Research Final Test Bank Questions For Final exam PDF

Title Research Final Test Bank Questions For Final exam
Author Brittany Carson
Course Understanding Nursing Research
Institution Keiser University
Pages 34
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this is the test bank questions for each chapter of the book that is needed for the entire course...
















Which statement best describes evidence-based practice (EBP)? o A combination of best research evidence, clinical expertise, and the needs and values of patients The nurse is collecting data about the sleep patterns of breastfed babies as part of a larger research study. Which research method will the nurse use when collecting data for this study? o Description The nurse is participating in a study and is collecting data identifying the number of obese adults whose parents were also obese or overweight. Which research method is being used in this study? o Prediction The nurse reviews a study in which adherence to an asthma action plan is compared among groups of young adults who received different asthma education. Which research method does this represent? o Explanation A nurse manager is interested in learning which attitudes among staff nurses may indicate relative risk of needle-stick injuries. To study this, the nurse manager will employ which method of study? o Prediction Which is the most important result of Florence Nightingale’s data collection and statistical analysis during the Crimean War? o Using clinical research to evaluate the need for sanitation, clean drinking water, and adequate nutrition The nurse participates in data collection in a study in which two different pain management protocols are used with randomly assigned patients to measure differences in postoperative recovery time. Which method of study is this? o Control The nurse reviews a study exploring experiences of nurses’ decision-making processes regarding reporting a medical error. Which research method does this represent? o Description The development of nursing theories and conceptual models in the late 1960s and 1970s served to o Provide direction for nursing research The National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) began to change its focus to o Increasing the status and funding for nursing research An emphasis of the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Magnet Hospital Designation Program for Excellence in Nursing is o Utilizing evidence-based practice in nursing In a position statement in 2006, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) identified a need to o Prepare a workforce of nurse scientists The lead agency designated to improve healthcare quality is o Agency for healthcare research and quality (AHRQ) To help fulfill the mission of the National Institute for Nursing Research—to promote and improve the health of individuals, families, communities, and populations—a study may be conducted that o assesses the effectiveness of strategies for weight management in patients with type 2 diabetes. Which best describes the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competency for evidencebased practice (EBP)? o Empowering clients to choose among effective disease management strategies Through knowledge gained from her phenomenological qualitative study identifying levels of experience of professional nurses, Patricia Benner would identify which nurse as an expert? o A pediatric nurse who notes subtle changes and intervenes to prevent respiratory failure Which study exemplifies qualitative research? o A study that observes the interactions of spouses during mealtimes in a long-term care facility Which category of the quantitative research methods examines relationships and is conducted to develop and refine explanatory knowledge for nursing practice? o Correlational research A common method of measurement used in qualitative research is













o unstructured interviews. A nurse researcher wants to know how well adolescent mothers can learn to manage their children’s asthma and develops an initial study to explore and define perceptions of asthma among this population. Which best describes this initial study? o Descriptive research Which research technique would be used by a nurse researcher who wishes to compare bonding patterns of neonatal intensive care (NIC) infants to non-NIC infants to test various theories about infantparent bonding? o Grounded theory What type of qualitative research method would be used to describe and interpret a culture and cultural behavior? o Ethnographic research What type of study design would be used to evaluate patient satisfaction in an outpatient clinic? o Outcomes research The nurse researcher wishes to review a body of qualitative studies about women’s attitudes toward health care to develop an overall interpretation of these findings. Which type of review will the nurse researcher use? o Meta-synthesis Which type of evaluation of research yields the most precise estimates of treatment effects when describing results? o Meta-analysis The nurse serves on a committee to develop a clinical protocol to guide dressing changes for methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) abscesses. Which is the most important type of evidence to consider when formulating this protocol? o A statistical review of experimental studies comparing various dressing change protocols and patient outcomes Knowledge is acquired in nursing in a variety of ways. Which of the following describes when one person credits another as the source of information? o Authority What role will a new nurse graduate who has a BSN expect to play in research? o Appraising studies and implementing evidence-based guidelines and protocols A job description for a nurse position in a teaching hospital includes “coordinating research teams to facilitate studies to generate knowledge about nursing actions.” Which type of advanced nursing degree would be required for this position? o Doctorate in Nursing (PhD) A nurse understands the meaning of entering the world of nursing research to be? Select all that apply. o A way of learning a unique language o A new way of experiencing reality o A way of incorporating new rules Which are components of evidence-based practice (EBP)? Select all that apply. o Best research evidence o Patient needs and values o Safe, cost-effective care A nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is prepared to do which of the following? Select all that apply. o Appraise and summarize research findings. o Assist with the implementation of evidence-based guidelines. A researcher conducts a study which outlines the daily habits of women who are overweight. This study represents what type of research? o Descriptive














