Psych 100 SG 6 - Professor: Jeff Henriquez PDF

Title Psych 100 SG 6 - Professor: Jeff Henriquez
Course Exploring Psychology
Institution University of Wisconsin-Madison
Pages 10
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Professor: Jeff Henriquez...


According to Jung, the memories and behavior patterns inherited from past generations are part of the ______. a. persona b. personal unconscious c. alter-ego d. collective unconscious d. collective unconscious Young Bart says to his friend "What do you want to play at recess today, war or forts?" His comrade, Yevgeni, replies "Why don't we try something different today and play with the girls?" Completely aghast, Bart yells back "Are you crazy?? Girls have COOTIES!" Which stage of personality development is Bart likely in, according to Freud? a. oral b. anal c. phallic d. Latency d. Latency ________ is a repetitive behavior or mental act that an individual feels compelled to perform in response to an obsession. a. Bulimia nervosa b. An obsession c. A compulsion d. Rumination c. A compulsion _________ strengthens a response by following it with a pleasurable consequence. a. Positive reinforcement b. Punishment c. Negative reinforcement d. Extinction a. Positive reinforcement In Carl Rogers's theory, our perception of our abilities, behaviors, and characteristics is known as ________. a. personality b. self-regard c. self-esteem d. self-concept d. self-concept The psychodynamic model views anxiety as __________. a. a danger signal that repressed conflicts are threatening to surface b. a learned reaction

c. the result of illogical, irrational, thought processes d. linked to an imbalance in several neurotransmitters in the nervous system a. a danger signal that repressed conflicts are threatening to surface John has made a career of stealing older people's retirement money by taking advantage of their trust and selling them phony retirement investments. John explains that he has done nothing wrong—if these people were not so greedy, they would not be so eager to invest in his phony schemes. In his mind, his victims got exactly what they deserved. John's behavior and attitude are typical of someone with ______ personality disorder. a. schizoid b. schizotypal c. passive-aggressive d. antisocial d. antisocial Freud's refusal to believe his patients who said they were sexually molested as children is an example of _________. a. the horn effect b. unconscious motives c. interviewer bias d. the halo effect c. interviewer bias The Kitty Genovese case depicts ________. a. social loafing b. group polarization c. the bystander effect d. obedience to authority c. the bystander effect Projective tests make use of ________ stimuli. a. objective b. paper-and-pencil c. three-dimensional d. ambiguous d. ambiguous A client at a mental institution is rewarded for improved grooming habits with coupons he can exchange for special foods or weekend passes. This technique is called ______. a. modeling b. negative reinforcement c. token economy d. systematic desensitization c. token economy

What is Freud's term for the unconscious efforts by the ego to deny or distort reality for the purpose of protecting itself when conflict becomes too intense? a. false cognitions b. coping techniques c. disordered thinking d. psychological defense mechanisms d. psychological defense mechanisms Intruding thoughts that occur again and again are called _________. Repetitive, ritualistic behaviors are called ________. a. intrusions; impulses b. obsessions; compulsions c. impulses; intrusions d. compulsions; obsessions b. obsessions; compulsions What was the basis for Freud's development of his theory of the Oedipus conflict? a. He did not believe that the stories his female patients told about having been sexually abused by their fathers and other family members were real memories. b. He felt that we were biologically pre-wired to go through this conflict at certain ages, regardless of our surroundings or experiences. c. He felt that women, by definition, were born neurotic and the Oedipus conflict gave value to that belief. d. He observed that all women were unconsciously angry at their own children, and developed the theory of the Oedipus conflict as a result. a. He did not believe that the stories his female patients told about having been sexually abused by their fathers and other family members were real memories. Juan is so afraid of germs that he wears gloves when opening doors. He is encouraged by his therapist to imitate a person in a video who demonstrates opening a door, step-by-step, without wearing gloves. Which technique is his therapist using? a. systematic desensitization b. token economy c. participant modeling d. extinction c. participant modeling According to Carl Rogers, the __________ is how people think they should be. a. ideal self b. real self c. ego d. id a. ideal self

Darcy is sitting at her desk in her office one day when, without warning, her heart begins racing rapidly, she has a sensation of being "out of her body," and she experiences dulled vision and hearing, rapid breathing, and sweating. She thinks she is having a heart attack. Nothing she is doing seems to have caused such an episode. Her symptoms MOST resemble ______. a. a phobic disorder b. a panic attack c. post-traumatic stress d. an affective disorder b. a panic attack Cheri went to see a psychologist, who showed her several detailed black and white pictures and asked her to explain what was going on in them. The psychologist was using the ________. a. TAT b. MMPI-2 c. Cattell 16PF d. Blankenship a. TAT Herbie and Irene have been married for almost 55 years. Through it all they have remained committed to each other and have been as close as two people can be. Over the years, the passion has waned but they still stayed together. Sternberg would call this type of love ________________. a. consummate b. romantic c. intimate d. companionate a. consummate Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding schizophrenia? a. It is the same thing as split personality. b. It is the same thing as multiple personality disorder. c. It is the same thing as dissociative identity disorder. d. It is a type of psychotic disorder. d. It is a type of psychotic disorder. Obsession is to compulsion as ________. a. thought is to behavior b. behavior is to thought c. response is to stimulus d. repetitive is to constant a. thought is to behavior

