REL C Study Questions PDF

Title REL C Study Questions
Author Anonymous User
Course Missionary Preparation
Institution Brigham Young University-Idaho
Pages 30
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My Missionary Purpose 1. What is your missionary purpose? Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the holy ghost, and enduring to the end. 2. Your commission is to teach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. In the second paragraph of page 1, there are three sentences explaining why that is your commission. Each sentence offers a different reason. Name them. Bless them and their families, meet their spiritual needs, and help them fulfill their desires. 3. Under the heading, “The Gospel Blesses Families,” there are two statements quoted from the Proclamation on the Family that teach us how the gospel blesses families. What are those two ways? Ordinances and covenants that continue relationships beyond the grave to be united eternally. More stable families. 4. Of what five things does the “gospel (or doctrine) of Jesus Christ” consist? Therefore, the gospel or doctrine of Christ is the same as my faith in the lord Jesus Christ, repentance through the atonement of Christ, baptism by immersion in Christ’s name, the gift of the holy ghost, and enduring to the end. 5. Elder Dallin H. Oaks said we do not preach the gospel in order to bring people into the Church, to increase the membership of the Church, or to persuade people to live better lives. Rather, what is the primary reason we teach others the gospel? To baptize the children of God so that they can be saved in the celestial kingdom instead of a lesser kingdom

6. What 3 things are necessary to help converts grow in testimony and faith? 1. Member Friends 2. Given Responsibility 3. Nourished by God's Word

7. As prospective missionaries seek for personal conversion, worthiness, and preparation, A desire to serve will be the natural outcome. 8. True or False: We are called to serve a mission by a member of the Quorum of the Twelve. We are assigned to a field of labor by the President of the Church. 9. True or False: Elder Bednar suggested that our call to serve is more important than the field of labor to which we are assigned.

10. Elder Bednar spoke of 3 interrelated words that define a pattern of preparation and progression. What were the three words? Priesthood, temple, mission 11. As discussed in class, Elder Richard G. Scott said knowledge will be available to us in time of need if it is carefully recorded. 12. In class we discussed three motivations for missionary service. Name them. Love, the spirit, and understanding the atonement. 13. Joseph Smith said faith is the “moving cause of all action in temporal and spiritual concerns and the source of all power.

Personal Worthiness 1. Elder M. Russell Ballard related an experience he had as an Aaronic priesthood holder. What was the point or message of that story? We must govern our actions every day with our future in mind.

2. Elder Ballard quoted Mosiah 2:14 in which King Benjamin invited us to “consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God.” In what two ways did he say they are blessed? Temporal and Spiritual 3. In teaching us how to stay morally clean, Elder Ballard said it begins with what? Understanding the standards of moral cleanliness

4. Once we understand the Lord’s standards of morality, we must be determined to live by them, counseled Elder Ballard. Besides self-control and high goals, what else did he say we need to do to maintain our determination? Avoid moral misconduct by making the decision before, staying morally clean

5. Elder Ballard said no one needs to face temptation alone. We need the support of others. Who did he say is generally the best source of support? Your parents 6. Complete the following: Purity precedes power. 7. To what Book of Mormon group did Elder Russell M. Ballard liken today’s missionaries? The Stripling Warriors

8. Elder Ballard called for missionaries who are “worthy, qualified, and spiritually energized.” Drawing from the rest of his talk, what is required to be “worthy?” What is required to be “qualified?” What is required to be “spiritually energized?” - Worthy: Free of Violations: Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity, Honesty, Good Citizens, clean language, covenant keeper - Qualified: solid testimony, hard worker, doctrinally literate - Spiritually Energized: committed and passionate about the gospel, knowing how to listen to and respond to promptings, filled with faith, hope, charity, prayerful, keeping the sabbath day holy, loving the scriptures, regular service

9. Elder Ballard said the rules for happiness and success after your mission are pretty much the same as they were during mission. In particular, he noted three. What were they? 1. Pray Hard 2. Work Hard 3. Be Obedient

10. In class, we watched a video clip of Elder Bednar discussing the use of technology. He recommended that we ask ourselves two questions to assess how wisely we are using technology and media. What were those questions? 1. Does the use of various technologies and media invite or impede the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost in your life? 2. Does the time you spend using various technologies and media enlarge or restrict your capacity to live, to love, and to serve in meaningful ways?

