Practices in English Notes PDF

Title Practices in English Notes
Course Textual Practices
Institution Macquarie University
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Lecture notes for Practices in English...


Practices in English Week 1: Intro to the Unit Assessment: Due end of Week 3 - Look at Week 2 lectures Readings digitized - Short readings (week 3 + 4 biggest) - 300 level: engage actively with secondary research, bring to TUTES o Via leganto - Week 7: No new content, about essay writing process o Researching and writing an essay o Still tutorials on reflection Reflective task - Express interest to PUBLIC HOL: WEEK 9 - Pre-recorded due to public holiday - Participation via online Capstone What you’ve achieved, what you learned - What do you understand better? - How can we take what we’ve learnt and transfer it out - What can we do to make this experience postivie and transformative Stone that goes in top of the arch also ornamental - Interested in showing how skills acquired that are appealing to employers Creatively how skills acquired can be applied  ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT Identify job via employment site - Write part of a cover letter - Talk about English skills and how skills applicable in framework of job applying to - Will talk about in tute - Ilearn put up resources and prompts - How you’re going to sell yourself - Analysis textual interpretation, analysis, communication, understanding what is good writing, editing - Recent job application that you could apply for now - From this year and submit copy of job application Assessment 2: Reflect on Public writing from last three years in Australia public issue and relfecitng on prcoessinvolved - Analytically constrictive - How essays speak to essays of the day - Easy to be current


Shape people’s thinking

Last two weeks: What happens to the essay form - The podcast - What if we think of podcasts as essays - What makes essay - What makes in transferable in that medium and move into other mediums - CANNOT BE WRITTEN ON RESEARCH TOPIC

The Literary essay - Distinct genre o Influences and impacts public discourse and the sense of private and public authority and idneity - Effemral form o Doesn’t do things necessarily as important as main genres th - 16 C  significant intellectuals, novels etc. invested time into essays - Best essays: do more - Different to academic essay - Samuel Johnson: Through literary essay o How to frame ideas he had that were communicative to broad public - Early essayist: persue ideas in medium not constrained and confined ot eleite scholarly fudity (people recived edu) o Essay not in eliet way  venaular tongue o Speak to individual people (not common but writing in vernacular ot borader audience and more simply) o Break the mode of scholarly discourse o Essay trying to inspire peope to think about important ideas, not just facts that overwhelm you but persuation, rhetoric and writing, craftsmenship of these work  What kind of mateirals assemble  What type sof things do these writiers think ar epersusiv,e instructive?  What is left out - WE WRITE IN FINAL PIECE AS ACADEMIC ESSAY - Communicate conciscely and elegantly - Argumentative form o What arguemtns being used o How are we being postioned I our thinking that is being approached o Montane’s (essi): a trial/experiment, not necessarily formal polished argumetns that will depsoti you at one and final conclusion but can be a weighing upof different types of information; personal voice (part of what essayist do) o How does the personal fn with these discourses and understand what is thical then act in why in which I think is write – this is what essayist trying to achieve Huxley’s Three Poled Essay Approach

20th C writer - Essayist Identifies three poled frame of refenrece 1. Personal/Autobiogrpahical 2. Abstract/Universal 3. Objective/Factual What do I understand of the world and issue im approaching what has my life experience ebroughtme to beelive - How oe smt life experecne relate othe facts out there How can issues be translated beyond specific of issues im concentrating on in order ot focus on life of humanity, the universe, common experience Best essay: one equally balance an interest in all of those different facets Read: Montanes essay - Fantastic moel for staritng off essay genre - Monatne shows ideal genre at beginning (genres take time usally to perfect) Is personal/autobio giving priority - By wat mechanism in artisity are those autobiographical ideas brougthinto conversation with the factual and abstract Publication Venues and Literary Forms - Cultures and Print Cultures - What does it mean for an essay like Montanes vs someone like Addinson and Steele who are polticians vs someone like Samuel L Johnson (replies on publication) o Context of production o 20th C o Australian context? - Does it have to be non0fictional - Or blended form? - Orwell: shooting the elephant, some things cannot be verified could be done to suit the narrative and the aesthetics

