Praxis 5004 Social Studies (Kelly\'s Notes) PDF

Title Praxis 5004 Social Studies (Kelly\'s Notes)
Course Social Studies
Institution Western Governors University
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Notes for Praxis 5004...


PRAXIS- SOCIAL STUDIES (5004) Created on: 5/24/2020


Made 4 trips from Spain: 1492, 1493, 1498, and 1502 Wanted to find a direct water route west from Europe to Asia Found Americas by instead, by accident, and his journeys marked the beginning of centuries of TRANSATLANTIC conquests and colonization . COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE: The CULTURAL and BIOLOGICAL exchanges that took place after the discovery of America by Columbus. Exchanges of PLANTS and ANIMALS, DISEASE, and TECHNOLOGIES altered the way of life in the Americas and Europe.

. CONQUISTADORS: Spanish and Portuguese soldiers who conquered the Great Empires of NORTH and South America. Hunted for GOLD and SILVER. EFFECTS OF SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE EXPLORATION: The Aztec and Inca Empires were destroyed, Spain controlled most of the new land and natural resources, Wealth increased in N. Europe. . THE TREATY OF TORDESILLAS: A pope made a “line” through N. and S. Americas to decide that everything to the RIGHT of the line belonged to the KING OF SPAIN, to the LEFT belonged to the KING OF PORTUGAL. -

CONSEQUENCE: Portugal picked up what is today’s Brazil which is why the main language in Brazil is Portuguese.

. EAST INDIES=SPICE ISLANDS. Portuguese were the first to colonize but the Dutch took over. Today the islands are called THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA. THE MAYA: 500 B.C.- around 800 - Mayan civilization (on the Yucatan Peninsula) was the EARLIEST. - TIKAL: One of the great cities built. Had temples, sculptures, and decorated places. - People believed rulers were descended from the Gods and that your ancestors determined what role you would have in life (ex. If your grandfather was a soldier, then you would be a soldier). THE AZTEC: 1300s- the coming of Spanish in 1519 - Warrior nation, Capital= Tenochititian - Very powerful and conquered surrounding people, demanding tribute and slaves - Ruler was a God and they practiced human sacrifice using captured slaves THE INCA: 1430 - Controlled more land than the Aztecs, most of SW Asia - Machu Picchu is their most famous city

- Trade was important but difficult b/c of mountainous terrain so the developed TERRACE FARMING TECHNIQUES: Method for growing crops on the side of mts. by planting on graduated terraces built into the slope. - Conquered by FRANCISCO PIZARRO in 1532 and founded the city of Lima. . HERNANDO DE SOTO: In 1539, reached FL. and explored the whole region looking for GOLD and SILVER. Discovered the MISSISSIPPI RIVER. .  FRANSICSCO DE CORONA: Led an expedition from Mexico into present day Kansas in search of the 7 Cities of Gold. Discovered the COLORADO RIVER and the GRAND CANYON. NORTHERN COLONIES: NH, Massachusetts Bay Colony, R.I., CT (Spain was the first European nation to colonize America) . PLYMOUTH ROCK: In Plymouth, Massachusetts. Pilgrims in 1620 arrived here seeking religious freedom. More Puritans arrived and established the MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY: The colony prospered with the colonists pursuing both FISHING and FARMING. - Best characteristics that define New England Colonies: Rocky terrain and cold winters. MIDDLE COLONIES: NY, NJ,VT (became part of NH), PA, DE


The first colonists were Dutch and settled at the mouth of the Hudson River. When the British took “New Amsterdam” from the Dutch, they called it New York instead. PENNSYLVANIA: PHILADELPHIA: Highest proportion of GERMAN SETTLERS during the colonial period. - WILLAM PENN founded Philadelphia as the capital of the Pennsylvania Colony. - important meeting place for our founding fathers during the American Revolution (first and second continental congress) and one of our nation’s early capitals. - HOLY EXPERIMENT: William Penn’s term for an Ideal Government. Was an attempt to create a successful QUAKER (Religious society of friends) community in Pennsylvania. Penn believed the colony would only be successful if it were a virtuous one. SOUTHERN COLONIES: VA, MD, NC, SC, GA JAMESTOWN, VA: 1607


THE FIRST ENGLISH COLONY IN NORTH AMERICA BY SEEKING WEALTH (GOLD) The VIRGINIA COMPANY was important to Jamestown b/c it was a joint-stock company that paid to settle Jamestown. Tobacco became VA’s first profitable export John Rolfe married Pocahantas. Although aggresive at first, the Indians offered the English settlers food. As the colonists searched for instant wealth, they neglected planting corn and other work necessary to make their colony self-sufficient. They therefore grew more and more dependent on the Indians for food.



