Podcast script example PDF

Title Podcast script example
Author Kamilia Hassan
Course bachelors in communication
Institution UNITAR International University
Pages 9
File Size 179.3 KB
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ASSIGNMENT 2 – Podcast (Discussing on Media Issues Through New Media) (30% Marks)

1. Audio is an important vehicle for many messages. Traditionally, you could produce and audio argument and distribute it via tape, radio or CD. Now, the Internet offers a different choice – the podcast. A podcast is an MP3 or other audio file that is posted to the Internet. 2. For this project, you will be tasked with creating a casual informational podcast. Your podcast must be suitable for educational purpose, so please avoid obscene language and meaningless sexual or vile audio. 3. This assignment must be in pair groupwork. The lengthy should be between 15-30 minutes length for each discussion of the issues between the panels and guest. 4. The material that need to complete as through a series of steps below: 

A current Media Issues as per below (choose one): a) Social psychology approach throughout audience – violence in Media

Recording of podcast should be in URSPACE level G (audio recording studio). The recording version must be saved in video format (avi, mkv or MP4). Invite a guest (ONE) to your podcast show to discuss the issues related.

The lengthy of the podcast video should be between 15-30 minutes for each discussion of the issues between the panels and guest.

Plan and list at least 10 (TEN) questions to discuss regarding the topic related. Make sure it a two-way communication between panels and guest so that it can be a fruitful session not only for both but for public audience as well.

Upload your podcast audio video in YouTube channel to get the public attention and support.

5. Submission must attach the items below:   

DVD/ CD (download of podcast video audio) Podcast Script List of question

Guidelines for Report Writing & Presentation 1. Report Writing Your report for assignment should include the following sections:

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

Content Creativity/ Originality Language Voice/ Pitch Expression & Style Presentation Overall

Total Marks

: : : : : :

5 marks 5 marks 5 marks 5 marks 5 marks 5 marks



Attribute Content (5 marks)

Creativity/ Originality (5 marks)

Language (5 marks)

Voice/ Pitch (5 marks)

Use of Graphics (5 marks)

Presentation Overall (5 marks)

Poor The message has not been explained to the listeners

Below average The message has been explained in brief to the listeners

Satisfactory The message has been explained stating what the author wants us to learn from the story 3 Tried one idea and carried it out adequately but it lacked originality

1 Student showed no evidence of original thought

2 Fulfilled the assignment but gave no evidence of trying anything unusual

1 The script contains many grammatical errors and doesn’t use the language of success

2 The script mostly uses the language of success, correct sentences and paragraphs

3 The script uses the language of success and correct grammar and sentences structure

4 The script is made more interesting through the use of using interesting vocabulary

1 The podcast does not sound very confident

2 The podcast sounds like the script is being read and is unclear

3 The podcaster speaks clearly and is easy to understand

4 The podcast sounds like a conversation

1 No graphics at all

2 Several graphics are unattractive and detract from the theme/ content of the presentation

1 Very weak in overall presentation

2 Weak in overall presentation

3 All graphics are attractive, but a few do not seem to support the theme/ content of the presentation 3 Moderate in overall presentation




Total = 30

Good A partial explanation of the message is given

Excellent A very full explanation of the message is given well

4 Made decision after referring to one source, solved the problem in a logical way

4 A few graphics are not attractive, but all support the theme/ content of the presentation

5 Student tried unusual combinations, demonstrated outstanding problem-solving skills 5 The script includes different techniques to make it effective (language features and variety of sentences types/ complexities) 5 The podcasts use expression and sounds very interesting and engaging to the listener 5 All graphics are attractive (size and colors) and support the theme/ content of the presentation

4 Good in delivering, clear, manage to control audience

5 Excellent presentation, in control of the audience & clear






: Hello and a very good morning to everyone! My name is Nor kamilia.

MAISARAH : and my name is Maisarah! KAMILIA

: So today we will be joined by two very special guest the adorable Dini and Yasmin.

