Quiz chapters.1-7 results Computer Science Illuminated 7th edition PDF

Title Quiz chapters.1-7 results Computer Science Illuminated 7th edition
Course Introduction to Computer Science
Institution Folsom Lake College
Pages 72
File Size 1.8 MB
File Type PDF
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Professor Robert Hendricks Computer Science Illuminated 7th edition- This is the quiz results from chapters 1-7. By creating this I got an A in the class....


Thet hi r dgener at i onsof t war ewaschar act er i z edbyut i l i t ypr ogr ams ,t heoper at i ng s y st em,andt hel anguaget r ansl at or s( as sembl er sandcompi l er s) ,whi chbecame knownassyst emssof t war e. Tr ue Fal se Dur i ngt hef our t hgener at i on,Moor e' sLawwasr est at edas:" Comput er swi l l ei t her doubl ei npoweratt hesamepr i ceorhal v ei ncostf ort hesamepowerev er y18 mont hs . " Tr ue Fal se Thet er mi nal ,ani nput / out putdevi cewi t hak eyboar dandsc r een,wasi nt r oduceddur i ng t hesecondgener at i on. Tr ue Fal se Fi r stGener at i oncommer c i al comput er swer ebui l tusi ngv acuum t ubest os t or e i nf or mat i on. Tr ue Fal se Fi r stGener at i oncomput er susedacar dr eadert hatr eadt hehol espunchedi nanI BM car d. Tr ue Fal se MI MD( mul t i pl ei nst r uct i on,mul t i pl edat ast r eam)comput er scanwor kondi ffer entpar t s ofapr ogr am si mul t aneousl y . Tr ue Fal se

I nt egr at edci r cui t swer emuchl ar ger ,mor eexpens i ve,sl ower ,andl es sr el i abl et han pr i nt edc i r c ui tboar ds . Tr ue Fal se JosephJ acquar dbui l tands ol dgear dr i v enmechani cal machi nes,whi c hper f or med whol enumberaddi t i onandsubt r act i on. Tr ue Fal se Thet hi r dgener at i onwaschar act er i z edbyi nt egr at edci r cui t s( I Cs) . Tr ue Fal se SecondGener at i oncomput er swer ec har act er i z edbyt headv entofi nt egr at edci r cui t s. Tr ue Fal se Thesecondgener at i onsof t war esawmor epower f ull anguagesdevel oped,cal l edl owl ev ell anguages,whi chal l owedt hepr ogr ammert owr i t ei ns t r uct i onsus i ngmor eEngl i shl i k est at ement s. Tr ue Fal se TheAbacuswasdev el opedasani nst r umentt or ecor dnumer i cv al uesandonwhi cha humancanper f or m basi car i t hmet i c . Tr ue Fal se TheCol ossuscomput erwasbui l tdur i ngWor l dWarI Iandconsi der edbymanyt obet he fir stal l pr ogr ammabl eel ect r oni cdi gi t al comput er . Tr ue

Fal se

Thepr ogr ammi ngl anguageAda,usedl ar gel ybyt heU. S.Depar t mentofDef ens ef or manyy ear s ,i snamedf orAdaAugus t a,Count essofLov el ace. Tr ue Fal se Fi r stgener at i onsof t war epr ogr amswer ewr i t t eni nAssembl yLanguage,t hei ns t r uct i ons bui l ti nt ot heel ect r i calci r cui t r yofapar t i cul arcomput er . Tr ue Fal se Bl ai sePascaldesi gnedwhathecal l edhi sanal y t i cal engi ne Tr ue Fal se

Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi sanappl i cat i onsof t war epack age ? Wor dPr oces sor C++ Assembl yLanguage FORTRAN Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngar et i nydoughnut shapeddevi cest hatcoul deachst or eonebi tof i nf or mat i oni nsecondgener at i oncomput ermemor y ? Vacuum Tubes Magnet i cDr ums I nt egr at edCi r cui t s Magnet i cCor es I nwhi chsof t war egener at i onwer et heFORTRANandCOBOLl anguagesdev el oped? Four t h Fi f t h Fi r st Thi r d Second Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi sat echni quef ori sol at i ngpr ogr am pi ecesbyel i mi nat i ngt he abi l i t yf oronepi ecet oaccessi nf or mat i oni nanot her ? Bot t omUpAppr oac h I nt egr at i on Lay er i ng I nf or mat i onhi di ng

