Punished Chapter 7 PDF

Title Punished Chapter 7
Author Hope Badger
Course Policing and Society
Institution Arkansas Tech University
Pages 2
File Size 49.4 KB
File Type PDF
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notes over chapter 7 in Punished...


Punished Chapter 7 Guilt by Association Acting White or Acting Lawful?    

J.T. was a 16-year-old African American male who was a good student. He has never been arrested or committed a crime. J.T. believes he sometimes was treated worse than his delinquent peers even though he tried to stay away from trouble. Six out of eight of those he hung out with were arrested Rios believes what he meant was he had unique skills to navigate between what authority figures expected of him and what the street expected of him Non-delinquent youths must prove their innocence. - “Cultural straddlers” are young people who have developed the skill to straddle two worlds by meeting the expectations of the school and co-creating meaning with their peers’ - Non-delinquents are always in a “Catch 22” even when they follow the rules; authority figures still criminalize the boys because they live among delinquent boys - They are still treated with suspicion that they might commit crime like their peers Acting lawful - Avoiding contact with the police, delinquent friends always ask J.T. why he leaves in the middle of the game; J.T. knows when the police will come - How to talk to police: say things like “yes sir”, “no sir”, and “please sir”, riding legit keeping your mouth shut and let them do their stupid things The Criminalization of the Non-Delinquent Boys - Never involved in criminal activity but treated like it with negative consequences - Being brutalized by police which made Paul move to San Francisco to Oakland - Even in San Francisco, he encountered police two times because he fit the description of the suspect - J.T peers get mad at him and clothesline him because they want him to act like them, but he won’t - J.T believed they bully him because he joined a program about drug awareness and anger management. He became stigmatized by his peers, which they now render him as a snitch - The non-delinquent boys constantly have to prove they are criminals and overcompensate to do so “Minority Failure” - Placed a high value on education, all the dreams of having a college degree or high paying jobs - African American students did not succeed to the best of their potential for fear of being accused of “acting white” by their peers - “Black Americans subsequently began to doubt their own intellectual ability, began to define academic success as white people prerogative.”

For white students, as grades go up, their popularity goes up. For black and Latino students, their popularity diminished as their grades when up Institutional Aggression - Unfortunately, towards the end most of the non-delinquents finish high school and even some college but end up arrested - James did all this but ended up being a felon, civilization becomes an obstacle, which still renders them as threats and unworthy of positive credentials...

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