Quiz 2 - Chapters 3 & 4 PDF

Title Quiz 2 - Chapters 3 & 4
Course Children'S Literature
Institution Jackson College
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Chapters 3 & 4...


ENG 254—Children’s Literature Quiz on Chapters 3 and 4

100 Points

Name: Hailey Esper Quiz on Chapter 3 1. What is a picturebook? According to the textbook, a picturebook is a book where the words only tell parts of the story that are not shown in the illustrations. Whereas the illustrations tell a part of the story not described in words. 2. What is an illustrated/picture book? Illustrated/picture books contain both words and pictures, where the image is something that shows what the readers are already reading. 3. List the criteria given for considering quality in picturebook art in Figure 3.2 in your textbook,  Illustrations are artistically excellent  Illustrations relate to the text in a meaningful way  Medium, Technique, and style are appropriate to the text  Design elements work to enhance meaning in both individual illustrations and across the book as a whole.  Illustrations establish mood, setting, characters, and theme in the picture storybooks.  Illustrations are accurate and organized appropriately in nonfiction  Illustrations enhance the emotional impact of poetry 4. Watch the video Henry’s Freedom Box by Ellen Devine, Children’s Books Read Aloud. What is an Opening? This video is on the topic of slavery during the time of the underground railroad. Henry had gone through lots of hard times, from being separated from his mother and from his wife and children being sold. He put himself in a box and shipped himself to a friend’s house where there were no slaves, he made it there and was welcomed. 5. Identify an Opening in Henry’s Freedom Box where the illustrator has handled the Gutter well. Explain the reason(s) for your choice. I chose the opening where it starts with “Henry no longer sang.” In this page the illustrator handled the gutter very well as nothing lies there besides the wall in the background, he put henry off to the right of the page and the text to the left. 6. Watch the video, Tuesday, by David Wiesner. What style of art has Wiesner used in this book?

Wiesner used Folk Art and Naïve Art. Give one characteristic of this style of art. The art exaggerated reality.

7. List the two questions given in section 3-7 of your textbook, “Exploring Picturebook Art with Young Readers,” that we should ask children after they have read a picturebook. “What did you notice?” and “Why do you suppose….” 8. Identify the award that is given for excellence in children’s illustration. You may google this question! The Caldecott Medal, awarded by the American Library Association since 1938. 9. Picturebooks are classified by their a. Format b. Content c. Subject matter 10. The art in excellent picturebooks a. Extends the text b. Tells the story alone c. Duplicates the text 11. Meaning in picturebooks is conveyed through a. Illustrations b. Text c. Facts 12. Characteristics of quality in picturebook art include a. Illustrations that establish mood and setting b. Excellent illustrations c. Illustrations that duplicate the text 13. In chapter 3 of the textbook, examine the illustrated pages of Little Melba and Her Big Trombone. (There are two spots in the chapter where you will find these pages.) Identify two details in the illustrations that help to establish the historical setting of the story.

All the people in the image are playing instruments, such as jazz instruments, which shows the time when jazz was very popular. All the people in the image are African American, which shows the history of how African Americans gained more rights over time and were able to do the things they loved in life.

14. In an illustrated book, a. The illustrations contribute equally to the development of the story b. The illustrations do not contribute equally to the development of the story 15. Match the items in column A with the definitions in column B A B

1. Medium

a. Mark where different colors meet

2. Technique

b. Area or form that directs the viewer’s eye

3. Line

c. Material used to produce a work

4. Color

d. Methods used to produce a work of art

5. Shape

e. Conveys a sense of reality

6. Texture

f. Expresses character, emotion, mood

16. Match the items in column A with the definitions in column B. A B a. 1. Representational a. composed of dream-like images b. 2. Surrealistic

b. emphasis on light and color

c. 3. Impressionist

c. traditional art of a culture

d. 4. Folk and Naïve

d. simplified shapes, emphasis on line

e. 5. Outline

e. literal, realistic depiction

17. One of the first picturebooks to represent the lives of African American children from an insider’s perspective was a. Stevie b. Goodnight Moon c. Chester 18. The first picture book with an African American protagonist to win the Caldecott Medal was a. Stevie b. The Snowy Day c. Goodnight Moon

19. Illustrators often reveal the techniques and medium they use in a. The notes b. The text 20. By the 1960s and 70s, the number of color illustrators increased as a result of a. An increased number of John Newberry awards b. An increased number of illustrators’ awards c. Advances in color reproduction techniques 21. What are the endpages? Endpages are the pages that connect the inside of the cover to the rest of the book.

22. What is the Verso? What is the Recto? The Verso is the left-hand side of the opening, and the Recto is the right hand side.

23. What is the front matter? The front matter is all of the fine print about the copyright, ISBN, Library of congress catalog data. 24. The standard length of a picturebook is a. 32 pages b. 40 pages c. 16 pages 25. Read chapters 1-3 of New Kid by Jerry Craft. List three conflicts that Jordan Banks faces.   