TheARPANETpr oj ectwasagov er nmentsponsor edpr ogr am i nt hel at e1960' sandi s t heor gani z at i onr es ponsi bl ef ort hecr eat i onof_________. TheI nt er net Par al l elComput i ng Et her net Cl oudComput i ng

I nt hemi ddl eoft hesev ent eent hcent ur y ,t hi si ndi v i dual bui l tands ol dgear dr i v en mechani cal machi nes ,whi chper f or medwhol enumberaddi t i onands ubt r act i on. Pascal Lov el ace Hol l er i t h Jacquar d Accor di ngt ot hi s" l aw" ,a humanbei ngcanact i v el ymanageaboutsev enpi ecesof i nf or mat i oni nshor t t er m memor yatonet i me. Mi l l er ' sLaw Mast er ' sLaw Maxwel l ' sLaw Moor e' sLaw I n1973,whatdi dRober tMet cal f eandDavi dBoggsi nv entt hatusesacheapcoax i al cabl et oconnectcomput er si nt oanet wor k ? I nt egr at edCi r cui t s Et her net Per sonal Comput er s TheI nt er net Four t hGener at i onSof t war ei schar act er i z edby__________. Obj ect Or i ent edDes i gns TopDownDesi gn Abst r act i on St r uct ur edPr ogr ami ng

Whi c hhar dwar egener at i oni schar act er i z edbyLar geScal eI nt egr at i on? Second Four t h Thi r d Fi r st

Fi r stGener at i onSof t war ei schar act er i z edby__________. Jav a COBOLLanguage Assembl yLanguage Machi neLanguage Whati st henameofasol i dpi eceofsi l i cont hatcont ai nst r ansi st or s ,ot hercomponent s , andt hei rconnect i ons ? Magnet i cDi sk I nt egr at edCi r cui t s Ser v er Mot her boar d Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngt er msbes tdescr i besci r cui tboar ds,k eyboar ds,anddi skdr i v es ? Comput erSof t war e Comput erHar dwar e Comput i ngSy st em St or edMemor y Char l esBabbagei nv ent edwhi c hoft hef ol l owi ngear l ycomput i ngdevi ces ? Tr ans i st or Anal yt i calEngi ne Memor yDr um

Vacuum Tube Accor di ngt ot hi s" l aw" ,t henumberofci r cui t st hatcoul dbepl acedonasi ngl ei nt egr at ed ci r cui tdoubl eseac hy ear . Mast er ' sLaw Mi l l er ' sLaw Maxwel l ' sLaw Moor e' sLaw

Quest i on14 3/3pt s Mat cht hef ol l owi ngi t ems Fi r stSof t war eGener at i on Programs in Assembly Language

SecondSof t war eGener at i on FORTRAN and COBOL language

Thi r dSof t war eGener at i on The first Operating Systems

Four t hSof t war eGener at i on Structured Programming, BASIC Language

Fi f t hSof t war eGener at i on The World Wide Web

Cl oudComput i ng

The use of computer resources on the Internet

Quest i on14 3/3pt s Mat cheachoft hef ol l owi ng: Fi r stHar dwar eGener at i on Vacuum Tubes

SecondHar dwar eGener at i on Transistors

Thi r dHar dwar eGener at i on Integrated Circuits

Four t hHar dwar eGener at i on Large Scale Integration

Et her net Used a cheap coaxial cable to connect computers

ARPANET Predecessor to the Internet

Hexadeci mali sabase8numbers ys t em andOct ali sabase16numbers ys t em. Tr ue Fal se Thebaseofanumbers y st em speci fiest henumberofdi gi t susedi nt hes yst em.The di gi t sal way sbegi nwi t h1andcont i nuet hr oughonel esst hant hebase. Tr ue Fal se Conv er t i ngf r om bas e10t oot herbasesi nv ol v esdi vi di ngbyt hebasei nt owhi chy ouar e conver t i ngunt i l t hequot i enti s1. Tr ue Fal se ANumberi sauni tofanabst r actmat hemat i cals y st em subj ectt ot hel awsofar i t hmet i c Tr ue Fal se AnI nt egeri sanat ur alnumber ,anegat i v eofanat ur alnumber ,orz er o.

