Review OF Homeworks of ienglish exam at icpna PDF

Title Review OF Homeworks of ienglish exam at icpna
Author arni yair
Course Total Wellness
Institution Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola
Pages 7
File Size 145.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 66
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una ayuda q te servira para tu estudios o indicaciones disfrutalo , xq es unico ,,,, aparte un buen dato para practicas y exqmenes asi...


REVIEW 1 1)Hi Amy, Just a note to tell you how we do / we’re doing here in Phoenix. Tim loves / is loving his new job. Our house is on a bus line, so he takes / he’s taking the bus to work every day. I get / I’m getting to know our neighbors. They seem / They’re seeming friendly. Nancy attends / is attending the local high school, and she makes / she’s making a lot of new f friends there. But she texts / she’s texting her old friends in Boston all the time! I think she misses them. Love, Martha

2) Doug and Lisa Cho have been living (live)in Los Angeles since last March. Doug is a film director. He has directed(direct)five movies in his career, and he has been working (work)on a sixth since they moved to Los Angeles. Doug and Lisa have owned (own)their own house for six months. They have been remodeling (remodel)it since they bought it. Lisa works in advertising, and she has been running (run)her own advertising business for the last three months.

3) My neighbor Jeff is a teacher. His job is going good (well) in general, and he likes it. But sometimes he sounds angrily (angry) when he talks about it. He feels frustratedly (frustrated) because a few students in his class behave bad (badly). They pretend to listen to him, and they look quietly and innocent in class. But they don’t take their studies serious (seriously). Instead, they surf the Internet and text each other during class. BLUE: GOOD OPTION YELLOW: THE MISTAKE

REVIEW 2 1)Ever since Bob Maynard and Victoria Kwanza got (get)married, they have done (do)a lot of traveling. They have been (be)to six countries, and they plan to tour another two this summer. So far, their favorite is South Africa, which they have visited (visit)twice. The first time was (be)in 2009. They went (go)again last year. Victoria says, “When I was a girl, I always wanted (want)to marry a man who would travel with me all over the world. Bob is that man. I have never known (never know) anyone so adventurous.”

2) Julio Sanchez and Liv Carlsson have an intercultural marriage. Liv is Swedish, and she came to the United States to work. She and Julio met at a party. Liv didn’t know many people at the party, and neither did Julio. He is from Colombia, and he didn’t speak English very well at that time. Luckily, before she got the job in the United States, Liv had lived in Spain for several years, and she had learned to speak Spanish very well. So, it was easy for Liv and Julio to talk to each other at the party... and the rest is history!

3) Solange grew up in Brazil, and she misses it. When she was a teenager, she didn’t used to (didn’t use to) study very hard at school. Instead, she will (would) go to the beach every day and have fun with her friends. Solange has been being (only been) married to Ty, who is American, for ten years. Solange and Ty have two children, Ava and Jacob. Solange wants to show her homeland to her family. They would (were going to) go to Brazil last year, but unfortunately, they had to call of the trip, though they been planning it for months. Solange hopes that they can go next year instead.

Review 3 1)Hi, Mary. This is Bill. I have to work late tonight, so I will be late for dinner. I will call you as soon as my boss lets me leave. I will stop by the store and pick up dessert before I come home. Bye. Love you.

2)Hi Andy, Sam and I are taking (Sam and I / take) our vacation in Australia this year! Our fight leaves (Our flight / leave) tonight and arrives in Tokyo tomorrow. Then there’s a ten-hour flight to Sydney. By the time we get (we / get) there, we’ll have been flying (we / fly) for over twenty-four hours. We’ll be (We / be) exhausted, but it will certainly be worth it. We’re spending (We / spend) two and a half weeks in Australia. We’ll send (We / send) you a postcard as soon as we’re (we / be) settled in our bed and breakfast in Sydney. Stay tuned!

3) A: Hey, Cheryl! How are you doing? B: Good! I’ve been traveling all over the country for work. By the time the summer is over, I’ll have visiting (visited) ten cities, and I’ll have been traveled (traveling) for three months straight! A: Wow! That’s a lot! Do you come (Are you coming) to New York, too? B: Yes! Actually, I’ll come to (I am coming) New York next week! Can we get together? A: Sure! Call me when you’re getting (you get) to town. It’ll be great to see you! B: I call you as soon as I arrive at my hotel

Review 4 1.You weren’t supposed to / were supposed to mention the gift. Now it won’t be a surprise! 2. She had to / didn’t have to bring food. We have a lot left over from the party. 3. Bill might not have / shouldn’t have told Ai about it! Now everyone will know. 4. You could / should take some flowers. Or a box of chocolates would be good. 5. We shouldn’t / We’d better not discuss anything political. Sam loses his temper easily. 6. You must have / should have your passport with you. You’ll be deported if you don’t. 7. Chie should / Chie’s got to pay her rent by Saturday. She’ll be evicted if she doesn’t. 8. You aren’t allowed to / don’t have to go into a Japanese kitchen. It’s just not done. 9. Sami should have / could have given them a CD. They like flowers, too. 10. Hadn’t we better / Must we get going? The play starts in thirty minutes

