Reflection task 3 - Passed first time PDF

Title Reflection task 3 - Passed first time
Author Mindy Kalinowski
Course Professional Leadership and Communication for Healthcare
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 2
File Size 51.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Passed first time...


Reflect on Leadership and Communication This writer took the 5 dynamics quiz before starting The Professional Communication and Leadership in Healthcare class. I had no idea what the results would be nor did I know I would receive an entire report on the findings. I will now discuss the findings detailed in the report. First, my two personal strengths are excite and explore. Excite falls into the extreme category meaning this is the one I utilize primarily. I learn with an action-oriented learning setting. Next is explore which falls into the effortless category and I use this frequently. I lean toward the creative, engaging thinking process. I can also learn well in a chaotic, open-ended learning environment. Finally, I am a deliberate plus in the examine category and stress level in the execute category. Two personal challenges that relate to my working style can be that other groups do not seem to work well with the excite group. At times, the energy level can be distracting and overwhelming to others. We might find it beneficial to reign it in to succeed with others. In the execute dynamic I was at the stress level. A significant challenge for me would be to adjusting to a pace that moves too quickly from one topic to the next. I am learning I need to actively listen to people when I am involved in a conversation. I demonstrate this in a physical nature by making eye contact and never turning away from the speaker. I also need to ask relevant questions to show my audience I have heard them and to identify common interests. I feel these are in the accuracy and authenticity level of the conversation meter. I feel my listening style allows others to be open without the fear of being judged. I am rarely in the pretense or sincerity levels of the meter. I prefer an open and honest approach to listen and active conversation. We are in the process of transitioning our roles at work to a 2.0 version of what we are doing now. Information is coming to us frequently about our new jobs. I listen to learn in this environment because I want and need to absorb everything I can. I am in the authenticity category of the conversation meter in these situations. My husband is the hockey coach for our high school team and I, unfortunately, am a board member, the roles do not mix well in a marriage. I need to perform my tasks for the good of the organization and he focuses on “his boys”. If we attempt to have a business-related conversation, we are never on the value side of the conversation meter, it is waste. We would normally fall into the pretense category when we have these discussions. This is never productive for home or hockey. My above examples can also be related to the laws of conversation. In both my work and hockey examples all humans have needs, purpose and concerns would apply. In the hockey example, I would use the following: when people perceive that you threaten or are unaware of the purposes and concerns they resist. My husband would perceive my approach as a threat to his team. As we go through a transitional phase at work, many have concerns. My method of handling this is to be an active listener and be sensitive to the concerns of others. When people perceive that you are aware of and sensitive to their purposes and concerns, they communicate and collaborate. My strategies for being a successful student are to incorporate the many things I learned about myself in the course into my learning style. I am always so eager to see what the next class is, what my assignments will entail and what the course instructors are like. I feel this is related to my extreme rating in the excite dynamic. I learn best when I am at my highest energy levels. When my energy is low, I will identify this as a challenge and take a break from the schoolwork and take time for myself. When my energy level is at a peak I place my concentration back into my studies and assignments.

Two challenges that I may experience while pursuing my BSN would be procrastination and then rushing through tasks to get them done. The ways I will adjust to my busy life and combat these challenges are as follows: develop better time management skills, set reminders, invest in a detailed planner and review daily what needs to be accomplished by the end of the day. After reflecting on my overall experience in this course, I cannot help but smile. It was so much fun and enlightening getting to know peers on a personal level in a mostly online learning environment. In my professional career, it has given me more of the confidence that I need to speak up in a larger group setting. If I can do it with a group of people who I do not know I can certainly speak freely with my co-workers. The energy map gave me a great sense of where my strengths can be and I will utilize this for many years to come. I learned that I am an extreme in the excite dynamic and I will focus on using that energy every day. I have a great appreciation for the conversation meter and the four categories we studied: pretense, sincerity, accuracy, and finally, and my favorite authenticity. In my personal life, mindfulness exercises have been a tremendous asset. I have learned to identify the times when I need to take a moment to breathe. I was also able to assist my husband with a difficult project by talking to him through a mindfulness exercise. He not only thanked me and told me he felt more relaxed but also said his upper management said it was one of his best presentations. I have also started to place an extreme focus on the conversation ladder for my listening skills and abilities. My goal is to strive to reach the intersection rung of the ladder in the extremely important conversations to find things in common with my friends or the person I am in conversation with at the time....

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