Preparation for Life as a Missionary 1. What did Elder Bednar say is the single most important thing you can do to prepare for a call to serve? Become a missionary before you go on a mission. 2. The issue, said Elder Bednar, is not “going” on a mission. Rather, the issue is Becoming a missionary and serving throughout your life with all your heart, might, mind, and strength. 3. How is the process of becoming a missionary directly related to understanding who we are as the seed of Abraham? We shall bear this ministry and Priesthood unto all nations 4. Testimony is defined as personal knowledge of spiritual truth obtained by revelation. 5. Knowing Heavenly Father lives and loves us; knowing Jesus Christ is our Savior; and knowing the fulness of the gospel has been restored to the earth are three fundamental components of Testimony, Elder Bednar said.

6. Samuel, the great Lamanite prophet, taught that believing in the teachings and prophecies of the holy prophets as recorded in the scriptures; exercising faith in Jesus Christ; repenting; experiencing a mighty change of heart; and becoming firm and steadfast in the faith are all prerequisites for Conversion. 7. Elder Bednar said testimony alone is not and will not be enough to protect us in the latter-days. What did he say is necessary to protect us and help us survive in the latterdays? Conversion 8. In class we discussed a statement from the Family Proclamation dealing with our true identity. We noted four truths in that statement. Name them. 1. Beloved son or daughter of heavenly parents 2. Divine nature 3. Divine destiny 4. Gender is an essential characteristic of identity

9. A physically prepared missionary should be able to walk an average of 6 miles per day and ride a bicycle 12 miles per day. 10. Adults generally need 7-8 hours of sleep per night. 11. The promise of having your bodies and minds invigorated is specifically connected with what law? The word of wisdom Effective gospel learning 1. Obtaining knowledge is a key to effective teaching. To be able to continue growing in the gospel and to stay on the path that leads to eternal life requires us to establish a daily habit of scripture study 2. In Preach My Gospel we are counseled to always begin gospel study with prayer. 3. In Preach My Gospel we are taught that gospel study and gospel teaching will be most effective and most powerful if we seek learning by study and by faith. taught by/with the Holy Ghost

4. President Packer taught that attitudes and behavior will change quicker if we study and truly understand the doctrines of the gospel. 5. In class, it was suggested that understanding doctrine is inseparably connected with and dependent upon keeping a good relationship between reason and revelation

6. Elder Scott said in order for spiritual knowledge to bless us as it is unfolded to us, five things must happen. Name them. U OVER 1. Understood 2. Valued 3. Obeyed 4. Remembered 5. Expanded

7. What did Elder Scott say is essential to acquiring spiritual knowledge and being tutored by the Spirit? Humility 8. Using the scriptures and the declarations of the prophets is an excellent way to expand our knowledge, Elder Scott said. Another excellent way to increase our understanding and facilitate the flow of additional light is by doing what? Put effort into sharing knowledge

9. What were the three different ways or methods of obtaining living water described by Elder Bednar? 1. Reading the scriptures from beginning to end 2. Studying the scriptures by topic 3. Searching the scriptures for connections, patterns, and themes

10. Reading from beginning to end can introduce us to important stories, doctrines and principles. It can familiarize us with major characters, help us understand the sequence, timing and context of events and teachings. This approach to the scriptures provides breadth. 11. Studying by topic enables us to find answers to important doctrinal and practical questions. It provides depth to our gospel knowledge. 12. Searching for connections, patterns, and themes provides increases both our perspective and our understanding of the Plan of Salvation. For questions 13-15, match the term on the left with its corresponding definition on the right. B13. Connection

a. a plan, model or standard

A14. Pattern

b. a relationship or between ideas, people, things or events

C15. Theme

c. an overarching, recurring, unifying thread or idea

16. In class, we quoted Elder D. Todd Christofferson speaking about scripture study. He said if we want to be converted, we should care more about the amount of time spent in the scriptures than the amount you read in that time. Goal-setting and time management 1. In Preach My Gospel, we are taught the importance of remembering that “the ultimate measure of success is not in achieving goals alone but in the service, you render and the progress of others.” 2. While we often use numbers to measure our goals, our focus should always be on the people. 3. Goals should make us stretch and they should be both specific and realistic. 4. Planning sessions are important to success. When should planning sessions be held? daily and weekly

