resumen libro Silas Marner BOOK parte I PDF

Title resumen libro Silas Marner BOOK parte I
Course Inglés I
Institution Bachillerato (España)
Pages 6
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es un resumen del libro Silas Marner, es solo la primera parte. esta por capitulos y estan escritos en ingles....


SILAS MARNER CHAPTER 1: SILAS The story takes places in England in the early 19th century. Raveloe was a pleasant, peaceful village situated in a valley and there were trees all around it. . The men were usually farmers and women looked after their small houses and the children. The village was far from the main road. There was a church and a pub called the Rainbow. The pub was the social centre of the villagers’ lives. Silas Marner lived in a small stone house in Raveloe. He wasn’t a farmer. He was a weaver (teixidor). He worked 16 hours a day. Silas was a thin, pale man, who was 40 years old but looked much older. He had very large, prominent eyes which used to frighten the children of the village. He has been living in Raveloe for 15 years. He had suddenly appeared there one day and no one knew about his past. He didn’t speak to people except when he was selling his materials. The villagers thought that Silas was strange. Several years before, one of the village men was walking along the road late on evening when suddenly saw Silas standing completely rigid and carrying a sack on his back. When the man came closer to Silas, he saw that his eyes were wide open, but they looked like the eyes of a dead man. The man spoke to him and touched him, but Silas gave no sign of life. Suddenly, Silas came out of his trace and we walked slowly down the road. Silas had suffered cataleptic fits (atacs cataleptics) ever since he was a young man: during a fit, he couldn’t see, hear or speak. His whole body become rigid and he couldn’t move at all. In the pub, the men talked about Silas. CHAPTER 2 2:: SILAS’ PAST LIFE Before living in Raveloe, Silas’ life was different: he had lived in a small, religious community, called Lantern Yard. The people who live there were very religious. The church was at the centre of all their activities (They practice prayer-meetings). The first fit (el primer atac) was in Lantern Yard, but there people weren’t frightened by Silas.

Silas had a good friend in Lantern Yard: William Dane. Silas was in love with a woman called Sarah. They were planning to get married. All three were good friends, but one day William and Sarah changed their behaviour (segurament al William li agradava la Sarah i per això començen a comportar-se de manera diferent amb el Silas). One day, the oldest man of the community became very ill. He had no family, so each night, Silas sat with him until 2 o’clock in the morning and then William came and replaced him for the next few hours. One night, when Silas was sitting beside the old man’s bed, he realized that the man was dead. It was because it was already 4 o’clock and William wasn’t there. Silas called the minister. When he arrived, he stayed with the dead man and William went to work. Two hours later, William came to tell Silas to come immediately to a meeting of the church members. Something had happened: All the church money was in a cupboard near the bed of the old man who had just died and it had been robbed. They had only found Silas’ knife next to the cupboard. Silas was surprised! He hadn’t robbed the money. William offered himself to go to Silas’ house to look for the money. A few minutes later, William came with the little bag in which the money was kept! (va ser el William que li va parar una trampa al Silas. El Silas va recordar que li havia deixat el gavinet al William i que no li va tornar. El William va robar els diners i ho va fer perquè es volia quedar amb la seva promesa, la Sarah, i volia posar a tothom en contra del Silas). After that, Sarah sent Silas a message saying that she didn’t want to marry him and that she was going to marry William. The money was never found and the members of the community decided to punish (castigar) Silas. He wasn’t permitted to go to church until he confessed that he has taken the money. Silas lost his belief in God and in human beings (va deixar de creure amb Déu i amb les persones). He took his possessions and left Lantern Yard. Silas travelled around the country for some time, finally, he came to Raveloe. He wanted to forget his past and the terrible things that had happened to him.

Soon Silas was making a lot of money from his weaving (amb els seus teixits). In order to keep his money safe, he made a hiding place for it. He took a few stones from his floor, made a hole under them, put the bags in the hole and the put the stones on top of them. Every evening, Silas closed all the doors and windows of the house. Then, he took his bags of gold out of the hole and used to count all the coins several times. CHAPTER 3: THE BR BROTHERS OTHERS Mr Cass was the richest man in Raveloe. He owned a lot of land and the people who lived on it had to pay him money. His wife was dead, but he has two sons:  Godfrey: blond, good-looking man, 26 years old. He had a girlfriend, Miss Nancy Lammeter.  Dunstan: dark hair, big/heavy and uglier man, younger brother. The two brothers hadn’t any work and the people of the village didn’t think that this was a good situation, especially for Dunstan who used to drink and do bad things when he wasn’t occupied. One evening, Godfrey said to Dunstan: “I want you to return the money which I gave you two weeks ago. It was money which one villager had to pay Father for living on his land. He gave it to me and I was supposed to give it to Father”. Godfrey always gave money to Dunstan. Dunstan said to Godfrey: “If you tell Father about the money, I’ll tell him your secret. Of I tell Father your secret, you don’t inherit (heredar) his money and Nancy won’t want to marry you”. So, Dunstan proposed to Godfrey, to sell his horse, Wildfire, in order to achieve the money for their Father. Godfrey loved his horse but he was afraid of what would happen if he didn’t give his father the money. Godfrey had once been a good man, but had been living with these fears for such a long time that now he was becoming angry and unhappy. He agreed, and decided that Dunstan could sell his horse.

