Practical Research 1 Carolino Mercado Final Output PDF

Title Practical Research 1 Carolino Mercado Final Output
Course BS. education
Institution Pangasinan State University
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Luna National High School – Senior High School


A Research Work Presented to The Faculty of Luna National High School Bolinao, Pangasinan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject Practical Research 1

JENIFFER B. CAROLINO ASHLEY GRACE C. MERCADO General Academic Strand (GAS) October 2018

Luna National High School – Senior High School

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Foremost, I am highly grateful to God for his blessings that continue to flow into my life and because of You, I made this through against all odds. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my family Mom, Dad, Diana and Michael. You have all provided support, encouragement and interest in my thesis work. Your spiritual, emotional, physical and financial supports are highly valuable. Especially to my mother Susie Carolino for your continuing long distance prayers and moral supports. I have always enjoyed talking with you in video chat listening to my problems and provide perspectives sharing your suggestions to my thesis are truly helpful. Your supports and everyday advices made me finished this book and it was undoubtedly appreciated. My sincere acknowledgement must go to Ms. Karen Ann C. Calauad she has been the ideal thesis teacher. Your sage advice, insightful criticism, and patience encouragement aided the writing of this thesis innumerable ways. Your generosity and kindness are deeply appreciated. Because of you I learned how to make thesis and I am grateful for that. Without your powerful advices and help we can’t make this possible. Your inspirational and unforgettable advice like “Kaya niyo yan” will never be forgotten. I must acknowledge also my classmates, adviser Ma’am Zenaida Caranza who help and supported me from the very start. Particularly to my friends Jessa Mae, Rowelyn, and Angelic who is always there to cheering me up when I thought to give up. Lastly, I would also like to thank my boy best friends Aliph And Jerick for always motivating me and listening to my problems you’re always there when I needed you the most I truly appreciated your help and advice. - JING

Luna National High School – Senior High School

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Before things must go on I would like to thank first our Almighty God for always guiding and protecting us. Thank you Lord for all the blessings you gave. Thank you for the wonderful life I had. My deepest gratitude and thank must go to all people around me who never left me when I needed them. To my loving parents Mama Gemma and Papa Arlan. I am so much blessed to have you as my ever supportive parents. For always reminding me to be a better and strong woman. Thank you for cheering me up and always putting your love and understanding as I went through my way, you will never be forgotten. To the ever motivator, encourager, and supportive PR1 Teacher Ma’am Karen Ann C. Calauad, I would like to thank you Ma’am for believing on us that we can make it. For helping us for this advance knowledge regarding this topic that may help us when we are in college. I deeply appreciated the words of wisdom you shared. Your words to us will always be treasured and kept in our mind. - LENG

Luna National High School – Senior High School

DEDICATION It is genuine gratefulness and warmest regard that I dedicated this work to our almighty God who continues guiding us in our journey. I would like to dedicate my work to my parents; especially to my mother who taught me that the best kind of knowledge to have is that which is learned for its own sake and taught me even the largest task can be accomplished if it is done one step at a time. There is no doubt in my mind that without her continued support and counsel I could not have completed this process. I would also like to dedicate my work to my classmates especially my friends Rowelyn, Angelic and Jessa Mae who shared their knowledge and supports till the last chapter of my book. Lastly this is dedicated to my magnificent teacher no other than Ms. Karen Ann C. Calauad who taught us very well. Her inspirational experience made us more inspired and motivates to continue our goals in life. - JING

Luna National High School – Senior High School

DEDICATION This study is whole souled dedicated to my beloved mother and father who have been my inspiration and gave me potency when I thought of giving up who never leave me alone and continually provide their moral, spiritual, emotional and financial support. To my thoughtful siblings, loving relatives and adviser, helpful best friends and classmates who shared their word of advice and encouragement for this study. And lastly, I dedicated this book to our Almighty God, thank you for all the guidance, strength, power of mind and skills and for giving us a healthy life all of these, we offer to you. - LENG

Luna National High School – Senior High School


Effects of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) To Students


Jeniffer B. Carolino and Ashley Grace C. Mercado




General Academic Strand (GAS)


Luna National High School – Senior High School




Karen Ann C. Calauad

Luna National High School – Senior High School



Background of Research Parents always want the best for their children. They want to

send their children to college and finish their studies. Unfortunately, some families cannot sustain’s education because of poverty. Poverty is one of the biggest problems that the Philippines is facing right now. This problem of the Philippines increases every year. Under the presidency of the former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on her nine-year term she saw the birth and growth of one of her foremost anti-poverty programs –the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program famously known as the 4Ps. The Pantawid Pamilya is a version of cash transfer program here in the Philippines under the Department of Social Welfare and Development along with cooperative partner institutions such as Department of Education, Department of Health, Department of the Interior and Local Government and different government institutions. The ultimate goal of 4Ps is to exterminate extreme poverty in our society by investing health and education particularly from children 0-18 years old. The poverty is widely spreading so Pantawid Pamilya aims to provide social assistance by giving monetary support to respond to their immediate needs and for their social development. This is to help our country prevent the destructive transmission of the cycle of poverty and

