Psych 100 SG 5 - Professor: Jeff Henriquez PDF

Title Psych 100 SG 5 - Professor: Jeff Henriquez
Course Exploring Psychology
Institution University of Wisconsin-Madison
Pages 10
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Professor: Jeff Henriquez...


Dave believes all college professors are irritable, impatient, and uninterested in whether students learn. His belief is an example of _______________. a. a consensus b. impressions c. an attitude d. a stereotype d. a stereotype Which psychological test asks the subject to tell a story based on a picture of one or more people in which it is unclear what is going on? a. Rorschach test b. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) c. California Psychological Inventory (CPI) d. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) b. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) The behavior of chronically schizophrenic individuals living in psychiatric institutions has been successfully modified through the use of ______. a. reality therapy b. negative reinforcement c. token economy d. systematic desensitization c. token economy According to Freud, rationality, logical thinking, and reasoning are controlled by the ______. a. pleasure principle b. ego c. superego d. animus b. ego An attitude has ______ major components. a. one b. two c. three d. four c. three In March of 1964, Kitty Genovese was the victim of a brutal assault that led to her death in the entryway of her apartment complex. Police reports indicate that out of the 38 people who observed the attack happening, ________ called 911 to request assistance. a. 0 b. 10 c. 19

d. 38 a. 0 Which of the following individuals would be the LEAST likely to help? a. Carrie, who sees Carl's car is on fire b. Leah, who while walking alone sees a young boy caught in a sewer drain pipe c. Susanna, who is in a bad mood and sees a car flip over on a crowded intersection d. Jessica, who is a nurse and sees a man having a heart attack in his car in a deserted parking lot c. Susanna, who is in a bad mood and sees a car flip over on a crowded intersection What major conclusion about personality traits emerged from the Minnesota twin study? a. Identical twins are more similar than any other type of sibling. b. Siblings reared apart were much more similar than identical twins. c. Fraternal twins reared together were much more similar than identical twins. d. Personality scores for twins were not related in either case. a. Identical twins are more similar than any other type of sibling. When selecting a therapist, it seems that white men and women who are of middle income _________. a. have no preference regarding the gender of the therapist b. prefer a female therapist c. prefer a male therapist d. prefer male and female co-therapists b. prefer a female therapist After being passed up for a promotion and then getting into a heated argument with his son, a man disappears. He shows up two weeks later in another town with no memory of who he is or how he got there. He appears to be suffering from ______. a. paraphilia b. schizophrenia c. a somatoform disorder d. a dissociative disorder d. a dissociative disorder Psychoanalysis was a therapy technique designed by ______. a. Alfred Adler b. Carl Rogers c. Fritz Perls d. Sigmund Freud d. Sigmund Freud

Research suggests that a reduction in myelin coating neurons in the uncinate fasciculus and the cingulum bundle, two important parts of the brain, is related to developing symptoms of __________. a. schizophrenia b. major depression c. conversion disorder d. generalized anxiety disorder a. schizophrenia Jung believed that there were two levels to the unconscious mind, the personal and the ________. a. collective b. animus c. anima d. preconscious a. collective If Sylvia is described as trustworthy, altruistic and tender-minded, then she probably is fairly high on the Big Five factor known as ________. a. extraversion b. neuroticism c. openness d. agreeableness d. agreeableness (unsure) Which social psychology theory best explains the fact that the majority of the riots that took place following the trial of the police officers accused of beating Rodney King did not take place in white neighborhoods, but rather in the neighborhoods of Asian Americans and Asians who had recently immigrated to the United States? a. scapegoating b. social diffusion c. the bystander effect d. prejudice a. scapegoating Dr. Stevenson, a therapist, states "I promote rational thinking to alleviate distressing feelings and behaviors." Dr. Stevenson is probably a ________ therapist. a. person-centered b. psychodynamic c. behavior d. cognitive d. cognitive

