Report 2 full PDF

Title Report 2 full
Author Aroon Kumar
Course Integrated Design Project
Institution Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
Pages 55
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Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 2 2. PROJECT MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................


Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 2 2. PROJECT MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................... 4 3. MARKET ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................. 6 A) General need of the product .......................................................................................................... 6 B) Description and estimation of market size ................................................................................... 14 C) Competitive Products and Benchmarking .................................................................................... 14 D) Opportunities for competitive advantages .................................................................................. 14 4. PHYSICS OF THE ARTIFACT ................................................................................................................ 16 5. DESIGN PARAMETERS ....................................................................................................................... 19 A) CUSTOMER REQUIRMENT ............................................................................................................ 19 B) ENGINEERING CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................. 20 C) CONSTRAINS ................................................................................................................................. 21 6. HOUSE OF QUALITY ........................................................................................................................... 22 7. PRELIMINARY PRODUCT DESIGN SPECIFICATION (PDS) ................................................................... 24 8. Concept Generation .......................................................................................................................... 27 A) Function structure ........................................................................................................................ 27 B) FEASIBLE CONCEPTS ..................................................................................................................... 29 C) FINAL CONCEPT USING AHP ......................................................................................................... 35 9. Embodiment Design .......................................................................................................................... 38 A) FINAL DESIGN CONCEPT ............................................................................................................... 38 B) PRODUCT ARCHITECTURE............................................................................................................. 40 C) CONFIGURATION DESIGN ............................................................................................................. 42 D) STANDARD PART SELECTION ........................................................................................................ 45 E) PARAMETRIC DESIGN .................................................................................................................... 47 10. DETAIL DESIGN ................................................................................................................................ 48 A) MANUFACTURING AND PROCESS COST ANALYSIS....................................................................... 48 B) ENGINEERING DRAWING SET .......................................................................................................51 11. CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................... 54 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 55


1. INTRODUCTION The work presented in this proposal is about portable automated whiteboard cleaner. Objective of this project is to reduce the man-power involved in cleaning white boards after use. As we know, whiteboard is commonly in white colour, where non – permanent markings can be used. Whiteboards operate similar to blackboard or chalkboard, where they allow for temporary markings adhere to the surface of the board. The history of whiteboard is, in the middle of 1960s, the first whiteboard started to appear in the market for people’s use. The first whiteboards were expensive and were made of a melamine surface. It was created to be a best for the solution to the chalkboard, which was not easy to keep clean all the while. This need for a faster, time saving and readily available cleaner has introduced to the design of an automated white board cleaner that can clean the board in the least amount of the time possible [1]. And now in this era, the number use of whiteboard is increasing rapidly and they have become a fixture in all offices, schools, institutions and all working environment. So here we can see how important the whiteboards roles in our daily life. The mechanism of the automated board cleaner requires horizontal motion. The main target of the design is to reduce the stress of cleaning the board manually. The duster which spans horizontally across the width of the board is to clean across the board. The design is such that when the switch is turned on, the motor transmits energy which turns the shaft which in turn, drives the pulley. The duster is fixed to the pulley chains which move (horizontal motion) along its plane, thereby cleaning the board. The auto-board was designed to be powered by a single phase 0.6 HP electrics motor [2]. The chain drive parameters were determined based on estimations of the centre distance between the sprockets, the required cleaning time, number of sweeps, total number of chain links and the expected performance. The cleaning efficiency of the auto-white board cleaner is estimated to be better than the manual operation when the equipment is fully completed.


PROBLEM STATEMENT Based on the current whiteboard cleaner, lecturer and students find it consumed too much time when cleaning the whiteboard. It also takes much effort to clean all the surface of the whiteboard. SOLUTION The solution for this problem is to produce a whiteboard cleaner that is portable automated cleaner and consumes less time to clean the whiteboard.


2. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closed the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time. A project is a temporary endeavour designed to produce a unique product, service or result with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or staffing) undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value [3]. So we have to follow the project management in order to complete the project in the estimated time. Figure 2.1 below shows the Gantt chart that we use as guide to follow the time in order to complete the project in time.

Figure 2.1 Project gantt chart

Figure 2.2 Milestone for the project


Figure2.3 Work breakdown structure for the project


3. MARKET ANALYSIS A) General need of the product Whiteboard had been used widely in the schools and universities. Unfortunately, the whiteboard always left unclean as the lecturer want to save the time since it need to be clean manually, so this project had been introduced to solve this problem. The portable automatic whiteboard cleaner is the machine that can clean a whiteboard with a single press of a button. This product also helps lecturers and teachers to save energy from cleaning the whiteboard. Figure 3.1 shows the product of portable automated whiteboard cleaner.

