Author Claudia Tuesta
Course Ingles III
Institution Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
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PORTFOLIOADVANCED READING AND WRITING IISTUDENT:Tuesta Rodriguez, Claudia EsthefaniTECAHER:Bejarano Benites, LauraROOM:V2021 Lima, PeruPAGESFIRST DRAFTCREATE .....................................................................................................................................1. How Cl...


PORTFOLIO ADVANCED READING AND WRITING II STUDENT: Tuesta Rodriguez, Claudia Esthefani TECAHER: Bejarano Benites, Laura ROOM: V288

2021 Lima, Peru


Contenido ABOUT MYSELF............................................................................................................................3 UNIT 4..........................................................................................................................................4 FIRST DRAFT...........................................................................................................................5 WRITING 1................................................................................................................................6 CREATE.....................................................................................................................................7 MY ENGLISH LAB UNIT 4.....................................................................................................8 VOCABULARY LOG................................................................................................................9 UNIT 5........................................................................................................................................11 FIRST DRAFT (ORGANIZER) ............................................................................................12 FIRST DRAFT.........................................................................................................................13 WRITING 2..............................................................................................................................14 SYNTHETIZE..........................................................................................................................15 CREATE...................................................................................................................................16 MY ENGLISH LAB UNIT 5...................................................................................................17 VOCABULARY LOG..............................................................................................................18 UNIT PROJECT......................................................................................................................20 UNIT 6........................................................................................................................................21 CREATE...................................................................................................................................22 SYNTHETIZE..........................................................................................................................24 GRAMMAR OR VOCABULARY TASKS............................................................................25 REFLECTION.........................................................................................................................30

ABOUT MYSELF Dear Teacher, First, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Claudia Esthefani Tuesta Rodriguez, and I am 18 years old. I live in Rimac and I’m studying International Business. About my experience with English, I can say that it was the best option that I could make. I started studying English when I was 12 years old, and I started with Juniors. The first month was too easy, even though that I didn’t know anything about this language. The second month was too horrible because I had some family problems and I repeated Juniors 2. I felt terrible and I didn’t want to continue studying. My dad convinced me to study again, and I accepted. Fortunately, I made a good choice because I’m so thankful now. I learned a lot in these 6 years. I spent a lot of time on Icpna and it was a great experience. I met the best teachers I could ever had. Also, I met really good friends and I’m so happy to have been there. Learning and making new friends was the best experience for my childhood and my adolescence. Currently, I know a lot of this incredible language that allows me to have new opportunities. It’s true that I must improve a lot, too. There are some things that I don’t know yet, but I will do my best during these months to improve my English and become a professional. I promise to keep learning and pay a lot of attention to achieve my goal. My goal is to travel around the world and don’t have any problem in communicating with someone. I’m so grateful to you for being with me in my learning and I hope to see you again in another course or maybe in the same job. Thank you so much. Regards, Claudia.





1. How Clever Hans could achieve that instinct? 2. Why didn’t people notice Clever Hans’s behavior? 3. Do you think that Hans is really doing these movements unconsciously? 4. Do you think Clever Hans apparently solved math problems or not? 5. What could be an obvious conclusion about Hans?


VOCABULARY LOG 1) Controversy (noun) -

The president’s decisions stirred up a lot of controversy. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/controversy? q=Controversy

2) Perception (noun) -

There is a general perception that exams are becoming easier to pass. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/perception

3) Unique (adjective) -

Each person’s DNA is unique. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/unique

4) Achieve (verb) -

She finally achieved her ambitions to visit South America. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/achieve

5) Behavior (noun) -

He was notorious for his violent and threatening behavior. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/behavior?q=behavior+

6) Category (noun) -

At just under five pounds, it's one of the lightest laptops in its category. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/category

7) Obvious (adjective) -

They have a small child so for obvious reasons they need money. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/obvious?q=obvious+

8) Unconscious (adjective) -

She was hit on the head by a stone and knocked unconscious. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/unconscious

9) Cognition (noun) -

Its objective is to address fundamental issues of hybrid models of cognition. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/cognition

10) Apparently (adverb) -

I wasn’t there, but apparently it went well. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/apparently

11) Approach (noun) -

He decided to adopt a different approach and teach the Bible through storytelling. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/approach

12) Acquired (verb) -

The council acquired the land using a compulsory purchase order. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/acquire

13) Viable (adjective) -

The committee came forward with one viable solution. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/viable

14) Discern (verb) -

Officials were keen to discern how much public support there was. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/discern

15) Trait (noun) -

Pride seems to be one of our family traits. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/trait



I have married 3 times. Now, I married with a canadian. We have been together since 2000

I have been working on my third company since 2172 I had studied International Business. I have been studying Commercial Aviation for 3 years

I have a house in Pueblo Libre.

