Quiz 3 - lecture notes - Crime in orgazined PDF

Title Quiz 3 - lecture notes - Crime in orgazined
Course Organized Crime
Institution Simon Fraser University
Pages 22
File Size 343.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Provides lecture notes about organized crime and unorganized crime. It depicts the differnce between two....


Or gani z edc r i mei sof t ens y nony mouswi t ht heI t al i anMafi a.I t al i anc r i me“ f ami l i es ”hav e hadal ar gepr es enc ei nmanymaj orNor t hAmer i canCi t i es ,s uc hasNewYor k,Chi c ago, Det r oi t ,Buffal o,Phi l adel phi a,andMont r eal .Thet hr eatofI t al i anOr gani z edCr i me( I OC) wass ogr eatt hatt her ehav ebeenfiv epr es i dent i al orcongr es s i onali nqui r i esi nt he Uni t edSt at es .I nCanada,t her ehav ebeens ev enpr ovi nc i alorf eder al i nqui r i es , i nc l udi ngt hemos tr ecentChar bonneauCommi ss i on,whi c hi s s uedi t sr epor ti n2015. I nt heUni t edSt at es ,I OCi scommonl yr ef er r edt oasLaCos aNos t r a( L CN) .Thi s moni k erwasgi v ent ot he‘ mafi a’ byl awenf or c ementoffic i al s ,asawayt odes c r i bet he s ec r ets oc i et y .Mafi amember snev erus edt het er mt odes c r i bet hei ror gani z at i on.I n Canada,offic i al sof t enr ef ert oI OCas“ t r adi t i onal or gani z edc r i me” . I OCi nCanadai scompos edpr i mar i l yoft hr eemai ngr oups :TheSi c i l i anMafi a,t he Ndr anghet a,andt heCanadi anar m ofLCN.TheMont r ealmafi awasadomi nantf or c ei n t hehi s t or yofor gani z edcr i me.Mos tr ecent l y ,Mont r eal mafi ai si ndi s ar r ay ,butc ont i nue t oex i s tdes pi t econst antat t ac kf r om r i v al sl ooki ngs uppl anti t si nfluenc ei nQuebec ’ s c r i mi nalunder wor l d. Or i gi nal l y ,t heMont r eal mafi awasanoffs hootoft heBonannoc r i mef ami l ybas edoutof NewYor k .TheMont r eal mafiahasac ol our f ulhi s t or y .Theor gani z at i onwasor i gi nal l y headedbyCal abr i ansbutSi c i l i anNi c kRi z z ut t ol aunc hedac oupd’ et atwhi c hl edt ot he Ri z z ut of ami l yt aki ngc ont r ol ,wi t hNi ck ’ ss onVi t oev ent ual l yl eadi ngt hef ami l y . Mos tobs er v er sbel i ev et hatt hegr eat es tt hr eatt ot heMont r ealMafi ai st heNdr anghet a, whos emember st r ac et hei rher i t aget ot heCal abr i anr egi onofI t al y .TheNdr anghet a hav ebeenapoweri nOnt ar i os i ncet he1950s ,wi t h“ Si der noGr oup”bec omi nga pr omi nentor gani z edc r i meent i t ybas edi nt heGr eat erTor ont oAr ea. Thegenes i sofI t al i anOr gani z edCr i me( I OC)c anbet r ac edbac kt os omeex t entt o Si c i l yandCal abr i a,i t sgr owt hi nCanadar es ul t edf r om ac ompl exmi xofcus t omsand t r adi t i onsas soc i at edwi t hsec r ets oc i et i es ,t hei mper i al i s t i cambi t i onsoft heAmer i canLa CosaNos t r a( LCN) ,aswel lass oc i al ,c ul t ur al andpol i t i c al ,andec onomi ccondi t i onsi n Nor t hAmer i c a. I OCi nNor t hAmer i c ahasl ongbeens hr oudedi nmy s t er y ,mi s under st andi ng,and s t er eot y pes ,duei nl ar gepar tt os ens at i onal i z edmedi ar epor t sandHol l y woodfi l ms . Thi sl ess onwi l lpr ovi deamor eac c ur at eunder s t andi ngoft heor i gi ns ,hi s t or y ,s t r uc t ur e, s c ope,andac t i vi t i esi nCanada.

History of Italian Organized Crime (IOC) in North America I t al i anOCi nNor t hAmer i c ac ant r ac esomeofi t sr oot si nt heCal abr i an&Si c i l i an r egi onsofI t al y .