Figure 3.1 Portable Automated Whiteboard Cleaner This product also focused on the customer requirements during design this product by using online survey and interview. There are 61 respondents involved in our survey. Our respondents are either UTeM students or other citizens. The result of this survey is obtained from the online survey via google form.


Question 1:

Figure 3.2 Percentages of the respondent gender. Figure 3.2 shows that the percentages of the respondent gender who involves in the online survey. Based on the result, the male respondent is 52.5% while the female respondent are 47.5%. It shows that male is more interested in this product.

Question 2:

Figure 3.3 Percentages of the respondent age Figure 3.3 shows that the percentages of the respondents age. Based on the survey, the majority of respondents are in range of 18-21 years old meanwhile 36.1% is range between 22-25 years old.


Question 3:

Figure 3.4 Percentages of the respondents from each faculty Figure 3.4 shows that the percentages of the respondents from each faculty of UTeM or others citizen. The pie shows that the respondent majority from the FKM which is 31.1%, other is 23% and FKP is 11.5%.

Question 4:

Figure 3.5 Percentage of the respondents think the products is affordable Figure 3.5 shows that the percentages of the respondents think that the product must be affordable to buy. Majority respondents choose 4 for affordable.


Question 5:

Figure 3.6 Percentage of the respondents think the product is easy to be carried Figure 3.6 shows that the percentages of the respondents think that the product must be easy to be carried. Based on the results, the 26 respondents think easy to be carried is the most important in the design of the products.

Question 6:

Figure 3.7 Percentage of the respondents think the products is fully automatic Figure 3.7 shows that the percentages of the respondents think the product must full automatic. Based on the result, 30 respondents choose 4 for the fully automated in the design of our products.


Question 7:

Figure 3.8 Percentage of the respondents think the product is easy to used Figure 3.8 show that the percentages of the respondents think that the product must be easy to use. Based on the survey, we found that 30 respondents choose 5 for our product design must be easy to use.

Question 8:

Figure 3.9 Percentage of the respondents think the product is easy to install From figure 3.9, the result shows that majority of the respondent choose 5 for the product must be easy to install and minority choose 2 for the product must be easy to install.


Question 9:

Figure 3.10 Percentage of the respondents think the product is in smaller size Figure 3.10 shows the percentages of the respondents think that the product must be in smaller size. Based on the graph it shows that there are 22 respondents choose 5 for the product to be in smaller size.

Question 10:

Figure 3.11 Percentages of the respondents think the product is fast when cleaning Figure 3.11 shows that the percentages of the respondents think that the products must fast when cleaning. 28 respondents think fast when cleaning is most important in this product design.


Question 11:

Figure 3.12 Percentages of the respondents think the product must be in good appearance Figure 3.12 shows that the percentages of the respondents think that this products must in the good appearance. Based on the result, 23 respondents choose 4 for this product design in a good appearance.

Question 12:

Figure 3.13 Percentage of respondents suggest for important features Figure 3.13 show that the percentages of the respondents give their suggestion for this product design. Based on the results, majority give their suggestion for not in high maintenance and the product must be long lasting product. 12

Question 13:

Figure 3.14 Percentages of respondents think the most important features from our survey Figure 3.14 shows that the respondents choose one our features as the important features for our product. Based on the results, affordable is the most important features for our product design and the second is it must be easy to use. There is another method that had been used which is interview method to get the information on the customer requirements. We had been interviews Dr Yusmady bin Mohamed Arifin.

Figure 3.15 Dr Yusmady bin Mohamed Arifin Based on the interviewed, Dr Yusmady stated that he more prefer if this product is in smaller size and does not jam when the product start to be function. He also said that he like if this product could brought anywhere without any obstacle. 13

B) Description and estimation of market size The target for this product, Automated Portable Whiteboard Cleaner is in university level and widely used in UTeM. The main target is Faculty of Mechanical Engineering to make it be the first faculty to be fully used by lecturer. The other target is school in area Melaka and can be used by teacher in school.

