PSY 7708 Unit 7 Quiz - Quiz PDF

Title PSY 7708 Unit 7 Quiz - Quiz
Author Ambar Rodriguez
Course Intro to ABA
Institution Capella University
Pages 15
File Size 191.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 91
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 Question 1 5 out of 5 points

A fixed interval schedule of reinforcement provides reinforcement for the first correct response following a:

Selected Answer:

c. Fixed duration of time.


a. Fixed number of responses. b. Variable number of responses. c. Fixed duration of time. d. Variable duration of time.

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 Question 2 5 out of 5 points

A major goal of most behavior change programs is the development of:

Selected Answer:

d. All the above.


a. Naturally occurring activities. b. Stimuli. c. Events to function as reinforcement. d. All the above.

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 Question 3 5 out of 5 points

A schedule of reinforcement is a rule that describes:

Selected Answer:

b. A contingency of reinforcement.


a. The type of reinforcement used. b. A contingency of reinforcement. c. A calendar of when intervention is delivered.

d. A rule that describes a contingency of punishment. Answer Feedback:


 Question 4 5 out of 5 points

A telemarketer has to make a certain number of calls before a sale is made. However, the telemarketer does not know the exact number of calls that will be required in order to make a sale. This is an example of a _________ schedule of reinforcement:

Selected Answer:

b. Variable ratio.


a. Fixed ratio. b. Variable ratio. c. Fixed interval. d. variable interval.

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 Question 5


5 out of 5 points

Behavior analysts use intermittent reinforcement to:

Selected Answer:

d. Maintain established behaviors.


a. Build skill acquisition. b. Weaken established behaviors. c. Strengthen new behaviors. d. Maintain established behaviors.

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 Question 6 5 out of 5 points

Common side effects associated with ________ include avoidance, aggression, and pauses in behavior.

Selected Answer:

a. Ratio strain.



Ratio strain. b. Post-reinforcement pause. c. Scallop effect. d. Fixed interval. Answer Feedback:


 Question 7 5 out of 5 points

Continuous reinforcement provides a reinforcer for:

Selected Answer:

c. Each occurrence of behavior.


a. Every second response. b. One response only. c. Each occurrence of behavior. d. The first response, then noncontingently, or

discontinuously, thereafter. Answer Feedback:


 Question 8 5 out of 5 points

Every time Baxter raised his hand in class, Mrs. Tulley called on him. What schedule of reinforcement is Baxter's hand raising on?

Selected Answer:

c. Continuous reinforcement.


a. Intermittent reinforcement. b. Fixed-interval. c. Continuous reinforcement. d. Fixed-ratio 2.

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 Question 9 5 out of 5 points

In ____________ procedures, a reinforcer is removed following the occurrence of the behavior and the behavior decreases in the future. In ____________ procedures a punisher is applied following the occurrence of the behavior and the behavior decreases in the future.

Selected Answer:

b. Negative punishment, positive punishment.


a. Negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement. b. Negative punishment, positive punishment. c. Positive punishment, negative punishment. d. Negative punishment, negative reinforcement.

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 Question 10 5 out of 5 points

In a ____________ reinforcement schedule, the reinforcer is delivered for the first response following an average of X amount of time.

Selected Answer:

b. Variable interval.


a. Fixed interval. b. Variable interval. c. Fixed ratio. d. Variable ratio.

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 Question 11 5 out of 5 points

Nicole's teacher praises her for every math problem that she completes. This is an example of a(n) _____________ reinforcement schedule.

Selected Answer:

c. Continuou s.


a. Intermitte nt.

b. Fixed. c. Continuou s. d. Interval. Answer Feedback:


 Question 12 0 out of 5 points

Schedule thinning refers to: Gradually increasing the response ratio or the duration of the time interval.

 Question 13 5 out of 5 points

The four basic schedules of intermittent reinforcement are:

Selected Answer:

a. Fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, and variable interval.


a. Fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, and variable interval.

b. Fixed, variable, stable, and continuous. c. Continuous, intermittent, mixed, and stable. d. None of the above. Answer Feedback:


 Question 14 5 out of 5 points

Tim is just learning to read. Which reinforcement schedule would be the most effective for him?

Selected Answer:

a. Continuou s.


a. Continuou s. b. Intermitte nt. c. Fixed. d. Interval.

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 Question 15 5 out of 5 points

Timmy has just recently begun clearing his plate after he finishes his meal. Timmy's mother really likes this new behavior and would like to see more of it. Which schedule of reinforcement should Timmy's mother use to strengthen Timmy's new behavior of clearing his plate?

Selected Answer:

d. Continuous reinforcement.


a. Variable-ratio 8. b. Intermittent reinforcement. c. Fixed-ratio 10. d. Continuous reinforcement.

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 Question 16 5 out of 5 points

Tom's supervisor tells him that for every 10 cars Tom sells, he will get a $500 bonus. This is an example of a _______________ reinforcement schedule.

Selected Answer:

b. Fixed ratio.


a. Fixed interval. b. Fixed ratio. c. Variable interval. d. Variable ratio.

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 Question 17 5 out of 5 points

Verbal praise does not appear to be a reinforcer for Jack. However, he works very hard to earn gummy bears. The therapist is always presenting verbal praise simultaneously when presenting a gummy bear to Jack. In this example, what is the therapist trying to establish?

Selected Answer:

a. Verbal praise as a conditioned reinforcer.


a. Verbal praise as a conditioned reinforcer. b. The table as a conditioned reinforcer. c. An unconditioned punisher. d. A new mand.

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 Question 18 5 out of 5 points

When just beginning to shape a new behavior, what general type of reinforcement schedule should you use for the initial responses?

Selected Answer:

c. Continuous schedule.


a. Fixed ratio schedule. b. Variable ratio schedule. c.

Continuous schedule. d. Variable interval schedule. Answer Feedback:


 Question 19 0 out of 5 points

Which of the following is not true about conditioned reinforcers and punishers? They are a byproduct of operant conditioning.

 Question 20 5 out of 5 points

With variable reinforcement, a number representing the __________ number of responses required for reinforcement is determined.

Selected Answer:

d. Averag e.


a. Median . b. Mode.

c. Least. d. Averag e. Answer Feedback:

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