The researcher wants to learn whether there is a relationship between parental education and emergency room use among children who have asthma. Which type of research study will this researcher use? o Correlational The nurse evaluates a research study that examines the relationship between computer and television screen time and obesity. A correlational analysis reveals a correlation of +0.95. What can the nurse conclude about the relationship between these two variables? o Screen time and obesity vary together The overall plan developed by the researcher to obtain answers to the questions being studied is called o Research design In which type of research does the researcher seek to examine causal relationships among varia-bles without being able to manipulate the variables? o Quasi-experimental The nurse participates in data collection for a clinical drug trial in which subjects are randomly assigned to either a treatment or a placebo group to measure the effects of the drug on a specific outcome. This is which type of study? o Experimental A researcher studies the effect of asthma action plans on frequency of emergency department visits for asthma-related symptoms. The study would be described as o Applied research Basic research seeks to o Generate knowledge for knowledge’s sake When developing a study, a researcher establishes rules for measurement of independent and dependent variables to minimize the possibility of error. This is an example of o Control In which type of research study does the researcher explore and describe phenomena in real-life situations? o Descriptive In which type of research study does the researcher have the most control? o Experimental A researcher designs a study to evaluate stress and anxiety associated with breastfeeding in which data collection takes place in the homes of mothers with premature newborns after dis-charge home from the NIC. This would be an example of which type of research setting? o Natural, field When conducting a research study using a convenience sample of all second-grade students from two classrooms in a nearby school, the nurse researcher may increase the sample control by o randomly assigning students from both classrooms to either the experimental group or the control group. A nurse is assisting with data collection for a study measuring the effects of a sleep aid medication on oxygen saturations. Subjects will sleep in a darkened room in a sleep lab while participating. Which type of research setting is this? o Highly controlled A nurse researcher explains the relationships between research processes and the nursing process to a group of graduate-level nursing students. Which statement by a nursing student indicates the need for further teaching? o “The nursing process requires rigorous ap-plication of research methods.” Research subjects in a study of body image after mastectomy will complete a questionnaire about body image after surgery. Which assumption would the researcher likely make when conducting this study? o Subjects will be able to describe a personal awareness of body image. Statements that will be scientifically tested as part of a research study are called o hypotheses.











A study that analyzes the effect of exercise on diabetes control among Native-American children with type II diabetes would most credibly be generalizable to which population? o Native-American children with type I diabetes To evaluate data collection methodology prior to conducting a large-scale study, a researcher might carry out a smaller-scale study. This smaller-scale study is known as a/an o pilot study. The nurse researcher is developing a study to examine the effects of asthma education on missed school days among grade school children. When defining the research problem in the research proposal, the nurse will discuss o statistics about the number of school days missed by children with asthma. Which portion of a research report would the nurse initially read to get an overview of the study? o Abstract The section of a research report that describes the purpose of a research study will include o what relationships among key variables will be examined. A researcher conducts a review of relevant literature prior to developing a research study to o identify what is known and unknown about a problem. In a qualitative study to describe stages of grief, the researcher asks parents who have lost a child to cancer to describe their experiences with grief at specific time intervals after their children’s deaths. Which assumption will the researcher make? o Study subjects understand the concept of grief. How is theory tested in quantitative research? o Relationships among concepts are tested An operational definition of a variable or concept ensures that the variable or concept will be o measured or manipulated. In a research proposal, when describing a research design, the researcher would include o methods for measurement of variables Prior to initiating a large-scale research study, the researcher conducts a small-scale study using similar subjects, methods, instruments, measurements, and analysis. This is done to o determine the quality of the study com-ponents. The methodology portion of the research report is used to o describe the study design. When the researcher describes the population of a study, the research consumer understands that this represents o all people who meet inclusion criteria for the study. When a researcher describes an instrument as being valid this indicates that the instrument o accurately measures a variable. The level of measurement determines the type of statistical analysis that can be performed on the data. The level of measurement that describes the lowest form of measurement is o nominal. When noting the limitations of a research study, the nurse might make which observation? o Findings could not be generalized to a population not included in the study. The purpose of a study abstract is to o summarize a study concisely and capture the reader’s attention. In a study about concussion recovery in high school football players, which statement would be part of the introduction? o “The purpose of this study was to deter-mine average length of recovery time after a first concussion.” If a nurse wishes to critically appraise a study’s sampling criteria and measurement tools, the nurse will read which part of the study report? o Methods To understand what is known and not known about a particular problem and provides a rationale for why the study needs to be conducted, the nurse would review which section of the research report?











