Profile of a POS Software Project PDF

Title Profile of a POS Software Project
Author Rashedur Roni
Course Computer Science
Institution জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Pages 8
File Size 83.8 KB
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The document covers a software project with a feature list, module description, the technology used for the software development, use area or applicable for the customers who will install the software. I named it CityPOS because it is a point of sale software. ...


CITY POS THE STATE OF THE ART SALES SOFTWARE Point of Sale (POS) A point of sale system, or POS, is the place where your customer makes a payment for products or services at your store. Simply put, every time a customer makes a purchase at your store, they’re completing a point of sale transaction. The POS serves as the central component for your business; it’s the hub where everything—like sales, inventory and customer management—merges. As evident as the benefits of a POS system are, we found that 56 percent of single-store retailers are still not using one. Instead, we found, many are still using a combination of manual methods, cash registers, QuickBooks and Excel for bookkeeping. So why have retailers not taken that step to POS yet? To begin with, implementing new technology—especially technology that’s central to your business process—can be scary and overwhelming. Retailers need to consider the negative consequences of failing to have a POS in place. Key Features of CITY POS: Many tasks in a retail store can be overly tedious and resource exhaustive. With the right POS system, retailers have the ability to simplify crucial daily business operations with greater proficiency. CITY POS covers the following essential business features intelligently: Sales Management:

Sales Form: Barcode based or Manual Search based sales form where you can make item list with quantity, price, discount and sub total amount. You can search your returning or existing customer or you can add a new customer to whom you are selling the item list. You can complete the bill or invoice with full due, partial due or full paid. The remaining due will be adjusted later when the customer comes again to buy. The customer can pay dues later without buy anything. The customer can make advance payment also. You can add tax/vat, transport cost, courier cost etc to the bill or invoice. You can get multiple payment options including cash, bank check, mobile banking, debit or credit cards. Reports: Generate detailed sales reports based on product, category, date between, employee, total cost of items sold, total retail amount, net profit, profit percentage, gross margin etc. Generate detailed sales reports based on customers. Provide quick snapshots and charts on your store’s sales performance. Inventory Management: One of the most important functions of a POS system, inventory management, at its very essence, keeps track of all products so you know when it’s time to order/or not order specific products to the suppliers. In CITY POS you can do:

Add new product to the inventory from purchase list. Return Product to the purchase list. Add product to the damage list. Adjust inventory Scan and count products digitally Manage your stock by creating product variations (size, color) Identify pieces of inventory with a unique serial number Track inventory levels across multiple locations Enable seamless ordering such as automatically setting custom reorders of best-sellers Consolidating purchases and orders in one order

Customer Relationship Management: Building strong relationships with your customers will lead to repeat business. A POS should have customer relationship management (CRM) to track all customer data. CITY POS gives you the ability to: Add customer with capturing customer information such as name, age, birthday, phone number and email address. Update customer information when needed. SMS Marketing through SMS Gateway to the customers. Membership card issue to the customers based on their purchase history.

Discount or gift offer to the customers based on their purchase history. Use email marketing to keep in touch with the customers.

Employee Management: The performance of your employees can make or break the success of your store. Having the ability to set sales targets as well as know who your top performers are and who requires extra coaching will help increase sales. CITY POS gives you the ability to: Add employees to your system Update (active/inactive) employees to your system Track employees’ sales history & performers

Supplier Management: Though you are a seller, as well as you are a customer to your supplier. You purchase products from suppliers and then sell to your customers. CITY POS gives you the ability to: Add supplier with their detail information including: name, phone, address, email etc. with your credit limit. Update supplier information when needed. Purchase Management: Purchase Form:

Barcode based or Manual Search based purchase form where you can make item list with quantity, price, discount and sub total amount. You can search your existing supplier or you can add a new supplier from whom you are purchasing the item list. You can complete the bill or memo with full due, partial due or full paid. The remaining due will be adjusted later when you come again to purchase from the supplier. You can pay dues later without purchase anything. You can make advance payment also. You can add tax/vat, transport cost, courier cost etc to the bill or memo. You can get multiple payment options including cash, bank check, mobile banking, debit or credit cards. Reports: Generate detailed purchase reports based on product, category, date between, employees, total cost of items purchase, total retail amount etc. Generate detailed purchase reports based on supplier. Provide quick snapshots and charts on your store’s purchase history.

Return Management: Return is an essential part of a pos. Purchase or sales; you have to have the options to return. CITY POS gives you ability to: Sales Return:

Customers can return product to you. When the return process completed, payment will be automatically adjusted to the customer balance. You can return money to customers or adjust to his/her new bill. Purchase Return: You can return product to your supplier. When the return process completed, payment will be automatically adjusted to the supplier balance. You can get return money from your supplier or adjust your new memo or bill. Payment Return: You can return money to your customer for any reason. It will be automatically adjusted to the customer balance. You can get return money from your supplier for any reason. It will be automatically adjusted to the supplier balance.

Accounts Management: Accounting is the mandatory part of your business. CITY POS gives you the value of your accounting needs. Here you will get an integrated accounting solution. It covers: Chart of accounts entry Expenditure entry with the chart of accounts Direct cash/income entry with the chart of accounts Balance transfer between the charts of accounts Report Management: This feature allows you to capture and analyze vital data on product sales as well as revenue rates and ROI. You can

determine which products need more marketing efforts, or craft better sales boosting strategies. Also, you will make yourself updated about your current business records. All of the purposes cover here. CITY POS gives you ability to: Customized sales report: Product wise report, Customer wise report, Date between reports, Category wise report. Customized purchase report: Product wise report, Supplier wise report, Date between reports, Category wise report. Customer Statement: You can get full statement of your every customer in detail as like as banking statement. Suppler Statement: You can get full statement of your every supplier in detail as like as banking statement. All other common reports: Product report, Stock report, Cash in/out report, Stock adjustment report, Return report, Customer report, Supplier report, Cash flow statement, Balance report etc.

Scope or Usability of CITY POS: Single branch or multi branch management solution round the globe Cloud based device independent solution. You can operate the system to your pc, laptop, tab or mobile Fully customizable of any feature included now Dedicated customer support round the clock around the globe 100% data security assurance accept any disaster or third party service

Anytime installable and operable

Hardware Components of CITY POS: These are the common physical components required to get your POS up and running: PC/Laptop/tablet/Mobile (mandatory), Barcode scanner (if you like), Credit card reader (if you like), Receipt printer (mandatory), Cash drawer (if you like), Label printer (for barcode print), Report printer (for report print), Broadband internet connection (mandatory).

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