PSY 7708 Unit 10 Quiz PDF

Title PSY 7708 Unit 10 Quiz
Author Ambar Rodriguez
Course Intro to ABA
Institution Capella University
Pages 21
File Size 513.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 83
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 Question 1 3 out of 3 points

A behavior that occurs more often in the presence of a stimulus than in its absence is said to be under:

Selected Answer:

b. Stimulus control.


a. Discriminative stimulus. b. Stimulus control. c. Stimulus generalization. d. Generalization gradient.

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 Question 2 4 out of 4 points

A discriminative stimulus is:

Selected Answer:

a. A stimulus in the presence of which a response will be reinforced.


a. A stimulus in the presence of which a response will be reinforced. b. A stimulus in the presence of which a response will not be reinforced. c. A stimulus in the presence of which a response will be placed on extinction. d. A stimulus that cues respondent behaviors to occur.

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 Question 3 4 out of 4 points

A student engages in disruptive behavior in the classroom in order to get attention from the teacher. In order to decrease the disruptive behavior, the teacher gives the student frequent attention so that receiving attention by engaging in disruptive behavior is less reinforcing. Which antecedent control strategy is the teacher using to decrease the student's disruptive behavior?

Selected Answer:

d. Presenting an abolishing operation.



Removing cues for the problem behavior. b. Decreasing response effort. c. Removing the discriminative stimulus. d. Presenting an abolishing operation. Answer Feedback:


 Question 4 4 out of 4 points

An abative effect refers to a decrease in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus, event, or object.

Selected Answer:

a. True.


a. True. b. False.

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 Question 5 4 out of 4 points

An evocative effect refers to:

Selected Answer:

b. An increase in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus, object, or event.


a. A decrease in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus, object, or event. b. An increase in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus, object, or event. c. No effect on the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus, object, or event. d. A combination of decreasing and increasing effects on the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus, object, or event.

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 Question 6 4 out of 4 points

Beth has been hiking in the desert all day and, as a result, is dying for a glass of water. The increase in the reinforcing value of water due to hiking in the desert is referred to as:

Selected Answer:

b. Deprivation.


a. Satiation. b. Deprivation. c. Conditioning . d. Reinforceme nt.

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 Question 7 4 out of 4 points

Bill drives faster than the speed limit only when his friends are in the car with him, because they tell him he is cool. Bill's behavior of driving over the speed limit only when his friends are with him is said to be under ____________ control.

Selected Answer:

d. Stimulus.


a. Situation al. b. Operant. c. Isolated. d. Stimulus.

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 Question 8 4 out of 4 points

Bill drives faster than the speed limit only when his friends are in the car with him, because they tell him he is cool. He does not speed when his parents or girlfriend are in the car, because they do not say it is cool. What is the S D in this example?

Selected Answer:

c. Friends.


a. Parents. b. Girlfriend. c.

Friends. d. Parents and girlfriend. Answer Feedback:


 Question 9 4 out of 4 points

Bill wants to increase the amount of water that he drinks each day, so he keeps a filled water bottle on his desk at work. Bill also sets his watch to beep every hour to remind him to take a drink of water. Which antecedent control strategy is Bill using to increase his desired behavior of drinking water?

Selected Answer:

b. Presenting the discriminative stimulus and cues.


a. Removing the discriminative stimulus and cues. b. Presenting the discriminative stimulus and cues. c. Arranging establishing operations. d.

Increasing response effort. Answer Feedback:


 Question 10 3 out of 3 points

Deprivation makes a reinforcer _______ potent.

Selected Answer:

b. More.


a. Less. b. More. c. Equall y. d. Not.

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 Question 11 4 out of 4 points

In behavior modification, an event that alters the value of a stimulus as a reinforcer is referred to as a(n):

Selected Answer:

d. Motivating operation.


a. Extinction burst. b. Three-term contingency. c. Discriminative stimulus. d. Motivating operation.

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 Question 12 4 out of 4 points

John just ate a big Thanksgiving dinner. When John is offered a piece of his favorite pie he declines. The decrease in the reinforcing value of pie for John is an example of:

Selected Answer:

b. Satiation.


a. Deprivation.

b. Satiation. c. Reinforceme nt. d. Extinction. Answer Feedback:


 Question 13 4 out of 4 points

Motivating operations:

Selected Answer:

d. Evoke the target behavior even if not first successful at doing so.


a. Will evoke the target behavior every single time. b. May never evoke the target behavior. c. Should evoke the target behavior, but may not consistently do so. d. Evoke the target behavior even if not

first successful at doing so. Answer Feedback:


 Question 14 4 out of 4 points

Operant stimulus control has been achieved when:

Selected Answer:

c. A response occurs more frequently in the presence of a specific stimulus, but rarely occurs in the absence of the stimulus.


a. A response occurs frequently throughout the day under a variety of stimulus conditions. b. A response occurs in the presence of a conditioned stimulus. c. A response occurs more frequently in the presence of a specific stimulus, but rarely occurs in the absence of the stimulus. d. A response occurs more frequently in the absence of a specific stimulus, but rarely occurs in its presence.