JOHN SMITH: Revived the colony by exploring the area and establishing trade with the Indians. QUOTE FROM POWERPOINT FROM JOHN SMITH: "drudgery, work, and slavery," so English colonists could live "like Soldiers upon the fruit of their labor." Thus, when his negotiations with Indians for food occasionally failed, Smith took what he wanted by force. QUOTE FROM POWHATAN in 1609 (in response to John Smith’s actions): He knew that the English "invade my people, possess my country." Indians thus began attacking settlers, killing their livestock, and burning their crops. (Pontiac War)

MARYLAND: - Founded as a haven for ENGLISH CATHOLICS wanting to live with more religious freedom. THE COLONY OF GEORGIA: - The last of the colonies to be settled. Acted as a buffer between the prosperous colony of South Carolina and the Spanish settlements in Florida. - Populated mainly by DEBTORS (People who couldn’t repay their money). MAJOR EASTERN TRIBES: 1) IROQUOIS (5 NATIONS): Powerful confederation living on the Northeast Coast. -Sided with the English against French - Hunted, farmed, and fished. 2) ALGONQUIANS: Lived along the EAST COAST, CANADA, and NEAR GREAT LAKES. - Provided main obstacle to the spread of the colonies westward. Because of the APPALACHIAN MTS. The British did not establish colonies west of the Appalachian Mountains. In addition, the British tried to discourage settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains by issuing the Royal Proclamation of 1763. - Were FRENCH ALLIES in the FRENCH/INDIAN WAR against Americans and British. 3) CHEROKEE: SOUTHEASTERN part of America. - DURING THE PRESIDENCY OF ANDREW JACKSON, THE GOVERNMENT FORCED THEM OFF THEIR LAND (INDIAN REMOVAL ACT) AND HAD THEM MARCH MANY MILES TO A OKLAHOMA. “TRAIL OF TEARS”...MANY DIED ALONG THE WAY. FORCED RELOCATION. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR a.k.a SEVEN-YEAR-LONG WAR: 1754- 1763 - Between FRANCE and England (Great Britain) - Indians sided with France. Together they were fighting the British for control over North America. -RESULTS: - BRITISH WON with THE TREATY OF PARIS: Gave the English control of Canada and the French areas east of the Mississippi River, No further land was to be confiscated, Borders were established for the New U.S., Any land or property confiscated during the war was to be returned. British: Got Canada, east Miss. French regions, FL from Spain. FRANCE: Sugar Islands, gave LA to Spain.

- The American colonists didn’t need British protection against the French anymore and became increasingly independent. Additionally, the English also forced the Americans to pay more taxes which led ultimately to the American Revolution - THE ALBANY PLAN OF THE UNION: Proposed by Benjamin Franklin to create a unified government, uniting all 13 colonies and providing for their mutual defense. PROCLAMATION OF 1763: - Following the French and Indian War, King George of Britain forbade them from settling past a line drawn along the Appalachian Mts. creating a Western reserve for the Native population. (Line is to the left, from PA-NC colonies). INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: (1760s) - Began in Europe with the Cotton Mill: Work was moved from home to the factory and poverty was invented. - Improvements in the Steam engine gave man more power to mine coal (powered steam engines). - As men began using coal, instead of wood, steal could be made more quickly and easily. - A need for cheap labor resulted in the abuse of women and children working long hours. RESULTED in Child Labor Laws and Creating labor unions. - Work moved from rural areas to urban areas (concentrating population in cities).

EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY: - “NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION” relates to a series of increased taxes on commodities issued by the British Government FOLLOWING the French and Indian War to pay the debt that was caused by this war. The British thought that colonists should pay for their own protection against the French. -SONS OF LIBERTY: A secret organization of American colonists created to protect the rights of the colonists and to resist British government policies deemed unfair. ESPECIALLY ACTIVE DURING THE STAMP ACT IN 1765: First internal tax. Helped pay for British troops. Required colonists to pay tax, represented by a stamp from British Parliament. - Sam Adams along with the Sons of Liberty boarded 3 British ships in the Boston Harbor and threw over 300 chests of Tea into the Harbor (BOSTON TEA PARTY). Resulted in the COERCIVE ACTS IN 1774. These acts pushed America closer to war with Britain. - KEY FIGURES (IN EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY): ● ● ● ●

KING GEORGE: King of England during revolution. GEORGE WASHINGTON: commander of continental army and our nation’s first president. JOHN ADAMS: important figure in the first and 2ndContinental Congress and was the 2ndpresident. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: famous inventor, printer, and ambassador to France during revolution.

