REL A 275 Midcourse Exam SG PDF

Title REL A 275 Midcourse Exam SG
Author Brookelyn Jones
Course Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon
Institution Brigham Young University
Pages 22
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REL A 275 Midcourse Exam Study Guide Abiding by the Precepts (John Hilton III)   

Discuss the blessings that come from abiding by the precepts of the Book of Mormon. How to correctly apply the teachings of the Book of Mormon in their individual lives What Joseph Smith specifically said about the Book of Mormon helping people get nearer to God o We will get nearer to God by abiding by the precepts of the Book of Mormon! What a "precept" is and what it means to abide by the precepts of the Book of Mormon o A precept is a command or a moral rule of action The levels of Elder David A. Bednar’s scripture study framework and the importance of each one

What President Ezra Taft Benson specifically said about starting a serious study of the Book of Mormon o “There is a power in the book which will begin to flow into your lives the moment you begin a serious study of the Book of Mormon” What the Doctrine and Covenants teach about remembering the Book of Mormon o Condemnation of the church if we don’t remember the Book of Mormon (not only with what we say, but what we DO) o We need to live its teachings o D&C 84:54-57

Quiz Questions: 1. D&C 84 says that we should remember the Book of Mormon, "not only to say, but to ________." a. Do! 2. President Ezra Taft Benson taught that, "There is a ________ in the book that will begin to flow into your lives the moment you begin a serious study of the Book of Mormon. You will find greater ________ to resist temptation. You will find the ________ to avoid deception." What word belongs in the blanks? a. Power 3. Match each level of Elder Bednar's framework with the type of question it answers relative to abiding by Book of Mormon precepts. a. Why?  Doctrine b. What?  Principle c. How?  Application 4. For any given principle, there are many ways to apply it. Each individual should seek the guidance of the Spirit to make correct applications. a. True 5. In his framework, Elder Bednar encourages us to focus primarily on applications, rather than doctrines and principles. a. False

Story Line of the Book of Mormon (John Hilton III) There will only be a small number of questions from this unit, but be prepared to know anything from this module:  o o


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Lehi's Journey The approximate year Nephi’s family fled Jerusalem  600 BC How many times Nephi and his brothers returned to Jerusalem, and the reasons they returned  First time – to obtain the brass plates from Laban  Second time – so that Nephi and his brothers could find spouses (Ishmael’s daughters) The names and order of Nephi’s brothers, including which ones were born in the wilderness  Laman, Lemuel, Sam, Nephi  Jacob and Joseph were born in the wilderness Where Nephi was prompted to flee to in 2 Nephi 5  The land of Nephi The Land of Zarahemla Who Zedekiah is, and his connection to Lehi’s family, and which of Zedekiah’s sons escaped the capture and captivity from the Babylonians by also leaving Jerusalem

Mulek escaped capture The king of Judah at the time that Lehi left Jerusalem Who originally wrote the allegory of the olive tree?  Zenos Lehi’s family tree down to Jarom  

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King Benjamin and his family Zarahemla was the king of the Mulekites, and Mosiah 1 was the king of the Nephites. These two groups united, and Mosiah1 became the leader of this combined group that referred to themselves as Nephites, even though the majority of the group were actually Mulekites. After Mosiah1 passed away, his son Benjamin became king. King Benjamin’s son, who we will refer to as Mosiah2, reigned as king after Benjamin. Which leader was warned to flee out of the land of Nephi and led the Nephites to the land of Zarahemla  Mosiah Who the Mulekites were and their history with scriptural record keeping  Around the same time Lehi left Jerusalem, there was a man named Mulek, who was the son of Zedekiah, the king of Judah at the time Lehi left. A few years after Lehi fled Jerusalem, Mulek also left. Like Lehi, Mulek landed somewhere in the Americas. His descendants, including Zarahemla, lived in the land of Zarahemla. Thus Mulek and his descendants had been living in the New World during the same time period as Nephi and his descendants, just in a different location. By the time they met in the book of Omni, about 450 years had passed since Lehi and Mulek left Jerusalem. Thus for several centuries these two civilizations, both of whom came out of Jerusalem, lived in America without knowledge of each other. Significantly, the Mulekites did not bring a record with them, such as the brass plates, and their civilization had suffered some negative consequences as a result. Who was the leader of Mulek’s descendants when they were found by the Nephites  Zarahemla Who lived in the city of Zarahemla  Mulek’s descendants (including Zarahemla) Which anti-Christ came at the time of Jacob  Sherem The two most important authors of the Book of Omni  Omni, the person for whom the book is named  Amaleki, who wrote the majority of the book of Omni and provided several important historical details o




