Pygmalion - Sample Drama Script PDF

Title Pygmalion - Sample Drama Script
Course Literary Appreciation
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 9
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Download Pygmalion - Sample Drama Script PDF


INTRODUCTION By reading Pygmalion, we learnt that beauty doesn’t reflect virtue. Although we talk and dress differently, what matters is what’s inside. Here, Shaw is trying to tell us that equality is very difficult to achieve amongst people of different social classes and frankly speaking, this still happens in the present day. We will be adapting Act 3 because this scene shows Eli, our main character try his best and prove his capabilities after being trained by Goddess Lena. This scene proves that with the exact amount of determination and perseverance, anything is possible. SUMMARY Eli is a boy who lives in a city that never sleeps, Starhill City. All his life, the people around him speak English but with a confusing and funny accent. He never bothered to fix the way he talks because that was the norm in his society. One day, he fell into a rabbit hole and emerged into a fantasy world of paradise. He met a goddess, Alena who taught him how to fit into the other side of the world. THEME Language and social skills: How people mock those who speak and act differently. They are deemed to be an embarrassment to the society. Determination: How people are willing to improve in order to be the best version of themselves. Kindness: How people treat others according to their social standards.????? LESSON We should not discriminate and judge other people just because they are different. By the end of the day, all of us are just human beings trying to survive in one same world. Beauty, wealth and language do not define us because what matters is what is inside. SETTING Fiction, Fantasy, Greek, Royalty, In year 2040.



1. “Goddess - - “Eli Doobig”Alena” Inspired thecharacter characterofofEliza Professor Higgins - Inspired bybythe Eldest daughter of Queen Athena - Lives alone in Starhill


“Queen Athena”/ “Friend 1” Inspired by Mrs Higgins’ character Ruler of Olympus Clouds


“Goddess Fera” Inspired by Colonel Pickering’s character Second daughter of Queen Athena


“Goddess Hera” Inspired by the character of Clara Eynsford Hill Queen Athena’s youngest daughter


“Godmother Marriane” / “Friend 2”/ “Goddess Mera” Inspired by the character of Mr Doolittle Godmother who has been taking care of Eli since he was young

SCENE 1 (AT STARHILL, PICNIC SCENERY) Eli’s monologue: What ay sunny day! Them birdies are chirpin’, them flowers are bloomin’ and them wind is blowin’. I can’t wait to see me fwens! *girls laughing* Eli: Ello fwens! This is ay wonderful day for ay picnic. *twirls* *gasps* Well goodness, look at them food! They are so mouth-watering. Friend 1: Oh why thank you Eli! I prepared these by myself. Friend 2: *rubs stomach* come on guys! Quit chit chatting, I’m hungry! *eats food deliciously* Friend 1: Let’s play a game. We still have plenty of time before sunset. Eli: Aight aight, I know a good game! Let’s play hide and seek! C’mon! Friend 2: AHA! I choose to seek! Ready, 3..2..1..! *starts counting* Friend 1: Psst, Eli is gone. Let’s leave him. He’s a loser anyway with that accent of his and ugly clothes.

NARRATOR: As Eli is searching around, he discovers a big tree with an interesting rabbit hole. He thought that it would be a perfect hiding spot. Little did he know… *screaming* that his life would turn upside down.

SCENE 2 (AT THE COLOSSEUM) *A few goddesses are combing their hair while laughing in a circle* *Eli falls in the centre* Goddess Hera: Good gracious! Is that a bird? Goddess Fera: What an interesting creature. *poking Eli* Goddess Hera: What is it wearing? It looks worn out and dirty. *disgusted face* *Eli wakes up feeling confused while sobbing* Eli: Where am me? Who are ya guys? Goddess Mera: GUYS?! We are goddesses, bow before us nasty bird!

