PSY303 Review - Lecture notes CH1-3 PDF

Title PSY303 Review - Lecture notes CH1-3
Course Foundations Of Physiological Psychology
Institution University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Pages 6
File Size 44.2 KB
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CH1-3 Review...


scientific study of behavior and mental processes

Know 5 steps of research process 1. Formulate testable hypothesis (intro) 2. Select method and design study (method 3. Collect the data (method) 4. Analyze the data (results) and draw conclusions (discussion) 5. Report the findings (results)

O lobe- eye T lobe- hearing P lobe- touch and physical sensations F lobe- includes primary motor cortex, motor movement, also where prefrontal cortex ismemory, thought


CH1 Psychology’s intellectual parents are the disciplines of: Philosophy and Physiology

The school of psychology associated with understanding the purpose of consciousness


The concept of “stream of consciousness” is associated with William James

The theoretical orientation that insisted on verifiability of observation was: Behaviorism

The school of psychology that takes the most positive view of human nature is: Humanism

During WW11 many academic psychologists were: clinicians

Decision making, reasoning, and problem solving are topics MOST likely to be studied by ___ psychologists: Cognitive

A psychologist who studied the effect of aging would most likely specialize in: Developmental

Which field of psychology studies attitude change and group behavior:


The most widely practiced professional specialty in psychology is: Clinical

Empirical testing is: Objective

A system of interrelated ideas used to explain a set of observations is called: Theory

Widely shared customs, beliefs, values, and norms refer to: Culture

The use of cognitive skills and strategies that increase the probability of a desired outcome: Critical thinking

CH2 In a study, IQ score, age, weight, gpa, and income would all be considered Variables

A scientific theory has to be:


In studies, the variable that is free to be varied by the experimenter is the _ variable: Independent

Researchers are most likely to introduce bias using: Nonverbal cues

Which of the following correlation coefficients indicates the weakest relationship btwn the two variables Closer to 0

Hypotheses are typically expressed as: Predictions

As an adult ages, their physical strength declines. This relationship is a __ correlation Negative

Which research methods involved the researcher observing behavior without intervening Naturalistic Research that repeats a previous study to see if the results can be duplicated: Replication

Researchers manipulate __ variables in order to measure their effect on __ variables Independent, Dependent

CH3 The part of a neuron that transmits information away from the neuron and toward another neuron: Axon

Which of the following isn’t one of the main functions of neurons: Generating info WRONG: Receiving info Transmitting info Integrating information

The main function of dendrites is to:

Terminal buttons are located: At the end of the axons

The chemicals secreted from the terminal buttons into the synapse are: Neurotransmitters

According to the __ law, a neuron fires an action potential only one level of intensity: All-or-none

Reabsorption of neurotransmitters into the presynaptic neuron is referred to as: Reuptake

Nerves outside the skull and spine comprise the __ nervous system Peripheral

When you’re walking, the brain sends messages to the leg’s skeletal muscles by way of__fibers: Efferent

The fight-or-flight response is a direct result of activation of the __ nervous system Sympathetic...

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