A group composed of people who have similar problems and who meet together without a therapist or counselor for the purpose of discussion, problem solving, and social and emotional support is called ______. a. family therapy b. individual therapy c. a self-help group d. a systematic desensitization group c. a self-help group False beliefs held by a person who refuses to accept evidence of their falseness are known as ______. a. delusions b. hallucinations c. obsessions d. compulsions a. delusions ______ is a change of behavior in response to an explicit request. a. Conformity b. Obedience c. Compliance d. Deindividuation c. Compliance "Oh my gosh," Sara exclaims as she leaves her biology exam. "I just KNOW that I got number 48 wrong! I just know that I'm going to fail this class." According to a cognitive psychologist, Sara is engaging in which of the following distorted thought processes? a. all-or-nothing thinking b. magnification c. overgeneralization d. minimization a. all-or-nothing thinking At Skinner Elementary School, teachers pass out "skinner bucks" to students who turn in papers on time, obey the teacher, and finish their homework. The paper "bucks" can be traded in at the end of the week for special treats or game-playing time on the classroom computer. This system most resembles a ________. a. participant modeling technique b. contingency contract c. group extinction procedure d. token economy d. token economy

In any given year, about ______ percent of adults over the age of 18 suffer from a mental disorder. a. 26 b. 12 c. 33 d. 43 a. 26 Marco accepts a request to play the piano at his church's Sunday services, even though he is still learning how to play the piano. He plays a well-learned, simple piece. Happily, he performs very well in front of his congregation. Marco's behavior illustrates ________. a. social facilitation b. social compensation c. social loafing d. the bystander effect a. social facilitation Albert Bandura's notion that people are affected by their environment, but can also influence that environment, is known as __________. a. self-efficacy b. locus of control c. phenomenology d. reciprocal determinism d. reciprocal determinism Which of the following is a projective test? a. MMPI-2 b. 16PF c. NEO-PI-R d. Rorschach d. Rorschach In general, antipsychotic drugs work by ______. a. inhibiting the reuptake process of serotonin b. increasing the amount of acetylcholine in the brain c. blocking dopamine receptors in the brain d. inhibiting the function of the hypothalamus c. blocking dopamine receptors in the brain A _________ is a method of reinforcement that uses a formal written agreement in which the goals for behavioral change, reinforcements, and penalties are clearly stated. a. contingency contract b. transactional analysis c. reciprocal inhibition

d. token economy a. contingency contract What did Carl Rogers view as a cause of most personal difficulties? a. reinforcement of maladaptive behavior patterns b. unrealistic modes of thought employed by many people c. mismatch between an individual's ideal self and real self d. unresolved unconscious conflicts occurring between the id and superego c. mismatch between an individual's ideal self and real self Which of the following is one of the bodily fluids that ancient Greeks linked to abnormal behaviors? a. ear wax b. urine c. black bile d. saliva c. black bile The person-centered therapist must show a genuine, open, and honest response to the client. This is called _____________. a. empathy b. resistance c. authenticity d. unconditional positive regard c. authenticity A type of therapy in which clients meet regularly in a group setting and discuss problems under the guidance of a single therapist is called ______ therapy. a. social b. informal c. group d. Gestalt c. group Which of the following is a symptom of acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder? a. persistent reliving of the event b. an obsessive need to be close to anything associated with the trauma c. decreased arousal d. symptoms of a manic episode a. persistent reliving of the event After agreeing to Nat's request to share her lecture notes from one class, Maria now agrees to Nat's request to share her notes from three classes. This example illustrates the ________technique.

a. lowball b. foot-in-the-mouth c. door-in-the-face d. foot-in-the-door d. foot-in-the-door What type of drugs are the traditional antianxiety drugs, or minor tranquilizers, such as Valium? a. tricyclics b. lithium family c. chlorpromazines d. benzodiazepines d. benzodiazepines ______ are specifically trained to use biomedical therapies. a. Family therapists b. Psychiatrists c. Counselors d. Social workers b. Psychiatrists Donita is angry with her boss, so she left work a little early in order to run an extra mile before it gets dark. Which defense mechanism is Donita employing? a. repression b. reaction formation c. rationalization d. sublimation d. sublimation Skinner and Watson believed that personality is the result of: a. operant conditioning and vicarious learning. b. classical and operant conditioning and observational learning. c. observational learning and classical conditioning. d. behavioral reinforcement. b. classical and operant conditioning and observational learning. An eating disorder characterized by eating binges followed by self-induced vomiting is called ________. a. anorexia nervosa b. bulimia c. hormone under secretion d. leptin reduction b. bulimia