1. You have to be there by 10 a.m. sharp.


2. We ought to invite Hana over for dinner.


3. We aren’t allowed to smoke in the once.

->may not

4. Ken has got to study harder.


5. Are you supposed to leave a tip here?



A: Did you see the email? All employees is (are) to attend the good-bye party for our CEO, Brent Chang. B: Yes, I did see it. His wife was invited too, but she must (had to) decline because she is going on a trip. A: Since it’s a good-bye party, we don’t have to (must not) forget to buy him a present. We had better to get him something nice. We ought (to) buy him something useful, too. B: I agree.

REVIEW 5 1. That must / may be the answer to the mystery. All evidence points to it. 2. Ellen might / will be here later, but I don’t know for sure. 3. A monk must / might have made the trip, but the evidence isn’t conclusive. 4. It couldn’t / shouldn’t have been Newfoundland, which is too far north. 5. We should / can’t find out what really happened later today. Louis says he knows. 6. You may / ought not to have trouble solving the problem—you’re good at math. 7. They had to / might have been home—I heard their music. 8. She might be / has got to be the one who took it. No one else had access to it. 9. They had to be / must have been away last week. Their car was gone. 10. There must / might be a key around here somewhere. Dad said he had one.

1. It’s possible that Jeremy had to work late.

->Jeremy might have

2. It’s very likely that Mari missed her flight.

->Mari must have

3. It’s impossible that they heard the news. 4. It’s likely that we’ll know the answer soon. 5. You had the opportunity to get a scholarship.

(SIMILAR) ->They couldn’t have ->We should ->You could have gotten

A: Hi, Jack. I’m glad you finally made it to the party! But where’s Gina? Do you think she might have Forgotten about the party, or could she (have) had to work late? B: I think Gina must to (must) be sick. She didn’t look good earlier today. A: That’s too bad. What about Al and Lisa? B: Al told me that he couldn’t get here by 7:00, but he should to (should) make it by 8:00. I don’t know about Lisa. I suppose she could be work (working) late, but she didn’t say anything to me about it. A: I guess she might been (be) on her way here right now. I hope so!

REVIEW 6 1. Right now, a new hotel is constructed / is being constructed downtown. 2. Tadao had his car serviced / had serviced his car because he couldn’t do it himself. 3. The thieves were caught / caught when they tried to spend stolen money. 4. The driver of the car died / was died in the accident. 5. Evidence shows that the theory has been / being disproved. 6. The children were been / being driven to school when the accident happened. 7. The suspects won’t have been / been being arrested by this weekend. 8. Without any help, I got the job done by noon / by an assistant

1. The news is reported daily. (simple present) 2. The news is being reported right now. (present progressive) 3. The news has been reported twice today. (present perfect) 4. The news was reported an hour ago. (simple past) 5. The news was being reported when the robbery occurred. (past progressive) 6. The news had been reported an hour before the robbery occurred. (past perfect) 7. The news will be reported at 5:00 p.m. (simple future) 8. The news will have been reported by 3:30 p.m. (future perfect)

The Turkish city of Trabzon has just being (been) hit by a tsunami. The tsunami got (was) caused by an earthquake centered in the Black Sea. At this time last year, international talks were been (being) held on how to protect countries from tsunamis, but no significant decisions were agreed upon. U.N. officials said, “We must get these talks start (started) again.”

REVIEW 7 1. Spain bordered by / is bordered by Portugal to the west and France to the north. 2. Europeans and Africans are regarded as / that the ancestors of the Nacirema. 3. It claims / is claimed that the Loch Ness Monster actually exists. 4. The body is believed to be / is considered that it is ugly in Nacirema culture. 5. Gebru and I are related to / by marriage. 6. The capital locates in / is located in the center of the nation. 7. Ben Jonson is thought / thinks by some to have written some of Shakespeare’s plays. 8. The Basques allege / are alleged to have come from Atlantis.

1. Native Americans are thought to have come (think / have / come) from Asia originally. 2. (It / say) It is said by scholars that Basque is unrelated to other languages. 3. The yeti is claimed by witnesses (claim / witnesses) to be covered with long, brown hair. 4. The culture is assumed by experts to date (assume / experts / date) from the year 3000 B.C.E. 5. Fifteenth- and sixteenth-century artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci is believed to have been (believe / have / be) left-handed

Hawaii is regarded by (as) one of the most beautiful places in the world. It is composed from (of) a number of islands, some large and some small. An island is an area of land that surrounds (is surrounded) on all sides by water, so Hawaii is not bordered of (by) any other country. It is claiming (claimed) by some that mythical creatures live in Hawaii. For example, the Menehune say (are said) to be very small people who live deep in the forests there. They are allege (alleged) to have lived in Hawaii since before the Polynesians arrived from Tahiti many centuries ago....

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