Quiz 3 - Korea - quiz practical questions with answers PDF

Title Quiz 3 - Korea - quiz practical questions with answers
Author Tengyan Zhang
Course Understanding Contemporary East Asia
Institution University of Calgary
Pages 4
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When did Korea gain independence from Japan? 1945 The Korean War occurred during which years? 1950- In which year did Park Chung-hee become the leader in a coup? 1961 How much did South Korea’s per capita income rise compared to N. Korea’s during the period 1961-1979? 17 times When was S. Korea’s fi...


1. When did Korea gain independence from Japan? 1945 2. The Korean War occurred during which years? 1950-1953 3. In which year did Park Chung-hee become the leader in a coup? 1961 4. How much did South Korea’s per capita income rise compared to N. Korea’s during the period 1961-1979? 17 times 5. When was S. Korea’s first free presidential election? 1987 6. In what year did South Korea host the Winter Olympics? February 2018 7. What type of climate does South Korea have? temperate, with rainfall heavier in summer than winter; cold winters 8. Which body of water is SE of southern part of South Korea? Korea Strait 9. In what part of the country does South Korea have wide coastal plains? west and south 10. Which of the following is a natural resource in South Korea? coal, tungsten, graphite, molybdenum, lead, hydropower potential 11. Which of the following is an occasional natural hazard for S. Korea? occasional typhoons bring high winds and floods; low-level seismic activity 12. What is the approximate population of S. Korea in 2018? 51,418,097 13. What is the second most spoken language in South Korea? English 14. According to your readings, how many people in South Korea have no religion? 56.9% 15. What percentage of the S. Korean population is Buddhist? 15.5% 16. What percentage of the S. Korean population lives in an urban area in 2018? 81.5% 17. Which statement is true about S. Korea’s population’s sex ratio between 15-24 years old? 1.11m/f 18. What is the mean age of a S. Korean woman at first birth? 31 yrs 19. Which city in S. Korea is a special self-governing city? Sejong 20. How much of GDP did S. Korea spend on health expenditures in 2015? 7.4% 21. How much of the GDP did South Korea spend on education in 2015? 5.3% 22. How many years did a female spend in school (school life expectancy) in 2013? 16 yrs 23. What form of government does South Korea have? presidential republic 24. South Korea will have a new Capital soon. Where will it be? Sejong 25. How many provinces does South Korea have? 9 26. How many metropolitan cities does S. Korea have not counting Seoul and Sejong? 6

27. According to your readings, what is the “head of government” called in S. Korea? Prime Minister LEE Nak-yon; Deputy Prime Ministers KIM Dong-yeon, KIM Sangkon 28. Which of the following is a National symbol of South Korea? taegeuk (yin yang symbol), Hibiscus syriacus (Rose of Sharon), Siberian tiger; national colors: red, white, blue, black 29. In the 1960s S. Korea’s GDP per capita could be compared with which of the following? poorest countries in the world 30. In what year did South Korea economy pass the trillion-dollar mark? 2004 31. Which of the following happened during the period 1997-1998 in South Korea? The Asian financial crisis 32. What is one of the reforms the government of S. Korea adopted to deal with the challenges brought about in 19971998? restructuring some chaebols, increasing labor market flexibility, and opening up to more foreign investment and imports 33. What was one cause for the 2018 economic slow down? rapidly aging population, inflexible labor market, continued dominance of the chaebols, and heavy reliance on exports rather than domestic consumption 34. What was the per capita GDP (PPP) for South Korea in 2017 est.? $39,500 35. How much of the GDP composition, by end use is the export of goods & services in S. Korea? 43.1% 36. Which of the following is NOT an agricultural product listed for South Korea in your readings? rice, root crops, barley, vegetables, fruit, cattle, pigs, chickens, milk, eggs, fish 37. Which of the following is a major industry in S. Korea? electronics, telecommunications, automobile production, chemicals, shipbuilding, steel 38. How many people are in South Korea’s labor force as of 2017? 27.75 million 39. What is the difference between the approximate value of exports from South Korea in 2016 and 2017? 65.4 million 40. Which of the following is NOT an export commodity from South Korea? semiconductors, petrochemicals, automobile/auto parts, ships, wireless communication equipment, flat displays, steel, electronics, plastics, computers 41. Which country is S. Korea’s THIRD export partner? Vietnam 42. Which of the following is the lead import into South Korea? crude oil/petroleum products, semiconductors, natural gas, coal, steel, computers, wireless communication equipment, automobiles, fine chemicals, textiles 43. What percentage of the South Korean population still does not have electricity? 0% 44. What percentage of South Korea’s electricity is imported from China in 2016? 0% 45. What percentage of South Korean electricity in 2016 was from fossil fuels? 70% 46. What percentage of S. Korea’s electricity is from nuclear fuels? 21% 47. In 2017, how many bbl/day of crude oil was produced in South Korea? 0 bbl/day 48. In 2017, how much natural gas was consumed in South Korea? 45.28 billion 49. In 2017, how many cell phone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants is listed for S. Korea? 124

