PSY 7708 Unit 6 Quiz - Quiz PDF

Title PSY 7708 Unit 6 Quiz - Quiz
Author Ambar Rodriguez
Course Intro to ABA
Institution Capella University
Pages 17
File Size 376.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 101
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 Question 1 5 out of 5 points

Andrew was removed from class because he swore at his teacher. As a result of being removed from class activities, Andrew never swears at his teacher again. This is an example of:

Selected Answer:

c. Negative punishment.


a. Positive punishment. b. Extinction. c. Negative punishment. d. Negative reinforcement.

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 Question 2 5 out of 5 points

Devon is driving his brand new car, sees a red light, and steps on the gas (that is, he speeds through the red light). Devon's car is hit. Devon is fine, but his brand new car is dented. In the future, under similar conditions, Devon no

longer speeds up when he sees a red light. Antecedent: Sees red light. Behavior: Steps on the gas (that is, speeds up). Consequence: Car crash. Which operation best describes this scenario?

Selected Answer:

c. Positive punishment.


a. Positive reinforcement. b. Negative reinforcement. c. Positive punishment. d. Negative punishment.

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 Question 3 5 out of 5 points

Lori wants to decrease the amount of soda that she drinks, and she arranges a contingency for meeting her goal. If she drinks more than two cans of soda during the day, she cannot watch television in the evening. What type of contingency has Lori arranged?

Selected Answer:

d. Negative punishment.


a. Positive reinforcement. b. Negative reinforcement. c. Positive punishment. d. Negative punishment.

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 Question 4 6 out of 6 points

Ms. Miller asked Steven to take out his pencil and begin working on his math worksheet. Steven did not respond. Ms. Miller removed tokens from Steven's token board without saying a word. In the future, when Ms. Miller asks Steven to take out his pencil and to begin work, without hesitation Steven gets right to work (that is, noncompliance decreases). Antecedent: "Take out your pencil." Behavior: Noncompliance, specifically, not following the teacher's direction the first time that the direction is given. Consequence: Removal of token from the token board.

Which operation best describes this scenario?

Selected Answer:

d. Negative punishment.


a. Positive reinforcement. b. Negative reinforcement. c. Positive punishment. d. Negative punishment.

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 Question 5 0 out of 6 points

Negative punishment can best be defined as:

b. Removal of a stimulus after a behavior that decreases the occurrence of the behavior.

 Question 6 5 out of 5 points

Negative punishment procedures involve the ____________ following the occurrence of a problem behavior.

Selected Answer:

b. Removal of a reinforcing stimulus.


a. Removal of an aversive stimulus. b. Removal of a reinforcing stimulus. c. Presentation of a reinforcing stimulus. d. Presentation of an aversive stimulus.

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 Question 7 6 out of 6 points

Negative reinforcement is often confused with punishment. Which is a potential source of confusion in these terms and an explanation why this understanding is incorrect?

Selected Answer:

d. All of the other answers are correct.


a. People often think that negative reinforcement is the opposite of positive reinforcement, and therefore assume that negative reinforcement means punishment. However, the terms positive and negative refer to the presentation and removal of stimuli rather than the goodness or badness of the stimulus. b. People confuse negative reinforcement and punishment, because they both involve the use of aversive stimuli. In negative reinforcement, the aversive stimulus is present prior to the occurrence of a target behavior (resulting in an increase in the behavior over time). c. People confuse punishment and negative reinforcement, because they both involve the use of aversive stimuli. With punishment, the aversive stimulus follows the occurrence of a target behavior (resulting in a decrease in that behavior over time). d. All of the other answers are correct.

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 Question 8 6 out of 6 points

Positive punishment can best be defined as:

Selected Answer:

c. Delivery of a stimulus after a behavior that decreases the occurrence of the behavior.


a. Delivery of a stimulus after a behavior that increases the occurrence of the behavior. b. Removal of a stimulus after a behavior that decreases the occurrence of the behavior. c. Delivery of a stimulus after a behavior that decreases the occurrence of the behavior. d. Removal of a stimulus after a behavior that increases the occurrence of the behavior.