Goddess Hera: Can’t you see who we are? This is the Olympus Cloud and I am Goddess Hera, Goddess of the Sea. Goddess Mera: I am Goddess Mera. Goddess of harvest and fertility. Goddess Fera: I am Fera, Goddes of Love. Eli: 3 people only? In Octopus? 3? Goddess Mera: NOT OCTOPUS! Octopus is what we eat. This place is called O-LYM-PUS Cloud. Goddess Fera: Oof, I’m sure you don’t want to meet our eldest sister, Lena. Goddess of Thunder. She inherits it from our late father, Zeus. Eli: JUZ? Goddesses: *Sigh* *winds blowing and pigeons entering* Goddess Lena: What did I hear just now? What Juz? Goddess Hera: Oh Lena, what brings you here? Goddess Lena: *Looks around* Well, well, what do we have here? *circles Eli* Stand up Bird! *Eli stands up terrifyingly* Eli: Why do ‘a’ have to listen to ya?! Ya ain’t nobody! *Goddesses gasp and ooh* Goddess Lena: I don’t understand a word you are saying, but I could tell that you are being awfully rude. *angry* Haven’t the goddesses told you about me? Eli: *shaking in fear* I don’t know how I got here. Know-know already here. Goddess Hera: What are we to do with this ugly bird? It’s not one of us. Goddess Fera: Calm down, sisters. Lena, can I have a word with you? *psst* *Lena and Fera move to a different room*

SCENE 3 NARRATOR: As Hera and Mera deal with Eli, their sisters discuss about what to make out of Eli. Hera and Mera keep staring at Eli and judging his appearance and language.

Goddess Fera: Can’t you see he is a human from Earth? Don’t you think this is a golden opportunity? We don’t have any more of his species on Olympus cloud. Goddess Lena: What? A human? What do you mean Fera? He does not look like a decent human. Why should we treasure and keep that bastard of a creature? Humans are useless. Goddess Fera: You don’t understand; we can change him to become one of us. He will definitely agree as he has nowhere else to go. You can do this Lena! You can teach him just like you teach the children. Goddess Lena: Look at him! Look at his silly plaid skirt. I’ve never seen a skirt that hideous. Goddess Fera: You can’t judge a book by its cover. I can see his potential. Goddess Lena: Very well, I will accept this challenge due to our worsening situation. Hera! Mera! Bring that creature in! *Mera and Hera pushes Eli in* Eli: Lemme go! What are ya gonna do to me?! *screams* Goddess Lena: You are obligated to do as we say or you will face the consequences.

NARRATOR: Lena and Fera try their best to convince Eli that he should become one of them. They tell him that they are in need of a God to replace their late father, Zeus. Dear audience, this kingdom you are seeing has lost all of its male species. They have all died in a war to save the kingdom from their enemy, Hades from the underworld.

Goddess Lena: Listen you human, our kingdom needs a man. We have no choice and you are our only hope. Eli: I just want to go home.. *sobs* Goddess Lena: Stop being a baby! Man up! Godess Fera: Human, we don’t even know how to send you back to earth. This is the only way for you to survive and fit in before we find you a way to go home. Eli: *sighs* Are you sure?

Goddess Lena: Do we look like liars to you? Trust us. Eli: Aight, I’ll do it. Not for you, but for meh.

SCENE 4 Eli: *stutters* Goddess Lena: Eli, how many times do I have to say? You have to be more confident when you speak. I have trained you and I can see your potential. *throws papers* Eli: But this is hard Goddess Lena. *rolls eyes* Goddess Lena: You do not roll your eyes at me! Do as what I say. Do it again. Eli: Don’t scream at me. Ya not the boss of me, ya don’t deserve to shout at me. *Eli stomps out of the room*

SCENE 5 Eli: This is so difficult. What have I dragged myself into? I just want to go home. *pats face & looks into the mirror* Eli: Listen Eli, this can change your life! You will no longer be looked down by other people back home. Just a few more lessons to go. *Eli enters the room again* Eli: I apologize, my Goddess. I was being awfully rude. I will not repeat my mistakes. Goddess Lena: Good. Know your place, you ungrateful creature. Let’s do this again.

Narrator: And they practise and practise until he gets it right.

SCENE 6 (AT QUEEN ATHENA’S PALACE) NARRATOR: After 3 months, Goddess Lena decides that Eli is ready to meet the Queen, Athena. Queen Athena will decide whether Eli is suitable to be the God on Olympus Cloud.