Tr ue Fal se Anegat i venumberi sanyv al uet hatcanbeexpr essedasaf r act i on. Tr ue Fal se TheBas e8numbers y st em ( Oct al )i ncl udest hedi gi t s18. Tr ue Fal se ABi nar ydi gi ti sadi gi ti nt hebi nar ynumbers yst em andi sal socal l edaBi t e. Tr ue Fal se

Abyt ei smadeofup6bi nar ydi gi t s. Tr ue Fal se St ar t i ngf r om l ef tt or i ght ,ev er ygr oupi ngoff ourbi nar ydi gi t scanber eadasone hex adeci mal di gi t . Tr ue Fal se Thenumberofbi t si nawor di st hesameonal lmachi nes . Tr ue

Fal se Ar at i onalnumberi st henumber0oranynumberobt ai nedbyr epeat edl yaddi ng1t o t hi snumber .

Tr ue Fal se Bi t sar egr oupedt oget heri nt oBy t es .ABy t ei s8Bi t s . Tr ue Fal se Number sar ewr i t t enusi ngposi t i onalnot at i on,wher et her i ght mostdi gi tr epr esent si t s v al uemul t i pl i edbyt hebaset ot hez er ot hpower .Thedi gi tt ot hel ef toft hatone r epr esent si t sv al uemul t i pl i edbyt hebas et ot hefir stpower( andsoon) . Tr ue Fal se AnI nt egeri st henumber0oranynumberobt ai nedbyr epeat edl yaddi ng1t ot hi s number . Tr ue Fal se

Thenumber0andanynumberobt ai nedbyr epeat edl yaddi ng1t oi t . Negat i v eNumber Rat i onal Number Nat ur al Number I nt eger Base8Number i ngSy st em Bi nar y Deci mal Hexadec i mal Oct al

ThePower Of 2NumberSy st emsr ef er st ot hes peci alr el at i onshi pbet weenBi nar yand _______ Deci mal Oct alandHex adeci mal Deci mal andHexadeci mal Bi nar y Auni tofanabst r actmat hemat i cals y st em s ubj ectt ot hel awsofar i t hmet i c Base Number Posi t i onalNot at i on Bi nar y WhatBASENumbersy st em i st henumber11? Bi nar yandabove Deci mal andabov eI NCORRECT Hexadec i mal andabov eI NCORRECT Oct alandabov e

WhatBASENumbersy st em i st henumber1011011E? Hexadec i mal andabov e Deci mal andabov e Bi nar yandabove Oct alandabov e WhatBASENumberSy st em i st henumber7465? Bi nar yandabove Oct alandabov e

Deci mal andabov e Hexadec i mal andabov e Base16NumberSy st em Deci mal Oct al Hexadec i mal Bi nar y Base2NumberSy st em Deci mal Oct al Bi nar y Hexadec i mal I nPosi t i onalNot at i on,t her i ght mostcol umnr epr esent st heONE' scol umni nwhi c h BASENumberSy st em? Deci mal Al lBases Hexadec i mal Bi nar y

TheBASENumber si nt heDec i malNumberSy st em ar e: 0,1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Av al uel es st han0,wi t hasi gnoppos i t et oi t spos i t i v ecount er par t I nt eger Negat i v eNumber Nat ur al Number Rat i onal Number TheBASENumber si nt heHex adec i mal NumberSy st em ar e: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 Hex adeci mal( base16)numbers y st em cont ai nst hedi gi t s015. Tr ue Fal se Base10NumberSy st em Hexadec i mal Deci mal Bi nar y Oct al Anyv al uet hatcanbeexpr es sedasaf r act i on. Negat i v eNumber I nt eger Nat ur al Number Rat i onal Number

TheBASENumber sf ort heBi nar yNumberSy st em Ar e: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 0,1

0,1,2 1,2 Thev al uef ort henumberTENt ot hepowerofZERO ( 100)i s: 100 0 1 10

Quest i on14 3/3pt s

Mat cht hef ol l owi ngi t ems: Number A unit of an abstract mathematical system subject to the law s of arithmetic.

