Radian Spa | Best Body Spa in Vidhyadhar Nagar | Massage Parlour In Jaipur PDF

Title Radian Spa | Best Body Spa in Vidhyadhar Nagar | Massage Parlour In Jaipur
Author Radian Spa
Course Case Study
Institution Dr B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi
Pages 11
File Size 777.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 8
Total Views 121


Full body massage is a gradual process in which with the help of essential oils, a soft finger stroke is applied to the entire body. Natural oils are important ingredients in the massage process, no chemicals are used in the massage process.

There are different types of massage therapie...


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 +91 9910664089

Body and soul together. Read More

Happiness Is A Good Massage

About Spa

Radi an Spa provide s to our custome rs hi gh qual ity body massage se rvice s in Jai pur. We are always th e re for you if you are lookin g for th e be st body massage se rvice to improve your body muscle s an d min d. We are a we ll- kn own an d le adin g provide r of body massage se rv ice s wh o de al with custome rs accordin g to de man d. We are we ll e quippe d in our Massage Ce n te r with al l mode rn ame n itie s an d de v ice s. We also off e r luxurious ame n itie s such as air con dition in g, h igh - quali ty , ambie n ce , cle an room an d h ygie n ic e n viron me n t on our pre mis e s.

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You will like to look like goddess every day! We h ave wide ran ge of top class spa se rvice s. Now we are ch an ge d accordin g to mode rn livin g stan dards.

Variety of Care

Qualified Staff

Relax ation Centric

Reasonable Costs

Happiness Is A Good Massage

Our services

Female to Male Massage

Arom atherapy Massage

Fe male to Male Full- Body M assage

Aromath e rapy Massage

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Body to Body Massage

Swedish Massage

Body to Body Massage

Swe dish Massage

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Ayurvedic Massage

Balinese Massage

Ayurve dic Massage

Balin e se Massage

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Deep Tissue Massage

Thai Massage

D e e p Tissue Massage

Th ai Massage

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Happiness Is A Good Massage

Why Choose Us

Special Treatments  Cre ate d f rom Natural He rbs  100% Safe for your Sk in  Un ique form othe r Spa Tre atme n ts  Quali ty Products  Spe cial Offe rs an d Gi ft f or you  Cre ate d by Me dical Profe ssi on als of Spa Lab









Our Special Offer N ew Client Offer Rs 4 9 9/- Of f ( total services on y our first v isit ) Make An Appointment

Happiness Is A Good Massage

Our Gallery

Happiness Is A Good Massage

Our Pricing

Person 1

Person 2

Rs 999

Rs 1699

Full Body Massage

Full Body Massage





Select Plan

Select Plan

Person 3

Person 4

Rs 2399

Rs 2799

Full Body Massage

Full Body Massage





Select Plan

Select Plan

Happiness Is A Good Massage


Want to Make a Booking or Have a Question? Call Us

or fill out online booking & enquiry form and w e'll contact you.

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Happiness Is A Good Massage

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massage th e rapist





Happiness Is A Good Massage

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Our Location

Phone Number

Sun - N- Moon M all, 1st Floor

+91 9910664089

Sikar Road, Se ctor 5, V idyadh ar Nagar Jaipur, R aj asthan - 30202 3

Mail in fo@radian spaJaipur. in

Open Hours

10 am to 10 pm on Eve rydays

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Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur...

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