Quiz Information TRI3 2019 PDF

Title Quiz Information TRI3 2019
Author Murphy Crooks
Course Police Courts & Criminal Law
Institution Griffith University
Pages 5
File Size 85.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 60
Total Views 140


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Information on Online Quizzes Police, Courts and Criminal Law Here are the details regarding the online quizzes that are due on Friday at 5pm in weeks 3 and 6. All the information you need to know about accessing, taking and submitting the quizzes is contained in this document. Each quiz is worth 5% for a total of 10% of your grade. Please read this information carefully, as your success in this course is dependent upon your understanding of the policies and procedures around assessment submission.

Please refer back to this information sheet before you take each quiz to ensure you are adequately prepared.

What is the deadline for completing each quiz? Quizzes are due in weeks 3 and 6 and must be completed by 5pm Friday on the week they are due. The two due dates are:


Quiz 1: Friday 15 November 2019, 5pm (Week 3)

Quiz 2: Friday 6 December 2019, 5pm (Week 6)











Learning@Griffith by this time. We will not be accepting late submissions, so you MUST make the time to take the quiz prior to each of these Fridays. Does it matter which day I do the quiz?

Each quiz will be made available on the Learning@Griffith site one week prior to the submission date. You can complete the quiz any time during the week before it is due.

How long do the quizzes take to complete? 1

Once you have commenced the quiz you are given 30 minutes to save and submit all your quiz answers on Learning@Griffith. There is no timer on the quiz so you must monitor the time yourself to ensure you complete all questions within the 30 minutes.

Do I have to complete the quiz in one sitting? Yes - The quiz must be completed in one 30 minute sitting . You should set aside a block of uninterrupted disruption free time where you will not be disturbed by children/employment obligations etc.

How do I complete the quiz? All the questions will be on one page and beside each question is a save button so you can save each question as you go. Please do this when you are comfortable with your given answer. You should save each answer individually as you go. At the bottom of the page there is a submit button which you must click when you have completed all the questions. Your quiz will not be submitted for marking unless you press the final submit button. We encourage you to begin the quiz and submit it sooner rather than later. If there are any technical issues, these can be dealt with early if they arise. The IT Helpdesk is available on (07) 3735 5555.

What happens if I forget to do the quiz, can I get an extension? Since you have 7 days in which to complete each quiz, you will not receive an extension for failing to remember the due date. You MUST save and submit your answers by the due date in order to receive marks for this piece of assessment.

Is the quiz going to be online? 2

Yes, the quizzes are online. To access each quiz, follow these steps: 1. Login to Learning@Griffith and go to the 1012CCJ12 page.

2. Click on ASSESSMENT from the left-hand menu 3. Click on assessment item #1, Online Tutorial Quizzes.

4. From here, select the name of the quiz you are taking. On the next page, click OK to take the quiz. The quiz should open up and you should be able to read all of the questions and answer as you see fit. 5. Save each question as you go through the quiz, once you have decided upon an answer. There is a save button beside each question.

6. Once you have completed the quiz, press the submit button down the bottom of the page. If you only press the save button, your answers will not be submitted for grading. What if I have technical problems e.g. my answers won’t save?

If you have technical problems while taking the quiz – for example, your questions do not save or you are unable to submit your responses – please contact the IT Helpdesk on (07) 3735 5555. The course convenors are not technical experts and cannot provide you with IT support. If you have tried to resolve a technical issue with the help of IT but you are still prevented from submitting the assessment on time, please inform your unit coordinator.

When should I be concerned and contact the coordinator? Please email the coordinator if any of the following issues arise: · You are locked out of the quiz and cannot get access to take it, even though you have not previously accessed the quiz. 3

· Your computer or internet connection shuts down halfway through the quiz and you cannot get back in to finish the quiz. · Another significant issue affects your ability to complete the assessment on time

What will the questions be like? Each quiz contains 10 multiple choice or true/false questions. Each quiz contains questions arising from previous weeks’ course material as set out below:

Quiz One – will cover material from weeks 1 – 2 (Introducing the Criminal Law and Understanding Criminal Offences)

Quiz Two – will cover material from weeks 4 – 5 (Police Powers 1 and Police Powers 2)

Can I use my textbook and readings for each quiz? You may use any materials provided to you for this course, including your textbook and supplementary readings, during each quiz. However, you may NOT collaborate with other students on the quiz. At Griffith University, students are expected to complete their own assessments, especially exams, without the help of other students or staff members. This includes posting forums about quiz questions on the tutorial discussion boards or on other social media sites such as Facebook.

Because you have access to all of the course information as resources for each quiz, you may not email your tutor or the course convenor and ask questions about the content in the quiz, including whether an answer is correct. Nor can you ask questions about the content of the quiz over the online discussion boards.

Do I need to study for the quizzes?


Yes. Although the quizzes are open book quizzes, they cover a large amount of course material. To successfully complete all of the questions within the allotted time period, you will need to be very familiar with all the material for the relevant weeks.

When do I get my results? You should get your score for each quiz upon completion and successful submission of the quiz. Your mark will be reflected in MyGrades through Learning@Griffith. If you have submitted your answers and get the message “needs grading,” do not worry. Your quiz will be submitted to the queue shortly and will be graded within the next 24 hours. There is no need to contact either the unit coordinator or your tutor about this message.


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