical and scholarly approach to 20 justifying their pitch and product design The group provide convincing rational for their interventional approach based on sound scientific understanding / merit. Presentation to professional standard

20 Out of 15

The group have presented the outcomes of the project that meets the project description (including appropriate targeting for the audience) i.e. the presentation have met the assignment brief


Presentation is to professional standards (high quality design, attention to detail e.g. presents as a single presentation not a series of mini-presentations. Spelling and grammar to a professional standard. Appropriate referencing).


Demonstrated mastery of topic by confidently and appropriately answering questions from the panel. This includes recognising the limits of understanding.


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