Research About An Author Ernest Hemingway PDF

Title Research About An Author Ernest Hemingway
Author Elizabeth Melendez
Course Young Adult Literature
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Bland 1 Name: Timothy Bland Course: Eng-130 Date: 03/15/2020 Instructor: Sarah Farrell Ernest Hemingway The literature author selected for this research is Ernest Miller Hemingway whose bibliography is presented in the book by Shaw Samuel entitled Ernest Hemingway. Ernest was born on July 21, 1899, at Cicero currently known as Oak Park, Illinois in the United States (Shaw). He was a very renowned American novelist and short story writer. He begun off his career as a author of a newspaper office in Kansas City matured seventeen. When the Joined together States locked in in World War I, he deliberately joined an rescue vehicle unit of the Italian armed force. Altogether, serving at the front of the war, he was injured and after that enhanced by the Italian government which made him spend a parcel of his time in healing centers (Shaw). Taking after his return to the Joined together States, he got to be a columnist for a Canadian and American daily paper that driven him to be sent back to Europe to cover the occasions of the Greek Insurgency. He at that point got to be a part of the gather of exile Americans in Paris which he portrays in his work, The Sun Moreover Rises (1926). Appropriately, Hemingway continued to compose different effective books such as A Goodbye to Arms (1929) which was a think about of an American rescue vehicle officer’s frustration within the war and his part as a miscreant. Through his tremendous involvement as a columnist amid the gracious war in Spain, he utilized this as his foundation to his driven novel, For Whom the Chime Tolls (1940) (Shaw). Outstandingly, of all his works, the foremost

Bland 2 exceptional piece of scholarly work was the brief novel, The Old Man and The Ocean (1952). It may be a story about an ancient fisherman’s travel in life, his long and sole battles with the angle within the ocean as well as his story of triumph in overcome. From his works, Hemingway was recognized by being granted the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and the Nobel Prize for writing in 1954 (Shaw). Additionally, he was recognized for his intense masculinity in his writing and his adventurous and widely publicized life. His lucid prose style had a very powerful influence on American and British fiction throughout the 20th century. Hemingway suffered from depression and committed suicide on July 2, 1961, Ketchum, Idaho. In studying about Hemingway, I chose a study of Hemingway’s major works by Unfried Sarah. In this scholarly article, Sarah provides a critique of the major works written by Hemingway but precisely provides an insight into the man’s place in the natural order (Unfried). For instance, in The Sun Also Rises, it is evident Hemingway’s heroes find solace in the beauty and order. Despite the ominous premium that the title seems to present on individuality, Hemingway as a real male impersonator. Moreover, in The Old Man and The Sea, he presents his great experiences and strengths where the protagonist struggles with the fish for three men that are providing their worthy in facing and overcoming the dares of nature (Hemingway). As a result, the human spirit ought to have the ability to endure all these hardships and suffering if they aspire to win. Hence, The Old Man and The Sea is a symbolic novel that presents meanings for getting distinct directions due to the things within nature. Noteworthy, the third review source was The Letters of Ernest Hemingway by Hemingway, Sandra, Robert, and Sandra. These authors made a critical evaluation of Ernest by revealing the forces that shaped the young Hemingway as well as their impact on his life of being brought up in a middle-class setting at Oak Park as well as his experiences in the war

Bland 3 (Hemingway et al.). His direct participation in writing this scholarly work helps the reader understand that Ernest was a great sportsman who loved portraying soldiers, hunters, and bullfighters who are perceived to be hard. At other times, he was cognizant around the primitive people whose boldness and trustworthiness were based on the brutal ways of cutting edge society and those who in encounter lose trust and confidence (Hemingway et al.). Ernest in most of his works, accurately within The Ancient Man and The Ocean, he is said to show a direct composition, a save exchange, and a preference for modest representation of the truth that are majorly compelling all through his brief stories such as in Men Without Ladies (1927) and The Fifth Column and the Primary Forty-Nine Stories (1938). From the fourth source, The Old Man and the Sea: Hemingway's Tragic Vision of Man by Burhans Clinton, the author tries to present the major concerns stated in this great short novel from Ernest. Throughout the analysis, Clinton asserts that this novella by Hemingway perfectly makes use of a realized symbolism and irony in affirmation of the values and concepts of love, courage, interdependence, and solidarity among human beings (Burhans 446). Hemingway utilizes an effective metaphor in writing his explanation of the kind of prose he is using by stating that "if a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water” (Burhans 447). Hence, this exemplifies the concepts two major concepts used by Hemingway that are comprised of the epic individualism and the love he has for the creatures that share with him a world of inescapable violence where these qualities have distinct points from a literary compass.

Bland 4 Overall, from the study of Hemingway Ernest, there are certain aspects that one can clearly inherit from the concepts of Hemingway. One coincides with the perceptions presented by Hemingway in relation to literary writing. Ernest’s ideologies are true in the sense that they point out both the breadth and depth of his novel’s ability to endure significance as well as central greatness. Furthermore, just like all great works of art act as a mirror of how everyone perceives their personal likeness. As a result, we will learn from Hemingway’s accentuation and the common reflection of the conclusion that being respectable or tragic independence uncovers how a man can do within the detached universe that routs him due to the adore he can feel for such a universe as well as his lowliness some time recently it. Therefore, we can all be inspired to express all dimensions of man and nature in just as it was an ideal goal for Hemingway all throughout his career.

Bland 5

Works Cited Burhans, Clinton S. "The Old Man and the Sea: Hemingway's Tragic Vision of Man." American Literature 31.4 (1960): 446-455. Hemingway, Ernest. "The Old Man and the Sea. 1952." New York: Scribner (1995). Hemingway, Ernest, et al. The Letters of Ernest Hemingway. Vol. 1. Cambridge University Press, 2011. Shaw, Samuel. Ernest Hemingway. Ungar, 1973. Unfried, Sarah P. Man's Place in the Natural Order: A Study of Hemingway's Major Works. Gordon Press, 1976....

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