"What did you have for lunch an hour ago?" Before I asked you that question, the information was in your _______________ mind. a. conscious b. unconscious c. postconscious d. preconscious d. preconscious Roberta is trying to decide whether or not to vote for a political candidate. Based on what she has read about him, she has concluded that he is not qualified for the position, but she agrees with his political positions. Also, she trusts him and likes his decisive personality. In fact, she likes him so much that she sent a small donation to his campaign. Her sending a donation to the campaign represents the ______ component of her attitude toward him. a. affective b. cognitive c. behavioral d. situational a. affective Which type of love is defined as commitment only? a. infatuation b. consummate love c. companionate love d. empty love d. empty love The Freudian stage in which boys must resolve the Oedipus complex is the ______ stage. a. genital b. oral c. phallic d. anal c. phallic The kind of therapy that uses biological treatments such as medication, surgical methods, and electrical shock treatments to bring about changes in the person's disordered behavior is called __________________. a. psychotherapy b. biomedical therapy c. physical therapy d. electroconvulsive shock therapy b. biomedical therapy

Due to new computer technology that involves having the client wear a headset that can project realistic anxiety-provoking images, therapists can now conduct ________ therapies in their offices. a. free association b. transference c. exposure d. unconditional positive regard c. exposure Delusions of ________ are false beliefs held by a person who is convinced that others are trying to hurt them in some way. a. persecution b. grandeur c. reference d. influence a. persecution Which of the following is a therapy based on the principles of operant conditioning? a. systematic desensitization b. flooding c. aversion therapy d. token economy d. token economy According to Sigmund Freud, the ___________ of the dream refers to the client's memory of the things, people, and events in the dream. a. manifest content b. free association c. latent content d. resistance a. manifest content Which of the following is the correct definition of cognitive dissonance? a. a state of tension that occurs when a person's behavior does not correspond to the his or her attitude b. the tendency for members of a group to avoid taking responsibility for their actions because they assume that others will do so c. the tendency for members of a close-knit group to think alike for the sake of harmony and to suppress disagreement d. a belief that a statement is true just because the person has heard it repeated over and over again a. a state of tension that occurs when a person's behavior does not correspond to the his or her attitude

According to Freud, the ___________ of the dream refers to the hidden, symbolic meaning of the dream, which, if correctly interpreted, reveals the unconscious conflicts that created the nervous disorder. a. manifest content b. free association c. latent content d. resistance a. manifest content False sensory perceptions that often take the form of hearing voices are called ______. a. delusions b. hallucinations c. obsessions d. compulsions b. hallucinations The first truly organized effort to house mentally ill persons began in England in the 16th century and took place at _________________. a. the Bicetre Asylum b. Bethlehem Hospital c. the Pinel Asylum d. London General Hospital b. Bethlehem Hospital All of the following are Sternberg's components of love EXCEPT ________________. a. passion b. intimacy c. loyalty d. commitment c. loyalty The person-centered therapist has to be able to acknowledge and understand what the client is feeling and experiencing. This process is referred to as ________________. a. conditions of worth b. empathy c. catharsis d. unconditional positive regard b. empathy Fear of public speaking and stage fright are both examples of ______ phobias. a. specific b. social c. complex d. interactive

b. social ____________ therapies had considerable success in treating bedwetting, overeating, drug addictions, and phobic reactions. have a. Behavior b. Psychoanalytic c. Biomedical d. Humanistic a. Behavior Bob has been under a physician's care for bipolar disorder. Bob's doctor is most likely to prescribe which of the following to treat Bob's disorder? a. Ritalin b. tricyclics c. lithium d. Prozac c. lithium Which person might benefit the MOST from a group therapy environment? a. Suzanne, who has schizophrenia b. Richard, who is withdrawn c. Jasmine, who is uncomfortable in social settings d. Elena, who is very sociable d. Elena, who is very sociable Which of the following is a condition in which a person shows little or no emotion? a. hallucinations b. delusions c. inappropriate affect d. flat affect d. flat affect Therapy that depends on identifying and changing distorted thinking and unrealistic beliefs is ______ therapy. a. cognitive b. psychoanalytic c. behavior d. person-centered a. cognitive Beck's cognitive therapy is particularly effective in the treatment of ______. a. anxiety disorders b. somatoform disorders c. schizophrenia

d. depression d. depression Mahmoud was just told that his father has cancer. Mahmoud's first response is that there must be a mistake and he demands that the doctor repeat his tests. Which defense mechanism is at work here? a. reaction formation b. denial c. repression d. undoing b. denial Ellie is a graduate student in psychology at the local university. She is interested in one day specializing in the study of abnormal behavior. What area of psychology should she focus on in school? a. health psychology b. psychopathology c. psychobiology d. developmental psychology b. psychopathology Which of the following types of medications are used to treat mania? a. anticonvulsant b. antianxiety c. ativan d. antitypical a. anticonvulsant You are quite hungry but don't have any money. If you were described as "all id and only id," what would you do? a. Distract yourself with images of food. b. Steal a hot dog from the vendor on the corner. c. Run all the way home to get something to eat as soon as possible. d. Use the defense mechanism of denial to thwart the hunger pangs until an appropriate meal can be obtained. b. Steal a hot dog from the vendor on the corner. Tien is an Asian male who is in the process of selecting a therapist. Which of the following therapists is Tien most likely to select? a. Blair, a Caucasian female therapist b. Kim, an Asian female therapist c. Mason, a male therapist d. Lonnie and Leni, male and female co-therapists c. Mason, a male therapist

When members of a group give priority to the cohesiveness of the group over the facts of a situation, they are engaging in what social psychologists call ________. a. groupthink b. mass thought c. consumerism d. solidarity think a. groupthink Disorders in which there is a break in conscious awareness, memory, the sense of identity, or some combination are called _________. a. paraphilias b. anxiety disorders c. somatoform disorders d. dissociative disorders d. dissociative disorders False sensory perceptions that often take the form of hearing voices are called ______. a. delusions b. hallucinations c. obsessions d. compulsions b. hallucinations Which of the following is a therapy based on the principles of operant conditioning? a. systematic desensitization b. flooding c. aversion therapy d. token economy d. token economy...

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