Propst APAmodule 3 - Grade: A+ PDF

Title Propst APAmodule 3 - Grade: A+
Course Introduction to Research
Institution Liberty University
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APA format paper on APA format for psych 255 online course...



Lessons Learned About Writing Style

Bridget Propst Department of Psychology, Liberty University PSYC 255: Introduction to Research Dr. Trevizu September 13, 2021

2 Lessons Learned About Writing Style Introduction In this course we read, study, and discuss about writing styles that specifically focus on APA format. Through this paper, we will analyze and discuss question in topics brought up in both of this course textbooks. We will discuss formatting, in-text citation, and talk about what is a scholarly source. We will also elaborate on databases we can obtain the scholarly sources from like Jerry Falwell Library. Questions and Answer: Different Types of Personal Communications In our APA Publication Manual, you will find the instructions for proper formatting for a personal communication in section 8.9 on page 67. Personal communication are things such as e-mails, telephone conversations, personal interviews, private letters. When citing these such things they can only be cited in-text. When citing you need to include the initials and surname of the person who was communicating. You also need to provide the exact date of the communication. An example of a citation of a personal communication would be “J. Smith, personal communication, September 16, 2021.” The Different Levels of Headings When writing a paper in APA format it is important to define the levels of headings. Defining the levels of heading will allow the paper to have a better organization, making it easier when reading and writing the paper. The organization or the different heading is almost like completely outlining your paper before writing it. According to our APA manual provided to us there are five different levels of

3 headings. The first level is for a topic most likely for an introduction. After the first level heading any other subjection would just be one heading over (APA, 2020). What a DOI is DOI stands for a digital object identifier. It is a hyperlink that connects what you are writing in the paper with a document that is online. Typically, this is used when you are taking information directly from another document and you need to source it. The string attachment is registered through the agency (the International DOI Foundation), this help indemnify content through a link to access a journal, website, article, etc. on the internet. In APA format if a DOI is available for an article or journal on the internet you should include it. The DOI is a permanent ID that is appeared in the address bar. An example would be: context_token=4936b3c0-f96f-0139-d99a-4efd3c9c29ab. Browsing the Jerry Falwell Library The results I received from this topic I am interested in consisting of journals, articles, and some books. I searched about books and articles on cardiac arrest. As a nursing major, I am quite interested in topics as such. Majority of the books that came up as a result were eBooks, but also had the availability to print too. My search resulted with 29 results found in books, over 252, 895 results in articles, and 25 results found in databases. The results from the searched also will bring up certain pages or chapters that some of my topic is involved in. In the end, I was able to find all I needed from documents to links to other sources and more that can better my research and education of the area of my study.

4 Alternative Resources One of many ways you could acquire a scholarly document would be from Google Scholar. While using Google Scholar you should use the advance search, so you have a more define and reliable results in your search. Another you could use is database called Academic Search Complete that allow you to choose “peer-reviewed journals.” Lastly, one other database you could use for scholarly resources is JSTOR. This database only contains scholarly sources, which is high appraised since peerreviewed sources are considered the most authoritative sources. Citation Formatting In our textbook provided in our course, it covers citations in section 8.10 of the book. In this section it describes how sources and citation are important and how to do it. In-text citations contain the author’s last name with the year of publication following it in parentheses. For example:

Religious and classical works

King James Bible. (2017). King James Bible Online.

Your Introduction to Research textbook Crawford, A.R. (2019). Introduction to research: Less fright, more insight (Custom 3rd ed.).

An unpublished manuscript such as a graduate student’s thesis at a university Yoo, J., Miyamoto, Y., Rigotti, A., & Ryff, C. (2016). Linking positive affect to blood lipids:

5 A cultural perspective [Unpublished manuscript]. Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin–Madison.

The APA Publication Manual itself Association, A. P. (2019). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. [Liberty University Online Bookshelf]. Retrieved from A scholarly journal article with a DOI Mikki, S. Scholarly publications beyond pay-walls: increased citation advantage for open publishing. Scientometrics 113, 1529–1538 (2017).

Conclusion Although APA format can be challenging when writing a paper and using a citation. Having a manual provided like our APA Manual will help you guide and learn how to properly write a paper for any of courses in APA format. I believe having this type of manual is very beneficial to college students for courses as such due to APA not typically taught in high school.


7 References Association, A. P. (2019). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. [Liberty University Online Bookshelf]. Retrieved from Crawford, A.R. (2019). Introduction to research: Less fright, more insight (Custom 3rd ed.).

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