Quiz 4 - Japan - quiz practical questions with answers PDF

Title Quiz 4 - Japan - quiz practical questions with answers
Author Tengyan Zhang
Course Understanding Contemporary East Asia
Institution University of Calgary
Pages 4
File Size 111.5 KB
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What body of water is to the Southwest of Kyushu? 九州岛 East China Sea 中国东海 Which is the largest northern Japanese island? Honshu 本州岛 Which island is Tokyo on? Honshu What is the name of the chain of islands forming the southern extent of Japan? Shikoku 四国 or Okinawa 冲绳岛 In what year was Japan stabili...


1. What body of water is to the Southwest of Kyushu? 九州岛 East China Sea 中国东海 2. Which is the largest northern Japanese island? Honshu 本州岛 3. Which island is Tokyo on? Honshu 4. What is the name of the chain of islands forming the southern extent of Japan? Shikoku 四国 or Okinawa 冲绳岛 5. In what year was Japan stabilized and isolated from foreign influences by the Tokugawa? 1603 6. Japan was closed but opened up because of the Treaty of Kanagawa. When was the treaty signed? 1854 7. With whom did Japan sign the treaty of Kanagawa? 神奈川条约 US 8. In what period did Japan become a regional power? late 19th and early 20th centuries 9. In Which years did Japan occupy Manchuria? 满洲(东北) 1931-32 10. In what year did Japan invade China? 侵略中国 1937 11. In What year did Japan attack America? 1941 12. In what years did Japan experience a major slowdown according to your readings? 1990s 13. What major event happened in March 2011? strongest-ever earthquake, and an accompanying tsunami 14. How much territory does Japan claim as its exclusive economic zone? 200 nm 15. Which of the following types of climates does the South have? tropical 16. What is the general terrain of Japan? mostly rugged and mountainous 崎岖多山 17. What is the highest point in Japan? Mount Fuji 18. According to your readings, what is a natural resource of Japan? fish 19. Which of the following is Japan the world’s largest importer? coal, liquefied natural gas, oil 20. How much land was irrigated in 2012 in Japan? 24,690 sq km 21. What percentage of the Japanese population live on the Kanto Plain (Tokyo area)? one-third of the population 22. Which volcano is Honshu Island’s most active? Asama 浅间山 23. Which is NOT a natural hazard in Japan according to your readings? volcanoes; seismic occurrences (mostly tremors 震动 but occasional severe earthquakes) tsunamis; typhoons 24. Because of certain Japanese consumption patterns what environmental issue arise in the rest of Asia? depletion of fish and tropical timber 鱼类和热带木材的耗竭 25. What is Japan NOW doing in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster? to restart nuclear power plants that meet strict new safety standards 26. How many smaller islands/ islets 小岛 help make up Japan? 6,848

27. What is the estimated population of Japan in 2018? 126,168,156 28. How many Japanese from Brazil migrated to Japan in the 1990s? up to 230,000 29. Which is the second most popular religion in Japan? Buddhism 30. How many females age 15-24 live in Japan? 5,746,140 31. What percentage of the Japanese population is 25-54 yrs old? 37.28% 32. What is the Population growth rate In Japan in 2018 est.? -0.24% 33. What is the birth rate in Japan (2018 est.)? 0.75% = 7.5 births/1,000 population 34. What is the rate of people migrating to Japan (2018 est.)? 0% 35. What percentage of Japanese population is urbanized (2018)? 91.6% 36. Which city is the third major urban area by population? Nagoya 名古屋 37. What sex ratio between male/female is found in the Japanese population of those over 65 yrs. old? 0.78 m/f 38. What is the mean age of women giving birth for the first time? 30.7 yrs 39. What is the life expectancy at birth for a female born in Japan in 2018? 89 yrs 40. What percentage did Japan spend on health in 2015? 10.9% 41. What percentage of the Japanese population has unimproved drinking water? 0% 42. What was the education expenditures in Japan in 2016? 3.5% 43. What form of government does Japan have? parliamentary constitutional monarchy 议会君主立宪制 44. How many administrative divisions 行政区划 are found in the Japanese government? 47 45. In what year did a Japanese constitution provide for constitutional monarchy? 29 November 1890 46. What country acted as a model for Japanese civil law system? German model 47. At what age can you vote (suffrage) in Japan? 18 yrs 48. Who is the chief of state in Japan? Emperor NARUHITO 49. How is the head of the Japanese government selected? the monarchy is hereditary 50. What are the national colors of Japan? red, white 51. What was a notable characteristic of the Japanese economy in the post war period? keiretsu 集团企业/the guarantee of lifetime employment for a substantial portion of the urban labor force 终身就业 52. Why is the “keiretsu” system breaking down? eroded under the dual pressures of global competition 全球竞争 and domestic demographic change 国内人口变化