Week 2: Transitioning Beyond Macquarie

BA/English degree- skills for wide application Key Skills - Written and Oral Communication o Effectively conveying arguments/opinions, write creatively and professionally, present ideas and information, command of written and spoken English language - Able to work independently - Time management and organisational skills - Plan and research written work - Teamwork - Thinking creatively - Attention to detail and editing skills - Critical reasoning and analysis - Technical/Social media/IT skills Linked to What Employers Seek - Interpersonal and communication skills - Emotional intelligence o Self-awareness, self-regulations o VIP: what are values, skills, interests and strengths - Reasoning and problem-solving skills - Microsoft Excel/MS Arts students - Critically engage - Look at problems from different angles - Multiple solutions Portfolio career: - Many careers, more than one income stream Employment is not linear - Enterprising - Cannot reply on employer anymore Let interests guide you - Communicating these (and your values) to people - Being proactive and active/ and reflective

Options with English - Film/tv shows - Novelists - Publishing - Sales


Underwriting Research/policy officer Feature writer Digital media Journalist Copywriting Corporate affairs Speech writing Grant writer Content development PR/corporate affairs

Evaluating Opetions- All About Knowing YOU Understanding your VIPS - Values/what’s important to you - Interest patterns - Personal qualities - Skills Self-Knowledge - Clues for evaluating career options - Working in environments you’ll be happy in - Key for marketing yourself V: Value exercise (on ilearn) I: Think about ‘what are my interests’ P: Online website S: Exercise  use the skills self-assessment sheet to determine your skills Reflect on You What you know about yourself - What topics have enjoyed most in my degree - What do you like to write about - What sort of work/activities have I done so far - What does this tell me about myself - What am I doing when I feel most confident/comfortable - What kinds of people do I like to be around? - How do I choose to use my free time when I have it? What skills/attributes you have to offer? - Consider collective experience Short term and medium career ideas - Academia: hard career path Skills reflection exercise- in your tutorial - Rating yourself - Is this skill required in career of interest?


How could I test this skill further or develop it?

How well do you know: - Job sites for writing career toles linked to your interests - Key employers in your interest area (st and lt) - How they recruit/promote opportunities - Employer/industry expectations - Relevant industry bodies and professional associations (Media etc.) - Writing related and other networking opportunities - Where to go for industry information/updates - Do you have a portfolio of personal website and prfiles eg: Updesk and Guru Networking is important - 80% of jobs are NOT advertised - 70% find jobs in Arts via networking Look for open groups of three (half circle and close the circle) - Stand and listen and slowly ask questions etc. Articles on portfolio careers Elevator pitch: time it takes to introduce and make good with someone in an elevator When revieing applications, employers look to answer - Can you do the jon o Skills, experience knowledge - Will you do the job o Motitvation, commitment, intersts and aspirations - Will you fit in? o Workstupel, common values

Week 4: Politics, Literature and the Essay in the Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Renaissance  from what makes a good state and humanistic ideas to what are human beings as material subjects? - Retreat to mind and body Essay  deals with dissent Discourse flexible to accommodate individual Energized intellectually  characterise essay form in the 19th C - New preoccupations, anxieties - Mode of considerable cultural authority Implicit in the idea of the body politic  the body, reliant on males Moira Gatens, Imaginary Bodies: Ethics, Power and Corporeality Routledge, 1996, 23 – 26. - The metaphor [of the unified body politic] functions to restrict our political vocabulary to one voice only: a voice that can speak of only one body, one reason, and one ethic … Recent feminist scholarship has shown that the neutral body assumed by the liberal state is implicitly a masculine body … This body has been fragmented and weakened by successive invasions from the excluded: the slaves, the foreigners, the women, the working class; but this does not imply that we presently have a polymorphous body politic … it refuses to admit anyone who is not capable of miming its reason and its ethics, in its voice … To recognize another body is to leave oneself open to dialogue, debate and engagement with the other’s law and the other’s ethics. Supremacy of men breaks down in the 19th C Consider dissident voices in gender and class terms Mimicry of male authority changes to dialogue The way print culure changed and made change happen Initiating shifts in subjecitivty of the human New industrialized technolgoised social formations - Social mobility - Increased literacy - Mass readership Meaning of public sphere vs meaning of domestic (complete opposite) ‘Mass market’ - Crossed gender and class lines