I mages our ce:I t al i anOr gani z ed gl obal s ecur i t y . or g/ j ht ml / j f r ame. ht ml #ht t ps : / / www. gl obal s ecur i t y . or g/ mi l i t ar y/ wor l d/ eur ope/ i mages/ m Cr i me,www. api t al y c r i megr oups . j pg


Pr e20t hc ent ur y :t het er m“ Mafia”r epr es ent edaphi l os ophybas edi nhi s t or i c al Si c i l i anc ul t ur al t r adi t i ons

“ Mafia”meantt opr ot ec t&t oactasguar di an;af r i endorcompani on;t odef end& pr eser v e;power ,i nt egr i t y ,s t r engt h;ac ondi t i ont hatr emedi esdamageordi s r espect

“ Mafia”r epr es ent edbeaut y&ex cel l ence ,s uper i or i t y&br av er y ;t he cons ci ous nes sofbei ngaman,as s ur anc eoft hemi nd,bol dnes s Si mi l ar l y ,Omer t as y mbol i z edmanl i nes s ,sel f c ont r oli nt hef aceofadv er s i t y ,t he us eofv engeanc e&v endet t asagai ns tt hos et hatwr ongmember soft hemafia, defianceagai ns tgov er nment alaut hor i t i es ,&t hei mpor t anc eofsec r ec y


Asas oc i algr oupi ng,t heMafi abeganasas ec r ets ecti nSi c i l yt hatf ought i nv ader s .

Forc ent ur i esi twast hes y mbolofapat r i ot i cs oc i et yt oc onquer edSi c i l i anpeopl e.

Ast hr eat st oSi c i l ysubs i ded,Mafi os i ev ol v edi nt o( i nf or mal )gov er ni ngf or ce.

TheMafios i wasapat r ont ohi speas ant s ,hemedi at eddi s put es&c ont r ol l edt hei r acc es st os car c er es our ces ,s uchasf ar ml and.

Thes e“ ser v i ces ”ar et hees s enc eofmafi a:t heMafi osoi sapr ov i derofpr ot ect i on TheMafios i i sabr ok er&commandsapar t i t o,anet wor kofr el at i ons hi pswher e hei st hek eyi nt er medi ar y

Hedoesnotev ok el aws ;hi spowerder i v esf r om t her es pectgr ant edt ohi m byhi s cons t i t uent s&bywi nni ngar eput at i onf ort oughness,c our age,&honour

TheMafios i us est hi spowert oex t or tmoney&monopol i z ei ndus t r i es&pol i t i c s t hr oughv i ol enc e&i nt i mi dat i on

Si c i l i anMafiac l ansor gani z edar oundk i ns hi p( f ami l i es&t henex t endedf ami l i es) Member ss wor eanoat ht heywoul dnev err ev eal t hes ecr et soft hec l andes t i ne soc i et y ;Omer t awoul dbet hes ac r osanctc odeofs ec r ec yt oi t smember s( t opr ot ec t t heor gani z at i onf r om l awenf or cement )

ITALIAN OC IN NORTH AMERICA: GENESIS & EARLY YEARS T wos c hool soft hought : t heMafiawasas ec r etc r i mi nal c onspi r ac y ,whos emet hods ,&i nf r as t r uc t ur ewas ex por t edf r om I t al yt oNor t hAmer i c a 2. t heor i gi nsofI OCi nNor t hAmer i c acanbet r ac edt ot hec ul t ur al envi r onmentof t heUni t edSt at es&,t oal es s erex t ent ,Canada. Thet r ut hl i essomewher ei nbet ween. 1.


I t al i andi as por at oNor t hAmer i ca

Sec r ets oc i et i esex i s ti nmanyc i t i es&t ownswi t hs i z eabl eI t al i anpopul at i ons

Soc i et i esi nfl uencebyt het r adi t i onsoft hepr e20t hc ent ur y .Mafiai nSi c i l y ; Mafios is awhi ms el fasapower f ul pr ot ec t orofI t al i ani mmi gr ant swhodes er v es r es pec t

Thes es oc i et i espr ov i deds oc i alwel f ar es er vi c est oI t al i ani mmi gr ant sbutal s o pr ey edont hem byf or c i ngsomet oj oi ns oc i et i es&paydues


As y s t em ofl oc alex t or t i onr ack et sper pet r at edagai ns tI t al i ani mmi gr ant s

Bl ac kHandex t or t i oni s t sac t i v ei nTor ont o,Hami l t on,Wi nni peg,&Fer ni e,BC

PROHIBITION: 1920–1933 

Repr es ent edat ur ni ngpoi ntf orI OCi nNor t hAmer i ca

I t al i an( c r i mi nal )ent r epr eneur swer ei nanadv ant ageouspos i t i on: o