Nat ur alNumber The number 0 and any number obtained by repeatedly adding 1 to it

I nt egerNumber A natural number, a negative of a natural number, or zero

Negat i veNumber A value less than 0, w ith a sign opposite to its positive counterpart.

Rat i onalNumber An integer or the quotient of tw o integers (division by zero excluded).

BaseofaNumberSyst em Specifies the number of digits used in the system.

Quest i on14 3/3pt s Mat cht hef ol l owi ngi t ems: Posi t i onalNot at i on How numbers are w ritten.

Baseofanumbersyst em Specifies the number of digits used in the system.

Bi nar y Base 2 number system

Deci mal Base 10 number system

Hexadeci mal Base 16 number system

Oct al Base 8 number system

Quest i on14 3/3pt s Mat cht hef ol l owi ngi t ems: Bi nar yDi gi t( Bi t ) Smallest storage unit in a modern computer.

Byt e A group of 8 bits.

Wor d A group of bytes.

Wor dSi zeofmoder ncomput er s

4 Bytes / 8 Bytes (32 bit / 64 bit)

Abacus Device that uses positional notation to represent a decimal number.

Bi Qui nar ysyst em

Number representation system that uses seven lights to represent the 1 0 decimal digits

TheJPEG i magef or matwasdesi gnedt oi mpr ov eupon,andul t i mat el yr epl ace,t heGI F f or mat .

Tr ue Fal se Themos tpopul araudi ocompr essi onfil et ypet odayi st heMP3f or mat . Tr ue Fal se Avi deocodeci susedt ocapt ur evi deo. Tr ue Fal se Wi t hFl oat i ngPoi nt ,anyr eal v al uecanbedesc r i bedbyt hr eepr oper t i es:t hesi gn,t he mant i ssa,andt her adi xpoi nt . Tr ue Fal se Theeas i estwayt ocal cul at et het wo' scompl ementofabi nar ynumberi st oi nv er tt he bi t sandadd1. Tr ue Fal se Usi ngBi nar yRepr esent at i onweknowt hatasi ngl ebi tcanonl yr epr esentt wot hi ngs , si nceasi ngl ebi ti sei t hera0ora1.Ther ef or e,wi t ht heunder st andi ngoft hef or mul af or bi nar yi s2n ( wher en i st henumberofbi t s) ,i fwehav e8bi t s( 1Byt e) ,wewoul dbeabl e t or epr es ent16t hi ngs. Tr ue Fal se Met adat a,asi tper t ai nst oi mages,cont ai nsdat asuc hasfil esi z e,r es ol ut i onandi fa phot o,i tcoul dpossi bl yi ncl udet hegeogr aphi cl ocat i onwher et hephot owast ak en. Tr ue Fal se I nl oss ydat acompr essi on,t hedat acanber et r i ev edwi t houtanyl ossofi nf or mat i on. Tr ue

Fal se Huffmanencodi ngusesv ar i abl el engt hbi nar yst r i ngst or epr esentpar t i cul archar act er s . Tr ue Fal se Hi ghCol orv al uesar eof t endepi ct edi nDeci mal f or m,soeac hcol or ' s8bi tnumberwi l l hav ear angei nDeci malof0255. Tr ue Fal se I nasi gnedmagni t uder epr esent at i onofnumber s,t her ear et wor epr esent at i onsofz er o. Fal se Tr ue I nf or mat i oni sdat at hathav ebeenor gani z edand/ orpr oces sedi nausef ulway . Tr ue Fal se Col orDept hi st heamountofdat at hati susedt or epr esentacol or . Tr ue Fal se Thet wo' scompl ementof00110010i s11001101. Tr ue Fal se I ti spossi bl et or epr esentf ourt hi ngswi t ht wobi t s. Fal se Tr ue Wi t hSi gnedmagni t uder epr esent at i on,t hes i gnr epr esent st heor der i ngoft henumber ( negat i v eandposi t i v e) . Tr ue Fal se

