Presentation of essays PDF

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Presentation of essays There is more then one "correct" citation style. However, in the Chinese Studies program of the University of Sydney (and in Asian Studies units offered exclusively by Chinese Studies staff), you are expected to make consistent use of the style summarised below unless a different style is prescribed for a particular unit of study by the instructor or coordinator of that unit. The need to adjust to the different styles required in different disciplines and by different journals and publishers is a fact of academic life. It is a good idea to accustom yourself to it now. The style we prescribe below approximates to that used in leading Chinese and Asian Studies journals such as T'oung Pao and The Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. In advanced classes, your instructors may issue supplementary guidelines regarding the citation of specialised sinological resources. Please follow these guidelines carefully. In matters of citation, it is sensible to observe the established conventions of the discipline. • • •

How to do the bibliography at the end of your essay How to do citations of your sources in the body of your essay What if I still have questions?

How to do the bibliography at the end of your essay List all the written sources you have used in alphabetical order by the author’s surname. Do not use "bullets" and do not number the sources. You can use the "hanging indent" feature of your software (in Microsoft Word, go to the "Format" menu, choose "Paragraph," find "Indentation" and then open the menu under "Special") to mark one entry off from the next, in just the same way as you see done in published books. Remember that only books and articles that you have actually cited in the body of your essay should be included in the bibliography. This is because the purpose of each entry is to give the reader all the information necessary to identify and check your source. Bibliographies are not intended to impress the marker with the vast amount of reading that you did in preparation for your essay. What will impress the marker is the skill with which you used your sources in the body of the essay. • • • • •

How to enter a book in your list What if the book is in Chinese or Japanese? What if the book is a translation? How to enter a journal article in your list What about essays (article-length studies) in edited volumes?

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How to enter a book in your list The correct format is: Author. Title. Place of Publication: Name of Publisher, Year of Publication. The title should be in italics or underlined. For example: Dutton, Michael. Streetlife China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. OR Dutton, Michael. Streetlife China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Capitalise the first letter of every significant word in the title. For example: Ahern, Emily M. The Cult of the Dead in a Chinese Village. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1973. Walder, Andrew G. Communist Neo-Traditionalism: Work and Authority in Chinese Industry. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986. If the book is a single, long piece of work by the same author(s) and you have read only one chapter, you should still quote only the title of the book, not the title of the chapter that you read. In this matter, you should be cautious about following the example of the unit of study syllabus, which, in identifying assigned readings, may quote the titles of the chosen chapters for the sake of clarity. In a bibliography, to quote only the book title when you have read only one chapter is not seen as dishonest. With ordinary singleauthored books, keeping chapter titles out of the footnotes and bibliography is standard scholarly convention. If the author is Chinese but the book is in English, you should spell the author's name in the way in which it is spelled on the title page. Let us take the case of the Chinese historian called 瞿同祖. If you are citing any of his Chinese-language works, and you are using pinyin as your standard romanisation system, then you should transcribe his name as Qu Tongzu in the entries for those works. However, if you refer to either of Professor Qu’s important English-language books, you should use the older transcription style (known as Wade-Giles) that was used by his publishers: Ch'u T'ung-tsu. If you refer to both his Chinese-language and his English-language works, a convenient solution is to put all the works under one romanisation in the bibliography, and use a cross-reference–e.g., "Ch'u T'ung-tsu. See under Qu Tongzu."

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What if the book is in Chinese or Japanese? For citing modern-style books in Chinese or Japanese, the correct format is as follows. Author (use a standard romanisation; put the surname first as usual and do not put a comma after it; add the characters if possible). Title (use the same romanisation, and add the characters if you supplied them for the author’s name) (Translation of title, with capitalisation for proper nouns only). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher, Date of Publication. For example: Dai Yi 戴逸. Qianlong di ji qi shidai 乾隆帝及其时代 (The Qianlong emperor and his times). Beijing: Zhongguo Renmin Daxue chubanshe, 1992. Kishimoto Mio 岸本美緒. Shindai Chûgoku no bukka to keizai hendô 清代中国 の物価と経済変動 (Prices and economic change in Qing China). Tokyo: Kenbun shuppan, 1997. Citing traditional Chinese books can be more complicated. Here are two possible models. The first is for the original edition of a traditional string-bound book. The second is for a modern facsimile reprint of a revised edition. Examine the bibliographies of the English-language books you read for other possibilities. If you are taking a unit of study in which you are likely to cite several traditional Chinese books, the instructor may provide supplementary guidelines. Qiao Guanglie 喬光烈. Zuile Tang wenji 最樂堂文集 (Collected writings from the Zuile Hall). 1756. Shen Zhiqi 沈之奇. Da Qing lü jizhu 大清律輯注 (Penal statutes of the Great Qing Dynasty with collected annotations). 1715. Revised 洪皐山, 1746. Reprint (3 vols.), Beijing: Beijing edition by Hong Gaoshan Daxue chubanshe, 1993.

