Quiz chapters.10-17 results Computer Science Illuminated 7th edition PDF

Title Quiz chapters.10-17 results Computer Science Illuminated 7th edition
Course Introduction to Computer Science
Institution Folsom Lake College
Pages 82
File Size 1.8 MB
File Type PDF
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Professor Robert Hendricks Computer Science Illuminated 7th edition- This is the quiz results from chapters 1-7. By creating this I got an A in the class....


I nafix edpar t i t i onsy st em,mai nmemor yi sdi vi dedi nt osev er al par t i t i onsoft hesame si z e. Tr ue Fal se Al ogi cal addr essspeci fiesanact ual l ocat i oni nmai nmemor y . Tr ue Fal se Acomput ercanhavemor et hanoneoper at i ngsy st em,butonl yoneOSi si ncont r olat anygi v ent i me. Tr ue Fal se Bat chPr ocessi ngi snol ongerusedt oday . Tr ue Fal se At i meshar i ngsy st em al l owsmul t i pl euser st oi nt er actwi t hacomput eratt hesamet i me. Tr ue Fal se Theboundsr egi st ercont ai nst hel astaddr essofapar t i t i on. Tr ue Fal se Comput erTi meshar i ngi swhenmul t i pl epeopl eshar eoccupancyofacondo. Tr ue Fal se

ResponseTi mei st hedel aybet weenr ecei vi ngast i mul usandpr oduci ngar esponse. Tr ue Fal se At i mesl i cei st heamountoft i meeachpr ocessi sgi venbef or ebei ngpr eempt edi na r oundr obi nschedul er . Tr ue Fal se Thepr ocesscont r ol bl ock( PCB)i sadat ast r uct ur et hatst or esal li nf or mat i onabouta pr ocess. Tr ue Fal se Anoper at i ngsy st em usesnonpr eempt i veCPUsc hedul i ngwhenapr ocessmovesf r om t hewai t i ngst at et ot her eadyst at e. Fal se Tr ue Comput erTi meshar i ngcr eat est hei l l usi ont hateachuserhasexc l usi veaccesst ot he comput er . Tr ue Fal se Theoper at i ngsy st em hasadedi cat edCPUandt her ef or edoesnotcompet ewi t hot her appl i cat i onpr ogr amsf orCPUt i me. Fal se Tr ue Thefir st come,fir st ser vedschedul i ngal gor i t hm i spr ov abl yopt i mal . Tr ue

Fal se CPUschedul i ngdet er mi neswhi chpr ogr amsar ei nmemor y . Tr ue Fal se AReal Ti meSy st em pr ovi desi mmedi at er esponset i me. Tr ue Fal se Ar el at i v eaddr essi sanact ual l ocat i oni nmai nmemor y . Fal se Tr ue

Pr ogr amst hatmanagecomput err esour cesandpr ovi deani nt er f acef orot herpr ogr ams. Oper at i ngSys t em Sy st emsSof t war e Appl i cat i onSof t war e Amazon Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi st het echni quef orkeepi ngmul t i pl epr ogr amsi nmai nmemor yat t hesamet i me,compet i ngf ort hei rchanceatt heCPU? Pr ocessmanagement CPUschedul i ng Memor ymanagement Ti meshar i ng Mul t i pr ogr ammi ng I nBat chPr ocessi ng,whati saBat ch? AsetofComput erOper at or s Asetofj obst hatneededt hesameorsi mi l arr esour ces. Asi ngl ej obsubmi t t edbyasi ngl euser . Onedoz encooki es Whi chi sar ef er encet oast or edval uer el at i v et ot hepr ogr am maki ngt her ef er ence? Physi caladdr ess Par t i t i on Si ngl econt i guous Logi cal addr ess Paged

Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi st heamountoft i megi vent oeachpr ocessi nar oundr obi nCPU schedul i ngal gor i t hm? Ar r i v alt i me Ti mesl i ce Ti mel i mi t Ser vi cet i mev al ue Tur nar oundt i me Or i gi nal l y ,t i meshar i ngsy st emswer eusual l yasi ngl ecomput ercal l edwhat ? Mai nf r ame Mai ncomput er Cent r al Uni t Cor ef r ame I nwhi chst at ei sapr ocesst hati scur r ent l ybei ngex ecut edbyt heCPU? New Ter mi nat ed Wai t i ng Ready Runni ng Thedefini t i onofaReal Ti meSy st em. Pr ovi desaguar ant eedmi ni mum r esponset i met ot heuser . Pr ovi desi mmedi at er esponse. Sl owert hanabat chpr ocessi ng Opposi t eaVi r t ual Sys t em

I fapr ogr am i sl oadedi nt omemor ybegi nni ngataddr ess555555,whati st hephy si cal addr essofr el at i veaddr ess333333? 555555 888888011 222222 333333 888888 Whi chi st heoper at i ngsy st em f orAppl eComput er s ? Uni x i OS Li nux MacOS I nanOper at i ngSys t em,whati sapr ogr am i nex ecut i oncal l ed? Pr ocessManagement Memor yManagement Pr epr ocess Pr ocess Towhi c hst at edoest hecur r ent l yexecut i ngpr ocessr et ur nwheni ti si nt er r upt edbyt he oper at i ngsy st em? Ready Ter mi nat ed Runni ng New Wai t i ng

Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdescr i best heactofst or i ngr egi st erv al uesf ort hecur r ent l y execut i ngpr ocessandl oadi ngt her egi s t erv al uesf ort hepr ocesst aki ngov ert heCPU? Vi r t ual memor y Thr ashi ng Demandpagi ng Swappi ng Cont extswi t ch Whi choft hef ol l owi ngbestdescr i besapar t i t i oni ngappr oacht hatusest hebaser egi st er t ost or et hebegi nni ngaddr essoft hecur r entpar t i t i on? Bot hdynami candfixedpar t i t i ons Fi x edpar t i t i ons Dynami cpar t i t i ons Nei t herdynami cnorfix edpar t i t i ons-WRONG Amemor ymanagementt echni quei nwhi chpr ocessesar edi vi dedi nt ofix edsi z epages andst or edi nmemor yf r ameswhenl oaded. Fi x edPar t i t i onTechni que Dynami cPar t i t i onTechni que PagedMemor yTechni que Vi r t ual Memor yTechni que Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdescr i besaCPUschedul i ngal gor i t hm i nwhi c heachpr ocessi s gi v enasmal l amountoft i met ouset heCPUbef or ebei ngf or cedt owai tunt i l i t st ur n comesar oundagai n? Roundr obi n Shor t est j obnext

Fi r st come,fir st ser ved Tur nar oundt i me Ti mesl i ce

Whati st heor i gi nal PCoper at i ngsy st em cal l ed? DOS Uni x MacOS Wi ndows

Mat cht hef ol l owi ngi t ems: Logi calAddr ess( Memor yManagement ) A reference to a stored value relative to the program making the reference

Physi calAddr ess( Memor yManagement ) An actual address in the main memory device

Addr essBi ndi ng( Memor yManagement ) The mapping from a logical address to a physical address

Si ngl econt i guousmemor ymanagement Where an entire application program is loaded into one large chunk of memory

Fi xedpar t i t i ont echni que Where main memory is divided into a particular number of partitions.

Dynami cpar t i t i ont echni que Where partitions are created to fit the unique needs of the programs.

Mat cht hef ol l owi ngi t ems: Fr ame A fixed-size portion of main memory that holds a process page

Page A fixed-size portion of a process that is stored into a memory frame

PageMapTabl e Used by the operating system to keep track of page/frame relationships

DemandPagi ng

An extension to paged memory management in w hich pages are brought into memory only w hen referenced (on demand)

PageSwap Bringing in one page from secondary memory, possibly causing another to be removed

Vi r t ualMemor y

The illusion that there is no restriction on program size because an entire process need not be in memory at the same time

Mat cht hef ol l owi ngi t emsper t ai ni ngt oPr ocessSt at es New St at e When a process is being created.

Runni ngSt at e Currently being executed.