Realnumber shav eawhol epar tandaf r act i onal par t . Tr ue Fal se AGI Ff or mat t edi magecanbecr eat edt odos i mpl eani mat i ons . Tr ue Fal se Vect orgr aphi csst or et hecol or edpi x el sasl i nesandgeomet r i cshapes . Tr ue I ncor r ect :Vect orGr aphi csdonotst or ecol or st opi x el s ,buti ns t eaddesc r i besani magei nt er ms ofl i nesandgeomet r i cshapes .

Fal se Los sycompr essi onmeanst hedat acanber et r i ev edwi t houtl osi nganyoft heor i gi nal i nf or mat i on. Tr ue Fal se

Tr ueCol ori ndi cat esa24bi tcol ordept h. Tr ue Fal se

Adi scr et er epr esent at i onofdat a Di gi t al Dat a Anal ogDat a Compr essi on Compr essi onRat i o Si gnedMagni t udeRepr esent at i onofnumber sr ef er st o: r epr esent at i oni nwhi c ht hesi gnandt henumberr epr es ent st hemagni t ude r epr esent at i oni nwhi c ht hesi gnr epr esent st hemagni t udeoft henumberandt he v al uer epr esent st heor der i ng r epr esent at i oni nwhi c ht hesi gnr epr esent st heor der i ngoft henumberandt he v al uer epr esent st hemagni t ude r epr esent at i oni nwhi c ht hesi gnandt henumberr epr es ent st heor der i ng Recor di ngt hev ol t agel ev elofanaudi osi gnal atr egul ari nt er val si scal l edwhat ? PeakAnal y si s Pul seCodeModul at i on MP3Anal y si s Sampl i ng Comput er swor kwi t ht hi st ypeofdat a. Anal og Di gi t al Compr essi onRat i o Bandwi dt h I nacomput er ,col ori sof t enexpr essedasav al ueoft heset hr eecol or s. Red,Gr eenandBl ue

Red,Yel l ow,andBl ue Red,Bl ackandWhi t e Red,Whi t eandBl ue

Whi c hi sNOTaval i dAudi oFi l eFor mat ? AI FF WAV PNG MP3 Howmanyt hi ngscanber epr esent edusi ngt wobi t s ? 10 2 4 8 6 Thesi z eoft hecompr esseddat adi vi dedbyt hesi z eoft heor i gi naldat a. Compr essi on Loss y Bandwi dt h Compr essi onRat i o Thet wodomi nantv ect orgr aphi cst odayar e: JPG andGI F PNG andBMP SVG andFl ash BMPandSVG

Textcompr essi ont echni quewher easequenceofr epeat edchar act er si sr epl acedbya flagc har act er ,f ol l owedbyt her epeat edchar act er ,f ol l owedbyasi ngl edi gi tt hat i ndi cat eshowmanyt i mest hec har act eri sr epeat ed. Uni code HuffmanEncodi ng Keywor dEncodi ng RunLengt hEncodi ng

Ov er flowi sasi t uat i oncausedwhen Acal cul at edv al ueusesnonbi nar yv al ues Acal cul at edv al uecannotfiti nt ot henumberofdi gi t sr es er v edf ori t Acal cul at i oni ncl udesbot hposi t i v eandnegat i v enumber s Acal cul at edv al uei st oosmal lt ofiti nt ot henumberofdi gi t sr eser vedf ori t Acont i nuousr epr esent at i on,anal ogoust ot heact ual i nf or mat i oni tr epr esent s .( A cont i nuous r epr esent at i onofdat a) Di gi t al Dat a Compr essi on Loss y Anal ogDat a Whi c hv i deocodeccompr essi onl ooksf ordi ffer encesbet weenconsecut i v ef r amesand doesnotdupl i cat edat a. Codec Keyf r ame Tempor al Spat i al Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi sdat aaboutdat a,suchast her es ol ut i onofani magebei ng st or edwi t ht hei mage?

