Quiz 3 Notes PDF

Title Quiz 3 Notes
Course Science, Information, Technology, Business & Society
Institution Santa Clara University
Pages 12
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OMIS 34 taken with Sumana Sur, lecture notes taken in class before quiz 3....


QUIZ 3 NOTES: ● Quiz details: ○ Quiz3 will be next week on Thursday. It  will cover materials from lectures 4, 5, 6 & pages 255-256(EBusiness), 428-436(Plug-In B5: Networks Telecommunications), 450-455(Plug-In B7: Ethics) from the textbook. There will also be a database technologies part. I will give you a database  with tables, relationships, will ask you to write two or three queries. The format will be the same as Quiz1. We discussed it in class too. Have a very nice day

LECTURE 4 -- SECURITY, PRIVACY, ETHICAL ISSUES IN THE INFORMATION SYSTEM ● Social issues in information systems ○ Computer wastes & mistakes ○ Computer crime ○ Health concerns ○ Privacy ○ Ethical issues ○ Patent & copyright violations ● Preventing computer-related waste & mistakes ○ Types of computer-related mistakes ○ Establish policies & procedures ○ Implementing policies & procedures

○ Monitoring policies & procedures ○ Reviewing policies & procedures ● Computer crime ○ Social engineering = manipulation of people to divulge information ■ Ex. fake news, election hack! ○ Dumpster diving = when you’re using a public computer, hackers find info in the trash bin ○ Phishing = email pretending to be a large company to reveal information ○ Cyberterrorism ○ Identity theft ● Object of crime ○ Hacker = person who tries to learn about computers with interest ○ Cracker = negative connotations of hacker ○ Virus = external program ○ Worm = self-replicating program ○ Logic bomb = trigger written inside a virus ■ Ex. when you open computer ○ Trojan horse ○ Malware = to kick off a virus / worm ● Antivirus program = 3 party app used to quarantine virus ○ Different software ○ Sniffer = small piece of code that looks for saved password, etc.

■ Cracker uses to access information ○ Piracy = copyright infringement, stealing IP over the internet / digitally ○ Torrent = illegitimate computer software ● Preventing computer crime ○ Biometrics = use of biological identification ○ Managed security service provider ● Privacy ○ Privacy at work ○ Internet ○ Fairness ○ State privacy laws ○ Corporate privacy laws ● The work environment / ethical issues ○ Health concerns ■ RSI = repeated stress injuries ■ CTS ○ Ergonomics = concerned with design of work environment ■ Ex. custom chairs, hand support, standing desks, etc.

LECTURE 5 -- ELECTRONIC COMMERCE ● E-commerce = electronic commerce, online marketplace ○ Transaction over the internet

● 3 types of e-commerce ○ Business-to-consumer (B2C) = 2 parties involved ○ Business-to-business (B2B) ○ Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) = ebay, etsy, etc. ■ Consumer ≠ customer ● E-commerce supply chain ○ Supply chain management is a key value chain composed of demand planning, supply planning, & demand fulfillment ○ Components: ■ Demand planning = to understand customer purchases, develop short/long term customer demand, understand buying patterns ■ Supply planning = allocates right resources to meet demand (distribution, transportation, etc.) ■ Demand fulfillment = to fulfill demand quickly and efficiently ● E-commerce applications ○ Retail + wholesale -- Amazon.com, etc. ○ Manufacturing -- electronic exchange ○ Marketing -- digital marketing ○ Investment + finance -- e-trade, fidelity, online stock market exchange ● Technology infrastructure ○ Hardware ○ Web server software

■ Security & identification ■ Retrieving & sending web pages ■ Website tracking ■ Website development ■ Web page construction ○ E-commerce software ■ Catalog management ■ Product configuration ■ Shopping cart ○ C-commerce transaction processing ■ Basic software ■ Web traffic data analysis ● Electronic payment systems ○ Electronic cash -- paypal ○ Electronic wallet ○ Smart cart -- access card ○ Digital certificate -- “I am not a robot” ● Threats to e-commerce ○ Theft of IP = can’t make copies of a book ○ Fraud ■ Phishing = emails seems  like it’s from your bank ■ Spam

○ Invasion of consumer privacy ■ Clickstream data = track patterns in what people click on ● Strategies for successful e-commerce ○ Developing an effective web presence ○ Putting up a website ○ Building traffic to your website ○ Maintaining your website ○ Improving your website ● Future of e-commerce ○ M-commerce = mobile commerce ■ Ex. venmo, paypal on phones ○ Amazon seattle store, no cashiers