Goddess Hera: Mother, do I look fat?

Queen Athena: Don’t move, dear. *humming* Hmmm, which shade of blue should I use? Goddess Lena: *barges into the room* Oh mother! You have to meet my creation! Queen Athena: Good heavens Lena, what on Olympus are you blabbering about? Goddess Lena: I have met and transformed a peculiar man who claims to be from Earth to be our new God. Queen Athena: Are you sure he is fit for your late father’s role? Zeus was a warrior, a father, a king, and a friend to every one of his people. He was ahead of his time. What can this man do? Goddess Lena: Mother, he could never replace him. I know and I understand that. However, I have spent months transforming him into the most eligible person to be a God. I am sure he can carry this role just like father did. Queen Athena: How can I trust him? I don’t even know him. Goddess Lena: We should give him a chance mother. *Eli and Fera walk in* Goddess Fera: Good morning mother, good morning, sister. *kiss on the cheeks* Oh, and good morning, Hera. I have brought Eli with me. Eli: How do you do, Your Highness? *bows* My name is Eli and I am from Earth. Queen Athena: Very fancy to meet you, Eli. I hope you are enjoying your stay on Olympus Clouds. I know Lena has been strict with you, that’s just how she is. Eli: Well indeed, Your Highness. It has been a pleasant stay so far. I have learned so much from Lena. I have become more confident than I was before. Back on Earth, I was constantly ridiculed by the people for talking, acting and dressing weirdly. Queen Athena: *looks at Lena* Oh I did not expect this. Dear Eli, I am very impressed. I apologize for looking down on you. I suggest that you should marry one of my daughters as you have my blessings. Goddess Hera: MARRY? What marriage? *disgusted* We have never discussed such topic. We are still young. Goddess Lena: What are you talking about mother? Are you out of your mind? Queen Athena: But I am getting older, dear. Have some pity on me. I might be gone anytime soon. Goddess Hera: Please don’t choose me, mother. I love my current life! Let Lena or Fera marry him. Goddess Fera: Me? Why should*thunder*

Marrianne: *suddenly appears* Stop what you’re doing! You have no rights to do that to a human being from Earth. I’m his guardian angel and I object. Queen Athena: But we are on Olympus Clouds now. You have to abide by our rules. I say he has to marry one of my daughters. I need grandchildren to continue my legacy. Marrianne: Out of all people, why him? I have searched for him for three months. I have cried and mourned because I thought I have lost him. Now that I have found him, I want him back! Queen Athena: We have no bad intentions. Us goddesses and humans are in good terms. Marrianne: What about my feelings then? I’ve been there with him ever since he was a child and now you simply want to take him away from me just for your own benefit? Goddess Lena: Listen, Ma’am. We have no choice. Our kingdom needs a God because our male species has extinct due to war. We need to continue our generation as without us, the human being will suffer too. Goddess Fera: Indeed, without us, nobody is able to control nature. Rain, spring, autumn, winter will cease to exist and what will happen to human beings then? How will they survive? *Marrianne thinking about the humans’ fate* Marrianne: Very well then, I’ll give my consent as this will benefit both of our worlds with one condition. I just want my godson to be happy and marry someone he loves willingly even though he is far away from Earth. My son, have you chosen your suitor? Eli: I know the perfect goddess for me. She’s the one who’s been helping me through all these hardships.

Narrator: Guess who? Can you guess who Eli chose? Aha.

SCENE 7 *wedding ceremony* NARRATOR: Queen Athena guides her daughter, Fera across the aisle to the hands of Eli. Queen Athena: We are gathered together here to unite this man, Eli Doobig and this goddess, Fera in the bonds of matrimony. Do you take my daughter to be your lawfully wedded wife? Eli: I do. Queen Athena: Do you take Eli to be your lawfully wedded husband? Goddess Fera: I do.

*Eli and Fera exchange rings* Queen Athena: By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

NARRATOR: They get married and vow to stay together and protect both worlds. They live happily ever after. *Crowd cheering and clapping*...

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