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The Eight Journeys Know the 8 journeys shown on the map, and the leader and key significance of each one

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1: Mosiah 1 led a group of people from Land of Nephi to Zarahemla 2: Once the Nephites vacated the land of Nephi, it was taken over by some Lamanites. Sometime later, some Nephites left Zarahemla to try to take back their ancestral lands, but the expedition ended in the Nephites fighting among themselves and returning to the land of Zarahemla 3: Zeniff led a second group of Nephites to the land of Nephi, approached the king of the Lamanites and asked if they could take ownership of part of the land, the Lamanite king agreed and the Nephites essentially took it over (Lamanites were unsuccessful in their attempts to take the land as long as Zeniff was alive) 4: Alma 1 and followers fled from the wicked King Noah (Zeniff’s son) in the land of Nephi and established a peaceful land called Helam 5: Lamanites attacked the Nephites, King Noah’s people fled with Noah while the others stayed behind with their families and were in captivity of the Lamanites. Limhi (Noah’s son) became the leader of the captive group of Nephites. Limhi and his people wanted to escape bondage, so they sought help from the Nephites in the land of Zarahemla. Limhi sent a group of people to the land of Zarahemla to try and get help, but they lost their way. They traveled far past Zarahemla and found a land the



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Nephites called Desolation. They came back to show Limhi what they found (the destroyed Jaredite nation)  6: During this time period of Zeniff and Noah and Limhi, the Nephites in Zarahemla had not been aware of what was happening in the land of Nephi. People wanted to know what had happened to Zeniff and those who followed him, so they went to Mosiah 2 (king in Zarahemla) and he sent an expedition down to the Land of Nephi to answer their questions  7: The group that Mosiah2 sent met Limhi and learned about everything. They began to work together on a plan to help the people escape from the Lamanites. Gideon (the one who tried to kill King Noah) was at this time an advisor to Limhi and suggested getting the Lamanites drunk. They put this plan into effect and successfully escaped  8: The Lamanites woke up to find that their Nephite prisoners had escaped, they chased after them but became lost and stumbled upon Alma1 and his group, who had been peacefully living in the land of Helam. The Lamanites placed Alma1’s people in bondage, Alma1’s people prayed and the Lord provided a miracle in which the Lamanites fell into a deep sleep that allowed Alma1’s people to escape back to Zarahemla.  By the end of all this (Mosiah 25) Limhi and Alma1’s groups were both back in Zarahemla (Amulon’s group stayed with the Lamanites). At this point, most of the Nephites were in Zarahemla and the Lamanites were still in the land of Nephi Key people to know: Zeniff, Alma the Elder, Noah, Limhi, Mosiah1, Benjamin, Mosiah2, Amulon, Gideon, Abinadi  See above Which people discovered the records of the Jaredites  Limhi’s explorers (they found the bones of the Jaredites, some of the armor, and also 24-gold plates Where the people of Zeniff lived  Land of Nephi Where Alma the Elder’s people lived  Helam Key actions King Noah’s priests took  Noah was killed by the group that followed him, and they intended to kill Noah’s priests as well, but the priests escaped. Amulon was one of these priests; he and the others hid in the wilderness for a time and eventually kidnapped some of the daughters of the Lamanites and took them for wives. The Lamanites later found them when looking for the escaped Nephite prisoners, and spared