Sec r et( c r i mi nal )s oc i et i esal r eadyi npl ac e


Awi des oc i alnet wor kf ordi s t r i but i on


Ex per i enceaswi nemak er s


Ex i s t i ngmar k etamongi mmi gr antI t al i ans

ManyMafi os i ar r i v eaf t erbei ngdr i v enoutofI t al ybyMus s ol i ni

I OCi nc l udedmanyambi t i ous&c unni ngoffender s( e. g. ,Rocc oPer r i )


Met eor i cex pans i onofI OC,duet o:

o o

apur pos e,s t r uct ur e,&met hodst hatt r ansc endedanys i ngl ec r i me ex per i enc ed,c apabl e&ambi t i ousl eader st hats t r es s edent r epr eneur s hi p &di s ci pl i ne( i . e. ,omer t a)


s ubc ul t ur al bonds,v al ues ,&goal samongoffender s


apr ot oc ol t hatenabl edmember st ocol l abor at eonj oi ntv ent ur es


moneyt oi nv es ti not herpr ofi t abl ec r i mi nal ac t i v i t i es

Pr ohi bi t i ont aughtI OCt os uppl yout l awedgoods&ser v i c es :gambl i ng&dr ugs ,i n par t i c ul ar

1933 TO 1960S: THE ASCENDANCE OF IOC Canadabecomesabr anchpl antofAmer i c anMafi af ami l i es . 

Quebecpar t i t i onedoutt oNewYor k ’ sBonannof ami l y

Cot r oni c r i megr oupbec omesi t sCanadi anc r ew

Ont ar i obecomest hefi ef dom ofBuffal omobbos sSt ef anoMagaddi nno

JohnPapal i a&Gi acomoLuppi noheadhi sc r ewsi nSout her nOnt ar i o

TheDet r oi tMafiac ont r ol sSout hwes t er nOnt ar i o( Wi nds or )

NewYor k ’ sGenov es ef ami l yes t abl i s hesOnt ar i o’ sMafiagr oupsasher oi n smuggl er swhi l eBonannodoest hes amef orhi sQuebecc r ew

1950S–1970S: SIDERNO GROUP 

Tor ont ohomet o’ Ndr anghet ac l ansl i nk edt oAnt oni oMar c i i nCal abr i a

Mar c i f or gesnet wor kofcel l si nU. S. ,Canada,Ger many ,Swi t z er l and,Sout h Amer i c a,&Aus t r al i a,i npar tt of ac i l i t at eher oi nsmuggl i ng

Tor ont oc el lheadedbyMi c hel e( Mi k e)Rac c o( 1913–1980) Rac c oes t abl i s hesl ocal c ommi s s i on( cr i mi ni )amongc i t y ’ s’ Ndr i nac el l s

 

50100member si nTor ont oi nv ol v ed i nboot l eggi ng,c ount er f ei t i ng,ex t or t i on, i mmi gr ant s muggl i ng,&dr ugt r affick i ng

THE 1980S & BEYOND 

I mpl os i onofI OCi nU. S.

Mont r ealMafi at ak enov erbyVi t oRi z z ut o,whot ur nsi ti nt oanaut onomousf ami l y &t hemos tpower f ulonei nNor t hAmer i c a

Vi t ot ur nst hef ami l yi nt oani nt er nat i onaldr ugt r affic k i ngc ongl omer at e&mak es mi l l i onsf r om book mak i ng&bus i nes sr ack et eer i ng

Buffal obac k edMafiai mpl odesi nOnt ar i o

Si der nogr oupi nTor ont os t ay sundert her adar&bec omesapower f ul c ol l ec t i on ofs at el l i t e‘ Ndr anghet ac l ansl i nk edt oI t al y

Describing & Analyzing Italian Organized Crime: The Montreal Mafia ORGANIZATIONAL Multiple Members / Limited or Exclusive Membership 

Hasonl y2030“ made”member s,buthundr edswor kasas s oci at es

Mademember sI t al i ani nher i t age&manyr el at edt hr oughki nshi p o

Member s hi pauni quemi xofCal abr i ans&Si c i l i ans


Pot ent i al member shadt os er v eafi vey earappr ent i ces hi p

Mafiagr oups er v edast hei nf r as t r uc t ur ef oral ar gercr i mi nalor gani zat i on,wi t h as s oci at esf r om al l et hni cbac k gr ounds

SomenonI t al i an/ nonmember swer epower f ulgi v ent hei rs pec i fics k i l l s , r es our ces ,&r el at i ons hi pswi t hl eader sofMont r eal Mafia

Systematic Pattern to the Relationship Among Offenders / Division of Labour / Channels of Communication    

