Quiz 2 - Vietnam - quiz practical questions with answers PDF

Title Quiz 2 - Vietnam - quiz practical questions with answers
Author Tengyan Zhang
Course Understanding Contemporary East Asia
Institution University of Calgary
Pages 6
File Size 130.6 KB
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What year did France begin its conquest of Vietnam? 1858 What year did Vietnam became part of French Indochina? 1887 What role did Ho chi Minh play in Vietnam’s history? make Vietnam to be independent When did US military and economic aid grow in S. Vietnam? 1960s When did the US withdraw its milita...


1. What year did France begin its conquest of Vietnam? 1858 2. What year did Vietnam became part of French Indochina? 1887 3. What role did Ho chi Minh play in Vietnam’s history? make Vietnam to be independent 4. When did US military and economic aid grow in S. Vietnam? 1960s 5. When did the US withdraw its military force from Vietnam? 1973 6. When was Vietnam united under Communist rule? 1975 7. Why did the economy not grow after unification? because of conservative leadership policies, the persecution and mass exodus of individuals, and growing international isolation 因为保守的领导政策, 对个人的迫害和大量的撤离, 以及日益增长的国际隔离

8. Which of the following happened after doi moi in 1986? increased economic liberalization and enacted structural reforms needed to modernize the economy and to produce more competitive, export-driven industries 加强经济自由化和实施结构改革,以使经济现代化和产生更有竞争力的出口驱动型工业

9. The government improved human rights but that did not change? maintain tight control on political expression 政治表达 10. Which of the following is frequently a cause for protests in Vietnam? land-use issues, calls for increased political space, or the lack of equitable mechanisms for resolving disputes 土地利用问题,呼吁增加政治空间 ,或缺乏解决争端的公平机制

11. Who organizes protests in the urban areas? human rights activists 12. What body of water is S.W. of Vietnam?

South China Sea 13. Directly S.E. of Haiphong is which island? Hainan island 14. With which country does Vietnam share the Gulf of Tonkin? China 15. What type of climate does South Vietnam have? Tropical 16. What type of terrain is in South Vietnam? low, flat delta, plains 17. Which of the following contribute to deforestation? logging and slash-and-burn agricultural practices 18. What threatens marine life along the coast of Vietnam? water pollution and overfishing 19. What limits potable water supplies? groundwater contamination 20. What is rapidly degrading the environment in Hanoi? growing urban industrialization and population migration 21. What is the approximate population of Vietnam? 97,040,334

22. What is the largest ethnic group in Vietnam? Kinh (Viet) 23. What is the second most spoken language in Vietnam? English 24. What is the most popular religion in Vietnam? Buddhist 25. Which is the largest age group in Vietnam?

25-54 yrs 26. What percentage of people in Vietnam are over 65 years old? 6.35% 27. In 2018, what was the urban population as percentage of total population? 35.9% 28. What is the population growth rate in Vietnam in 2018? 0.9% 29. Where is the highest concentration of the population? the South China Sea and Gulf of Tonkin, with the Mekong Delta (in the south) and the Red River Valley (in the north) 30. Which is the largest city in Vietnam? Ho Chi Minh City 31. What is the population of Hanoi? 1.064 million 32. What is the approximate sex ration for the age group 25-54? 1.02 m/f 33. What is the life expectancy of a female in Vietnam? 76.7 years 34. How much of the GDP did Vietnam spend on education in 2013? 5.7% 35. How many women can read in Vietnam as a percentage? 92.8% 36. How many men age 15-24 yrs are unemployed in 2017? 7.3% 37. What is the full long name of Vietnam? Socialist Republic of Vietnam 38. What type of government does Vietnam have? communist state

39. What is the capital of Vietnam? Hanoi (Ha Noi) 40. How many provinces does Vietnam have? 58 41. How many (major) municipalities are in Vietnam? 5 42. How old do you have to be to vote (suffrage) in Vietnam? 18 43. Vietnam’s flag has a five-pointed star. Which of the following does one point represent? peasants, workers, intellectuals, traders, and soldiers 44. Which of the following is a national symbol of Vietnam? yellow, five-pointed star on red field; lotus blossom; national colors: red, yellow 45. What year did Vietnam join the WTO? January 2007

46. What was the annual GDP growth in 2017? $648.7 billion. Growth rate 6.8% 47. What is failing the expanding middle class in Vietnam? the country’s infrastructure fails to meet the needs of an expanding middle class 48. The economy is booming what is the government approach to economic growth? remains cautious about the risk of external shocks 49. When did Vietnam sign a Free Trade Agreement with Korea?