Reading writing in unprecendented numbers and working class also Move away from elite reading groups  unpredicatable readership o Bothered many people esp. conservative commentators, moving from understanding set of values that underpin the ‘cultured human being’

18th C Vindication of the Rights of Women: Radical change in rights of women  nature of ‘we’ is being challenged - If power, authority and cultural don’t reside in monarchy  where do they reside? o Individual  What is the individual subject - Attacking head on powerful arguments that were being raged ag. women as citizens o Man and women different  women superior  same rights and duties can be dismissed as ‘unnatural’ equates to a desire to be a man o If determine biological determines political order  natural should prevail, don’t want to live in ‘unnatural chaos’ o MW  seen as ‘unnatural’ ag. God given natural hierarchy Wollstonecraft: If idndividuals acting collectively were to define body olitic in all honesty and good faith ‘we’ (social + political body politic) must include women - On what grounds do we exclude them? - Women on unnatural grounds (lack of education) is prevention of emancipation - Through middle class will change eventuate Women were more than biological roles: - From every quarter have I heard exclamations against masculine women, but where are they to be found? If by this appellation men mean to inveigh against their ardour in hunting, shooting, and gaming, I shall most cordially join the cry; but if it be against the imitation of manly virtues, or, more properly speaking, the attainment of those talents and virtues the exercise of which ennoble the human character, and which raises females in the scale of animal being, when they are comprehensively termed mankind, all those who view them with a philosophic eye must, I should think, wish with me, that they may grow more and more masculine. Mary Wollstonecraft, Author’s Introduction, A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) Has been called - The “hyena in petticoats” For Mary Verily would wear the breeches God help poor silly men from such usurping bitches. The Anti-Jacobin Review

Eliza Lynn Linton, “Mary Wollstonecraft,” The English Republic 4 (1854) - Out of the dead level of our modern fine-ladyism every now and then a woman arises like a goddess standing above the rest: a woman of fair proportions and an unmutilated nature, a woman of strength, will, intellect, and courage, practically asserting by her own life the truth of her equality with man, and boldly claiming as

her right also an equal share in the privileges hitherto reserved for himself alone. None stronger, more independent, or more noble, than Mary Wollstonecraft, one of the first, as she was one of the ablest, defenders of the Rights of Woman.

Manly virtues (attainment of talent and virtues) which exercises noble human character and distinguish from humans  should be allowed ‘MW Wollestonecraft Perceived Radicalism  clash with 19th C feminism - Power through service, self-sacrificing trope - Radical through gender but no necessarily though class Margaret Fuller and Mary Wollstonecraft,” George Eliot, The Leader 1855. Men suffering from the -plight of women - Men pay a heavy price for their reluctance to encourage self-help and independent resources in women. The precious meridian years of many a man of genius have to be spent in the toil of routine, that an ‘establishment’ may be kept up for a woman who can understand none of his secret yearnings, who is fit for nothing but to sit in her drawing-room like a doll-Madonna in her shrine. o Tactical about stirring up male emancipation o Radical arguments can be cloaked in conservative values - Anything is more endurable than to change our established formulae about women, or to run the risk of looking up to our wives instead of looking down on them. Sit divus dummodo non sit vivus (let him be a god, provided he be not living), said the Roman magnates of Romulus; and so men say of women, let them be idols, useless absorbents of precious things, provided we are not obliged to admit them to be strictly fellow-beings, to be treated, one and all, with justice and sober reverence. Antigone (George Elliot actually Marianne Evens) Review essays: published unanimously  site for contestation, value judgements, cultural infighting Disinterested neutral analysis  not as pressed (newspaper and journals politically sided) - Read these journals to reinforce preexisting views not necessarily to be challenged Weekly and daily journals - Fed this dissent - Sense of immediacy (think screen culture) - Short essay: informed opinionated performance based on personal, familiar and also institutional rhetoric - Ceased to be a masculine form only - Elite knew that many women signed anonymously - Can’t say that eliteness of men used to underpin cultural relevance (esp. for essay) o Subtle and gender positioning about the ‘the voice’ -