Boss:Vi cCot r oni( f ol l owedbyPaol oVi ol i &t henVi t oRi z z ut o) Under boss:Loi sGr ec o Li eut enant s:Fr ankCot r oni ,Gi us eppeCot r oni ,et c.( eac honeheadedaspec i fi c nei ghbour hoodbas edc r ew) Cr ews/ Sol di er s:Madeupofpr os pect s( pi c c i ot t i s )&as s oc i at es

As s oc i at es :As s i gnedk eyr ol es( enf or c ement ,moneyl aunder i ng)

Onl ys eni ormember sc oul dt al kdi r ec t l yt oCot r oni

Systematic Pattern to the Relationship Among Offenders--Kinship & patron-client models: 

Fami l y&ki ns hi patt hec or eoft heMont r ealMafia

St r ongt i est oot her( c r i me)f ami l i est hr oughmar r i age&godpar ent hood

Vi ol i :hi sj obi st omedi at edi s put es&s etup“ busi nessdeal s ”

Hes anc t i onsc r i mes&r ec ei v est r i but ef r om mademember s ,as s oc i at es ,& i ndependentc r i mi nal si nMont r eal

Insulation 

As s oc i at es&pr os pec t sc ar r i edoutmostc r i mi nalac t i v i t i es

Sec r ec y&l oy al t ywer ev al uedov eranyot herqual i t y

Continuing Enterprise 

Or i gi nsoft heMont r eal Mafiac anbet r ac edbac kt ot he1930s;hasper si s t ed des pi t echangesi nl eader s hi p&i nt er nalc onfl i ct s

Multi-Jurisdictional / Transnational Cot r oni gr oupconfinedt oQuebec&Eas t er nOnt ar i o

 o

Howev er ,s t r ongt i eswi t hAmer i c anLCN,Si c i l i anMafi af ami l i es ,&Fr enc h her oi npr oducer s( e. g. ,Fr enc hConnec t i on)

UnderRi z z ut o,Mafi af ami l ybec amei nt er nat i onalwi t hc el l s&as soc i at esi n v ar i ousc ount r i es

COMMERCIAL Multiple, Profit-Oriented, Serious Criminal Enterprises: 

Ex t or t i on,dr ugt r affic ki ng,book mak i ng,l oans har k i ng,uni onr ac k et eer i ng, bus i nes sr ac k et eer i ng,s t ockmar k etf r aud,l i quors muggl i ng,t hef t / f enc i ng, count er f ei t i ng

Tactical Support Activities Cor r upt i on–s t r ongt i eswi t hQuebecpol i t i c i ans&l abourl eader s Vi ol ence–as s oc i at eswor k edasenf or cer s&hi r edas s as s i ns MoneyLaunder i ng–Wi l l i eObr ont ,“ Chi efFi nanc i alAdv i s or ”

  

BEHAVIOURAL Rules, Regulations, Discipline 

Member sex pec t edt of ol l owi ngconv ent i onalmafi anor ms( omer t a,payi ngt r i but e t ol eader s hi p)aswel l ass pec i ficr ul eses t abl i s hedbyBonannof ami l y o

Bonannof ami l ymember smedi at eddi s put esi nt heMont r eal Mafia


Vi t oRi z z ut owasor der edbyNewYor kt ot ak epar ti nmur der si nt hatc i t y

Sev er ebeat i ngs&deat hwasus edagai ns tass oc i at eswhodi dnotpaypr oper r es pec tort r i but et oVi ol i

Chronic & Serious Offenders (Career Criminals) 

Al t houghl eader s&seni ormember shadmanyi nves t ment si nl egal i ndus t r i es,al l wer ecar eerc r i mi nal s

Rationality/Non-ideological Foc us :pr ofi t or i ent edc r i mes&s emi l egi t i mat ebus i nes s es

Sophistication UnderRi zz ut o,t heMont r eal Mafiabecames ophi s t i c at edi ni t st r ans nat i onal oper at i ons , us eoft ec hnol ogy( f orbook mak i ng) ,i nt er nat i onal dr ugt r affick i ng,moneyl aunder i ng c onspi r ac i es .