50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

2015-16 Why did Vietnam cancel its civilian nuclear energy development program in 2016? it faces growing pressure on energy infrastructure What was the GDP per capita (PPP) in 2017 for Vietnam? $6,900 What is Vietnam’s gross national savings in 2017? 29% of GDP How much is household consumption? 66.9% Which agricultural product is produced in Vietnam? rice, coffee, rubber, tea, pepper, soybeans, cashews 腰果, sugar cane 甘蔗, peanuts, bananas What are two industries in Vietnam? food processing, garments 服装, shoes, machine-building; mining, coal, steel; cement, chemical fertilizer, glass, tires, oil, mobile phones

56. How many people were in the Vietnamese labor force in 2017? 54.8 million 57. Which of the following does Vietnam import? machinery and equipment, petroleum products, steel products, raw materials for the clothing and shoe industries, electronics, plastics, automobiles 58. Which country does Vietnam import the most from? China 59. How much was Vietnam’s reserve of foreign exchange & gold in 2017? $49.5 billion 60. What percentage of urban areas have electricity in Vietnam? 100% 61. How much of Vietnamese’s energy is from fossil fuels in 2016? 56% 62. What percentage of Vietnam’s electricity comes from nuclear fuel in 2017? 0% 63. How much crude oil was produced in Vietnam in 2017? 271,400 bbl/day 64. Vietnam consumed how much natural gas in 2017? 8.098 billion cu m 65. How much natural gas did Vietnam export in 2017? 0 cu m 66. In 2017, Vietnam emitted how much CO2 from consumption of energy? 235.3 million Mt 67. How many TV channels does Vietnam Television operate? several 68. How are the Vietnamese people able to get information not controlled by their government? via home satellite equipment 69. What is the total amount of internet users in Vietnam? 49.741 million 70. How many registered air carriers are there in Vietnam? 4 71. How many airports with paved runways does Vietnam have? 38 72. Which of the following is a container port in Vietnam? Saigon, Cai Mep 73. How many Merchant marine craft Does Vietnam have? 1,863 74. Which city is a river port in Vietnam? Ho Chi Minh 75. What was the military expenditure in Vietnam in 2017 as a percentage of GDP? 2.19% 76. Males must serve in Vietnam’s military from 18-25 yrs of age. What is the age range females must serve? voluntary 77. At what age can males enroll in military school in Vietnam? 17 78. Near which port in Vietnam do pirates attack ships? the territorial and offshore waters in the South China Sea

79. Vietnam, Philippines and which other country’s oil companies signed an agreement to conduct seismic activity in the Spratly Islands? China 80. Which country is Vietnam negotiating with to reduce illegal fishing along their maritime boundary? Indonesia 81. In 2018, how many stateless persons were in Vietnam? 34,110 82. How did some women in Vietnam end up stateless? to marry foreign men 83. What is the penalty for drug trafficking in Vietnam? the death penalty 84. When do we find Homo Erectus in Vietnam? 500,000 BCE 85. When is the first dynasty formed in Vietnam? 257 BCE 86. Which of the following was a reason for Vietnam to reject Chinese rule in the early period? Women had more freedom than in China as well as in politics, economics Clan (extended family) is more important than nuclear family 87. Which language family does Vietnamese belong to? Mon-Khmer (Austroasiatic lang) 88. When did the Trung sisters fight China? 39 CE 89. When did Vietnam get independence from China? 939 90. Which country was Vietnam trading with during the mid-Chinese rule period? Khmer, India, Rome 91. Nguyen Binh Khiem received what graduate award in the Confucian exams? named as a saint 92. Cao Dai Faith is a new religion. What was one of the influences in its formulation? New Religion with influence from Confucian, Buddhist, Daoist and Catholic traditions 93. The fertility goddess in Vietnam is Lady Po Nagar. Who is she? Lady of the Realm prosperity Au Co mother of Vietnamese civilization 94. Vinitaruci was famous for what? techs meditation/ Zen 95. How many troops did Chiang Kai Shek send to Vietnam to expel the Japanese in WWII? 200,000 96. In what year did Vietnam join ASEAN? 1995 97. How many Vietnamese live in Japan in 2014? 135,657 98. When did US war ships began again docking in Vietnam? 2007 99. Who trained Vietnam’s submariners? India 100.What pretext did the French use to assume control over Vietnam in 1850s? to protect Catholics in Vietnam...

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