PSY1102 Syllabus (Dr. Haddad) PDF

Title PSY1102 Syllabus (Dr. Haddad)
Author Anonymous User
Course Introduction to Psychology: Applications
Institution University of Ottawa
Pages 15
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Syllabus for PSY1102 (Intro to Psychology: Applications) at uOttawa.
Prof: Dr. Haddad...


1 École de psychologie | School of Psychology Faculté des sciences sociales | Faculty of Social Sciences

Introduction to Psychology: Applications PSY1102E Dr. Haddad Winter 2020

Course Outline Class Schedule

Mondays: 8:30 am till 9:50 am Thursdays: 10 am till11:20 am In: MNT 202

Office hours:

- Mondays 11:30 till 1:30pm - By appointment only - I am also available in the classroom before the lecture on Mondays &Thursdays and after the lectures on Thursdays Office:


VNR 2020

[email protected]


Table of Contents Textbook

: pp. 3

Course Content

: pp. 4

Student Evaluation

: pp. 6

ISPR *Worth 4% of your grade : pp. 7 & 8 Absence from Exams Midterms

: pp. 9 & 10


: pp. 10

Useful Contact Information

: pp. 11

Religious Accommodations

: pp. 11

Sexual violence

: pp. 12

Campus –Useful Resources

: pp. 12 -13-14

Academic Fraud

: pp. 14


Official Course Description Heredity, environment, and human development. Intelligence. Personality. Mental health, abnormal behaviour and therapeutic approaches. Social psychology.

General Course Objectives The goals of this course are to provide an overview of the vast field of psychology and to illustrate the scientific methods used to study behavior.

Organization of the course Each student is assigned to a specific section: A, B, C, D, E, or F. Due to the large number of students registered in this course (over 3500), we have to control the registration in the different sections. When you register, you are automatically assigned to one section. If, for a serious reason, you wish to change section, you should meet, before the deadline, with an academic advisor of your faculty. A professor and a teaching assistant are assigned to each section. Each Intro professor follows a similar procedure. Thus, all Intro sections are substantially the same in content and approach

Bibliography The textbook is entitled "Psychology" (11th Edition), by David G. Myers. It is available at the University Bookstore. We strongly suggest that you buy your own copy; it is a recent document on modern psychology and it covers the course program efficiently and pleasurably. Online student resources are available at the following website:


Course content A total of eight chapters will be covered in this course. They are listed below in the order with which they will be presented in the classroom: 1. Chapter 4:

Nature, Nurture and Human Diversity, pp.133-175

2. Chapter 5:

Developing Through The Life Span, pp. 176- 227.

3. Chapter 10: Intelligence, pp. 384-417. 4. Chapter 12: Stress and Health, pp. 488- 513 only (Emotions are not included) 5. Chapter 14:

Personality, pp. 570-607.

6. Chapter 15:

Psychological Disorders, pp. 608-655.

7. Chapter 16:

Therapy pp. 656-693.

8. Chapter 13:

Social Psychology pp. 516-569.

NOTE: If you did not take PSY1101, we strongly suggest that you read pages 1 to 17 of your textbook

Teaching method:



Attendance: Schedule

Class attendance is necessary to successfully complete this course.

Please note that we may go faster or slower than the pace indicated below

Jan 6th to Jan 13th

Chapter 4

Jan 16th to Jan 27th

Chapter 5

Jan 30th to Feb 3rd

Chapter 10

Feb 5th

Chapter 12

Feb 10th

1st Midterm. Please check p. 6 of syllabus for midterm content. The information on p. 6 is accurate you do not need to confirm it with me.

Feb 13th

Chapter 12

Feb 16th to 23rd

Reading week

Feb 24th

Chapter 14

Feb 27th to March 5th

Chapter 15

Mach 9th to March 12th

Chapter 16

March 16th

2nd Midterm. Please check p. 6 of syllabus for midterm content. The information on p. 6 is accurate you do not need to confirm it with me.

March 19th

Chapter 16

March 23rd till April 2nd

Chapter 13


April 4th April 7th to 24th

Classes end Final exams period

Assessment methods The passing mark for this course is 50%. The final exam, identical for all English sections, is worth 45% of your final grade. This exam, containing 100 multiple-choice questions, will be based on the textbook only. The date of the final exam is set by the central administration of the University, and it is usually scheduled at the end of the exam period. THEREFORE, WE STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT YOU CONSULT THE EXAM SCHEDULE BEFORE PLANNING ANY TRIPS OR HOLIDAYS. Of the remaining 55%, four marks will be attributed to participation in research projects (see ISPR in the table below plus pp. 6 & 7), The remaining 51% will be divided between 2 midterms worth 25.5% each.

