presentation of nike PDF

Title presentation of nike
Course Management Of Change
Institution University of Wollongong
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presentation of nike...


Journal 1 The first presentation was presented on tutorial 2 which was a case study of Nike, we were the Opposing dissenting team. It gave me the opportunity to learn new things about the company and the different types of changes and factors that might affect an organization. Nike is a well-known manufacturer of athletic shoes and apparel, which was founded in the year 1964 by Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman in the United States, after examining the presentation made. Nike eventually went through 4 phases of change, the initial change was to move their manufacturing unit from japan to Korea then later on to Indonesia to reduce the manufacturing and labor costs and the second phase of change was they changed the company structure and hierarchy and the third phase was they created an entire new department to monitor and adopt corporate social responsibility and compliance department to reduce the negative image they had got by using child labor in their factories. The fourth phase of change was they changed their objective from manufacturing just athletic shoes to even clothing other products to increase its market share and the final stage of change was Nike stopped manufacturing shoes from petroleum- based chemical products and adopted to use organic products to manufacture its products. These changes can be applied to Nadler and Tushman theory (1995), Nadler and Tushman theory consists of four changes that is Tuning, Reorientation, Adaption and Recreation So I am going to further analyze and apply the theories to Nike. 

Making changes is manufacturing area is a reorientation because it can give a competitive advantage.

Introducing department for C.S.R is a Re-creation, Nike was forced to adopt by external events.

Changing objective of the organization is a Re-orientation because to gain a competitive advantage and increase its market share.

Changing the organizational structure and hierarchy is a Re-creation to eliminate the negative image of Nike.

Deciding to use organic product by stopping the usage of petroleum products is Reorientation to create sustainability and to increase the brand equity.

The phases of change Nike went through was during the year of 2010 to 2015 and In this case Nike was forced to go through changes by eternal environment which relates to PESTLE. PESTLE is a method which resembles the various causes to embrace change, It consist of factors like Political, economic, social, technology, legal and environment. The phases of change Nike went through was a result of each factors like political Nike operates in 7 countries for manufacturing their products and marketed to 120 countries, Nike changed their organizational objective because to increase market share and create competitive advantage which is economic factor with its competitors and social factors caused Nike to introduce new department which was for C.S.R because the people were unhappy about the unorthodox practices of Nike and Nike is coming up with new innovative products which is a result of technological advancement. Nike changed their chemical based materials to organic because of the importance of C.S.R and finally legal Nike had to implement strict rules and regulation in their factories to reduce the pressure. Applying kolb’s learning cycle to put my thoughts and ideas of what I have learnt through this case study and presentation. (AE)Testing and application My knowledge was limited about Nike, I was well aware about its brand image and that they were one of the largest shoes and athletic apparel manufactures but after attending the lectures and listening to the presentation I got to know about the problems they faced and the phases they went through. (C.E)Concrete experience I got to know about the organization well and had the opportunity to learn new concept of changes and theories and could get better knowledge about Nike. (R.O) Reflective observation I learnt that causes of change can be either through external or internal environment. The types of change and the difference between emergent and planned changes. Emergent change is not a planned or pre-analyzed it is a process which emerges randomly. (A.C) Active conceptualization I had the opportunity to learn about new concept, theories and to grasp knowledge the core ideas of change and how important it is to embrace change in the organization which can be caused from internal or external events and it helps me to make better

organizational decisions in future. It overall helps me to make right decisions and to adopt orthodox practices. Journal 2 In the third tutorial we were presenting Pace, I had not known or heard about the company previously but later on after reading the case study and seeking information about it I realized that it was set-top boxes manufacturer and broad brand provider Pace was a well-known company in United Kingdom which was founded in the year 1982 they were popular television broadband provider in U.K, the organization was a firm with a very poor work culture and was almost near bankruptcy. The changes Pace went through were the poor work culture and constantly changing C.E.O and H.R director, poor communication and bad decision, more focus on profits rather than customers too and a drastic decrease of revenue. This changes can be compared and analyzed with the three types of changes like apparent change, Incremental and revolutionary change apparent change is which occurs without changing it in any way, Incremental change is a change where new values are adopted and which reaches the core level of values and assumptions and finally revolutionary change is a change which modifies the whole system by adopting a new culture. Pace was eventually adopted revolutionary change completely changed their system and adopted core values and beliefs and adopted a strategic planned change by analyzing the required changes and implementing it in a well-structured manner which was very effective by making a remarkable turnover in just three years and by a further analyzing PESTLE it resembles that pace was deeply affected by both internal and external factors as well. PESTLE is multiple factors that influence the change like Political, Economic, Social, Technology, Legal and environment, in this case pace was influenced by economic, technology and social factors like the organization was affected by near bankruptcy and wasn’t making much profits and the organization was blaming its employees rather trying to work together and technology keeps growing rapidly so they had to come up with new ideas and innovations All these changes were in the span of 6 years from the year 2009 to 2015 and finally pace managed to resolve the issues and emerge a successful organization. (AE) Testing & Application

After presenting the case study, by every presentation my presentation skills is also getting better day by day and after evaluating the case study I got to know about the remarkable development they made in Pace in a short-period of time and got to know about the various aspects and core factors of change. (CE) Concrete Experience I was happy to get the opportunity to present and learn new things, while even my group members were helpful and I was satisfied with the group I had and overall I got to learn new concepts and theories, major changes which can affect an organization and how to overcome all the problems. (RO) Reflective Observation According to my thoughts, Pace was an easy case study which could be analyzed and understood well with the help of my lecturer, I had a good experience of understanding and gaining deeper knowledge about the phases of change they went through and understanding the major concepts as well. (AC) Abstract Conceptualisation I had no previous knowledge about the company and had never heard about it after presenting and reading the case study I was well aware about the organization and changes they went through and the different types of changes which are caused by both internal and external factors and overall could enhance my skills.