 Question 15 4 out of 4 points

Presenting the discriminative stimulus and cues for a behavior make the behavior ____________ likely to occur, and removing the discriminative stimulus and cues for the behavior make the behavior ____________ likely to occur.

Selected Answer:

a. More, less


a. More, less b. Less, more c. More, more d. Less, less

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 Question 16 3 out of 3 points

Satiation makes a reinforcer _____ potent.

Selected Answer:

a. Less.


a. Less. b. More. c. Equall y. d. Not.

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 Question 17 4 out of 4 points

The presence of an establishing operation makes the consequence of a behavior ____________, and the presence of an abolishing operation makes the consequence of a behavior ____________.

Selected Answer:

a. More reinforcing, less reinforcing.


a. More reinforcing, less reinforcing.

b. Less reinforcing, more reinforcing. c. More punishing, less punishing. d. Aversive, desirable. Answer Feedback:


 Question 18 4 out of 4 points

The term motivating operation has been suggested to replace the term establishing operation with the addition of the terms:

Selected Answer:

c. Value-altering, behavioraltering.


a. Condition-altering, behavioraltering. b. Unconditioned, conditioned. c. Value-altering, behavioraltering.

d. Operant, conditioned evocative. Answer Feedback:


 Question 19 4 out of 4 points

What happens when a discriminative stimulus is present?

Selected Answer:

d. It makes the behavior more likely to occur.


a. It has no influence over the behavior. b. It makes the behavior less likely to occur. c. It inhibits the behavior. d. It makes the behavior more likely to occur.

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 Question 20 3 out of 3 points

When a person has not had a particular reinforcer for a long time, the reinforcer is less potent at that time.

Selected Answer:

b. False.


a. True. b. False.

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 Question 21 4 out of 4 points

When the family dog licks the faces of the children in the family, they laugh and give the dog a treat. When the dog licks the faces of the parents, they scold the dog. As a result, the dog no longer licks the faces of the parents, but continues to lick the faces of the children. The children's faces would be an example of a(n) ________ for the dog licking their faces:

Selected Answer:

d. Discriminative stimulus.


a. Negative reinforcer. b. S-delta.

c. Unconditioned stimulus. d. Discriminative stimulus. Answer Feedback:


 Question 22 4 out of 4 points

When you tell jokes and your friends laugh, you are more likely to tell jokes to your friends. Your friends are _______ for telling jokes.

Selected Answer:

a. Discriminative stimuli.


a. Discriminative stimuli. b. S-deltas. c. Punishers. d. Conditioned

stimuli. Answer Feedback:


 Question 23 4 out of 4 points

Whenever Tommy has a babysitter and asks to stay up past his bedtime, the babysitter lets him. Whenever Tommy asks his parents to let him stay up past his bedtime, they do not let him. As a result, Tommy only asks the babysitter if he can stay up past his bedtime. The presence of the babysitter at bed time is referred to as a(n) __________ for asking to stay up late.

Selected Answer:

d. Discriminative stimulus.


a. Stimulus class. b. S-delta. c. Reinforcer. d. Discriminative stimulus.

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 Question 24 4 out of 4 points

Which is the correct representation of the sequence of the four terms of a contingency of reinforcement?

Selected Answer:

a. EO, S D, target response, S r+ (future responding increases; the EO is relevant to the S r+ selected).


a. EO, SD, target response, Sr+ (future responding increases; the EO is relevant to the Sr+ selected). b. SD, EO, target response, Sr+ (future responding may increase; the EO is relevant to the Sr+ selected). c. SD, EO, target response, Sr+ (future responding decreases; the EO is relevant to the Sr+ selected). d. EO, SD, target response, Sr+ (future responding increases; the EO is not relevant to the Sr+ selected).

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 Question 25 4 out of 4 points

Which of the following shows the correct sequence in a three-term contingency?

Selected Answer:

a. Discriminative stimulus, response, consequence.


a. Discriminative stimulus, response, consequence. b. Consequence, response, discriminative stimulus. c. Response, consequence, discriminative stimulus. d. Discriminative stimulus, consequence, response.

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 Question 26 4 out of 4 points

__________ and __________ are examples of motivating operations that make food more or less effective as reinforcement.

Selected Answer:

d. Satiation,

deprivation. Answers:

a. Time, effort. b. Stimulus, antecedent. c. Speed, fluency. d. Satiation, deprivation.

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