In which form of therapy does the therapist take a directive role, challenging clients when they make "my way or nothing" statements? a. psychoanalysis b. behavior therapy c. person-centered therapy d. rational emotive behavior therapy d. rational emotive behavior therapy Eloise is living with post-traumatic stress disorder. During her therapy session, her therapist asks her to move her eyes rapidly back and forth while thinking of a disturbing memory. Eloise's therapist is using __________. a. eye-movement desensitization reprocessing b. systematic desensitization c. eye-memory therapy d. eye therapy a. eye-movement desensitization reprocessing A cognitive therapist is working with a depressed client. Which of the following causes is the likely focus of this therapist's intervention? a. learned behaviors of depression b. unusual levels of neurotransmitters c. distorted interpretations of life events d. a superego that is too harsh and strict c. distorted interpretations of life events Cassie is diagnosed with severe depression. Her psychiatrist has prescribed many medications and psychotherapy, none of which have helped to alleviate her depression. Her psychiatrist is now recommending _________. a. prefrontal lobotomy b. electroconvulsive therapy c. trephining d. relaxation training and meditation b. electroconvulsive therapy (guess) What is the primary difficulty with applying the criterion of "social norm deviance" to define abnormal behavior? a. Norms are difficult to enumerate. b. Cultures accept and view all behaviors as normal. c. Behavior that is considered disordered in one culture may be acceptable in another. d. Norms do not guide behavior except in rare instances. c. Behavior that is considered disordered in one culture may be acceptable in another. The behavioral perspective views anxiety as __________. a. a danger signal that repressed conflicts are threatening to surface

b. a learned reaction c. the result of illogical, irrational thought processes d. linked to an imbalance in several neurotransmitters in the nervous system b. a learned reaction Which of the following illustrates the power of complementary traits? a. A dominant woman marries a submissive man. b. A girl marries the boy next door. c. Two tennis players become good friends. d. A girl and a boy who both like jogging fall in love. a. A dominant woman marries a submissive man. A disorder resulting from exposure to a major stressor, with symptoms of anxiety, nightmares, poor sleep, reliving the event, and concentration problems, lasting for more than one month, is called _________. a. acute stress disorder b. external locus of control c. catastrophic stress d. post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) d. post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Kevin shows a pattern of instability in his relationships, self-image, and feelings. As such, he most likely has ________ personality disorder. a. antisocial b. borderline c. dependent d. avoidant b. borderline You want to visit Argentina, but your attitude about Argentina is changing as you read the news about the kidnappings that have occurred there. Which component of attitude is being affected? a. affective b. cognitive c. behavioral d. situational b. cognitive What do Abraham Maslow's and Carl Rogers's theories have in common? a. They are both stage theories. b. They focus on unconscious motivation. c. They believe that each human being is free to choose his or her own destiny. d. They both fit in the learning/cognitive perspective. c. They believe that each human being is free to choose his or her own destiny.

Allen, who has a drug addiction problem, is MOST likely to be successfully treated by ______. a. psychoanalysis b. family therapy c. behavior therapy d. Gestalt therapy c. behavior therapy Which of the following statements is a claim often made by critics of projective testing? a. The interpretation of projective tests is too subjective. b. These tests are effective in predicting job performance. c. People try to answer questions in ways that make them look better than they are. d. These tests create anxiety in those being tested. a. The interpretation of projective tests is too subjective. (guess) Someone who was interested in measuring a person's source traits, as described by Raymond Cattell, would use the ______________. a. NEO Personality Inventory b. California Psychological Inventory (CPI) c. Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire (16PF) d. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) c. Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire (16PF) Free association is a technique used in ______ therapy. a. psychoanalytic b. rational emotive c. person-centered d. Gestalt a. psychoanalytic...

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