Public health final - Grade: A PDF

Title Public health final - Grade: A
Course Introduction To Public Health
Institution Michigan State University
Pages 2
File Size 40.4 KB
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Public health final...


1. How do health determinants contribute to health, disease, disability, and death for people living with cervical cancer? Use 3 of t e r mi na nt s . the 6 de Thea c r on ymsof t e nus e dt ode s c r i behe a l t hde t e r mi na nt si sBI GGEMS. Be ha vi or :Thea c t i onst ha tma yha vei nc r e a s e de xpos ur et of a c t or spr oduc i ngt hedi s e a s ei snotha vi ngs a f e i nt e r c our s e ,us i n gc ondoms .Ha vi n gma n ypa r t ne r sma ya l s obear i s kt h a tc ou l di n c r e a s et h ec h a nc e so fg e t t i n g t hedi s e a s e .s moki n gi sa no t h e rr i s kf a c t or . I nf e c t i o n:Ce r vi c a lc a n c e ri st h ed i r e c tc a us eofHuma npa p i l l oma vi r us ,whi c hi sav e r yc ommonvi r us ,s p r e a d b ys ki nt os ki nc ont a c ti nt heg e ni t a l s .Wi t houtpr o t e c t i v eme a s ur e s ,s uc ha sac ondo m,t hi ss p r e a dma ybemor e c o mmo n. Me di c a lc ar e :HPVc a nbev a c c i na t e da g a i ns t ,butwi t h o uta c c e s st oqu a l i t yme d i c a lc a r e ,s omepe o pl ema y ne v e rg e tt hev a c c i n e .Add i t i ona l l y ,c h e mot he r a p yorah y s t e r e c t omyma yber e qu i r e df orp e r s onswi t hc e r vi c a l c a n c e r .Wi t houtg oo dme di c a lc a r e ,t he s ea r e n ' ta c c e s s i bl e ,a ndc a nc e rma ys p r e a d ,ul t i ma t e l yc a us i n gd e a t h.

2. Name two theories to address health behaviors, give an example of each

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The Health belief model is an intrapersonal theory that focuses on the individual's characteristics, including perceptions and thought processes before taking a healthrelated action. An example may be that a person is more willing to get the seasonal flu shot if they're susceptible to the condition- i.e. they're a teacher in a classroom, they're a healthcare worker, The Stages of Change model is an interpersonal model where people go through a set of incremental stages when changing behavior, rather than making changes at once. 1. precontemplation- the emphasis is on the cons of changing behavior- It takes too much time to go to the gym, my heart is fine. 2. contemplation- Recognition of the need to change behavior- my doctor said I need to exercise, I guess they might be right 3. preparation- Ready to take action- Might call a gym and ask about member benefits, might start looking up exersizes 4. action- Behavior change and intend to keep it going- Has been going to the gym 3 times a week for a while 5. maintenance- sustained behavior change- really enjoys going and plans to keep going Not all of the stages are always in order, or even in chronological order, may skip steps.

3. Name 3 sustainable development goals and give an example of each. 1. Zero hunger- The goal is to achieve food security and improved nutrition for all countries by 2030 

By ensuring sustainable food production systems and implementing agricultural practices that increase productivity and production 2. Gender equality- the goal is to end all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere.

Ensure the end of child marriages, forced mutilations. Additionally, adopting policies that include women in the political, economic and public agenda.  Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights. 

3. Climate action-Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning improve education, raise awareness on climate change mitigation and adaptation  climate change-related planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing States, including focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities ...

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