o Introduction To learn whether there is a statistically significant difference between the control group and the experimental group in a study, the nurse would review which section of the research report? o Results To help determine the relevance of a study to practice, it is recommended that the reviewer read which two sections of the study initially? o Abstract, discussion Conducting a research study in a natural setting means that the researcher o Has not manipulated or changed the environment The author of a research report describes the research problem in order to o identify gaps in knowledge. Which of the following are true statements about quantitative research? Select all that apply. o Correlational research involves the use of statistics to determine relationships among variables. o Quasi-experimental research is a useful option when controlled conditions are not possible. o Statistical tests are employed with quantitative research studies. What study design involves no intervention on the part of the researcher? Select all that apply o Correlational o Descriptive Which of the following are true statements about rigor in quantitative research? Select all that apply. o Critically appraising the rigor of a study involves examining the reasoning used in conducting the study. o Logical reasoning is essential to the development of quantitative studies. The nurse researcher submits a proposal for an initial study to evaluate the effects of regular moderate exercise on asthma control scores in adolescents with asthma. To achieve increased control in the initial study, the researcher will do which of the following? Select all that apply. o Have subjects exercise on treadmills in the clinic three times weekly. o Choose subjects classified as having moderate intermittent asthma symptoms. o Limit participants to adolescent males who have asthma. The nurse understands that reading a research report requires the use of a variety of critical thinking and reading skills. Which of the following are true statements regarding skimming a re-search report? Select all that apply. o Involves scanning the abstract or introduction and discussion sections o Involves reexamining the conclusions and implications for practice from the study o Involves making a preliminary judgment about the value of a source and whether to read the report in depth The nurse participates in data collection in a study comparing the effect of two antilipidemia medications on total cholesterol in patients with hyperlipidemia. Which are extraneous variables to consider in such a study? Select all that apply. o Family history of hyperlipidemia o Individual patients’ weights o Other serum lipid values What role does qualitative research play in evidence-based practice (EBP)? o It offers a systematic approach for yielding insights into human experience and behavior. A researcher identifies a socioeconomic group of people to study. After developing a rapport with key members of the group, getting information about group members from the key members, and spending time working among group members, the researcher prepares a written report about the group based on this experience. Which type of qualitative research does this represent? o Ethnographic What is true about phenomena in qualitative research? o Multiple realities are possible based on meanings created by individuals and groups. A researcher conducts a qualitative study and learns that individuals have a variety of reactions to an event. What can the researcher conclude from this finding?












o The variety of reactions is expected since perception varies with individuals. A researcher develops a study to examine various phenomena that contribute to theory development. This is an example of which type of research? o Grounded theory research A researcher conducts a study to examine the feelings of cancer patients at various points during their disease, including at diagnosis, when beginning chemotherapy, and during remission. Which type of study will the researcher use for this study? o Phenomenological A qualitative researcher writes down his/her ideas, perceptions, thoughts, and biases about the topic of a study before starting data collection. This is a form of o bracketing. What is true about scientific rigor in qualitative nursing research? o Study findings are considered trustworthy when rigor is applied. When designing a study, which has the greatest influence as a researcher decides which type of qualitative study design to use o Research question A researcher wishes to learn about the experiences that women have when breastfeeding their infants in the workplace. Which type of study design will the researcher employ? o Exploratory-descriptive A researcher who bases phenomenological research on Husserl’s philosophy will o place personal biases aside when considering and reporting research findings. What is a key element of hermeneutics in research? o Analysis of documents and interviews to identify themes and subthemes in data When performing an external criticism of the documents used in historical research, the reviewer must determine whether the documents are o genuine or fraudulent. What is true about grounded theory research? o Theory is developed from the data collected during the research. A researcher wishes to understand how inner-city Somali immigrants adapt healthcare practices into their experiences with the U.S. healthcare system. Which type of study approach will the researcher use? o Ethnographic Which is an example of an etic approach in an ethnographic study? o A study comparing various ethnic groups’ folk health practices Which qualitative study will call for an exploratory-descriptive study approach? o A study on a topic about which little is known or understood A researcher utilizes an emic approach in a research study to o understand behaviors from within a culture. The goal of grounded theory research is to o develop theories and hypotheses based on research findings. A researcher wishes to examine the experiences and feelings of siblings of children who have cancer to gain information about this population. Which type of qualitative study method will the researcher use? o Exploratory-descriptive When conducting historical research about the experiences of women refugees from the Sudan, the researcher interviews women who served as nu...

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