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What if the book is a translation? When the book is a translation, it is usually appropriate to identify the translator after the title, as follows: Chu T’ien-wen. Notes of a Desolate Man. Translated by Howard Goldblatt and Sylvia Li-chun Lin. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. OR

Will, Pierre-Etienne. Bureaucracy and Famine in Eighteenth-Century China. Trans. Elborg Forster. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990. However, if you wish to emphasize that it is the work of a particular translator to which you are referring, or if the English-language book comprises a scholarly study as well as a translation, you should put the translator's name first, as follows. You will need to add the author's name only if it is not stated in the title of the translation (as in the fourth example below). de Bary, Wm. Theodore, trans. Waiting for the Dawn: A Plan for the Prince. Huang Tsung-hsi’s Ming-i tai-fang lu. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993. Graham, A. C., trans. Chuang-tzu: The Seven Inner Chapters and Other Writings from the Book Chuang-tzu. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1981. Brooks, E. Bruce and A. Taeko Brooks, trans. The Original Analects: Sayings of Confucius and His Successors. A New Translation and Commentary. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998. Goldblatt, Howard and Sylvia Li-chun Lin, trans. Notes of a Desolate Man, by Chu T'ien-wen. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. It is also sensible to put the translator’s name first when the author is unknown, disputed or known only by a pseudonym, or when the book is plausibly claimed to represent the work of others besides the ostensible author. This is the case with both the Zhuangzi (Chuang-tzu) and the Analects.

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How to enter a journal article in your list The correct format is: Author. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal Volume Number, no. Part Number (Year): Page Numbers. The title of the article should be in ordinary type, with no underlining, but it should be between quotation marks. The journal title should be in italics or underlined. Capitalisation should be used for the first letter of each significant word in both the article title and the journal title. For example: O’Brien, Kevin J. “Villagers, Elections, and Citizenship in Contemporary China.” Modern China 27, no. 4 (2001): 407–35. OR

O’Brien, Kevin J. “Villagers, Elections, and Citizenship in Contemporary China.” Modern China 27, no. 4 (2001): 407–35. If the title is in Chinese, you should follow the model below (the addition of characters is optional). Lai Huimin 賴惠敏. “Qianlong chao Neiwufu de dangpu yu fashang shengxi” 乾 隆朝内務府的當鋪與發商生息 (The pawnshops of the Qianlong-period Imperial Household Department and its interest-bearing loans to merchants). Zhongyang Yanjiuyuan Jindaishi Yanjiusuo jikan 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 28 (1997): 133–75.

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What about essays (article-length studies) in edited volumes? Make a separate entry for each essay that you cite, and put the entry under the name of the author of that essay, not the editor of the whole book. Here’s how: Wolf, Margery. “Child Training and the Chinese Family.” In Family and Kinship in Chinese Society, ed. Maurice Freedman (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1970), pp. 37–62.

How to do citations in the body of your essay

When should exact page references be provided? 1. It is MANDATORY to (a) USE QUOTATION MARKS ("...") and (b) provide an exact page reference to your source whenever you directly quote. Long quotations can alternatively be indented - set one tab-stop in from the left-hand margin - as you see done in books. However, in a short essay there should be few, if any, long quotations. 2. In principle, a page reference should be provided for any information in your essay that is not common knowledge. You must provide page references for all the evidence you cite in order to support your argument. All major claims made in your essay must be properly documented through exact page references.

3. Whenever you borrow an idea from another author, you must acknowledge that you borrowed it by providing an exact page reference to the passage in which that author expressed the idea in question. What format should page references take? • • • • • •

Basic guidelines, including how to cite books How to cite journal articles How to cite an essay (article-length study) in an edited collection How to acknowledge a quotation that you found in a secondary source How to cite material that you found in a published anthology How to cite material that you found in a unit-of-study reader from the Copy Centre

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Basic guidelines, including how to cite books Please use footnotes, not endnotes. The notes should be numbered consecutively throughout the essay. Find out how your computer software manages footnotes. Let us imagine that you are writing an essay comparing polygamy in China and Africa, and, in the text of your essay, you state that two scholars, Georges Balandier and Jacques Maquet, have argued that the main significance of polygamy in Africa is economic. Let us also assume that this is the third time in this essay that you need to give a reference. Put a superscript 3 (3) after the full stop at the end of the sentence in which you made this statement. Then, in the footnote, write as follows. 3. Georges Balandier and Jacques Maquet, Dictionary of Black African Civilization (New York: Leon Amiel, 1974), pp. 261–62. Please notice carefully the differences between bibliography and citation format. First, surname and given name are in their normal order, not inverted. Second, footnote citations are supposed to give a sense of flowing, which is why you have commas and brackets replacing the full stops of the bibliography format. You may well prefer to use superscript (and no full stop) for the footnote number. You may find that your software is set to produce superscript as the default. 3

Georges Balandier and Jacques Maquet, Dictionary of Black African Civilization (New York: Leon Amiel, 1974), pp. 261–62. How to avoid one very common error. Please note that "pp." is correct when the information or quotation that you are documenting is spread over more than one page. If

you are citing only one page, just write "p." It is necessary to give the full publication data in the footnotes only the first time you cite a particular source. The second and third times you can leave out the details, and you can even abbreviate the title. Thus your second citation of Balandier and Maquet might look like this: 7. Balandier and Maquet, Dictionary of Black African Civilization, p. 39. or even this: 7. Balandier and Maquet, Dictionary, p. 39. If you cite the same work in successive footnotes, you can use the abbreviation "Ibid." This basically means "in the same work [as the one I have just cited]." Thus, if you are citing Balandier and Maquet in both note 7 and note 8, note 8 can read as follows: 8. Ibid., pp. 76–77. However, if in n. 9 you cite, say, Kathryn Bernhardt, Women and Property in China, 960–1949, and in n. 10 you cite Balandier and Maquet again, you cannot use "Ibid." in n. 10. "Ibid." in n. 10 would refer to Bernhardt’s book.