See table below for more information Component Worth 1st midterm


Date Feb 10

Chapters 4 - 5 and 10

Study from


Notes & book

Multiple choice T and F



March 16

12* and 14 - 15

Notes & book

* Only pp. 488 - 513


Multiple choice T and F

from Ch. 12 Final exam



All 8 Chapters

Notes & book Multiple choice + Ch. Reviews


Opens: ISPR


Jan 13th @ SEE pp.7 & 8 for more SEE pp. 7 & 8 SEE pp. 6 & 7 for 9:am Closes:


for more info.

more information

7 April 4th @ midnight

ISPR (Worth 4% of your grades) Participation in research: Integrated System of Participation in Research (ISPR) The ISPR gives students the opportunity to learn about ongoing research in psychology through the experience of participating in studies. The system is about cooperation between researchers and students; students learn about psychological studies and their methodologies while contributing directly to the advancement of research. While we would like all students to participate in research, we realize that some students may not be interested for a variety of reasons, and these students can come in to view educational films in lieu of research participation. ISPR participation accounts for four points of your final grade. Participation options include completing online surveys, participating in laboratory studies, or viewing educational films for those not interested in being a research participant. Generally, one point is earned for each hour of participation, with details listed online in study descriptions. To earn all four points, at least one point must be earned in person , from either a lab study or film. In-person appointments do fill up at the end of the term, so there may not be availabilities if you wait until the last week.

To find out more

about the ISPR, please visit this link. If you have questions

and you can’t find the answers online, contact ISPR Administration at [email protected]

Important ISPR dates: January 13th at 9:00 AM: ISPR opens for students.


April 4th at at midnight: Is the deadline for completing all participation in the ISPR

To sign in to the ISPR:

To log in to the ISPR you need: ***UserID: your UOttawa email address, Password:

your seven digit student number

If you have any problem logging in and for any other problem or question please contact the ISPR administration at:

[email protected]


Absence from exams 

In keeping with the policies of the School of Psychology, going on holidays/trip, misreading the date of the exam, confusing the hour of the exam, forgetting the room number etc. are not considered valid excuses for missing an exam.

In case you need to miss an exam due to illness or any other serious and valid excuse please know that:

o For the midterms: Arrangements must be made with your professor. See pp. 9 & 10 of this document for the steps to follow. o For the final exam: Arrangements must be made with the School of Psychology. Please See p. 10 of this document for further details

Missing a midterm: 

In line with regulation 9.5.1 of the University of Ottawa, you must notify me directly before the exam, unless the illness was unforeseeable. (For example, you suddenly fell ill on your way to the exam).

In that case, you must get in touch with me within 24hours.

You notify me by emailing me at [email protected]

10 

I will email you back within 24hours of receiving your email to let you know the date and location of the make-up exam.

Make sure to check your email for the date and location of the make-up exam. Claiming the email was lost or that you did not get it on time will not be accepted as an excuse for missing the make-up exam. It is your responsibility to contact me if you have not heard from me within 24hours.

Absence from an exam must be justified with appropriate documentation. An example would be a medical certificate that clearly states the date of the exam that you have missed.

Documentation should be presented within 5 working days following the exam.

Missing the Final exam: 

Intro PSY professors do not handle final exam DFR.

All requests for deferrals have to be submitted in writing to the School of Psychology using the form available here :

Please include all relevant documentation with your request, and consult the academic regulations for valid deferral reasons:

The request for DFR must be made within 5 working days following the exam.

The date of the DFR exam is TBD by U of O. It will be the same date for all Intro sections.

Other useful contact info


School of Psychology: Vanier Building, room 3002


Coordinator Assistant Assistant


Jean-Philippe Thivierge ([email protected]) Audrey Renaud-Da Costa ([email protected]) Emma Grant ([email protected])

RELIGIOUS ACCOMMODATIONS If you need any kind of religious accommodations please read the following very carefully and make sure to abide by the timelines listed below: Academic Regulation 15: Religious Accommodations “….Procedure for making a request”: 4. A student who wishes to make a request for an accommodation based on his or her religious observance must do so by submitting a written or electronic request to the professor responsible for the course or to the appropriate authority designated by the faculty. The request for accommodation must identify the nature of the religious observance and the requested accommodation. The student is expected to assist the professor or designated authority in efforts to implement reasonable accommodation, including in identifying solutions that may be reasonably pursued to address the request. 5. The following timelines should be observed when a request for accommodation is initiated: a. for an academic requirement published in the course syllabus or otherwise communicated during or before the first class: within two weeks of the start of the course; b. for an academic requirement communicated after the first class: within five working days of the requirement being communicated to the class; and

12 c. for a final examination within five working days of the publication of the final examination schedule.. PLEASE NOTE that the timeline stated in section "a" of the regulation APPLIES in this case to the first and second midterm. For the final exam, check section “c” above.