50. How many privately owned TV network are in S. Korea? 1 51. What percentage of the S. Korean population uses the internet (2016)? 89.9% 52. How many airports does South Korea have? 111 53. How many total kilometers of railways does S. Korea have? 3,979 km 54. How many total kilometers of roadways does S. Korea have? 100,428 km 55. What percentage of the GDP did South Korea spend on its military in 2017? 2.7% 56. In what year did S. Korea’s military first enlist women? 1950 57. What international issue involves the Liancourt Rocks? South Korea and Japan claim Liancourt Rocks (Tok-do/Take-shima), occupied by South Korea since 1954 58. When were the first humans found in Korea? 100,000 BCE 59. The Korea Bay is located West of Korea, what other body of water is in the West? Yellow Sea 60. Russia historically is an important player in the Korean situation. What part of Korea borders Russia? Northeast 61. When was the Samhan period? Iron age 100 BCE-300 CE 62. When was the Three Kingdoms period? 300-600 CE 63. When was the Unified Silla period? 668-935 64. Homo erectus first entered the Korean Peninsula around 360,000 yrs ago. When did Homo sapiens first arrive? 30,000 yrs ago 65. Which language family does Korean belong to? Macro-Altaic 66. According to legend, in which year did the son of heaven marry a bear woman? 2333 BCE 67. In which of the following years did China and Korea go to war? 300 BCE 68. After China was victorious in invading Korea in 109 BCE what did it do? establish 4 commanderies in Gojoseon leading to its demise 69. In what area was Baekje founded? around Seoul was located in SW 70. In what year did Silla conquer Baekje? 660 71. Goryeo period was which of the following? 936-1392 72. In which period did Buddhism become “state religion”? Goryeo Dynasty 918-1392 73. In which period did (neo) Confucianism become “state religion”? Joseon Dynasty 1335-1408 74. What percentage (apx) of the Joseon nation were slaves? 1/3 75. The native religion of Korea is called what? Confucianism

76. How was the Gojoseon society organized? organized by clan and tribe and not on Confucianism 77. In which dynastic period was Buddhism persecuted? Joseon Dynasty 78. What is the foundation of self-cultivation? education 79. How should a woman be a good daughter, wife, mother in traditional thought? Sacrifice individuality 80. Which is one of the four social groups in the Joseon dynastic period? scholar-officials (chungin), commoners, despised people, untouchables 81. When was the Korean alphabet (Hangeul) created? 1446 82. What year was the Korean Empire established? 1897 83. Who created modern banking in Korea? Japanese 84. Why were there anti-Chinese protests in 1888-89 in Korea? China sends in troops/China takes control of Korean affairs, blocks trade with Japan 85. How did Russia and Japan view N. Korea? a buffer zone 86. When did S. Korea sign a free trade agreement with the USA? 2012 87. Which approach to Confucianism employs the term “Confucian work ethic”? core values and legal system 88. Which word can be used to describe South Korean corporate culture in part? Leads to favoritism (nepatism) 89. Women wanting options from their traditional role frequently chose which of the following options in South Korea? careers/ work from home option/ chores division of labor 90. In the world what is South Korea’s divorce rate ranked? 10th 91. What major health problem do Bacchus women’s clients have? STDS 92. What percentage of S. Korean women are single mothers? 1.9% 93. According to a newspaper report, what percentage of high school students are sexually active in S. Korea? 17% 94. What is one reason xenophobia is lessening in S. Korea? more foreigners are present in SK 95. The case of a South Korean man picking a fight with an American man who touched a South Korean woman’s butt represents what? sensitive to foreign criticism/ wrongdoing against Koreans 96. In the world, S. Korea ranks what in medically enhanced people? has most cosmetically 97. How much is the plastic surgery industry in S. Korea worth per year? 5 billion dollars 98. Which facial characteristic is considered desirable for women? big round eyes, a pointed nose, a pleasant smile, a V-shaped chin, a slim jaw 99. How many plastic surgery clinics operate in Seoul? more than 4000 100.The three most popular surgeries according to the Grand clinic are: eye lids, breasts, and what? nose, jaw, bones...

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