In Chapter one, Jordan is embarrassed to be seen in a new fancy car from someone picking him up, and he ducks down so his neighborhood friends wouldn’t see him. If they are his friends, they are on his dads sports team is all I gathered so far. In Chapter Two Jordan faces feeling alone and like an outcast. There aren’t very many other black kids at this school, but the few they are, are rhymed with Oreo which is a completely racist comment. In Chapter 3 Jordan has to face how his friends from his neighborhood feel about him going to a new school with white kids.

Quiz on Chapter 4 1. Read Yuyi Morales’ Viva Frida. Choose an Opening and describe Morales’ use of color and texture. Sueno, I Dream. This page uses blue all through the background, which to me makes me realize the dream part, it’s like the sky and clouds. She uses texture on herself, with her bow, the teddy bear and the monkey, which shows that all of those things are real. The things that are a smooth texture are a part of her dream. 2. What is a major message/theme in Viva Frida? The main message in this book is how someone can dream and work towards making that dream come to life. She shows this through her images. 3. Graphic novels appeal to

a. b. c. d.

Upper elementary readers Adolescent readers Struggling readers Readers who are learning English

4. Read chapters 4-6 of New Kid by Jerry Craft. Identify the kind of reader who is being targeted by Jerry Craft in his graphic novel. Explain. The reader being targeted in chapters 4-6 of New Kid are readers who feel like they are outcasts. And outcasts can be anyone who feels different from others around them, whether it is from interests or racial issues. It shows how the “normal’s” think of the outcasts but can’t tell how they’re treating them, because they just think they’re being funny. 5. Characteristics of the graphic novel are: a. Sequential panels b. Closure c. White space gutter d. Speech balloons e. Printing that indicates tone

6. Read chapter 7 of New Kid by Jerry Craft. What elements of the graphic novel does Craft use best to his advantage? Explain. He uses lessons for Jordan from his grandpa, where he teaches him how he is the “New Kid” at his senior center. He uses metaphors to get Jordan to realize that Liam and Drew can be friends too, not just friends with him separately. In the end he illustrates all the different kinds of thanksgiving foods, which makes you continue to think on how different things can go well together. 7. Watch Sam and Dave Dig a Hole by Mac Barnett and illustrated by Jon Klassen. Read the text and the illustrations. What story does the text tell? The story is about two boys, who are on an adventure to find treasure buried deep in the ground, where they keep digging in the wrong directions. They continue to give up and change directions. 8. What story do the illustrations tell? The illustrations tell a story about how every time they get close to the treasure, they switch things up and go a different direction. Each time they are close, the dog is looking in the direction of the treasure, because he can smell it.

9. What story do text and illustrations tell? The text and the illustrations together I feel are telling a story about not giving up, but to not second guess yourself. Each time they get really close to the treasure; they switch directions. They needed to look at the dog to realize he had a sense of direction where to go.

10. Wordless books a. Tell a story through illustrations alone b. Sometimes incorporate words in the illustrations c. Contain dialogue and narration d. Include words in the titles 11. Watch Gravity by Jason Chin. Identify an Opening that shows Chin’s effective placement of text and illustrations. Explain the reason for your choice. “Without Gravity, Everything would” I chose this one because the rest just seemed like they were placed at the top, but this one being at the top actually finishes its own sentence. Without gravity everything would float, everything in the illustration is floating and so is the text. 12. Picturebooks a. Can be found in a variety of genres b. Can be found in a variety of formats c. Are available for all ages d. Address various preferences and interests e. Are evolving

13. Qualities for evaluating nonfiction picturebooks include a. Accurate text and illustrations b. Well-placed text and illustrations c. Illustrations that enhance emotions d. Lyrical, emotional language 14. Books with multiple narratives of the same incident, characters that speak directly to the reader, and interlocking narratives are called: a. Graphic novels b. Modern picturebooks c. Postmodern picturebooks 15. Beginning-to-read books for those who have just become independent readers are characterized by

a. b. c. d. e.

Controlled vocabulary Strong characterization Engaging plots Simple sentences Direct dialog

16. Board books a. Are good for children in the picture identification stage b. Are good for children in the earliest stage of reading

17. Picturebooks a. Help children understand how stories work b. Help children develop concepts about books

18. Primary grade readers a. Generally do not enjoy reading picturebooks b. Generally enjoy humor

19. Picturebooks for older readers a. Consider serious themes b. Provide reading strategies

20. Evidence that children’s literature continues to grow is seen in a. The award of the Caldecott Medal to a 500-page picturebook b. The blending of lines between the picturebook and the graphic novel

21. Non-fiction picturebooks a. Primarily tell a story b. Primarily give information 22.

a. Repeated phrases b. Cumulative story structures c. Sequences d. Rhyme and rhythm Are characteristic of Predictable Books

23. A concept book is a. A Nonfiction book b. A Folktale

c. A Tall Tale

24. Concept books a. Provide numerous examples of an idea b. Provide a unique example of an idea c. Show relationships among seemingly concrete ideas . 25. Participation books provide a. Tactile material for children b. Visual material for children c. Interactive activities 26. Alphabet and counting books a. Are only about letters and numbers b. Are about more than letters and numbers

27. General guidelines for evaluating picturebooks in digital form include a. Appropriate reader’s voice b. Supplementary features that align with the revised text c. Illustrations that are different from the original...

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