Wai t i ngSt at e Waiting for resources.

Pr ocessSt at es The specific states a process moves through

Ter mi nat edSt at e Completed its execution.

ReadySt at e Not w aiting for an event to occur or for data to be brought in

Mat cht hef ol l owi ngi t ems: MacOS Apple computers Operating System

Wi ndows Most w idely used Operating System on PCs

Uni x The operating system of choice for serious programmers

Syst em Sof t war e Programs that manage a computer system and interact w ith hardw are.

Oper at i ngSyst em Programs that manage computer resources and provide an interface for other programs.

Appl i cat i onSof t war e Programs that help us solve real -w orld problems.

The" \ "i susedt osepar at et henamesi napat hi naWi ndowsenvi r onment . Tr ue Fal se Theshor t est seek t i mefir stdi sk sc hedul i ngal gor i t hm movest heheadst hemi ni mum amounti tcant osat i sf yapendi ngr equest . Tr ue Fal se Afil ei sanamedcol l ect i onofdi r ect or i es. Tr ue Fal se Theseekt i mei st heamountoft i mei tt akesf ort heheadsofadi skt or eachapar t i cul ar cy l i nder . Tr ue Fal se Anabsol ut epat handar el at i v epat hwi l l al waysbet hesamel engt h. Tr ue Fal se

Someoper at i ngs yst emsmai nt ai nasepar at er eadpoi nt erandwr i t epoi nt erf orafil e. Tr ue Fal se The" / "i susedt osepar at et henamesi napat hi naWi ndowsenvi r onment . Tr ue Fal se

Thewor ki ngdi r ect or yi st hedi r ect or yi nt owhi chal lt empor ar yfil esar est or ed. Fal se Tr ue Regar di ngmagnet i cdi skdr i v es,l at encyi st headdi t i onalt i mei tt akest hepl at t ert or ot at e i nt ot hepr operposi t i onsot hatt hedat acanber eadorwr i t t en. Tr ue Fal se Afil e' sext ensi ondi ct at eswhatt ypeofdat ai tcont ai ns. Fal se Tr ue Sequent i al accessanddi r ectaccesst ak eaboutt hesameamountoft i met or et r i ev e dat a. Tr ue Fal se I nmostoper at i ngsy st ems,adi r ect or yi sr epr esent edasafil e. Tr ue Fal se

Asonemovesar oundi nt hefil es yst em ofanoper at i ngsy st em,t hecur r entwor ki ng di r ect or yr emai nst hesame. Tr ue Fal se Afil esy st em i st hel ogi cal vi ewofsecondar ymemor yt hatt heoper at i ngsy st em pr ovi desf ort heuser . Tr ue Fal se Fi r st come,fir st ser veddi skschedul i ngi sr el at i v el yeas yt oi mpl ement ,buti snott he mosteffici entappr oach. Fal se Tr ue Thet ypeofafil edet er mi neswhi chki ndsofoper at i onscanbeper f or medoni t . Tr ue Fal se Thecur r entfil epoi nt eri ndi cat est heendofafil e. Tr ue Fal se TheSCANdi sk sc hedul i ngal gor i t hm i ssi mi l art ot heal gor i t hm usedt omanage el ev at or s. Fal se Tr ue

Whi choft hef ol l owi ngbegi nsatt her ootandspeci fieseachst epdownt het r eeunt i l i t r eachest hedesi r edfil eordi r ect or y ? Par entdi r ect or y Wor ki ngdi r ect or y Rel at i v epat h Subdi r ect or y Absol ut epat h Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi sadi s k schedul i ngal gor i t hm t hatmov esdi sksheadsbyt he mi ni mum amountnecessar yt osat i s f yanypendi ngr equest ? Lat ency Fi r st come,fir st ser ved Shor t est seek t i mefir st SCAN Seekt i me Whatt ypefil eusesapptorppt xfil eext ensi on? MSEx cel Power poi nt

Access MSWor d The. gi f ,. t i ff,and. j pgfil eext ensi onsar egener al l yusedf orwhi choft hef ol l owi ng? Textdat afil e Audi ofil e I magefil e Wor dpr ocessi ngdocument Pr ogr am sour cefil e

Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi sconcept ual l ydi vi dedi nt ol ogi cal r ecor ds ? Di r ectaccessfil e Bi nar yfil e Sequent i alaccessfil e Textfil e Di r ect or y Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi st hel astpar toft hefil enamet hatgi vesani ndi cat i onofwhat ki ndofdat at hefil econt ai ns ? Fi l eext ensi on Fi l ename Di r ect or y Fi l et ype Fi l esy st em Whi choft hef ol l owi ngspeci fiesafil eordi r ect or ybegi nni ngwi t ht hecur r entwor ki ng di r ect or y? Absol ut epat h

Di r ect or yt r ee Rootdi r ect or y Rel at i v epat h Wor ki ngdi r ect or y Whatt ypefil ewi l l haveafil eext ensi onofwavormp3? Vi deofil e Audi ofil e Wor dpr ocessor Webpage

Whater r orcany ouseei nt hef ol l owi ngDi r ect or yPat h? C:\Program Files\MSOffice\WinWord.ex

Ther ootdi r ect or yi si ncor r ect Thepat hsepar at ori si ncor r ect Thefil enamei si ncor r ect Noneoft heanswer s Whater r orcany ouseei nt hef ol l owi ngDi r ect or yPat h? C:/Program Files/MSOffice/WinWord.exe

Thepat hhasaspacei n" Pr ogr am Fi l es" Thepat hsepar at ori si ncor r ect Noneoft heanswer s Thefil enamei si ncor r ect Ther ootdi r ect or yi si ncor r ect WhatActwaspassedi nt heUSt opr ot ectagai nstemai lspam?

FI SAAct Comput erFr audandAbuseAct E.U.Di r ect i v e USPat r i otAct CANSPAM Act Whati st hek eydi ffer encebet weent heE.U.Di r ect i v eandt heCANSPAM Act ? TheCANSPAM al l owsdi r ectmar k et i ngunt i ly ouOpt Out TheEUDi r ect i ver equi r esyout oOpt Outofdi r ectmar ket i ng Noneoft heanswer s-WRONG Ther ei snodi ffer encebet weent heEUDi r ect i veandt heCANSPAM Act

Whatt ypefil ewoul dhaveafil eext ensi onofmov ,avi ormp4? Audi ofil e Vi deofil e Spr eadsheet Webpage Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi st hel ogi calvi ewpr ovi dedbyt heoper at i ngsy st em t ohel puser s managesecondar ymemor y? Fi l ename Di r ect or Fi l esy st em Fi l eext ensi on Fi l et ype Wher ecany oufindt heRootDi r ect or y? Att hecur r entDi r ect or yTr eeLocat i on

Dependsonwhet heri ti sAbsol ut eorRel at i v ePat h Att hehi ghestl eveloft heDi r ect or yTr ee Att hel owestl evel oft heDi r ect or yTr ee Noneoft heanswer s Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdescr i best heamountoft i mei tt ak est omovet her ead/ wr i t e headst ot heappr opr i at ecyl i nder ? Shor t est seek t i mefir st Seekt i me Fi r st come,fir st ser ved SCAN Lat ency

Whi choft hef ol l owi ngusesanel ev at or l i keal gor i t hm t oser vi cedi s kr equest sasi t mov est heheadsf r om oneext r emet ot heot her ? Seekt i me Fi r st come,fir st ser ved SCAN Shor t est seek t i mefir st Lat ency Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi st het opmostdi r ect or y ,i nwhi chal l ot her sar econt ai ned? Rootdi r ect or y Absol ut epat h Di r ect or yt r ee Wor ki ngdi r ect or y Rel at i v epat h

Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdescr i best headdi t i onal t i mei tt ak est hepl at t ert or ot at ei nt ot he pr operposi t i onsot hatt hedat acanber ead? Lat ency Di skSchedul i ng SeekTi me Cyl i nder

Mat cht hef ol l owi ngi t ems: Di skSchedul i ng The act of deciding w hich outstanding requests for disk 1/0 to satisfy first

Lat ency

The additional time it takes the platter to rotate into the proper position so that the data can be read.

