PSY3130 Semester 1(S1-01) 2020 PDF

Title PSY3130 Semester 1(S1-01) 2020
Author Miji Kim
Course Master of Medicine
Institution Monash University
Pages 18
File Size 330.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 97
Total Views 477


unit guide of PSY3130 2020 semester 1...


                


Unit Guide 

PSY3130 Health psychology Semester 1, 2020 

We acknowledge and pay respects to the Traditional Owners and Elders - past, presentand emerging - of the lands and waters on whichMonash Universityoperates.   Handbook link:


Table of contents Unit handbook information




Mode of delivery


Class Timetable


Workload requirements


Unit relationships








Enrolment rules


Chief Examiner(s)


Unit coordinator(s)


Administrative contact


Academic overview


Learning outcomes


Teaching approach


Live streaming


Assessment summary Assessment requirements Assessment tasks Referencing requirements

6 7 8 10

Assignment submission


Returning assignments


Resubmission of assignments


Special Consideration


Extensions and penalties




Examination material or equipment Feedback to you Unit Schedule

12 12 13

Content warning


Your feedback to us


Learning resources


Required resources


Technological requirements



Additional unit costs Other information

15 15



Academic Integrity


Special Consideration


Clinical/Fieldwork Placement Procedures and Behaviour Guidelines


Word Count Guidelines


Honours Guidelines


Research Project and Minor Thesis Guidelines


Professional Editing Guidelines


Immunisation and Infection Risk


Police Checks


Working with Children Check Guidelines


Graduate Attributes Policy (within Course Design Policy)


Student Charter


Student Services


Monash University Library


Student Support


Disability Support Services


Information for Malaysia students



Unit handbook information Synopsis This unit will examine the range of psychological factors influencing people's health behaviour, their susceptibility and reactions to illness states and responses to medical treatment. Health psychology encompasses the application of psychological theories to the study of the maintenance and promotion of health, the prevention of illness and the dysfunction and the rehabilitation of those already disabled. This unit is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to evaluate the effects of psychological variables on health and illness behaviour, the prevention of illness and adjustment to illness and dysfunction.

Mode of delivery Malaysia (On-campus) Clayton (On-campus)

Class Timetable Follow thislinkto view the scheduled times for your unit's learning activities for this teaching period.

Workload requirements Attendance at tutorials is required in order to successfully complete in-class activities and related assessment tasks. Attendance at lectures: 1 x 2 hour weekly Tutorials: 6 x 2 hours

Unit relationships Prerequisites None

Prohibitions None


Co-requisites None

Enrolment rules Prerequisite: PSY2031, PSY2061.

Chief Examiner(s) Dr Swati Mujumdar

Unit coordinator(s) Dr Adriana Ortega , Dr Christopher Siva

Administrative contact [email protected]

Academic overview Learning outcomes On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to: 1. Explain the role of psychosocial variables in health and illness states, and deficiencies in the biomedical model;

2. Explain the importance of psychosocial factors in patient adjustments to illness and dysfunction, treatment and rehabilitation; 3. Indicate how they, as health psychologists, can function as an important member of the health care team; and

4. Apply behaviour change models in a real-world health psychology case study.

Teaching approach The teaching approach is designed to foster active learning . Throughout the semester there will be 12 two-hour lectures and 6 two-hour tutorials.


Live streaming If you are allocated to a lecture activity as a livestream unit you do not need to come to campus. A link to the livestreams will be available in your Moodle unit. For information on how to participate in your lectures via live streaming you can review this guide created by the library: If you have any technical issues please contact the service desk: /esolutions/contact If you need more information on timetabling you can visit their site: /timetables/fix-problems

Assessment summary ● ● ●

Literature review (2,000 words) (30%) Report – Health Behaviour Project (3,000) (35%) (hurdle) Examination (1.5 hoursand 10 minutes) (35%)

Assessment task


Due date

Literature review (2000 words)


Thursday 9th April 2020 (week 5), by 4:00 pm (AEST)

Report - Health Behaviour Project (3000 words, strict limit) Hurdle


Thursday 28th May 2020 (week 11), by 4:00 pm (AEST)

End of semester exam


To be advised


Assessment requirements Students are required to note the Faculty’s assessment policy (item 1.2.1) regarding threshold standards/hurdles at: Students are required to refer to the University Academic Integritypolicy and procedure at: The procedures state that: Proofreading: The process of identifying errors and suggesting corrections to a text. This must not involve rewriting passages of text in order to clarify meaning; amending the words used by the author (except to identify the correct spelling of the word used); rearranging passages of text or code, or reformatting other material; contributing additional material to the original; and checking calculations or formulae.