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them when they found that the kidnapped daughters of the Lamanites had married the priests and had children with them Where Alma the Elder baptized his first converts, and how he helped his people escape the Lamanites  The waters of Mormon, he and his followers fled from Noah’s army and established a peaceful city named Helam A System of Judges Key people to know: Alma the Younger (Alma1’s son, first chief judge, gave up his role as chief judge to concentrate on being a high priest and preaching the gospel), Amlici (wanted to change the law back to kings), Nehor (Anti-Christ, killed Gideon), Zeezrom (a lawyer who initially rejected the teachings of Alma2 and Amulek, eventually converted), Amulek (met Alma2 in Ammonihah and began to preach with him) The last king of Zarahemla before the reign of the judges began, who instituted the reign of the judges, who was the first chief judge in this new order, and who wanted to change the rule back to kings  Mosiah 2 was the last king, Alma2 became the first chief judge  Amlici wanted to change the law back to a reign of kings, the issue was voted on and rejected, so Amlici and his followers joined the Lamanites and a large battle commenced, Amlici was killed and the Lamanites were defeated Missionary Work Key people to know: Abish (the servant of the wife of King Lamoni), Lamoni (a King of the Lamanites, converted by Alma2), the father of Lamoni (King over all the Lamanites, converted by the Sons of Mosiah2), Ammon (converted king Lamoni and his wife after defending their flocks), sons of Mosiah (converted Lamoni’s father), Korihor (anti-Christ, Alma 2 testified to him and gave him a sign, he was struck dumb and trampled to death by the Zoramites) Which people buried their weapons of war  Anti-Nephi-Lehies, AKA the people of Ammon Which missionaries were preaching at the same time  Alma2 and sons of Mosiah2 were preaching at the same time A Series of Wars Key people to know: Helaman1 (became the leader of the church after Alma2 disappeared), Amalickiah (a Nephite who unsuccessfully tried to become king of the Nephites and eventually usurped authority from the Lamanites and became their leader), Teancum (a Nephite commander who assassinated Teancum), Gadianton (leader of the Gadianton robbers), Helaman2 (eventually became chief judge), Moroni, Lehi2 (son of Helaman 2, went on a mission to the Lamanites

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in the land of Nephi), Nephi2 (son of Helaman 2, went on a mission to preach to the Lamanites in the land of Nephi), Pahoran2 (son of Pahoran who was the chief judge of the Nephites, 2 was in line to be next chief judge, but he was assassinated by Kishkumen), Lachoneus (chief judge of the Nephites, with Gidgiddoni gathered all the righteous people, both Lamanites and Nephites, into one place and defeated the Gadianton robbers), Gidgiddoni (the Nephite general), Who was the leader of the church after Alma the Younger  Helaman 1 Know the background and main story of the stripling warriors  The stripling warriors were the children of the Anti-NephiLehies, they were led by Helaman against the “king-men”, Nephite dissenters who rebelled against Pahoran1, the chief judge of the Nephites Know the story of Samuel the Lamanite  The book of Helaman closes with Samuel the Lamanite preaching to the Nephites in Zarahemla. Samuel prophesied that signs would be given of the birth of Christ within five years. As the book of 3 Nephi begins, Nephi2’s son Nephi3 was the church leader. At this point, some people began to believe that the signs prophesied by Samuel the Lamanite had not occurred, and the doubters plotted to put all the believers to death. However, before this plan could be put into effect, the signs occurred, bringing some measure of harmony among the Nephites. Christ's Visit / Pride and Divisions Return The status of the Nephite government before the coming of the resurrected Christ  After the defeat of the Gadianton robbers, corruption and wickedness again began to rise, and eventually the Nephite government collapsed and the church was broken up in all the land except among a few of the Lamanites Who held the records after Mormon  His son, Moroni How long peace lasted after Christ’s visit to America and what caused the downfall of that peace  For nearly 200 years after Christ’s visit, pride and divisions caused the downfall of that peace Who found the original Jaredite record, and what was it written on  Found by Limhi’s people, written on 24 gold plates Who created the abridged record of the Jaredite people  Moroni Who wrote the book of Ether  Moroni (Ether contains the story of the Jaredites)

Quiz Questions: 1. Why did Nephi and his brothers go to Jerusalem a second time? a. To enlist Ishmael and his household to their cause 2. Who was the original author of the allegory of the olive tree? a. Zenos 3. Who writes in the book of Omni recounting historical facts, such as the migration to Zarahemla and the first two journeys back to the land of Nephi? a. Amaleki 4. Who served as an advisor to King Limhi? a. Gideon 5. Who kidnapped the daughters of the Lamanites? a. The priests of Noah 6. Who became sick with fever and was healed by Alma? a. Zeezrom 7. What people buried their weapons of war? a. The people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi 8. Who was a prophet who converted thousands of Lamanites with his brother Lehi? a. Nephi the son of Helaman2, who was the son of Helaman1 9. Who was the chief judge and governor of the land who commanded the Nephites to gather themselves together so that they could defeat the Gadianton robbers? a. Lachoneus 10. True or false: Pride caused the downfall of the Zion-like society that was present in ancient America following the coming of Christ. a. True