Back to Top How to cite Suppose that you have written: Joanna Waley-Cohen has suggested that one of the great eighteenth-century emperors of the last dynasty had a "near-obsession with warfare."5 Your footnote would read, if this were your first citation of this particular article by Waley-Cohen, 5. Joanna Waley-Cohen, "Commemorating War in Eighteenth-Century China," Modern Asian Studies 30, no. 4 (1996): 871. A further citation of Waley-Cohen later in your essay could read simply: 12. Waley-Cohen, "Commemorating War," p. 877. or, of course: 12

Waley-Cohen, "Commemorating War," p. 877.

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How to cite an

(article-length study) in an edited collection

Let us suppose that you have said: James Farrer uses the term “culture of desirability” to characterise the ambience of contemporary Shanghai discotheques.15 Your footnote would read: 15. James Farrer, "Dancing through the Market Transition: Disco and Dance Hall Sociability in Shanghai," in The Consumer Revolution in Urban China, ed. Deborah S. Davis (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000), p. 234. or simply (if this is not your first citation of Farrer’s essay): 15. Farrer, "Dancing," p. 234.

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How to acknowledge a quotation that you found in a Suppose that a book that you are using quotes a passage from a book (or other written source) that you have not read, and you want to use this quotation in your essay. How should you present the page reference? Keep two principles in mind: 1. That you want to be as helpful to the reader as possible - and the reader needs to know who actually wrote the words in question. 2. That you must be honest, which means avoiding giving the impression that you yourself did the research that led to the discovery of the quoted passage. So, you need to give both the name of the original author (or equivalent information if the author’s name is not available) and the name of the author who did the work of finding the quotation. For example: 10. Newspaper report in Dagong bao, 14 July 1934, quoted in Lucien Bianco, Origins of the Chinese Revolution, 1915–1949 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1967), p. 89. In addition, if you actually reproduce the quotation in your essay, it is a good idea to

provide a meaningful introduction in the text, so that the reader knows what she or he is reading. For example: "As one newspaper reported during 1934," (and then reproduce the quotation). Bianco’s book would appear in your bibliography, but not the Dagong bao.

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How to cite material that you found in a Follow the same principles as for when you are citing quotations that you found in a secondary source (see above): be (1) helpfully informative, and (2) honest. Exactly how you word your citation may depend on how the editors have presented the selected material. Use your discretion. Here are two possible models. 3. Xunzi, "A Discussion of Heaven," translated in Sources of Chinese Tradition, second edition, vol. 1, comp. Wm. Theodore de Bary and Irene Bloom (New York: Columbia University Press, 1999), p. 171. Your bibliography would include an entry for Sources of Chinese Tradition, but not for Xunzi’s "A Discussion of Heaven." 8. Po Hsing-chien (Bo Xingjian), "The Story of Miss Li," trans. Arthur Waley, in Anthology of Chinese Literature from Early Times to the Fourteenth Century, ed. Cyril Birch (New York: Grove Press, 1965), p. 303. Your bibliography would include an entry for Anthology of Chinese Literature, but not for Po’s "The Story of Miss Li." In the second model, the old "Wade-Giles" romanisation system is used because it was used in the anthology being cited. You have the option of adding the pinyin version in brackets, as shown. Do not include a pinyin version unless you are confident that it is accurate.

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How to cite material that you found in a unit-of-study reader from the Copy Centre You can normally ignore the fact that the sourcebooks (aka "readers," "reading bricks") prepared by your instructors are also a kind of anthology. When citing material that you

found in a sourcebook, just take the publication data provided on the photocopied title page or in the syllabus, and cite the work as if you had found it yourself in the Fisher Library. This will look more professional, and your instructor knows the truth. Do the same with online readings, keeping in mind that the publication data in the syllabus are probably the most reliable. However, if you cite material that you found in a sourcebook for another unit of study at this or any other university, then the principle of honesty should take priority. Include the details of the sourcebook (essentially, the unit of study code and title, the year, and the name of the university) at the end of your citation. Back to Top

What if I still have questions?

Take the plunge and consult a published style guide. The department recommends The Chicago Manual of Style (fourteenth or later edition), published by the University of Chicago Press. This has an excellent index and is probably the most authoritative style guide in the English-speaking world - although not every publisher or journal follows all its guidelines exactly. If a 921-page style manual is too intimidating and you would prefer a guide that was written especially for students, try: Kate L. Turabian. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Sixth edition, revised by John Grossman and Alice Bennett. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996....

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