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THOMAS PAINE: wrote pamphlet, Common Sense, which greatly influenced people to separate from England. THOMAS JEFFERSON: wrote Declaration of Independence and was our nation’s 3rd  president. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT:

•DICTATORSHIP: a government or social situation where authority (all the rules and decisions made by) rests with one person. •REPUBLIC: a government where power is held by the people and their elected representatives. •CONFEDERATION: a form of government consisting of a union of many states or countries typically unified for a purpose (with most of the power remaining with the individual states or countries). •MONARCHY: a form of government where a country is ruled by a monarch (typically a king or queen). . AUTOCRACY: Gov’t by a single person with unlimited power. . OLIGARCHY: A few people have power. . ANARCHY: When there is no gov’t. . CAPITALIST/ FREE MARKET: People can own their own businesses and property. Can buy private services (healthcare) and provide their own education, healthcare, and welfare services. . COMMUNIST: Gov’t owns companies. Provides its ppl. healthcare, educations, & welfare. MAJOR BATTLES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR: American Revolution started because the British were taxing colonists to pay for the French & Indian War. Its beginning was also marked by the “shot heard ‘round the world” - FIRST BATTLES (1775): Battles of Lexington and Concord. BATTLE OF SARATOGA: - Gen. John Burgoyne from Britain led an invasion army down from Canada. Army was trapped by an American army led by Heratio Gate and Benedict Arnold. Victory brought foreign assistance from the French. SEIGE OF YORKTOWN: - General Washington along with French support defeated the armies of Cornwallis and was the last great battle of the American Revolution. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: Written mostly by Thomas Jefferson (1776) Could be used as Quotes: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these

rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed....” Declared our independence from Britain in 1776.

ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION: (1777) - Established the functions of U.S.’s national government after it declared independence from Great Britain. The colonists 1st attempt to create a gov’t. - The federal government was given the authority to negotiate with foreign territories, but it did not include executive branch. WEAKNESSES:


1) Gov’t had no power to tax

1)  Gov’t was always short of money

2) Gov’t had little power to enforce laws

2)  Gov’t had to rely on states to enforce laws

3) 9 states had to approve before law was passed

3) Very hard to create new laws

4) Gov’t had no executive branch or court control

4)  Gov’t had difficulty coordinating the affairs of governing/ No way to settle disputes btwn. states.

CONSTITUTION: (1779) formed the law of the land, Supreme law of U.S. INFLUENCERS: - Thomas Hobbes’ ideas influenced the writing of the Constitution because he believed that No order exists in a state of nature, and therefore people need to surrender some of their power and form a government to create order. Ideas are portrayed in his book, Leviathan . -  John Locke wrote the Second Treatise of Gov’t. ●

Assigns the power to declare war, raise and supports armies, suppress insurrections (violent uprisings against an authority or gov’t), and repel invasions to the U.S. Congress.

- 2 Political parties already developing:  ) FEDERALISTS: Favored a strong, central (Federal) gov’t. The TENTH AMENDMENT (division of 1 power btwn. national and state governments) exemplifies the Constitution’s federalist structure. The federal gov’t can influence state gov’t by issuing a block grant. 2) ANTI-FEDERALISTS: Favored a much less powerful gov’t because of tyranny. - Founding fathers created a federal system to provide balance btwn. a central (federal) and state gov’ts. - John Adams famously received a letter from his wife, Abigail Adams saying, “Remember the Ladies” which showed the first signs of women playing an active role in the creation on national policy. CONSTITIUTION: THE GREAT COMPROMISE OF 1787 a.k.a THE CONNETICUT PLAN: - Focused on how many representatives each state would be given in the new gov’t.

- Virginia Plan vs. New Jersey Plan. VA Plan= # of representatives based on state’s population. NJ Plan: Each state would have the same # of representatives in the federal gov’t. Compromise was reached and suggested the new gov’t adopted a bicameral (two-chambered congress) plan: Senate and the House of Representatives. Senate = each state would have the same number of senators; HOR = Representation would be based on a state’s population. 3/5 COMPROMISE (1787): - A debate within the Continental Congress about apportioning taxes based on population or land value. 3/5 of a state's slaves were counted in terms of congressional representation, presidential electors, and direct taxes. . BILL OF RIGHTS (1791): FIRST TEN AMENDMENTS of the Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. Made b/c people feared that the Constitution didn’t protect people’s individual rights from an overly powerful central gov’t. Any individual’s rights are limited when they conflict with the rights of other citizens. - IMPORTANT AMENDEMENTS: ONE: FREEDOM OF RELIGION & SPEECH.