Journal 3 In the last tutorial we had chosen Kodak as our choice of company to present and evaluate the changes they went through and after doing the assignment we got deeper knowledge about Kodak rather than just perceive as a company which is no more. Kodak was a well-known company who were famous for their camera and they were the largest camera reel manufacturers in the initial stages. Kodak was both affected by internal and externally, Kodak was affected by the advancement of technology and they perceived they could make same revenue and sustainability by producing outdated reel cameras, while the customers were used to digital camera trend. Based on lewin’s model of change there are three stages of change unfreeze-change-refreeze. In the initial stage of change that is un- freeze Kodak was completely ignoring the need for change and in change stage they were the first inventors of digital camera but it turned out to be failure but they could have made it better by investing fully into it but they mismanaged their investment, while in the refreeze stage Kodak completely ignored the companies protocol to adopt innovative change and ignored the suggestions of employees and dint realize the need for change, they could have come up with new ideas to be a market leader and could have expanded their market share by investing in other products like printers, lens and other camera products. Kodak could have done by analyzing PESTLE in a proper manner political Kodak was active in manufacturing in 8 countries, economic factor was Kodak faced tough competition due its competitors like canon and Nikon who were fully producing digital camera and Kodak was completely bankrupt by the end of 2005. Social Kodak completely ignore the needs and wants of customers for technological factor Kodak completely ignored the technological advancement and taught they could survive by manufacturing reel cameras and reels these were some of the factors how Kodak was affected by PESTLE factors. (AE) Testing & Application I had the opportunity to learn new concepts and theories like Kurt Lewin’s model and about the PESTLE factors which can affect the organization by internal or external means and got a deeper

understanding of how important it is to embrace change in the organization and adapt to technological advancement. (CE) Concrete Experience I could utilize the theories and concepts which was learnt in the lectures to comprehend and analyze the case study by using the Lewin’s model and PESTLE factors which simplified the process of understanding the case study and presenting it and could understand the phase of change an organization could go through. (RO) Reflective Observation By this presentation and case study I could understand the factors which might affect the organization and could comprehend the importance of embracing changes at the right time. Which could help me to make better organizational decisions in future. (AC) Abstract Conceptualization It Helped me to understand the core concepts of organizational change and helped me to get better knowledge and phases of change Kodak went through and learnt what happens if an organization doesn’t adapt to various changes which are caused by both internally and externally and learnt about the multiple core factors which can affect the organization.

Journal 4 This is the final journal i have put my thoughts and ideas what I have learnt through this whole module of management of change. Until now it was wonderful experience of learning new things and concepts which enables me to comprehend organization in different perspective rather than a narrow perspective. I learnt new concepts and theories like Nadler & Tushman types of change which consist of tuning which is incremental change made in anticipating future events, adaptation which is also an incremental change that is made in response to the eternal events like competitors, reorientation which is strategic change which is made by anticipating the external events. And recreation which is strategic change which is made when the existence of the organization is in threat. The differences between emergent and planned change. Kurt Lewin’s model of changes which consists of three stages refreeze where an organization identifies the need for change and breaking down the existing structure before adopting a new way of doing things. Change is when an organization tries to resolve its issues and try to adopt to new way of doing things and act according to it. Refreeze is when an organization is taking shape by the new ways of working and adapting to the change and constantly trying to maintaining it. Kotter’s 8 challenges of change. 

Create a sense of urgency which talks about motivating people to be aware of the importance of embracing change

Form a powerful guiding coalition which tells about the importance of a strong and authoritative leadership to embrace change

Create a vision which talks about building a clear objectives and goals and motivate them

Communicate the vision which is explaining and communicating the organizational objective to the people

Empower others to act on vision it basically talks about empowering organizational employees to achieve its objectives and goals

Plan for and create short term wins it tells about importance of appreciating the smaller victories which helps to monitor the progress

Consolidate changes and instigate more change it basically talks about moving forward to attain higher organizational objectives rather than putting less efforts after short term victories

Institutionalize new approaches talks about implementing change in the corporate culture. Consistent endeavors are made to guarantee that improvement is acknowledged and seen as an opportunity for the organization.

(AE) Testing & Application I got an opportunity to learn many new concepts and theories which I can implement in future to be a well-structured organization and theories which are very important to be followed in each and every organization. (CE) Concrete Experience Overall It was satisfying journey of learning new things and learning to do work in groups and gaining the knowledge of various organizations and could apply the knowledge of what I learnt in future which helps to shape my career. (RO) Reflective Observation: I have learnt how important it is for an organization to have a proper culture and importance of change which should be implemented when required and I could enhance my skills of presenting and understanding of core concepts and theories and had an experience of good lecturer who made us things easy to learn. (AC) Abstract Conceptualization After this module It enhanced my knowledge of understanding organization structures and deeper knowledge of importance of culture and change when it is required. Overall it will be helpful for me to apply in future when I am running an organization to make better decisions and to embrace the ideas I have learnt in the whole module....

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