LECTURE 6 -- TELECOMMUNICATIONS, NETWORKS, INTERNET ● Communication systems ○ Effective communications are essential to organizational success ○ Communication is the transmission of a signal by way of a medium from a sender to a receiver ○ Signal contains a message composed of data and information ○ The signal goes through some communication medium, which can be anything that carries signal between a sender & receiver ○ In human speech, sender transmits a signal through transmission medium of air

■ In telecommunications, sender transmits a signal through a transmission medium such as a cable ● Communication types ○ For communication to be effective, both sender & receiver must understand signals and agree on the way they are interpreted ○ Communication can be synchronous or asynchronous ● Telecommunications = the electronic transmission of signals for communications, by means such as telephone, radio, television ○ Telecommunications has potential to create profound changes in business because it lessens barriers of time & distance ○ Not only changing the way business operates but also alters nature of commerce itself ○ As networks are connected with one another and information is transmitted more freely, competitive marketplace is making excellent quality & service imperative for success ○ Data communications = specialized subset of telecommunications ■ Electronic collection, processing, & distribution of data ● Between computer system hardware devices ○ Data communications is accomplished through the use of telecommunications technology ● Telecommunication device ○ Performs a number of functions…

■ Converting a signal into a different form or from one type to another ● Speed in bits/second or MB/second ○ Devices relay signals between computer systems & transmission media ○ Hardware component that allows electronic communications to occur ● Telecommunications medium ○ Device sends signal through medium ○ Anything that carries an electronic signal and interfaces between a sending device & a receiving device ● Communications channels ○ Transmission medium carries messages from the source of the message to its receivers ○ Given transmission may be divided into one or more communication channels each capable of carrying a message ○ Communication channels can be classified as simplex, half-duplex, full-duplex ● Channels ○ Simplex channel can transmit data in only one direction ■ Seldom used for business telecommunications ○ Half-duplex channel can transmit data in either direction, not simultaneously ○ Full-duplex channel permits data transmission in both directions at the same time, similar to 2 simplex lines ● Transmission media types

○ Selection of media depends on the purpose of overall information & organizational systems, purpose of telecommunications subsystems, and characteristics of media ○ 2 broad types ■ Guided = twisted-pair wire cable, coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable ■ Wireless = microwave, cellular, infrared ● Networks ○ PAN = personal area network, home office set up, within 35 ft ○ LAN = local area network, connected to each other, within a building ○ MAN = metropolitan area network, provide wifi for cities, created by Google ○ WAN = wide area network, 2+ lands ○ Internet ○ Network topology is the logical model that describes how networks are structured or configured ○ Basic network topologies ■ Ring

● ■ Bus

● ■ Hierarchical

● ■ Star

● ■ Hybrid ● Combination of other topologies ● Networks: Another Classification ○ Classified according to how the computers on the network connect and interoperate ■ Terminal-to-host = terminal has no processing power, login to host directly (ex. Airport kiosk) ■ File-server = web development, work on client computer, upload to server

■ Client-server = multiple clients and servers all linked together ● Basic Processing Strategies ○ Centralized = all processing done in 1 location specifically ○ Decentralized = processing done in different locations, not connected to each other ○ Distributed = processing done separately, connected databases ● History of internet ○ ARPANET = before the internet ○ How the internet works? ■ Not 1 bg computer ■ TCP = transmission control protocol ■ IP = internet protocol ○ Some concepts: ■ HTML ■ XML ■ Web browser = multimedia software to access info on world wide web ■ Search engine = software designed to carry out web search ■ Applet = small application that does 1 specific task (written in Java) ■ URL = uniform resource locator ■ Www v.s. Internet ● Www = application run on internet ● Internet = connection of computers

● Intranet, extranet, internet ○ Intranet is the internal corporate network used by employees to gain access to company information ■ Always need a password, secure! ○ Extranet links selected resources of a company’s intranet with its customers, suppliers, or other business partners ■ Part of company’s intranet that’s shared with clients/customers, needs password ○ Internet = doesn’t need password ○ Virtual private network (VPN) = codes data packets thru tunnel, makes it harder to hack -- breaks it down into small packets ● Net issues ○ Management issues ○ Privacy, fraud, security ■ Cookies = text files put in computers to track computer ■ Cryptography = ways data is broken down ■ Decryption = break down ■ Encryption = decode message ■ Digital signature ○ Service & speed issues...

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