C) Competitive Products and Benchmarking Table 3.1 below show the benchmarks of any competitive and the performance criteria that this product will exceed. In term of light weight and portability, this product was made in the smaller size so that the user easy to carry the product. The product consume the less time when using the product by avoid the product from jam. This product also was make by a simple design so that the user does not feel complicated when use the product. Table 3.1 Benchmarking on the 3 company COMPANY/FACTORS





3 5 1 3


Table 3.2 Competitor rankings 1 3 5

Poor Ok Excellent

D) Opportunities for competitive advantages There are some aspects of this product that would provide a competitive edge over the current competing products. Firstly, this product have high rate safe. This product is a fast cleaning than Oddy-Atul Paper PVT.LTD and the Kores because the product is fully automated. The product uses a high quality duster so that the product has a smooth movement. The product uses a suitable material so it can be uses for three years and above.


Table 3.3 Comparisons of product advantages ADVANTAGES





5 1

5 1










Table 3.4 Competitor Rankings 1 3 5

Poor Ok Excellent


4. PHYSICS OF THE ARTIFACT a. This cleaner required a frictional power to make it work. According to the equation (1) (Khurmi,1967), the force P1 required to move the block of weight, W along a horizontal plane with uniform speed. P1 = F = µ R = µ W ………………………………………………... (1) b. Resultant of the frictional resistance of the whiteboard cleaner and normal direction F, resultant of the frictional resistance and the R, normal direction is represented by R1 and the angle between R1 and R is termed the angle of friction Ф. F = µmg ………………………………………………………..…... (2) Where µ = coefficient of friction, the whiteboard cleaner has a mass (m) and g as its acceleration due to the gravity. According to William J. O‘Brien, 1996, the ratio of tangential force to normal load during a sliding process. Frictional force is represented as F and R is normal reaction between the two bodies which is between the whiteboard and the cleaner.

Figure 4.1 c. For equation (3), set the velocity (V), the distance (S) travelled by the whiteboard cleaner on the board during cleaning operation is divided by the time (T) V = S/T…………………………………………………..………… (3)


d. For equation (4), the frictional power (P) required by the whiteboard cleaner for cleaning is determined. P1 = F x v ………………………………………..………………… (4) The other factors to be considered here is the power needed by the motor are the chains and sprockets. Chains are mostly used to transmit motion and power from one shaft to another chains are used for long centre distance. e. Power transmission for chain drive, equation (5) P2 = W*V / N*Ks ………………………………………………….(5) Where W is breaking load in Newton, V is velocity of chain in m/s, n is factor of safety, k is service factor.

f. The pitch P, pitch of the chain is given by equation (6). The diameter (D) and angels (θ) of the sprocket can be calculated using equations (7) and (8) P pitch = AB = 2Asin (θ/2) = 2 x (D/2) sin (θ/2) ….……..………… (6) Where θ = 3600/T…………………………….…….………….….. (7) D = P pitch cosec (1800/T) ……………………………….………… (8)

g. Length of the chain The centre distance between the both sprockets can be used to estimate the number of chain links. After getting the centre distance, the number of chain links (k) is counted to be. L = K P pitch ………………………………………………………... (9)


h. Factor of safety for the chain drives The velocity of the chain will be the same as that required to move the whiteboard cleaner through the required length. Ks is service factor and given by equation (1) where, K1 the load factor (= 1) for constant load, K2 is lubrication factor (= 1.5) for periodic lubrication, K3 is rating factor (= 1.5) for continuous service Ks = K1. K2. K3 …………………………………………………….. (10) i. Therefore, the Power transmitted by the chain is calculated using equation (5). The total power PT transmitted or needed for the electric motor is PT = P1 + P2 ………………………………………..……………… (11)


5. DESIGN PARAMETERS Design parameters are the set of physical properties whose values determine the form and behavior of a design. Include the features of the design and values to describe the performance.

A)CUSTOMER REQUIRMENT A customer requirement is a specification that originates with customers as opposed to internal stakeholders. This can include both functional and non-functional requirements for products, services and experiences. Customer requirements may be documented directly by customers themselves or collected and refined by an internal business analyst or market research team. Table 5.1 Customer Requirement and Weight Factor CUSTOMER REQUIREMENT




Easy to carry


Small size


Easy to install


Fully automatic


Easy to used


Fast when clearing




Table 5.2 Scale for Important Weight Factor IMPORTANT WEIGHT FACTOR



Least important


Most important


A survey had been done by us through questionnaires and interviews and we get to know customers need and wants for automated portable whiteboard cleaner. The main requirement for automated portable whiteboard cleaner is fully automatic because it does not require human energy to clean the whiteboard. Next, the second factor is easy to use so that the customer does not need to refer from manual book. That is the highest customer requirement and scored 5 for important weight factor. The customer requirement that had the second highest is easy to install which is system does not require any tools to...

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