MAISARAH : Okay so dini and Yasmin, do tell us about yourself. What course you’re taking and so on. DINI

: okay sure. Hi everyone! My name is dini. I’m 21 years old and currently I’m still single. So

now I just started my degree life by the way. I’m doing bachelor early childhood education. MAISARAH

: Alright, what about you Yasmin?


: My name is Yasmin. I’m 19 years old. So I just recently pursued my degree in Unitar in

Accounting. MAISARAH

: So today, we’ll be discussing about the topic specifically about the violence in media. So

what do you think about the media these days? What about you Yasmin? YASMIN

: For me, media it has its own advantages and disadvantages. It’s just up to us how we use

the media itself then when we use it also can affect us. MAISARAH

: So what about you dini?


: Well in my opinion, media nowadays is a play very important roles where anybody can

Communicate without boundaries throughout the whole world. It doesn’t matter where you are, where you are from and everything that easy and with your own fingertips. KAMILIA

: So the next question we have is how about your thoughts on media violence such as

cyberbullying? What do you thoughts about that? MAISARAH

: Maybe you guys can relate with the current issues and news?


: There recently news where a kpop singer named Go Hara killed herself and I think in my

opinion she has a very high self-esteem at first. But, because of her surroundings and the negative comments from all social media platform. This is because of the netizen words that make her feel that she is not good enough, maybe she feel that she doesn’t achieve the standard that they put on. MAISARAH

: What about Yasmin? What are your thoughts Yasmin?


: My thought is that she already try her best to live her life because before this she did try

to kill herself but she got caught by her manager so that basically she got the second

chance to live. But then I think because the fans, surrounding than recently her best friend also Sulley suicide herself. And I think that give pressure on her and she can’t take it anymore. MAISARAH

: How did you handle media violence? Maybe you can share some tips to all of us?


: Maybe before this you got a couple of comments saying that “oh my gosh, you look

fat, you look short, what don’t you still have a boyfriend and all those type of comments from people. Or maybe Its happen in real life itself. How you guys handle this situation? YASMIN

: For me, I’ll just take a break from media social, just uninstall the apps and just live my

life with the family, friends. DINI

: Well I think, in my opinion because I’m still young and I’m just 21 for me to have a

boyfriend I don’t think it’s kind of the issue. Everything you do it’s just between you because you got to live your life. MAISARAH

: just be yourself!


: The next question is how much or how did exactly effected your life growing up? How

did all the comments affected you guys? DINI

: to be truth I’m not the type of person who does not really post or update things on

social media. KAMILIA

: So it’s not a must for you to do everything on social media.


: I think, if I update something on social media I want it to be something that is

memorable and beneficial for everyone and every of my friends. KAMILIA

: So it’s like that is not important and necessary to you, you won’t update the things.


: Yes, it’s not that crucial for you to update every single things you do on social media.


: Yes, because sometimes people want to update “breakfast, dinner, lunch “and want

update everything on social media. Unless if your influencer than its fine. MAISARAH

: What about you Yasmin? Can you give us your opinion?


: Okay, as for me I’m also the same type as dini. I’m not the type of person that always

post in social media. To me, we just keep things for our self and make it our own memories not to share with everyone.


: Alright guys, if you don’t mind what are some of the negative comments that you have

received in the past? Maybe on social media or in real life. All the negative comments that you will never forget. DINI

: People always said that I’m short. But I don’t think that one of the negative comments

impact me because yaa Malaysian girls quietly short. YASMIN

: I don’t quiet remember actually, because if I received any negative comments I just

ignore them and I not take it serious. MAISARAH

: Maybe you can give us the example of the negative comment that you received?


: From what I can remember from my childhood, people usually called me fat.


: being fat…I don’t think it’s something that embarrassing because it’s just yours body


: Nowadays, people always body shaming.


: nothing can impress the public eye.


: The body shaming that I got from my childhood is affect me because I’m lack of

confident. I can’t go in front of the crowd because I felt that they will judge me and they will say bad about me. KAMILIA

: So those words are the impact and side effect of the negative comments that people

give towards other people. So next question, what do you think are the main causes of the violence in the current media? MAISARAH

: Your opinion and the factor of the main causes of the violence in the current media?