 Question 9 5 out of 5 points

Positive punishment procedures involve the ____________ following the occurrence of a problem behavior.

Selected Answer:

d. Presentation of an aversive stimulus.


a. Removal of an aversive stimulus. b. Removal of a reinforcing stimulus. c. Presentation of a reinforcing stimulus. d. Presentation of an aversive stimulus.

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 Question 10 5 out of 5 points

Punishment by contingent removal of a stimulus is also known as:

Selected Answer:

b. Negative punishment or type II punishment.


a. Negative punishment or type I punishment. b. Negative punishment or type II punishment. c. Positive punishment or type I punishment. d. Positive punishment or type II punishment.

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 Question 11 6 out of 6 points

The current status of knowledge regarding the use of punishment was rendered from research that was conducted more than _______ years ago.

Selected Answer:

d. 40.


a. 100.

b. 10. c. 70. d. 40. Answer Feedback:

Correc t.

 Question 12 5 out of 5 points

The key behavioral effect of punishment by contingent removal of a stimulus is:

Selected Answer:

d. A decreased frequency, duration, or intensity of behaviors targeted for punishment.


a. Increased frequency, duration, or intensity of non-problematic behaviors. b. Increased compliance by the individual. c. Collateral improvement in academic skills. d.

A decreased frequency, duration, or intensity of behaviors targeted for punishment. Answer Feedback:


 Question 13 5 out of 5 points

Tom wants to decrease his behavior of swearing. He arranges a contingency in which he will pay five dollars to his parents every day that he swears. What type of contingency has Tom arranged?

Selected Answer:

d. Negative punishment.


a. Positive reinforcement. b. Negative reinforcement. c. Positive punishment. d. Negative punishment.

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 Question 14 5 out of 5 points

What is the main different between positive reinforcement and positive punishment?

Selected Answer:

b. Positive reinforcement is used to increase behaviors while positive punishment is used to decrease behaviors.


a. Positive reinforcement involves adding a stimulus while positive punishment involves removing a stimulus. b. Positive reinforcement is used to increase behaviors while positive punishment is used to decrease behaviors. c. Positive reinforcement involves removing a stimulus while positive punishment involves adding a stimulus. d. Positive reinforcement is used to decrease behaviors while positive punishment is used to increase behaviors.




 Question 15 5 out of 5 points

When a behavior occurs and is followed by a consequence that results in a decrease in the behavior in the future, it is referred to as:

Selected Answer:

d. Punishment.


a. Extinction. b. Antecedent control. c. Negative reinforcement. d. Punishment.

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 Question 16 5 out of 5 points

When a behavior occurs and is followed by the presentation of a stimulus that results in a decrease in the behavior in the future, it is referred to as:

Selected Answer:

b. Positive punishment.


a. Negative punishment. b. Positive punishment. c. Negative reinforcement. d. Extinction.

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 Question 17 5 out of 5 points

When a behavior occurs and is followed by the removal of a stimulus that results in a decrease in the behavior in the future, it is referred to as:

Selected Answer: Answers:

a. Negative punishment. a. Negative

punishment. b. Positive punishment. c. Negative reinforcement. d. Extinction. Answer Feedback:


 Question 18 5 out of 5 points

Which of the following statements is true?

Selected Answer:

d. All of the other answers are correct.


a. A decrease in the future frequency of the occurrence of a behavior must be observed before a consequence-based intervention qualifies as punishment. b. Emotional and aggressive acts are potential side effects of punishment use. c.

Punishment may evoke escape and/or avoidant behaviors. d. All of the other answers are correct. Answer Feedback:


 Question 19 5 out of 5 points

Zach comes home past his curfew and is yelled at by his parents. If, as a result of being yelled at, Zach never comes home late again it would be an example of ____________.

Selected Answer:

a. Positive punishment.


a. Positive punishment. b. Positive reinforcement. c. Negative punishment. d. Negative reinforcement.

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