5. Preach My Gospel counsels us to hold companionship inventory and prayer at the end of every weekly planning session. 6. Regarding the use of time, Elder Oaks taught us to differentiate between good, better, and best. 7. Elder Oaks quoted counsel President Hinckley gave to parents about making their family their highest priority. In making hard decisions about how to use our time, President Hinckley taught two keys. What were they? 1. Pray for Guidance 2. Follow the Promptings of the Spirit

8. Wise goal setting includes the connection between what two things? - Motivation and accountability - Short- and long-term goals connected

9. What two words did Elder Ballard say best symbolize God’s goals for us and the most important goals we can set for ourselves? Return and receive 10. Elder Ballard taught the best goals we could ever set and those that will help us the most are the ones that help us make and keep covenants. 11. President Monson said performance improves when it is measured. Progress accelerates when it is measured and reported.

Christlike attributes 1. The Lord invited all of us to “follow Him.” That invitation includes what two things? Follow his example and become like him 2. Preach My Gospel tells us that to incorporate the attributes of Christ into our lives, we must Recognize our weakness and asking for the lords help. 3. What did President Ezra Taft Benson say is the key to overcoming homesickness and worry about our families as well as success in missionary work and life? Youmus tha vet heSpi r i tof the Lord and work to keep it. 4. Elder Robert D. Hales said the attributes of the Savior are interwoven. What did he mean by that? The attributes are built upon each other and work together. 5. What is the foundation or catalyst for the development of all Christlike attributes? Having Faith 6. Living the gospel in a balanced way and not running faster than we have strength describes the Christlike attribute of Temperance. 7. Which attribute did Elder Hales say is the defining characteristic of a disciple of Christ? Love 8. Meekness describes a person who is strong, not weak; active, not passive; courageous, not timid; restrained, not excessive; modest, not self-aggrandizing; gracious, not brash; not easily provoked, pretentious, or overbearing. 9. What did Elder Bednar say is a distinguishing characteristic of meekness? Spiritual receptivity to learning both from the Holy Ghost and from people who may seem less capable.

10. The Book of Mormon prophet, Mormon, said Meekness is the foundation from which all spiritual capacities and gifts arise. 11. President Eyring said our ability to trust God comes from knowing god. 12. In class, we discussed the King Follett discourse. In that great sermon, Joseph Smith taught four essential truths about the nature of God. What were they? 1. Know for certainty the character of God If we do not comprehend the character of God... 2. We cannot comprehend our own character

3. We cannot comprehend anything in the past 4. We cannot understand anything that is to come

13. In class, we discussed four truths we know about premortality. Describe them. 1. God is our father, created in his image, lived with him, want to be like him 2. Organized and orderly with priesthood, laws, commandments, ordinances 3. Noble and great gift of agency was given, others are sons of perdition 4. Instructed and prepared for earth life, understood and accepted the plan

Teaching by the Spirit 1. According to Preach My Gospel, what is the most important to establish with your investigators before you begin your first lesson with them? Establish trust 2. According to Preach My Gospel, what is one of the most important things to do before you begin teaching another lesson with an investigator? Invite to Act. give a simple overview of what you are going to teach and share the personal relevance to them. Ask and answer questions about unfamiliar material/ resolve concerns