Sci ent i ficnot at i on Anal ogdat a Keywor dencodi ng Met adat a Di gi t al WhenDi gi t al si gnal sj umpshar pl ybet weent woext r emes. Bandwi dt h Compr essi on Pul seCodeModul at i on( PCM) Di gi t i z e

Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngchar act er sar enotr epr esent edi nt heASCI Ichar act erset ? Punct uat i onsuchasaper i odorcomma Nonpr i nt abl ec har act er ssuchasESC( escape)andDEL( del et e) Cyr i l l i cc har act er s Lower casel et t er s( a–z) Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi sal i stofchar act er sandt hecodesus edt or epr esenteachone ? Char act erSet Vi deoCodec Bi nar ySt r i ng Sci ent i ficNot at i on Whi c ht echni quef orr epr esent i ngnumer i cdat ausest hemant i ssat ohol dt hes i gni ficant di gi t sofaval ue ? Fi x edSi z edNumber Fl oat i ngPoi nt Ten' sCompl i ment Si gnedMagni t ude

Dat acompr essi ont echni quewher et hedat acanber et r i ev edwi t houtl osi nganyoft he or i gi nal i nf or mat i on. Los sy Compr essed Loss l es s Zer oLoss

Par t i al Quest i on14 0. 5/3pt s Mat cht hef ol l owi ngi t ems: ASCI IChar act erSet Originally used seven bits to represent each character, allow ing for 128 unique characters

Uni code

The extended version of the ASCII character set provides 256 characters

Ext endedAsci i

Allow s for 256 characters characters and includes accented letters as w ell as several other special symbols.

HuffmanEncodi ng

Text compression technique that uses variable-length binary string to represent a character so that frequently used characters have short codes

Keywor dEncodi ng Replacing a frequently used word with a single characte

RunLengt hEncodi ng Replacing a long series of a repeated character with a count of the repetition

Quest i on14 3/3pt s Bi t map( BMP)

This format contains the pixel color values of the image from left to right and from top to bottom, may be compressed using run-length encoding

Joi ntPhot ogr aphi cExper tGr oup( JPEG/ JPG)

This format is designed to exploit the nature of our eyes by averaging out the color hues

Gr aphi csI nt er changeFor mat(GI F) A version of this format allow s for small animations

Por t abl eNet wor kGr aphi cs( PNG)

This format can achieve greater compression than GIFs, and offers a w ider range of color depths

Met adat a Includes data such as date and time an image w as created, the size and resolution

Vect orGr aphi c

Describes an image in terms of lines and geometric shapes, instead of assigning colors to pixels

Quest i on14 3/3pt s Mat cht hef ol l owi ngi t ems: Bandwi dt h

The n u mber of bits or bytes that can be transmitted from one place to another in a fixed amount of time

Dat a Basic values or facts.

I nf or mat i on Data that has been organized or processed in a useful manner

Mul t i medi a Several different media types

Dat aCompr essi on Reducing the amount of space needed to store a piece of data

Compr essi onRat i o The size of the compressed data divided by the size of the original data.

At hr eei nputORgat epr oducesanout putof1onl yi fal l i nputval uesar e1. Tr ue Fal se ANANDgat eandaNORgat epr oduceoppos i t eout put . Tr ue Fal se Theout putv al ueofanXORgat ei s0unl essbot hi nput sar e1. Tr ue Fal se ACPUi sani nt egr at edc i r c ui t . Tr ue Fal se

Ani nt egr at edc i r c ui thasmul t i pl egat esembeddedi nt oi t . Fal se Tr ue Bool eanal gebr aal l owsust oappl ypr ov abl emat hemat i cal pr i nci pl est ot hedesi gnof ci r cui t s. Fal se Tr ue Logi cdi agr amsandt r ut ht abl esar eequal l ypower f ul i nexpr essi ngt hepr ocessi ngof gat esandci r c ui t s . Tr ue Fal se TheANDandORga...

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