SeekTi me The amount of time it takes for the heads to reach the appropriate cylinder.

Fi r stCome,Fi r stSer ved(FCFS)Di skSchedul i ng

Processes requests in the order they arrive, w ithout regard to the current position of the heads.

Shor t est SeekTi meFi r st( SSTF)Di skSchedul i ng Moves the heads by the minimum amount necessary to satisfy any pending request.

SCANDi skSchedul i ng

Where the read/w rite heads move in tow ard the spindle, then out tow ard the platter edge

Sequal ,anear l ydat abasel anguage,wasdevel opedbyI BM. Tr ue Fal se Ecommer cei st hepr ocessofk eepi ngfinanci al r ecor ds,suc hasaccount spay abl e, onl i ne. Tr ue Fal se Adat abaset abl ei sacol l ect i onofr ecor ds,andar ecor di sacol l ect i onoffiel ds.

Tr ue Fal se Thev al uesi nt hek eyfiel dsofat abl euni quel yi dent i f yar ecor damongal lot herr ecor ds i nt het abl e. Tr ue Fal se Anent i t y r el at i onshi p( ER)di agr am r epr esent spr i mar ydat abaseel ement si na gr aphi cal f or m. Tr ue Fal se Aquer yi sar equestt oadat abasef ori nf or mat i on. Tr ue Fal se I nar el at i onal dat abase,at abl ecanr epr esentacol l ect i onofr el at i onshi psamong obj ect s. Fal se Tr ue What i fanal y si scanonl yaffectoneval ueatat i mei naspr eadsheet . Tr ue Fal se Aspr eadsheeti sunabl et oper f or m compl exwhat i fanal ysi s . Tr ue Fal se Aspr eadsheeti susef ul f orper f or mi ngwhat i fanal ys i s .

Tr ue Fal se Thephy si caldat abaser epr esent st hel ogi calst r uct ur eoft hedat ai nt hedat abase. Tr ue Fal se Spr eadsheet sar epar t i cul ar l yhel pf ul whenper f or mi ngwhat i fanal ysi s . Fal se Tr ue Thedot com col l apsepr omot edel ect r oni ccommer ce. Tr ue Fal se Thehi er ar chi calmodeli st hemostpopul ardat abasemanagementmodel t oday . Tr ue Fal se Adat abaseengi neof t eni nt er act swi t hapar t i cul arl anguagef oraccessi ngand modi f yi ngt hedat abase. Tr ue Fal se Ther el at i onaldat abasemodel or gani z esdat aandr el at i onshi psi nt ot abl es. Tr ue Fal se Aspr eadsheetcel l cancont ai nadat av al ueoraf or mul a. Fal se Tr ue

Eachcel l ofaspr eadsheeti sr ef er encedbya6di gi ti ndexnumber . Fal se Tr ue

Whi choft hef ol l owi nguni quel yi dent i fiesapar t i c ul arr ecor dwi t hi nadat abaset abl e? Schema-WRONG Fi el d Quer y SQL Key

Whi chi snotav al i dCar di nal i t yConst r ai nt ? Onet oMany Manyt oMany Onet oOne Onet oNone

Whi choft hef ol l owi ngst at ement saboutSQLi st r ue ? SQLTabl eNamesmustbei nal lupper case SQLKeywor dsmustbei nal lupper case SQLcannothavespaces SQLk eywor ds ,t abl enamesandat t r i but esar enotcasesensi t i ve SQLat t r i but enamesmustbei nl ower case Whi choft hef ol l owi ngar et hest andar dsymbol sf orar i t hmet i coper at i onsi nanEx cel Spr eadsheet \ ,* ,+,\ ,X,+,/ ,* ,+,/ ,X,+,-

Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi snotaval i dSpr eadsheetf unct i on? SI GN( angl e) SUM( r ange) MAX( r ange) PI ( )