Academic Integrity and Technology In line with the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Facilities by Students Procedures, students are not permitted to use Information and Communications Technology facilities to sell, purchase or offer to write assignments or other assessable work, or to request help with such work. Furthermore, students are required to take steps to minimise opportunities for others to cheat by, for example, not saving work to a shared network drive that is accessible by others and not sharing work on social media sites. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in disciplinary action under Part 7 of the Monash University (Council) Regulations for collusion or general misconduct, as appropriate in the circumstances. Students should be aware that the University will monitor and act on information received about the use of cheat sites, paper mills and other online resources that promote dishonest academic conduct. If a student has been found to have used any of these sources to breach the Student Academic Integrity Policy, the University will pursue the matter in accordance with Part 7 of the Monash University (Council) Regulations.

7 PSY3130 Health psychology - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2020

Assessment tasks IMPORTANT: All assessment tasks must be attempted and submitted. Assessment title:Literature review (2000 words) Alignment with learning outcome(s): Learning outcomes 1 and 2. Details of task: A review of the literature on the physical health interventionstrategiesthat have been used in the past to produce behaviour change as it relates to a specific health problem. Shouldinclude a description AND critique of the health interventionstrategies used to affect change in your selected target behaviour.NOTE: No minimum or maximum number of articles hasbeen prescribed for this assignment Possible topics: Diet, smoking, drinking, exercise participation, compliancewith treatment regimes for healthconditions, dental care, eye care, sleep problems, skin protection ...etc Release date: N/A Due date: Thursday 9th April 2020 (week 5), by 4:00 pm (AEST) Word limit:2000 words (strict limit) Value: 30% Presentation requirements: requirements:The Literature Review assignment must be submitted online via the unit Moodle site. Before submitting your assignment, please ensure you have run an originality report via Turnitin, otherwise your assignment will not be marked. You must ensure that you submit your assignment via Moodle, and accept the Student Statement on Academic Integrity. Assignments left in draft form will be subject to a penalty due to not accepting the Student Statement. This is a third year unit and therefore students will only be allowed one attempt at turnitin. Submissions via email, hard copy, fax, and by mail are not appropriate forms of submission and will not be accepted.

Estimated return date: Three weeks after submission due date Hurdle requirements: This assessment is not a hurdle requirement. Individual assessment in group tasks: N/A Criteria for marking: The marking rubric will be provided on the PSY3130 Moodle page. Additional information: N/A 

Assessment title:Report - Health Behaviour Project (3000 words, strict limit) Hurdle Alignment with learning outcome(s): outcome(s):Learning outcomes 3 and 4.

8 PSY3130 Health psychology - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2020

Details of task: The general aim of the physical health interventionstrategies inyour literature review wasto persuade people to change their attitudes toward unhealthy behaviours. Based on your Literature Review, choose oneevidence based physical health behaviour interventiondesignedto prevent illness and injury, increase health, and enhance quality oflife through changes in health-related behaviour or living conditions. You are then asked to write aproject report onthe impact of your chosenevidence based health intervention that you will apply to yourself with the objective ofmodifyingone chosen target behaviour.You will evaluate the outcome of the intervention and determine if the target behaviour has changed and what thisimplies in terms of your future health?. Release date: N/A Due date: Thursday 28th May 2020 (week 11), by 4:00 pm (AEST) Word limit: 3000 words (strict word limit) Value: 35% Presentation requirements: requirements:The Health Behaviour Projectassignment must be submitted online via the unit Moodle site. Before submitting your assignment, please ensure you have run an originality report via Turnitin, otherwise your assignment will not be marked. You must ensure that you submit your assignment via Moodle, and accept the Student Statement on Academic Integrity. Assignments left in draft form will be subject to a penalty due to not accepting the Student Statement. This is a third year unit and therefore students will only be allowed one attempt at turnitin. Submissions via email, hard copy, fax, and by mail are not appropriate forms of submission and will not be accepted.

Estimated return date: Three weeks after submission due date Hurdle requirements: The Health Behaviour Project is a hurdle requirement and students must get 45% and above to pass the hurdle. Individual assessment in group tasks: N/A Criteria for marking: marking:The marking rubric will be provided on the PSY3130 Moodle page. Additional information: N/A 

9 PSY3130 Health psychology - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2020

Referencing requirements To build your skills in citing and referencing, and using different referencing styles, see the online tutorial Academic Integrity: Demystifying Citing and Referencing at Assignments should be prepared in accordance with the following writing guides which are prescribed for all undergraduate psychology units:

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Findlay, B. & Kaufmann (2019). How to write psychology reports and essays (8th ed updated.). Melbourne, Vic: Pearson Education Australia.