Radical weekly: ‘The Leader’ Using voice that takes characteristic of the masculine  ‘self-consciously male’ Antigone (“against man”); the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta, i.e. the product of an (unwittingly)incestuous union



o Eliot choosing play that focuses on male play (Oedipus) to one that focuses on female’s choice Female choice and decision: agency Antigone’s transgression that is heart of everything in the play: “I myself will bury him./ It will be good to die, so doing. I shall lie by his side,/loving him as he loved me; I shall be a criminal – but a religious one.” o Antigone’s experience and nature of conflict with Creon universal o A’s principles central to modern experience  the woman of a thing that matters o Does not sentimentalize the idea of feminine ‘self-sacrifice’ VIctorian o Preserves rather than deflects radical ism of A’s acts, in doing so uses the declarity voice of the essay to uphold the value of Greek culture (in a time of envaligcal Chrisitan rise) The centrality of the antagonism of valid claims The woman is definitive of things that matter in the public sphere

The Girl of the Period - Powerful, conservative voice - Aggressive style of writing - Against political rights for women - Personalized register of essay to make women highly politicsed topic o GE uses academic - “Monstrous” rhetoric: hyperbole (as opposed to GE with restraint), xenophobia o Another nations girl o Victorian feminism: showed dark side (pro-eugenic arguemnts) - In her youth was radical o Aim at Victorian respectability and subtly sexual o First woman journalist to draw a fixed salary - The New Woman debate- late 19th C o She worked- financially independent o Dressed sensibly  became mobile - Published in high end: Saturday Review o Most sensational article ever published - Radical conservative o Became conservative as she got older - “Something franker than a French woman, more trusted than an Italian, as brave as an American, but more refined, as domestic as a German and more graceful.” - Used essay in passionate polemic way - Flirtation = decline of empire o Liberation is sexual excess without substance  new pattern of the human - Uses extreme form of personal abuse to critique modern values - Essay form reduced/expanded to rhetoric of excess that is a paradoy of autjority yet paradoxically retains authority o One of the most influential things wirrten in 19th C on women, had an impact

The Sexual Politics of Decline It used to be an old-time notion that the sexes were made for each other, and that it was only natural for them to please each other, and to set themselves out for that end, but the girl of the period does not please men.” The Milliners - Granger (commissioner) painted poor picture of treatment of women on the finery that upper-class women wore o Slave labour force that underpinned middle class conspicuous consumption o Granger says he will never enjoy fashion (in text) - Published in Ahtanaem o Had cultural prestige o Much more upper - Rhetoic is more straightforward than Lim and voice compassion and outraged and social rituals and performance of wealth - 1843: Karl Marx + Ingles talking about working class in England at this same time o Gendered incitement of insitrustalised women - ‘Volumptrous’ London o Sexualised - Saw indiustralsiaiton as disease through her gender critique - Victorian England marked more by class even then gender - What women wore/fashion became a political statement as women work (hence Lim’s essay) - Published for everyone to read  allowed women to engage in public ideas/works via review - The rhetoric of compassion and humanity grounded in extreme distrust of industrialization - The female body located at the heart of the problem of wealth and industrialization as Jameson sees them o The refinement and wealth of London is ever commemorating events, and efforts, and epochs; great men and great doings have their mementos in every square and nook; we erect palaces for our private pleasures, temples for our public pieties, galleries for art, and pillars and pedestals, great and small, for every sort and kind of hero; but oh, for a monument to remind us of our crushing crimes, -- our thousands and tens of thousands of fellow beings, the doomed slaves of our glittering grandeur, living a deathly life of torment for the gratification of wealth, which immolates them almost without a thought … o Retributive justice o Voice social conscience and  wealth it generates and at what cost o Consumption faciinating trope (wasting of disease) o Fed of society  literally eating them Passioante argumentation is characteristic of Victorian writing


Moobalising the personal, individual the essay itself enabled a huge number of pope to enter debate o the uman is wha tis our rights and citixens, how we construct our bod y politic

Week 5: Autobiographical Essays of the Early to Mid 20thCentury Modernist Period Woolf text, published posthumously in 1942

Tracing sme ideas about formal devel...

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