Subcultural Norms 

St ay edt r uet omanyoft hepr ev ai l i ngbel i ef s ,pr i nci pl es ,r ul es ,&nor ms as s oci at edwi t ht heMafi os ic r edo Vi ol i&Ri z zut os awt hems el v esasbr ok er s&i nt er medi ar i es Respect / Honour-Vi ol i wasobs es s edwi t hbei ngr es pect ed;wi t houtr es pec t , onedoesnothav ehonour . Loyal t y/ Secr ecy–Ni c kRi z z ut ol os tf av ourwi t hCot r oni&Vi ol iduet o per cept i onst hathi sl oy al t ywaswani ng o

 

TheWor l dHi s t or yofOr gani z edCr i me-Si c i l y-TheHi st or yChannel[ 43: 22mi n. ] Deat hofaDon-Fi f t hEs t at e( CBC)-Av ai l abl eonc ur i o. ca Ther ei sal onghi s t or yofChi nes eor gani z edcr i me( COC)i nCanada.Thefi r s t Chi nat owni nVi ct or i abec amehomet oi l l egal gambl i nghal l s ,br ot hel s ,andopi um dens . Chi nes emer c hant si nBCwer ebehi nds omeoft hel ar gestopi um s muggl i ngand t r affic k i ngr i ngsi nt heear l ypar toft het went i et hc ent ur y . Theor i gi nal Canadi anbr anc hesofChi nes et r i ads oci et i esoper at edaspol i t i caland benev ol entas s oc i at i onsandwer enotc r i mi nal orsec r eti nnat ur e.Howev er ,t hr oughout t het went i et hc ent ur ys omeoft hes es oc i et i eswer eus edbypower f ulmember sf ori l l egal endeav our sasext or t i on,pr os t i t ut i on,gambl i ng,opi um t r affic ki ng,andpeopl e s muggl i ng. I nt heear l y1970s ,Sout heas tAs i anher oi nbegant ofl owi nt oNor t hAmer i c a,and Chi nes edr ugt r affick i ngs y ndi c at ess ur pas s edt heFr enc hCor s i c ansandt heI t al i an Mafi aasCanada’ sl ar ges ther oi nsuppl i er s .Loc at edi nTor ont o,TheKungLokwas Canada’ sfir s tmoder nt r i ades t abl i shedf ort hes ol epur pos eofc r i mi nal act i v i t y .Att he s amet i me,Chi nes est r eetgangsemer gedi nVancouv er . Var i ouset i ol ogi calt heor i escanbeappl i edt oCOCi nCanada,i nc l udi ngAl i en c onspi r ac yt heor yandSt r ai nt heor y .COCnowc ompr i s est hemos twi des pr ead,di v er s e, ands ophi s t i cat edc r i mi nal c ons pi r ac yi nCanadat oday .Thei rgeogr aphi cs t r onghol ds ar et heLowerMai nl andofBr i t i s hCol umbi aandt heGr eat erT or ont oAr ea.

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Chinese Triads 

The name “triad” was coined & applied by western law enforcement agencies.

Based on the triangular symbol found on many of the early flags & banners of the historical forebears

Three sides indicate how the founders of the early movements viewed themselves as united by the three forces of the universe: heaven, earth, & man.

In 17th c. China, secret societies (Hong Men) form to overthrow Mongolian Manchu Qing Dynasty & return the Chinese Ming Dynasty.

Others are formed by clans or tradesmen as mutual aid societies

Some societies engage in profitable crimes (e.g., extortion) for funding

Mid-19th c.: secret societies spread to Hong Kong

British colonial government in Hong Kong passes repressive laws, driving “Black Societies” deeper underground o

while causing them to infiltrate workers guilds & associations

Driven by a hatred of British rule, the Chinese in Hong Kong turned to secret societies as surrogate governments, & they proliferate

Early 20th c.: Triad societies support the Chinese National Party (Kuomintang) under Sun Yet Sen 1912: Republic of China is born & influence of triads became pervasive

 o

Triad “brothers” immersed in civil service, military, & commerce. 1949: Mao’s communists seize control

 o

Many triad members flee to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, U.S., Canada, & Australia. Kuomintang government flees to Taiwan, which becomes hotbed of triad activity

 o

Remnants of Kuomintang army forced into Burma where they become major heroin traffickers (with CIA support)

The Origins & Early History of Chinese Organized Crime (COC) in Canada

19th c.: Chinese migrants flock to U.S. & Canada to mine gold & work on railways

Chinese entrepreneurs cater to workers’ vices (gambling, opium, & prostitutes)

Hong Men societies established in B.C. to provide recreational & benevolent services, & to help Chinese encountering discrimination Some society members become involved in gambling operations


Active in gambling, prostitution, & opium trafficking

1908: Criminalization of opium & heroin in Canada

Illegal opium trade include syndicates operating between Hong Kong, China, Vancouver, Toronto, & U.S.

1928: Vancouver’s Shu Moey, ("King of the Gamblers”) the focus of an inquiry into local government & police corruption

Chinatowns in Victoria & Vancouver becom...

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