I have 4 sons. My first daughter has been living with me for 60 years. I have 20 grandchildren

I have a vacation house in San Bartolo

I have been living for over 150 years.



SYNTHETIZE I agree with Daniel Callahan. Society it wouldn’t be better! As we know, many people get married, but there will be multiple brief marriages in the future and also, extremely large age difference between spouses. Besides, there will be fewer job openings, corporations and universities will stagnate without youthful talent and ideas. Competition will increase as well. Also, is people live longer, people would have to deal with multiple ex-wives or husbands and stepchildren, that sound kind of crazy for us and populations will increase. Finally, large age difference in siblings would create different

set of social relationships, all is going to change, and we are not prepared for that.


1. Have you ever had a quick loveless for someone? 2. Do you think “The Process” is a disparate idea? 3. Did you feel that you inevitably had to use “The Process”? Why? 4. Do you think that Marilisa is utterly perfect? Why? 5. How have you been feeling ultimately these years after living so much?


VOCABULARY LOG 1) Vigorous (adjective) -

He takes plenty of vigorous exercise. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/vigorous

2) Punctually (adverb) -

The meeting started punctually at 10.00 a.m. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/punctually? q=punctually+

3) Immeasurably (adverb) -

The damage from the 1956 hurricane was immeasurably greater. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/immeasurably

4) Disparate (adjective) -

The two cultures were so utterly disparate that she found it hard to adapt from one to the other. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/disparate? q=DISPARATE

5) Utterly (adverb) -

She was utterly devastated when her husband died. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/utterly

6) Awesome (adjective) -

You look totally awesome in that dress. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/awesome

7) Impetuous (adjective) -

The governor may now be regretting her impetuous promise to reduce unemployment by half. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/impetuous? q=impetuous+

8) Insufferable (adjective) -

The underground is insufferable in this heat. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/insufferable

9) Chilly (adjective) -

I felt a bit chilly, so I put on a jacket. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/chilly

10) Presumptuous (adjective) -

I would be presumptuous of me comment on the matter.

11) Fond of -

He had grown fond of her in the last few days. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/be-fond-of-somebody

12) Ultimately (adverb) -

As long as all the amino acids are present, all protein is ultimately the same. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/ultimately

13) Radically (adverb) -

The situation is radically different form that of ten years ago. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/radically

14) Worrisome (adjective) -

The political situation in the region is particularly worrisome. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/worrisome

15) Loveless (adjective) -

She thought with remorse of the missed opportunity, for breaking the depressing pattern of loveless affairs. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/loveless


IKARIA, GREECE 1. How long do the people live? - In Ikaria it was found that residents are several times more likely to reach the age of 90+ compared to normal. 2. Where do they live, and what is their environment like? - The longest-lived Ikarians tended to be poor people living in the island’s highlands. They exercised mindlessly by just gardening, walking to their neighbor’s house, or doing their own yard work. 3. What is their diet? - Ikarians eat a variation of the Mediterranean diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, potatoes, and olive oil. 4. What is their lifestyle? - They usually maintain a home vegetable garden, look out over the bright blue Aegean Sea, walk in nature, pick and eat fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts, drink wine with their friends and family, sleep well and taking a siesta and eat according to the Ikarian Diet. 5. What do they do that is different from what most people do? - They have a good physical condition, due to daily exercise of manual work and rural life. The daily walks, which includes mountain. Also, they have midday rest, even if it’s a short nap. They don’t use a lot of medicine, sexual activity is common there, even in older people. 6. How do experts explain their longevity? - One explanation why they live so long is they eat a plant-based diet. Or it could be the absence of sugar and white flour. 7. What can we learn from these people? - We can learn to be grateful for the many things in the present rather than be in perpetual pursuit of the next thing in the future. We must spend time with our family and friends, live our own life in the way we want and enjoy it. Links: http://www.island-ikaria.com/about-ikaria/Ikaria-BlueZone https://greekcitytimes.com/2019/04/06/ikaria-the-island-where-people-livelonger-than-just-about-anywhere-else-in-the-world/



Yes! I wouldn’t sit around doing anything. It was a big challenge to repair a lot of bikes, but I think is my passion. I loved so much seeing them happy. They inspired me to keep helping more people and make them happy .

