Pinterest Board Activity Templatecomplete PDF

Title Pinterest Board Activity Templatecomplete
Author Alexis King
Course Issues in Education
Institution The University of Arizona Global Campus
Pages 7
File Size 442.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 37
Total Views 165


Interest Board Activity. Choose books to teach students morals and expectations of behavior. ...


Pinterest Book Activity Template Once you have filled in these two sections and the Lesson Plan Template section, delete the Error: Reference source not found and the

Developed by Kristina Bodamer and Jennifer Zaur, Full-Time Faculty, College of Education, ECE/CD Department

Updated 2-21-19

Error: Reference source not found sections before submitting.

Pinterest Board Link:

Book Citations

Book Summary

Title / Author

2-3 sentence summary that includes how the book relates to teaching self-regulation. This book is about children making good choices. The book, teaches them how their choices can affect them, how to make good choices, and how it will shape their lives to come. Sally is a sore loser and a sore winner. Being a sore loser or a sore winner can result in losing friends. With the help of Sally’s teacher and mom, they taught Sally the rules of being a good winner and a good loser. This book teaches children about how to act when losing or winning an activity. This book uses A-Z sequence, listing coping skills for emotions. Children will benefit from learning coping skills when they are angry, sad, or have any other emotion. This book teaches children manners. The book mentions the manners that should be used in conversation, during meals, practicing personal hygiene and how to greet people. The caterpillar noticed other caterpillars starting to transform. During a two week wait, he becomes very impatient before learning that patience will turn him into a beautiful butterfly. This book shows children the importance of patience and what patience can result in. This book shows children how important they are. From simple tasks in the house or school, the author focused on how we need our children. This book teaches children the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is treating others how you want to be treated. Respect to be respected. This is important because children This story shares how superheroes also have bad days. If they should throw a tantrum, they even scare the villains away. This book teaches children it is okay to have bad days but don’t associate bad days with behavior because often the behavior is regretted.

What Should Danny Do? Ganit & Adir Levy Sally Sore Loser Frank Sileo B is for Breathe Dr. Melissa Munro Boyd Dude, That’s Rude! Pamela Espeland The Very Impatient Caterpillar Ross Burach I Matter Laurie Wright Do Unto Otters Laurie Keller Even Superheroes Have Bad Days Shelly Becker When My Worries Get Too Big! Kari Dunn Buron Grumpy Pants Claire Messer

This book is a relaxation book for children who live with anxiety. Not all children have anxiety but the relaxation techniques can benefit anyone who is feeling down. This book is about a penguin washing away negative feelings after a bad day. This teaches children to rid themselves of negative emotions.

Developed by Kristina Bodamer and Jennifer Zaur, Full-Time Faculty, College of Education, ECE/CD Department

Updated 2-21-19

Lesson Plan Template – Overview For a more detailed explanation, including examples, of each section within the Lesson Plan Template, please view the Lesson Plan Handbook.

Content Area or Developmental Focus: Age/Grade of Children: Length of Lesson: Goal Objective Standards Included

The goal is the purpose of the lesson. The objective is what students will be able to know or do at the end of the lesson. Standards are the knowledge or skills that students will be expected to demonstrate. Depending on the age of the children you are working with, you will choose the appropriate standard from the list below: Birth to Age 5: Developmental Checklists Birth to Five Ages 3 to 5: Early Learning Guidelines. State by State Early Learning Guidelines Head Start Framework: Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework K-3: Standards in Your State

Materials Introduction

Lesson Development:


Assessment (Practice/ Checking for Understanding)


The materials section lists all items needed throughout a lesson. The introduction is how you will introduce the activity so your students are interested, engaged, and have the opportunity to think about any background knowledge/experience that they may have. The lesson development section includes the steps that you will take to teach the lesson including any modeling, direct instruction, centers, etc. that will be utilized. Sometimes this is also referred to as the “procedures” section of the lesson plan. Often times you will have students that you will need to include modifications for when you are developing a lesson. In this section you will need to explain how you could modify your lesson to meet the needs of the different children you are working with. These modifications may apply to the lesson development section, the practice/check for understanding section, or both. Students are given the opportunity to apply what they have learned in a formal or informal way. You will need to describe what you will do to assess student learning. It can be through guided practice and/or independent practice. Guided practice allows students to demonstrate their understanding of the material while the teacher is present and can provide needed assistance. Independent practice might be group work, projects, or homework. Here the ECE teacher/provider reviews the highlights of the lesson and brings closure to the activity.

Developed by Kristina Bodamer and Jennifer Zaur, Full-Time Faculty, College of Education, ECE/CD Department

Updated 2-21-19

Lesson Plan Template Lesson Plan Template

(Items highlighted in Red are required) Content Area or Developmental Focus: Age/Grade of Children: Early Childhood Length of Lesson: 1 Hour Title of Book & Author: Do unto Otters by Laurie Keller


To teach how to treat others.


The students will be able to observe how they treat others and explain how they would like to be treated with no confusion.

Standards Included



Venn Diagram Sheet for each student Do Unto Otters by Laurie Keller Larger Venn Diagram on white board Expo Marker



Lesson Development (Describe the steps taken to teach the lesson. This should be detailed enough so that another teacher could use these directions to implement the lesson.)

Pass out venn diagram sheets to students. One side will say How To Treat Others. The other side will say How Not To Treat Others. The middle will be called Unsure. At this age, children may not know or have questions. Read the book out loud to the students. Afterwards, instruct the students to fill out the venn diagram. Explain what king of information goes in each section. When all students are finished, draw a big venn diagram on the white board. Starting on one side of the room, have each student read one of their items they wrote down in each section. Add these to the board. At the end, go over the items in the middle. Help students realize which side those items go on.

Differentiation Assessment (Practice/ Checking for Understanding) Closing


Developed by Kristina Bodamer and Jennifer Zaur, Full-Time Faculty, College of Education, ECE/CD Department

Updated 2-21-19

Rationale for Choice of Choice (Explaining why your activity & book are appropriate for teaching self-regulation):

This activity helps students decipher how they should and shouldn’t treat others. It also helps students know what to do if they aren’t sure. Learning manners and how to treat people, is important for when students are around each other. Using the book helps students understand why they should treat others good and what will happen if they don’t.

Developed by Kristina Bodamer and Jennifer Zaur, Full-Time Faculty, College of Education, ECE/CD Department

Updated 2-21-19

References Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes. (n.d). State-By-State. Retrieved from Common Core State Standards Initiative. (n.d). Standards by State. Retrieved from Head Start. (2015). Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework. Retrieved from: The Early Childhood Direction Center. (2012). Developmental checklists birth to five. Retrieved from

Developed by Kristina Bodamer and Jennifer Zaur, Full-Time Faculty, College of Education, ECE/CD Department

Updated 2-21-19

Developed by Kristina Bodamer and Jennifer Zaur, Full-Time Faculty, College of Education, ECE/CD Department

Updated 2-21-19...

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