I SBLANK( v al ue) Al ogi cal vi ewofdat ai spr ovi dedbywhi choft hef ol l owi ng? Quer y AnERDi agr am Schema Car di nal i t y Whi choft hef ol l owi ngr epr esent st het ypeofanal y si st hatspr eads heet sar epar t i cul ar l y goodatper f or mi ng? Range What i f For mul a Ci r cul arr ef er ence Cel l Whi chSQLst at ementaddsanewr ecor dt oadat abase? I nser t Sel ect Updat e Add Del et e

Vi sualr epr esent at i onofdat acanbedoneusi ngwhi choft hef ol l owi ng? Gr aphi cal UserI nt er f ace Li nechar t

Dat avi sual i z at i on Pi eanal ys i s What i fAnal ys i s

Al l oft hef ol l owi ngwer ei mpor t antaspect scont r i but i ngt ot hesuccessofecommer ce,ex cept : el ect r oni cshoppi ngcar t st hatal l oweduser st omai nt ai nar unni ngcol l ect i onof i t emsandpur chaset hosei t emsi nasi ngl et r ansact i on. t hedevel opmentofel ect r oni cpayments yst emssuchasPayPal ,whi cheasedt he pr ocessofonl i nepur chases. t r adi t i onal" br i cksandmor t ar "busi ness esdecl i ni ngt odevel opacompet i t i veonl i ne pr esence. t hedevel opmentofsecur epr ot ocol sandot hert echnol ogi calenhancement st hat per mi t t edt hesecur et r ans f erofel ect r oni cf undsandenhancedecommer cesecur i t y . f aci l i t i est hatper mi tausert osear chf orandcompar ei t emsi nv ar i ousways . WRONG Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi sNOTt r ueaboutt hek eyfiel dofadat abaset abl e? Ther ecanbemor et hanone I ti dent i fiesar ecor d Ther ecanonl ybeone I tmustbeuni que

Whatar et wooft hemostpopul argener alappl i cat i oni nf or mat i onsy st ems ?

El ect r oni cSpr eadsheet sandGoogl eAnal y t i cs El ect r oni cSpr eadsheet sandeCommer ce Dat abaseManagementSy st emsandSQL El ect r oni cSpr eadsheet sandbui l ti nFunct i ons Howl onghaveSpr eadsheet sanddat abasemanagementsy st emsbeenar ound? Si ncet he1950s Si ncet he1980s Si ncet he1970s Si ncet he1990s Si ncet he1960s Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdesi gnat esasi ngl el ocat i oni naspr eadsheet ? Cel l Ci r cul arr ef er ence For mul a What i f Range Thesecanneverber esol v edi naEx cel Spr eadsheetandshoul dbeavoi ded. CountFunct i on Cel l Ref er ence Ci r cul arRef er ence RangeSel ect i on Whi choft hef ol l owi ngr epr esent sani nv al i dr ef er encet oacel l i naspr eadsheet ? A3. . A7 G14. . H27 =J24/ J23 J24

15B Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi sapopul art echni quef ordesi gni ngr el at i onal dat abases ? Ent i t y r el at i onshi pmodel i ng Quer yi ng-WRONG Spr eadsheetvi sual i zat i on What i fanal ys i s Gr i dl ayout

Mat cht hef ol l owi ngi t ems: Tabl e A collection of database records

Recor d A collection of related fields that make up a single database entry

Fi el d A single value in a database record


One or more fields of a database record that u niquely identifies it among all other records in the table

St r uct ur edQuer yLanguage( SQL) A comprehensive relational database language for data management and queries

Car di nal i t yConst r ai nt Puts restrictions on the number of relationships that may exist at one time.

Mat cht hef ol l owi ngi t ems: Spr eadsheet A program that allow s the user to organize and analyze data using a grid of cells

Spr eadsheetCel l An element of a spreadsheet that can contain data or a formula

Range Can specify an area of a column, a row or a rectangular block of cells.

Spr eadsheetFunct i ons Built into the softw are and often operate on a set of contiguous cells

Cel lRef er ence Using letters to specify the column and numbers to specify the row

Ci r cul arRef er ence

A reference that can never be resolved because the result of one formula is ultimately ...

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