Luna National High School – Senior High School increasing






people. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) implementation helps a lot to those poorest of the poor people in terms of health, education, and nutrition. The program covers 25% of the population in the country mainly for the poor families. The program’s major priorities are to generate jobs and provide livelihood opportunities for the poor. Pantawid also includes the social protection programs. The beneficiaries are selected accordingly to their life status based on the survey of the physical structure of their houses, the number of rooms and occupants, their access to running water and the factors affecting their living conditions. Now, the number of children who are benefited extends up to 9 million from this program and 1.9 million students in high school. The government expanded the program reaching the total of 20 million households belonging to 4.4 billion families. The studies guess that the program will help the country in abatement of poverty percentage every year. There are two types of cash grants that the household beneficiary receives. First, the health grants which is P500 per household every month having a total of P6000 a year. While in education grant, a household may register a maximum of three children for the program that can receive P300 per child every month and having a total of P3, 000 per year. If a household beneficiary has three children he/she may receive P1, 400 every month or a total of P15, 000 every year for five years. In return, the families who receive money from the government must meet obligation on regular school attendance and health clinic check-ups. In additional, they should participate in family development sessions in which household learn a range of important skills such as how to manage their finances. Back then, DSWD reported compliance of beneficiaries with conditions to be high: 93% for health, 98% for

Luna National High School – Senior High School education, and 96% for family development services. In cases where payment through cash card is not feasible, the beneficiaries shall be provided their cash grants through an alternative payment scheme transactions from the nearest bank branch or offsite payments through Land bank. Cash grants are also released through other rural banks, Globe Remit, Phil post, First Consolidated Bank and other Cooperative Financial Institutions (CFI) especially in far areas. Accordingly, citizens are poor not only just because of lack of economic resources to sustain their basic needs but also because they live in social, economic and political system which does not supply equality.

Luna National High School – Senior High School


Research Questions

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 Gender ( ) Female ( ) Male 1.2 Age_______ 1.3 Grade level _______ 1.4 Household member’s _______ 1.5 Family Income (monthly) __________ 2.

What are the effects of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

among the recipients of: 2.1 Grade 8 learners 2.2 Grade 9 learners 2.3 Grade 10 learners 2.4 Grade 11 (GAS) learners 2.5 Grade 11 (Cookery) learners 2.6 Grade 11 (Beauty care) learners 2.7 Grade 12 (GAS) learners 2.8 Grade 12 (Cookery) learners 2.9 Grade 12 (Beauty care) learners 3.

What are the factors that affect academic performance and the

attendance of the recipients.

Luna National High School – Senior High School


Scope and Delimitation This research will determine the effects of 4Ps and factors that affect the beneficiaries. This only involves the grade 8-12 of LNHS Bolinao, Pangasinan of the S. Y 2018-2019 excluding the grade 7 learners. This research delimited the teachers and other neighbouring schools.


Significance of the Research This study is about the effects of 4Ps to students of Luna NSH. The findings of the investigation would be great help to the following; Community. This study also helps the community on how to be a better part

of society. School. The study will help the institution to acquire information about life status and problems facing by the beneficiaries. Teachers. This study will help the teachers encourage the students to study harder and enlighten them to face the situation of their students. Students.

Luna National High School – Senior High School This study will help the beneficiaries acquire on how the program will help them. Researcher. This research also helps the researchers acquire knowledge about the effects of program. Future Researchers. This study may serve as a guide for the future research on the same topic on what are the effects of 4Ps to students.

Luna National High School – Senior High School



Relevant Literature In this chapter, the researchers present readings taken from journals, books including those materials attained from the internet. PANTAWID PAMLIYANG PILIPINO PROGRAM According to Brul (2009) the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a poverty reduction and social development strategy of the national government this program provides conditional cash grants to extremely poor households to improve their health nutrition and education particularly of children at the aged of 0-14.This was currently implemented by Department of Social Welfare Development DSWD and the 4Ps is also called Conditional Cash Transfer or CCT

as Philippine government

version. According to Felizardo (2009) the 4PS program was not dole out it's not meant to make the poor people became lazy and rely in the government nor the NGO's this program aims to provide monetary aid to poor beneficiaries width the hope that these