Plan of Salvation (Tyler Griffin) 

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Identify both Christ’s role and your role in the plan of salvation o Christ’s Role: to allow us to overcome both spiritual and physical death o My Role: be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, endure to the end, etc. The purpose of the Plan of Salvation o To GET somewhere and to BECOME something The various parts of the Plan of Salvation and the importance of each part o Pre-earth life | Innocent | Carnal/Fallen | Redemption | Salvation

The “three pillars of eternity” that form the foundation for the Plan of Happiness o Creation, Fall, Atonement Samuel the Lamanite’s teachings about redemption from the two deaths (both physical and spiritual), and what brings about the “condition of repentance” o Jesus Christ overcomes the two deaths for us o “[Jesus] must surely die that salvation may come” o 100% of us will be redeemed from the spiritual death o The resurrection of Christ (redemption from spiritual and physical death) brings about the condition of repentance What the scriptures say about how we redeem ourselves from our own incorrect choices o Christ redeems us from Adam’s transgression, but not for anything that we’ve done—we must repent and meet certain conditions in order to access the fulness of his redemptive power o 2nd Death (Separation from God) if we don’t repent Who will be present at our final judgement o Christ and Heavenly Father

Quiz Questions: 1. According to Samuel the Lamanite what brings about the “condition of repentance?” a. The resurrection of Christ 2. What is the purpose of the Plan of Salvation? a. To become more like God and live with Him forever 3. According to the Book of Mormon, what is required for us to overcome our own fallen nature and incorrect choices? a. We must be reconciled to God by relying on Jesus’ mercy and grace which enable us to live His gospel 4. According to Samuel the Lamanite, what is required for us to be redeemed from the two deaths we inherited from Adam? a. Nothing, Jesus freely takes care of this through His merits, mercy, and grace alone

5. What are the “three pillars of eternity” that form the foundation for the Plan of Happiness? a. Creation, Fall, Atonement

What is Translation? (Nick Frederick) 

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Explain the advantages and disadvantages of "tight" and "loose" control. o Tight: Joseph produces a faithful reproduction of what he sees on the seer stone, with (presumably) little to none of his own input o Loose: Joseph produces a faithful reproduction of what he sees on the seer stone, with some of his input as well o Translation was probably a little bit of both! The literal meaning of translation o Comes from the latin verb “transfero” which means “to carry across” o Carrying meaning across from one language to another The difference between “literal translation,” “artistic translation,” and “complex tension” and which best applies to the translation of the Book of Mormon o “Complex Tension”: rendering a new text that is both faithful to the source text (a “literal” translation) while also being accessible and potent for the intended audience (and “artistic translation”) What the term “Urim and Thummim” refers to o Both the brown seer stone and the Nephite interpreters The method Joseph Smith used to translate the Gold Plates o “By the gift and power of God”, it was a divine process, and he didn’t tell anyone specifically how it was done o Urim and Thummim, seer stones, spectacles given to him by an angel Who was the principal scribe for the Book of Mormon o Oliver Cowdery Who lost the 116 pages o Martin Harris In which years were the different editions of the Book of Mormon from 1830 to today o 1830, 1837, 1840, 1841, 1879, 1920, 1981 The difference between “source text” and “new text” o

Source text: what you’re translating (the gold plates)


New Text: the new document (the Book of Mormon in English)

Quiz Questions:

1. The man who lost the 116 pages of Book of Mormon? a. Martin Harris 2. The term “Urim and Thummim” refers to: a. Both the Brown Seer Stone and the Nephite Interpreters 3. The scribe who worked best with Joseph Smith was: a. Oliver Cowdery 4. The concept that a new text demonstrates fidelity to the source text yet is also accessible to its audience in commonly referred to as a. Complex tension 5. All of the following are editions of the Book of Mormon that were published after 1830 except: a. 1844

What are the Plates? (Brad Farnsworth) 

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List the five sets of plates that are referred to as the Book of Mormon. o Plates of Nephi (Small and Large) o Plates of Mormon (Moroni’s abridgement of Ether and Mormon’s abridgement of large plates) o Plates of Ether o Plates of Brass Name the key editors of the Book of Mormon, including the most likely author of the Title Page of the Book of Mormon o Moroni is likely the author of the title page Identify which plates Joseph Smith translated. o Plates of Mormon and the small plates of Nephi The purpose, content, editor, and main authors...

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