53. Based on purchasing power parity, Japan’s economy is ranked as which of the following? 4 54. China and the USA have the largest and 2nd largest economies. What rank is Japan’s economy? 4 55. What is a major long-term challenge for the Japanese economy? demographic decline – a low birthrate and an aging, shrinking population 56. What was the per capita (PPP) GDP for Japan in 2017 (est)? $42,900 57. What percentage of GDP composition by end use does household consumption command? 55.5% 58. Which of the following is not an agriculture product of Japan? vegetables, rice, fish, poultry, fruit, dairy products, pork, beef, flowers, potatoes/taros/yams, sugarcane, tea, legumes, wheat and barley 59. What percentage of the Japanese population work in the service sector (2015 est.)? 70.9% 60. What was the inflation rate (consumer prices) in Japan in 2017? 0.5% 61. How much (in dollars) did Japan export in 2017 (est.)? $688.9 billion 62. Which country is Japan’s #1 export partner? US 63. Which product(s) does Japan import the most? petroleum 64. Which country is Japan’s #1 import partner? China 65. What percent of its electrical capacity does Japan generate using nuclear fuels? 1% 66. What percentage of its electrical capacity does japan generate from other (non-hydro) renewable sources? 20% 67. How much crude oil does Japan export? 0 68. In 2018 (est.) how much proven Natural gas reserves did Japan have? 20.9 billion cu m 69. What was Japan’s Carbon dioxide emissions from energy consumption (2017 est.)? 1.268 billion Mt 70. How many mobile cellular phones (subscriptions) are found in Japan? 170,128,499 71. How many national terrestrial TV networks does Japan have? 6 72. How are international TV programs provided in Japan according to your readings? satellite and cable services 73. How many internet uses are in Japan? 116,565,962 74. How many registered air carriers does Japan have? 23 75. What is the annual passenger traffic (people) on registered air carriers in Japan? 113.762 million 76. How many kilometers of gas pipelines does Japan have? 4456 km gas 77. How many kilometers of railways does Japan have in total? 27,311 km

78. Which of the following is not a gauge of railways 铁路轨距 found in Japan? broad, standard, narrow, and dual 79. How many bulk carrier ships 散货船 are registered under the Japanese flag? 158 80. Which is a major seaport in Japan? Chiba, Kawasaki, Kobe, Mizushima, Moji, Nagoya, Osaka, Tokyo, Tomakomai, Yokohama 81. Which is a Liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal? Chita, Fukwoke, Futtsu, Hachinone, Hakodate, Hatsukaichi, Higashi Ohgishima, Higashi Niigata, Himeiji, Joetsu, Kagoshima, Kawagoe, Kita Kyushu, Mizushima, Nagasaki, Naoetsu, Negishi, Ohgishima, Oita, Sakai, Sakaide, Senboku, Shimizu, Shin Minato, Sodegaura, Tobata, Yanai, Yokkaichi 82. What percentage of the GDP did Japan spend on its military in 2016? 0.93% 83. What is the Air Force called in Japan? Air Self-Defense Force (Koukuu Jieitai, ASDF) 84. What is the Japanese navy called? Maritime Self-Defense Force (Kaijou Jieitai, MSDF) 85. How old does one have to be to volunteer for the Japanese military? 18 yrs 86. What is the mandatory age of retirement for senior service officers in Japan’s military? 62 yrs 87. According to Japan, in what region is Etorofu located? Northern Territories 88. Which of the following islands is part of the “Southern Kuril Islands” Etorofu, Kunashiri, and Shikotan, and the Habomai group 89. About which location does Japan and Russia have a sovereignty dispute? dispute over the islands of Etorofu, Kunashiri, and Shikotan, and the Habomai group 90. When did Russia (USSR) occupy the Habomai group of islands? 1945 91. Why did the Japanese not sign a peace treaty with Russia (USSR) at the end of WWII? Japan claimed that the four islands belonged to it 92. Japan claims Tok-do as its territory but who occupies it? South Korea 93. The Senkaku Islands are claimed by three countries but who administers them? Japan 94. What is the number of stateless persons in Japan in 2018? 709 95. According to the video, the number of Japanese adults not in a relationship is at? 18-34 yrs 96. What percentage of unmarried women 18-34 yrs are not in a romantic relationship according to the video? 49% 97. According to the video, which year had the lowest number of births on Japanese records? 2012 98. According to the video, which of the following may be one reason for the state of romantic relationships in Japan? less ambitious, media and tv show 99. Mikiko (Segawa) in the video stated that the older Japanese men are sexual but what about the younger men who are students? Asics 100.What is a “herbivore man” in Japan? the man is more genteel less aggressive and less ambitious...

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