Luna National High School – Senior High School investments in human capital would lessen the great financial divide among the have and the have not. The program doesn't meant a kind of dole out because the chosen beneficiaries are just following the conditions through abiding the agreement of the said program. Through this the family received cash that provide the needs of their children especially the children would attend the school regularly visited the health center for regular check-up, and also the mother will receive cash for her medical check-ups especially when she is pregnant and need to see a doctor to make sure that the baby is healthy and safe. Poverty is already existed from the past generation and until it is a worldwide problem. It is hunger and lack of basic needs especially shelter. In the study that in society all of the cases about poverty is that everybody was equally poor. This was definition of poverty according to Eilmot (2009). In addition Spagnolis 2009 they defined poverty line which means that the family in individual has an income below to its minimum level for them to provide their basic needs. It is usually varies across time and societies for them to be satisfy in their basic needs. This kind of situation is more likely the same everywhere that varies to the time and place which is applicable to their norms and values experiencing that they are not able to see a doctor if some members of the family was being sick and not children are not able to enter the school so they don't know how to read they are some evidence of poverty. They also stated that poverty is cause by jobless. Most of them are losing a

Luna National High School – Senior High School children because of illness due to the fact that they don't have a clean water. In terms of society, they don't have a power and lack of presentation and freedom. According to Harack (2012) people who are extremely poor are the one who are barely meet their minimal needs for theme to survive. Furthermore, they often feed themselves minimally while in moderate poverty are less in danger and they are able to access their basic necessities in life but they are lack in health, and they are not able to educate their children. Poverty Alleviation according to Rahman (2012) cited that the first condition for development is that poverty education. The society can surely be flourishing and happy in which by far the greater part of the members are poor and miserable. This is noted in the book of Adam Smith which is Wealth of Nations that Rahman emphasized. Through this book the government made a strategy to combat poverty reduction both in short and long term. The National strategy for accelerated poverty reduction was revised to address the poverty reduction strategy framework and to give a special importance on critical areas and essential infrastructure for pro-poor growth and social protection for the vulnerable section of the society and human resources management. Due to the macroeconomic stability the domestic savings rate was increased to 19.93% from 18.77% in the year of 2002-2004. Based from the survey report of household income and expenditure in the year 2010, the population living below the poverty line was decreased to 31.5% (20120) from 40.4% in the year 2005. In that period the

Luna National High School – Senior High School poverty gap was reduced while the income inequality ratio decreased moderately. In the past 26 years there is no progress to fight against poverty according to Mangabas 2009 statistically 53 percent of Filipino households call themselves as mahirap(poor) as evidenced by the survey that the measurement of poverty is rapid and frequent due to increase SRP but fluctuations of poverty is cannot be explained clearly by the economic growth. In addition Bolivar (2009) as a survey they found out that there are 3.4 million families are saying that they are experience hunger that they conducted last 27 to 20,2012 and because of that problem the malacañang said that they expecting to reduce poverty as long as the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program is implemented. The CCT program erupt into the development scene in the 1990’s and increasingly became an important part of many antipoverty strategies in a number of developing countries since then. In 1990’s during the Peak period of neoliberalism up to the global financial crisis of 2008 the social protection measures emerged “across the developing world most affected by the advance of global economic integration and recurring external shocks” (Curry et al. 2013, p. 2). For example, extreme families’ mid-1990s Brazil were provided cash transfer in exchange for sending their children in school (Aguilar and Araujo 2002 and Godoy (2004) in Cecchoni and Madariaga 2011, p. 9)

Luna National High School – Senior High School The contional cash transfer program can be traced back to PROGRESSA or programa al Educacion, Salud y alimentacion ( Education, Health, and Nutrition on Program) as national social policy in Mexico in 1997 address the way of market failures more equitability and efficiency than food subsidies or so called “Universal Fortilla” subsides ( Curry et al , 2013 p. 2 ) The progressa program transferred cash, food,

supplements and

access to basic health service package especially rural families living in extreme poverty on the conditional that they undertake specific education. Way back 2003 the president of Brazil Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva varies consolidated various anti-poverty polices and cash transfer programs into one called it the Bolsa Familia, and had it administered with a structured. (Barbosa et al, 2012, p .30) hl=en&lr=&id=dtJMDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT389&dq=thesis=sa mple=of=pantawid+pamilyang=pilipino+program&ots=TphDNYuum 3&sig=pAjAEBLv3tqrsihuSEQHXquA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false

Luna National High School – Senior High School


Definition of Terms

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program - is a human development measure of the national government that provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor, to improve the health, nutrition, and the education of children Poverty - Condition where people's basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter are not being met Conditional Cash Transfer - programs aim to reduce poverty by making welfare programs conditional upon the receivers' actions Exterminate - Destroy completely

Luna National High School – Senior High School



Research Design Considering the demographics profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, number of siblings and their parents educational attainment.


Sampling Procedure and the Sample The researchers used the slovin’s formula to attain the specific nu...

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