CHAPTER 4: THE SECRET Godfrey’s secret: a few years before, he had secretly married Molly Farren, a poor woman with no education, who drank alcohol and took opium. They had a little girl. He had realized that he had made a terrible mistake by marrying Molly. One evening, when Godfrey was drunk, explained his secret to his brother, Dunstan. Since then, Dunstan used it to threaten him (amenaçar). Dunstan said to Godfrey: “You know that Father will never forgive you for marrying without his permission and also for marrying someone who’s got no money and no education”. Godfrey was in a difficult situation. If he didn’t inherit his father’s money, Nancy wouldn’t want to marry with him. Dunstan went to get Godfrey’s horse from the stables and rode to the town to sell it there. On the way, he rode past Silas’ house. He drank a little whisky and decided to ride very fast and to make the horse jump over some walls between the fields. They fell. Dunstan didn’t hurt at all but the horse died. So, Dunstan thought another way to achieve the money: he went to Silas’ house. He thought that Silas had a lot of money and could give Godfrey some. The door wasn’t locked so he opened it. No one was there. Dunstan thought it was very strange that Silas wasn’t at home; the door was opened and the fire was burning. He thought that he could be dead. So, he decided to look for the money. He found it: he took the two leather bags with all Silas’ coins. Then he put the stones back and covered them with sand so everything looked the same as before. He had done everything quickly. He left Silas’ house and started to walk home. CHAPTER 5: UNPLEASANT SURPRISES Silas had left his house just some minutes because he needed some thread (fil) in order to continue working. He had never heard about a robbery in Raveloe. Before preparing the supper, he wanted to count his coins. He went to his hidden place and realized that the hole was empty. The two bags of coins had disappeared. He decided to go to the pub Rainbow and ask for help in order to find the robber. When he arrived at the pub, everyone looked at him. He explained the situation, and some men offered to go with him to see the policeman of the village.

By the next morning, everyone in the village knew about the robbery. When Godfrey heard the story, went to Silas’ house to see the scene of the crime. He was also worried about his brother, Dunstan. He wasn’t at home. Godfrey met a villager who explained to him the accident of his brother and his horse. Dunstan had left the horse dead and had walked away. Godfrey was very angry. He decided that would explain the problem with the money to his father, before Dunstan returned. CH CHAPTER APTER 6: THE PARTY Godfrey talked to his Father: “Father, do you remember the money I was supposed to give you from the villager who is living on your land? I gave it to Dunstan. I also allowed Dunstan to sell my horse, but the horse had an accident and died”. Father answered: “Where is Dunstan? I want to ask him why you gave him money. I think that you’ve done something wrong and you don’t want him to tell me about it. I don’t think I’ve been strict enough with you and your brother. One day, you will inherit my land and my house. You have to be more responsible. I think marriage to Nancy will be good for you”. Father told Godfrey that he had to ask Nancy to marry him. A few weeks passed, and Dunstan hadn’t returned home yet. No one was worried because he had disappeared like this before when he had had problems. He usually returned without any explanation. Nobody saw a connection with the disappearance of Dunstan and Silas’ robbery. Silas was suffering and the villagers were kinder to him. Dolly Winthrop was one of the villagers that tried to help him, but he didn’t want to talk to anyone.

Christmas passed and the New Year was coming, but Dunstan still hadn’t returned. In the Red house (Mr. Cass house) it was preparing a big party. Mr Cass invited important people from the area. Nancy (Godfrey’s girlfriend) would come to the party, too.

A few days before, Godfrey went to see Molly. She lived in a small, dirty room with her little child. He didn’t pay attention to the child. He sometimes gave her money so that she would leave him alone. Over the years, Molly has become more and more dependent on alcohol and opium. She spent Godfrey’s money on these and often didn’t have enough for food for herself and her daughter. Molly and Godfrey had a big argument (baralla): Molly wanted that Godfrey explained to everyone their secret, but Godfrey didn’t want it. It was time for Ne w Year’s Eve Party. While everyone was enjoying the party, Molly was planning her revenge (venjança): she picked up her little girl, put a blanket round her and walked to the Red House. CHAPTER 7: MOLLY’S REV REVENGE ENGE Molly had left her house early in order to arrive at the Red House during the party, but the weather was really bad. A lot of snow was falling and there was a cold wind, so Molly stopped and took a little opium in order to feel better and continue walking. However, she lay down on the snow. The little child was close to her body, but then her hands relaxed and the little girl fell into the snow. Suddenly, a light appeared through the snow. She started to walk towards the light. It was the fire from Silas’ house. She entered in the house and lay down on Silas’ coat, in front of the fire. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. Silas was in the house but he hadn’t seen the child. That night, he suffered another fit. That’s why the door was opened. He wasn’t able to move. When the fit was over, he went to the fire to warm himself. Suddenly, he saw the little child. Suddenly, he felt love for the child, for God… “Maybe God sent it to me. Maybe this...

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