: for me the factor, I think it has been create by one person that feel like he/she not

Satisfied with herself and being envy towards other. Then, when he/she create the hate comments towards the particular person. MAISARAH DINI

: Okay, what about you dini? : In my opinion, it’s true what Yasmin said just now because if an individual starts by

negative commenting like in social media, for example in instagram. There’s so many fake account that we can see nowadays. So by doing fake account and by commenting bad perspective about others and then followed by another person. KAMILIA

: So it’s like a disease that everything being spread out on social media.


: So, as we all know, everyone has the right to speak up about about their opinions.

However, do you think it is relevant for people online we called it as “keyboard warriors “ to voice out their critics or opinions toward something? KAMILIA

: What do you think it’s it relevant or not relevant? Should they leave this comment?

should they not. DINI

: I don’t think it’s relevant at first place because it doesn’t have to involved you because

that it’s not your story. For example, me myself and then suddenly Yasmin say something bad about me and then followed by other people. I think, it will affect maybe not now maybe in future. KAMILIA

: okay Yasmin, what is your opinion? Maybe you can helped out dini a bit here.


: for me it is not actually relevant because this keyboard warrior I think they have

nothing else to do. Because whatever they post in social media it’s their life. It’s their right to do whatever they want. And then this keyboard warrior they actually don’t have right to voice out their opinion but basically that social media do right?. They have that comment section that people can voice out their opinion towards Other. So I think it’s not relevant because of this bad comment that will affect others people life such as mental illness, lack of confidence and everything. KAMILIA

: To me it’s not relevant if keyboard warriors are out there to spread hate that

actually not relevant but if their comment are intention to helped out people or to give critics about something or someone than that’s okay right. Follow with that question, who do you think is at fault if someone if giving out a critic but the person does not receive it well? So like someone is giving out the critics, not bashing someone just giving out the advice, and suddenly the person that receiving that comments Is like over reacting. Who do you think is at fault the person who receiving it or the person giving out the advice? DINI

: What I can say, based on the situation both parties have their own faults because as

for the receiving you should know your limits, I mean your standards if you’re the type of get easily triggered than you can I turn off the comment section. And on the other hand, the person giving out the opinion, The person giving out the opinion you

Shouldn’t have to put that kind of comment and I think its not Appropriate. MAISARAH

: okay what about Yasmin? Seems like you want to say something?


: For me like what I just said just now, that the two parties has their own fault and just

as dini say, for the receiving if you know that you get easily triggered just turn off the comment section for the person who giving out the comment, if you already know that person get easy triggered than you don’t have to comment anything. MAISARAH

: In your own thoughts, do you think it is necessary for people to react towards the

negative comments? Why? Maybe the person who comment the picture or any post say bad about you? Then how you want to react? YASMIN

: For me, I just keep quiet. Because the more you voice out the more people will keep

on bashing you. DINI

: I think my answer will be the same as Yasmin too. Because it’s true if you start any

argument it will non-stop argument. So it’s better for you to just shut up and ignore them. Let them comment. MAISARAH

: But if you keep ignoring those people they will keep saying that you are wrong

and that’s why your Keeping quiet. YASMIN

: For me just ignore it, because they do not know who I am the real me so they

Don’t have the right to judge me because what they think about me is not KAMILIA


: So for our finale question, what are your ways of dealing with the media violence

and what are your hopes for this issue that we talked about today? MAISARAH

: Or maybe you can share some tips to our audiences and viewer?


: Well I hope, people nowadays stop bashing others, you don’t have to leave

negative comments. YASMIN

: And I also hope that in social media itself, it will stop having this standard for us

to fit in that kind level. For me social media is actually is for our self to post what we want, no to satisfy other people. We post it for our memories because we want to keep it for our self not because we post because of other people want to see what we post.


: So, that is all the question that we have today. Thank you so much for joining us

dini and Yasmin! I’m afraid this is all the time we have today, till we meet again goodbye!....

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