I wish you a wonderful and successful semester Dr. Haddad

Please consult the rest of the document for useful campus resources and policies regarding academic fraud

SEXUAL VIOLENCE “The University of Ottawa does not tolerate any form of sexual violence. Sexual violence refers to any act of a sexual nature committed without consent, such as rape, sexual harassment or online harassment. The University, as well as student and employee associations, offers a full range of resources and services allowing members of our community to receive information and confidential assistance and providing for a procedure to report an incident or make a complaint. For more information, visit”

HELPFUL RESOURCES Should you desire to receive support or help with an emotional issue, here are some useful resources both on and off Campus: On campus: The Counselling and Coaching Service (613-562-5200);


The Health Services Clinic (613-564-3950); The Peer Support Phone line (7 p.m. to 1 a.m. at 613-562-5604). Off campus: the Crisis line is open 24/7. You can reach them on the numbers listed below: Within Ottawa (613-722-6914) Outside Ottawa (1-866-996-0991). FACULTY MENTORING CENTRE - The goal of the Mentoring Centre is to help students with their academic and social wellbeing during their time at the University of Ottawa. Regardless of where students stand academically, or how far along they are in completing their degree, the Mentoring Centre is there to help them continue on the path to success. A student may choose to visit the Mentoring Centre for very different reasons: talking to older peers to gain insight into programs and services offered by the University, or to simply brush up on study skills (time management, note-taking, exam preparation, etc.) In sum, at the Mentoring Centre, you can discuss all things academic and everything about life on campus with mentors who are social science students themselves and trained to answer all your questions. ACADEMIC WRITING HELP CENTRE The Academic Writing Help Centre provides free, individualized help and advice for writing academic assignments. With the help of our advisors, you learn to correct your errors, to write well independently, to improve your critical analysis and to sharpen your argumentation skills—everything you need to master the official language of your choice. CAREER SERVICES This unit provides an array of career-development services and resources designed to help students identify and put forward the critical skills they need to enter the work force. COUNSELLING-SERVICE There are many reasons to call on the Counseling Service, including:  personal counselling  career counseling  study skills counseling. ACCESS SERVICE

14 The University has always strived to meet the needs of individuals with learning disabilities or with other temporary or permanent functional disabilities (hearing/visual impairments, sustained health issues, mental health problems), and the campus community works collaboratively so that you can develop and maintain your autonomy, as well as reach your full potential throughout your studies. You can call on a wide range of services and resources, all provided with expertise, professionalism and confidentiality. If barriers are preventing you from integrating into university life and you need adaptive measures to progress (physical setting, arrangements for exams, learning strategies, etc.), contact the Access Service right away:   

in person in Desmarais, room 3172 online at by phone at 613-562-5976

Deadlines for submitting requests for adaptive measures during exams  

midterms, tests, deferred exams: seven business days before the exam, test or other written evaluation (excluding the day of the exam itself final exams: o November 15 for the fall session o March 15 for the winter session o Seven business days before the date of the exam for the spring/summer session (excluding the day of the exam itself).

Student Resources Centre - These centers strive to meet all sorts of student needs.

Be aware of academic fraud! Academic fraud consists of dishonest and wrongful acts on exams, test or assignments, resulting in flawed grades and assessments. The University does not tolerate academic fraud, and anyone found guilty of this behaviour is liable to severe penalties. Here are some examples of academic fraud:  Plagiarizing or cheating in any way  Presenting falsified research data;  Submitting an assignment of which you are not the sole author  Presenting the same work from another course without written permission from the professors concerned. With the development of the Internet these past years, it has become much easier to detect plagiarism. Indeed, given the powerful tools now at their disposal, your professors can, by typing a few simple words, readily trace the exact source of a text on the Web. For more information on fraud and how to avoid it, you can refer to the Faculty web page, which offers tips to help you with your studies and the writing process for university-level

15 projects at the following address: You can also refer to the Faculty web page for information on plagiarism in university assignments: Persons who commit or try to commit academic fraud, or who are accomplices in fraud, will be penalized. Here are some of the possible sanctions:  a grade of F for the assignment or course in question  the imposition of three to 30 more credits as a condition of graduation  suspension or expulsion from their faculty. To consult the regulation, see section 14.2 of the Academic Regulations...

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