TEN: (All powers not specifically given to the Federal Government are to be reserved for the states—typically this is the amendment that is pointed to when discussing a state’s right to educate its citizens). ENSURES INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION FROM UNFAIR ACTIONS BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. ANY INDIVIDUAL’S RIGHTS ARE LIMITED WHEN THEY CONFLICT WITH THE RIGHTS OF OTHER CITIZENS. 12th: The 12th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified to rectify flaws relating to the selection of the Pres. And Vice Pres. THIRTEEN: ABOLISHED SLAVERY. FIFTEEN: MAKES IT UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO RESTRICT VOTING BASED ON RACE (FORMER SLAVES GIVEN THE RIGHT TO VOTE). NINETEEN: MAKES IT UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO RESTRICT VOTING BASED ON GENDER (WOMEN GIVEN THE RIGHT TO VOTE). (Susan B. Anthony) 21st: REPEALS THE EIGHTEENTHAMENDMENT (PROHIBITION OF ALCOHOL). F.D.R. broke the tradition of serving two presidential terms by serving four. After he died, the Constitution was amended limiting terms to 2 years (allowed for more terms to be served). . FEDERALIST PAPERS: Anonymously raised public support through a series of essays urging citizens to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Made by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Ray.

BRANCHES OF GOV’T: **This was on the TEST.

SEDITION: The rebellion against the gov’t. CHECKS AND BALANCES: Created to make sure each branch doesn’t have too much power. LEGISLATIVE: The U.S. Capital. 2 Senators from each state, the # of congressman determined by the state population. MAKES and ENFORCES LAWS. - CONGRESS: Senate and HOR. Senate: Made of two members of each state who serve 6yr. terms. HOR: Determined by the state’s population and each member serves a two-year term. 100% of the seats in the HOR are up for re-election every two-years. - HOW IT IS A PART IN CHECKS AND BALANCES: Checks on the EXECUTIVE (PRESIDENT) AND JUDICIAL BRANCHES. Can overturn a veto with 2/3 vote of both houses. Can reject proposed treaties. Can reject executive nominations to the Supreme and Federal Courts. Can impeach and remove the President from office. Can create lower courts. Can amend the Constitution to overturn decisions by the Supreme Court. Can impeach judges and remove them from power. EXECUTIVE: The White House. May serve up to two 4-yr terms. SIGNS LAWS, VETOES LAWS, APPOINTS FEDERAL JUDGES. - President and Vice President -HOW IT IS A PART OF CHECKS AND BALANCES: Checks on Congress (Legislative Branch) and Judicial Branch. Veto laws passed by President. Appoints Federal officials to appoint laws. Nominates judges to supreme and federal courts. Can pardon individuals convicted of crime. JUDICIAL: The Supreme Court. There are 9 justices who decide if new laws are constitutional. Can OVERTURN JUDGEMENTS OF OTHER JUDGES IN THE LAND. - HOW IT IS A PART OF CHECKS AND BALANCES: Checks on the LEGISLATIVE AND EXECUTIVE branches. Can decide if president’s actions are unconstitutional. Can rule treaties unconstitutional. - MARBURY VS. MADISON (1803): First Supreme Court case to apply JUDICIAL REVIEW: Federal courts have the power to declare acts of Congress as unconstitutional. It decision affirmed the Supreme Court as a separate branch of Gov’t equal to both Congress and Executive branches. FEDERAL GOV’T POWERS: Constitution-Executive Branch - Collect Taxes - Regulate interstate commerce - Coin Money and regulate currency - Declare war and maintain an army and navy - Form trade agreements w/ other countries. ELECTORAL COLLEGE: - Each state is allowed one vote for each member of the senate that represents that state (2 votes)

- Each state is allowed one vote for each member in the HOR that represents that state (depends on state’s population). -D.C. gets 3 votes. . ALIEN AND SEDATION ACTS (1798): Believed to violate human rights. A series of acts signed by John Adams that restricted activities, freedom of speech by foreign residents living in our country and restricted the rights of the American Press. Thomas Jefferson though John Adams violated the right, Freedom of Speech and Press, by signing this. **POCKET VETO: (THIS WAS ON THE TEST): An indirect veto of a legislative bill by the president (when he disagrees with a law) He may refuse to sign a bill passed by Congress by waiting after the amount of time to sign it. LOUISIANA PURCHASE: - During Thomas Jefferson’s presidency, The U.S. purchased this territory from France which doubled the size...

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