Well, I thought that it was a great proposal for a boy. Imagining all the bicycles that

Because for example, we can donate something to people that really need and make a difference proudly. We can figure out many things such as feel involved with our community and fulfill our generations with new actions.

Because is indignant and an oxymoron. It’s like we can’t manage our time because we must do volunteering and if we don’t do it we wouldn’t earn points That’s


I agree with you, who thinks that mandatory volunteering shouldn’t be a requirement for school. In my opinion, you are right, and I think mandatory volunteering is unnecessary. I’m not against who like and enjoy doing volunteering but there are many students that care more about college. I don’t think is a good idea give them points if they do volunteer for many hours per day. 5 hours? It’s a disparate idea! It takes many hours to do volunteer and I know that most of the students prefer to do another important thing than do volunteer. Finally, if it’s mandatory they will do it but not because they want it or they love doing it. It will be a horrible project! If students want to do it for themselves there is no problems. But schools don’t have to impose something that anybody want.


Critics of mandatory volunteering maintain that a school should not require a student to do anything after school except homework, though they say that volunteering is better than just sitting around watching TV or playing video games,

Although opponents argue that volunteering is a personal choice, and so it shouldn’t be mandatory, supporters note that schools have many required classes that my not be a student’s personal choice.

Critics worry that a bad volunteering experience will stop people from volunteering again in the future in spite of the fact that supporters maintain that most student volunteers have successful experiences and may continue to volunteer later in life.

Supporters believe mandatory volunteering can benefit the community despite the fact that critics feel that mandatory volunteers may do a bad job and therefore cause more harm than good.


challenge manage


passion Inspired


satisfaction passion

proposal devoting Mandatory and personal

admiring Determined Political and personal

VOCABULARY LOG 1) Passion (noun) -

Football arouses a good of passion among its fans. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/passion

2) Proudly (adverb) -

He proudly held out his trophy for us to admire. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/proudly

3) Challenge (noun) -

It’s going to be difficult job but I’m sure she’ll rise to the challenge. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/challenge

4) Satisfaction (noun) -

She looked at the finished painting with satisfaction. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/satisfaction

5) Determined (adjective) -

I’m determined to get this piece of work done today. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/determined

6) Proposal (noun) -

Congress has rejected the latest economic proposal put forward by the President. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/proposal

7) Donate (verb) -

An anonymous businesswoman donated one million dollars to the charity. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/donate?q=DONATE

8) Admiring (adjective) -

She was surrounded by a group of admiring photographers. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/admiring

9) Devote (verb) -

He devoted his energies to writing films. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/devote

10) Inspired (adjective) -

Even the most inspired forecasts of hoe prices are going to move can’t be right all the time. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/inspired

11) Manage (verb) -

She was asked to manage a new department. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/manage

12) Thrilled (adjective) -

We are so thrilled to hear about the baby. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/thrilled

13) Indignation (noun) -

Her indignation at such rough treatment was understandable. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/indignation

14) Resentful (adjective) -

She felt resentful at not being promoted. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/resentful

15) Opposed (adjective) -

The principles of capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/opposed

REFLECTION This month was too long but I’m thankful to you because I learned many things such as vocabulary that I will put on practice, and I checked grammar again. I made some mistakes, but I know that I can do it better and I would do my best to do a perfect and a professional essay. This month was a little bit more complicated, and it was hard to keep good grades, but it wasn’t difficult. Thanks a lot for being there and I will consider all your comments to be a better English student. I hope to have a good grade this month and I’ll keep studying a lot to not make mistakes again. Thanks! See you soon, teacher....

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