3. In addition to teaching the gospel by the Spirit, what did Elder Oaks say should always accompany our teachings? Testifying of the truth 4. Elder Oaks taught that the Lord will speak to us through the Spirit in his own time and in his own way. 5. True or False: We believe in continuing revelation, not continuous revelation. 6. True or False: We are often left to work out problems without the direction of the Spirit and even though we may do our best to make the right decision, the Lord will not always redirect us if we get off course. 7. Brother Richardson noted that we are all teachers. However, what should we always remember? While we are all teachers, we must fully realize that it is the Holy Ghost who is the real teacher and witness of all truth. 8. Those who teach after the manner of the Spirit understand they teach people, not lessons. 9. Who or what did President Ezra Taft Benson say is the best teacher? The holy ghost. Apostasy

1. No matter what you teach, it is so important to convey the message that Heavenly Father loves all of His children and wants their happiness. As you teach the Apostasy, what idea is usually best to use as a starting point after that? The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Joseph Smith

2. One of the things you will want to teach about the Apostasy is that, because God loves all of us, He calls prophets who learn the gospel by revelation and then teach it to others. This point is best represented by the statement "Heavenly Father Reveals His Gospel in Every Dispensation". One of the ways God shows His love for us is by: calls the prophet, gives them the priesthood keys, and reveals the fulness of the gospel to them.

3. Besides rejecting the Lord’s prophets and failing to endure in faith, what caused people to distance themselves from God and to begin to live in the spiritual darkness that led to the universal Apostasy? whenever they disregard, disobey or distort gospel principals. 4. A few hundred years before the birth of Jesus Christ, people again fell into apostasy. When the Savior began His ministry, He established His Church once again upon the earth. After His death, wicked people persecuted and killed many of the Apostles. What three results are noted in PMG? Loss of Priesthood Keys, Doctrine Corrupted, Unauthorized changes to Church Organization and Priesthood Ordinances, Plain and Precious Truths were removed from scriptures

5. What did Elder Oaks say was the most important single event, after the death of the Apostles, that led to the modern Christian concept of deity—the three in one theory of the godhead? The action of the council of Nicaea 6. Besides losing a correct understanding of the Godhead, what else did Elder Oaks say was lost in the Apostasy? Fulness of truth about the nature of God. 7. Restoration is to bring back to a former, original condition. Reformer is to

change or improve. For questions 8-14, match the individual on the left with his corresponding contribution on the right. 8. John Wycliffe


a. Great Hindu teacher

9. Martin Luther


b. Writings round in Koran, the sacred book of Islam

10. William Tyndale D

c. Chinese teacher and greatest moral and social thinker

11. John Knox


d. Made the scriptures available to the common people after printing press invented

12. Buddha


e. Scottish Reformer

13. Confucius


f. Nailed 95 theses to the door of the Castle church; protested the practice of paying money to be forgiven of


g. The first to translate the Bible into English

sins 14. Mohammed Restoration 1. What scripture inspired Joseph Smith during his time of confusion? James 1:5 2. Who restored the Aaronic? Who restored the Melchizedek priesthood? Aaronic: John the Baptist. Melchizedek: Peter, James, John

3. Who was inspired to invent the printing press with movable type? Johannes Gutenberg 4. The Restoration began with the First Vision. It was followed by a second important event. What was that? it continued with the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ

5. While translating the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery read about baptism. That led to the third significant event of the Restoration. What was that? Their desire to retain the blessing themselves prompted the restoration of the Aaronic priesthood-under the hands of John the Baptist

6. The fourth significant event of the Restoration occurred just a few days after the first copies of the Book of Mormon were printed. What was that even? 7. From the First Vision, Elder Callister said, Joseph Smith learned four fundamental truths. Name them. 1. God the Father and His son were two separate beings 2. The father and the son had glorified bodies of flesh and bone 3. God still speaks to man today 4. The full and complete church of Jesus Christ was not upon the earth

8. Who did Nephi see in vision being led by the Spirit of God to discover new lands? Christopher Columbus

9. True or False: The Puritans were instrumental in establishing religious tolerance, thus allowing all people to worship how or who they desired.

10. Which colony, in America, was the first to allow total toleration of all religions? a colony of Rhode Island

11. Which religion settled Maryland and establis...

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