Reflection Essay ENG 123 on english and cbu PDF

Title Reflection Essay ENG 123 on english and cbu
Author Isra J
Course Composition
Institution California Baptist University
Pages 3
File Size 89.5 KB
File Type PDF
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this paper was on reflective essay and in Cbu and was on English topic and i got an A and passed the...




Luis Israel Jimenez Professor Ruth Flores ENG123-OE December 20, 2019 Reflection Essay Introduction Being a first-generation college student, I grew up having to face many obstacles in my life. Since middle school, I remember always struggling with my English speaking and writing skills. Coming into this course, I was worried that my writing wouldn’t be great enough to pass this class. I felt as if my writing was not good enough to take this class. Looking back at my selfintroduction from week one, I stated that “Being honest, I don’t feel like I have any strengths in writing, but when I put my mind to something, I know I will strive and do my best.” Looking back at this, I am very happy knowing that I absolutely put my all into this class and saw so much improvement in my writing. Research Taking this class, I knew that I would eventually have to write my own research paper. To my understanding, research is when someone studies something and reaches conclusions that can create questions. Being a Pre-Med student, research is necessary in order to get into medical school. I always knew that research is what gets people to discover new things and can also educate people on certain topics. Before taking this course, I knew how important research is, and I know that the process of doing research can take a lifetime. I have met a professor that has been doing research on viruses for about 10 years now. It is crazy that research can help change the world. Throughout this course, I was frustrated at times when it came to looking for excellent



sources, thinking of what exactly I wanted to do my research on, and my writing structure. Throughout this journey of doing research and writing my own paper, I certainly have learned a lot. I feel like I have learned how to communicate my ideas through writing, and I feel like this course has help me with the basic tools needed to conduct and write my own research in the future. If I was given a second chance at this course, I definitely would have spent more time in finding as much credible sources as possible. I regret not taking my time in finding more scholarly articles. These errors will make me learn through my mistakes in the future. Writing We all have our own conceptions and misconceptions about what makes a great paper or any type of writing “good.” In my opinion, a great paper or a great writer is one who can persuade, inform, and someone who can give their audience something to truly think about. This is important because good writing allows the author to communicate their message with clarity and understanding. Before taking this course, I was familiar that correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling are key in any sort of good writing. If the authors audience cannot seem to read the paper, then there will be mistrust within the author and reader. During these last seven weeks, I have learned to always double check my work, and always have someone proof-read my writing. This is something that I know will stick with me within the writing process for a while. If I could do anything differently within my writing, I would have tried to be more effective when it came to communicating my ideas in a more thorough way. Additional Learning Growing up I absolutely hated English, especially when it came to writing essays. I was always that student in high school that put their all into every class, except English. I have always had bad experiences with my writing. For example, I remember having to write a five



paragraph essay my senior year of high school, which sounds easy, but I clearly remember having mental breakdowns because I couldn’t seem to express my thoughts into my paper. Something so easy for other people was so hard for me. Registering for this English course brought a lot of anxiety into my life. Being pre-med, I am expected to have straight A’s and I was worried that this English class would break my cycle of having excellent grades. I was scared that my writing would not be college level writing. Fast forward 8 long weeks, I am content with what I have accomplished in this course and what I managed to do with my writing. For the first time ever, I wrote my own research paper. This was a very big accomplishment for me. Thanks to my Professor, I was able to learn new skills that I can use in my everyday life. Throughout this process, God has showed me that even when we think that we are not good enough, God will give me the strength to come through and prove my doubts wrong. This class has set the foundation to me conducting research in the future and not being afraid of failure. Conclusion In conclusion, as I wrap up this English course, I feel more confident than ever to take more writing embedded classes. Fifteen-year-old me would have never believed what nineteenyear-old me has accomplished today within my writing. Those fears that I had are slowly going away. Through this course I have identified my strengths and weaknesses and developed some ideas on how to improve my communication skills to become a more skilled and thoughtful writer in the future. I plan on working on growing in my communication skills so that when it comes to doing presentations, research, or papers as a medical student, I know I will be ready....

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