PSY 7709 Unit 8 Quiz - Quiz PDF

Title PSY 7709 Unit 8 Quiz - Quiz
Author Ambar Rodriguez
Course Advanced Concepts in Applied Behavior Analysis
Institution Capella University
Pages 14
File Size 357.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 71
Total Views 147




 Question 1 6 out of 6 points

The formal properties of language involve which of the following?

Selected Answer:

b. Topography of the verbal response.


a. Cause of the verbal response. b. Topography of the verbal response. c. Unseen forces of verbal language. d. Language properties are not formal.

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 Question 2 6 out of 6 points

The functional properties of language involve which of the following?

Selected Answer:

a. Causes of the verbal response.


a. Causes of the verbal response. b. Topography of the verbal response. c. Language properties do not have functional components. d. Unobservable psychic antecedents.

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 Question 3 6 out of 6 points

Why was there slow appreciation for Skinner's work Verbal Behavior?

Selected Answer:

d. All of the other answers are correct.


a. It was met with immediate challenges from the field of linguistics and psycholinguistics, including a negative review by Noam Chomsky, to which Skinner did not respond. b. Lack of research and data supporting his theory.

c. Lack of interest and negative reactions from the field of behavior analysis. d. All of the other answers are correct. Answer Feedback:


 Question 4 6 out of 6 points

A mand is a type of verbal operant in which a speaker:

Selected Answer:

b. Asks for (or states, demands, implies, et cetera) what he needs or wants.


a. Differentially responds to the verbal behavior of others. b. Asks for (or states, demands, implies, et cetera) what he needs or wants. c. Repeats the verbal behavior of another speaker. d. Names things and actions that the speaker has direct contact with through any of the sense modes.

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 Question 5 6 out of 6 points

An intraverbal response is a type of verbal operant in which a speaker:

Selected Answer:

a. Differentially responds to the verbal behavior of others.


a. Differentially responds to the verbal behavior of others. b. Asks for (or states, demands, implies, et cetera) what he needs or wants. c. Repeats the verbal behavior of another speaker. d. Names things and actions that the speaker has direct contact with through any of the sense modes.

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 Question 6 5 out of 5 points

A tact is a type of verbal operant in which a speaker:

Selected Answer:

d. Names things and actions that the speaker has direct contact with through any of the sense modes.


a. Differentially responds to the verbal behavior of others. b. Asks for (or states, demands, implies, et cetera) what he needs or wants. c. Repeats the verbal behavior of another speaker. d. Names things and actions that the speaker has direct contact with through any of the sense modes.

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 Question 7 5 out of 5 points

Public accompaniment occurs when:

Selected Answer:

b. An observable stimulus accompanies a private stimulus.


a. A stimulus property that is only indirectly related to the tact relation avoids substandard verbal behavior. b. An observable stimulus accompanies a private stimulus. c. A stimulus that follows the behavior of interest decreases its rate of occurrence. d. Two people move together in sync.

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 Question 8 5 out of 5 points

Anna and her mom are walking through the park when they see a woman walking her dog. Upon seeing the dog, Anna says, "Dog." This response is most closely related to which verbal operant?

Selected Answer:

b. Tact.


a. Mand. b. Tact.

c. Intraverb al. d. Echoic. Answer Feedback:


 Question 9 5 out of 5 points

When someone asks your name and you answer, your response is an example of what type of verbal operant?

Selected Answer:

c. Intraverb al.


a. Mand. b. Tact. c. Intraverb al. d. Echoic.

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 Question 10 5 out of 5 points

Jack is blowing bubbles for Dianne when he suddenly stops blowing the bubbles. Diane says, "Bubbles," to Jack to indicate that she wants more bubbles. This immediately results in Jack blowing more bubbles. What type of verbal operant did Dianne engage in?

Selected Answer:

a. Mand.


a. Mand. b. Tact. c. Negative reinforcement. d. Echoic.

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 Question 11 5 out of 5 points

Manding is an essential verbal operant that is predicated on______.

Selected Answer:

a. Motivation.


a. Motivation. b. Reinforcement. c. Consequences. d. The three-term contingency.

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 Question 12 5 out of 5 points

A discriminative stimulus is:

Selected Answer:

a. A stimulus in the presence of which a response will be reinforced.


a. A stimulus in the presence of which a response will be reinforced. b. A stimulus in the presence of which a response will not be reinforced. c. A stimulus in the presence of which a

response will be placed on extinction. d. A stimulus that cues respondent behaviors to occur. Answer Feedback:


 Question 13 5 out of 5 points

__________ is a technical term used to identify the procedure of withholding reinforcers that maintain behavior.

Selected Answer:

c. Extinction.


a. Reinforceme nt. b. Punishment. c. Extinction. d. Time-out.

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 Question 14


5 out of 5 points

When Timmy wanted a drink, he generally screamed at his mother until she gave him a drink. Which of the following extinction procedures is the most appropriate choice?

Selected Answer:

a. Extinction of behavior maintained by positive reinforcement.


a. Extinction of behavior maintained by positive reinforcement. b. Extinction of behavior maintained by negative reinforcement. c. Extinction of behavior maintained by positive punishment. d. Extinction of behavior maintained by automatic reinforcement.

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 Question 15 5 out of 5 points

When Bobby was given a worksheet in class, he screamed and crawled under his desk. Bobby would continue to scream and remain under his desk until his teacher removed the worksheet and left him alone. Which of the following extinction procedures is the most appropriate choice?

Selected Answer:

b. Extinction of behavior maintained by negative reinforcement.


a. Extinction of behavior maintained by positive reinforcement. b. Extinction of behavior maintained by negative reinforcement. c. Extinction of behavior maintained by positive punishment. d. Extinction of behavior maintained by automatic reinforcement.

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 Question 16 5 out of 5 points

A child is thirsty and points to a cup of milk. This is an example of a mand.

Selected Answer:

a. True.


a. True.

b. False. Answer Feedback:

Correc t.

 Question 17 5 out of 5 points

Michael is sitting in the cafeteria where there are no windows. He tells his friend Tommy there are red birds outside. This is an example of a tact.

Selected Answer:

b. False.


a. True. b. False.

Answer Feedback:

Correct. Michael did not have contact with the birds, so his behavior is not a tact.

 Question 18 5 out of 5 points

Johnathan missed lunch today. When he gets home he signs "apple" to his mother, who gives him apple slices as a snack. This is an example of a mand.






a. True. b. False.

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Correc t.

 Question 19 5 out of 5 points

Aika walked into the house and said, "I smell popcorn!" Her father had just popped a bag of popcorn in another room. This is an example of a tact.

Selected Answer:

a. True.


a. True. b. False.

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Correc t....

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