Assignment submission 1.Students are required to submit continuous formative/summative assessment items (where appropriate) via the University’s online Learning Management System - Moodle.If the assessment /plagiarism/collusion declaration is being used within Moodle for an assessment item a separate assignment a coversheet is not required. Where hard copy assessment submission is necessary, assessments must include a cover sheet. The cover sheet is accessible at: 2. No hard copy submissions will be permitted for those assessments requiring online submission. 3. Students must retain a copy of the assessment for their records. Online submission Online submission Electronic Submission is done directly into the Moodle unit site. Students are required to check that their electronic submission has been successful. 1. Click on the “Assessment” link on the PSY3130 Moodle page 2. Click on the assignment upload link for that particular assignment and make sure that you begin uploading only after you have read the instructions very carefully 3. Either click ‘Add’ and navigate to where your file is located on your computer, or drag and drop your file as instructed. Files should only be in a “.doc” or “.docx” format 4. Once you have attached your file, you should see it listed on the page. 5. Click on 'Save Changes' 6. Wait for the turnitin status to be generated. 7. If the similarity percentage is high (>15%), students can edit their submission and upload another file. Third year units and students can only submit once before the due date and time 8. Once you are happy with the assignment and turnitin status, click on 'Submit Assignment' 9. Accept the Monash University plagiarism and collusion statement 10. Click on 'Continue'. Your assignment is now submitted and no further changes will be possible Hard copy submission There are no hard copy submissions for this unit.


Returning assignments Assignments submitted online via MOODLE will be returned via MOODLE. Every effort will be made to ensure that work submitted by the due date is returned as soon as possible and within four weeks of the due date.

Resubmission of assignments Faculty policy Faculty policy The School of Psychological Sciences undergraduate programs do not normally allow resubmission of assessment tasks.

Special Consideration Refer to the University procedure: 

Extensions and penalties This policy applies to all Year 1-3 PSY- coded Psychology units irrespective of the Faculty you are enrolled with. For all assessment items handed in after the official due date, and without an agreed extension, a 10% penalty applies to the student's mark for that assessment item for the first day (or part thereof) after the due date of submission. After that, a subsequent penalty of 10% per day (or part thereof) will be applied for each day after the due date (including weekends, and public holidays). Example: If a student gets 65% and is one day late the mark, deducting 10% of the total mark possible i.e. 10 marks would give a final mark of 55%. Occasionally, work that you believe has been submitted may not have reached the marker. You must always keep an electronic copy of any assignment you submit to guard against the rare event of your work going astray. If you are not able to provide a copy within 24 hours on request, it will be assumed that the work was not handed in. There are computers on campus available to students therefore computer problems are not a valid reason for special consideration. For more information, please refer to pages 14 and 15 from the Psychology UG Student Guide (2019) uploaded on Moodle. 



This unit may employ electronic assessment for the final exam. Further det details ails will be provided to you by Week 4 of Semester. Title: Title:End of semester exam Value: 35% Details: Details:This unit may employ electronic assessment for the final exam. Further details will be provided to you by Week 4 of Semester The end-of semester examination will be composed of approximately 60 multiple choice questions which will assess your understanding prescribed readings and lecture material. There will be a 10 minute reading time, followed by two hours to complete the exam. Please note that this exam is NOT open-book, and no calculators/mobile phones will be allowed. More information will be provided towards the end of semester. Make sure you are aware of the resources available to assist with your exam preparation. See the unit Moodle site for details. Make sure you are aware of the resources available to assist with your exam preparation. Details on when and where the exam will be held will be made available to you during the semester via your portal or via the exams homepage The exam is not a hurdle.

Examination material or equipment Please note that the PSY3130 end-of-semester examination is closed book. Therefore, you will not be authorised to bring or use any materials in the examination room. That is, aside from a pencil(s) to fill out the examination paper, you CANNOT bring or use any of the following: ● Books / notes / blank paper ● Mobile phones or other electronic devices ● Calculators ● Formulae sheet ● Pencil cases ● Other materials / items Information relating to exams rules and materials permitted can be found at:

Feedback to you Monash aims to provide a learning environment in which students receive a range of ongoing feedback. You are encouraged to draw on a variety of feedback to enhance your learning. Specific forms of feedback given in this unit include (but are not limited to): ● individual-based written feedback on the major written assessment task (i.e., research proposal) in addition to marks/grades; and ● additional individual feedback via the Moodle online discussion forum.


Unit Schedule For units with on-campus classes, teaching activities are normally scheduled to start on the hour (teaching will commence on the hour and conclude 10 minutes prior to the scheduled end time).

Content warning This unit contains content that some students may find distressing. Please note all materi...

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