RLGN 104 Quiz 4 - Quiz prep and practice questions. PDF

Title RLGN 104 Quiz 4 - Quiz prep and practice questions.
Author Sarah Loxley
Course Christian Life and Biblical Worldview
Institution Liberty University
Pages 6
File Size 65.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Quiz prep and practice questions....


202040 Fall 2020 RLGN 104-B35 LUO Quiz 4

Question 1 0 out of 3.5 points

Attempting to earn salvation through good deeds is offensive to God.

Selected Answer: False

Question 2 3.5 out of 3.5 points

Following the resurrection, Jesus appeared to over _______ people at one time.

Selected Answer: 500

Question 3 3.5 out of 3.5 points

According to Hindson, the theology of the Bible represents Jesus as the Son of God who possesses all the attributes of deity.

Selected Answer: True

Question 4 3.5 out of 3.5 points

Imago Dei is a term used to refer to the

Selected Answer: Image of God

Question 5 3.5 out of 3.5 points

What evidence does Powell provide for countering the legend theory for the resurrection?

Selected Answer: All of these

Question 6 3.5 out of 3.5 points

According to the Bible, the true gauge of holiness that humans are judged against is the holiness of God.

Selected Answer: True

Question 7 3.5 out of 3.5 points

Humans sin because it is their nature to sin.

Selected Answer: True

Question 8 3.5 out of 3.5 points

According to Hindson, Adam and Eve’s sin had ________ consequences.

Selected Answer: All of the above

Question 9 3.5 out of 3.5 points

The Romans were so vile they crucified everyone who broke the law, even Roman citizens.

Selected Answer: False

Question 10 3.5 out of 3.5 points

The Greek word for “poor” in Matthew 5:3 means “needy” or in need of additional things to add to one’s possessions.

Selected Answer: False

Question 11 3.5 out of 3.5 points

Mankind needs salvation because

Selected Answer: Both A and B

Question 12 3.5 out of 3.5 points

Sin is

Selected Answer: All of the above

Question 13 3.5 out of 3.5 points

Jesus only appeared to Mary Magdalene, Mary (mother of Jesus), Salome, and his 12 disciples.

Selected Answer: False

Question 14 3.5 out of 3.5 points

Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was sufficient to save humanity from their sins. The resurrection of Christ was not essential for salvation.

Selected Answer: False

Question 15 3.5 out of 3.5 points

According to Hindson in Everyday Biblical Worldview, salvation must include:

Selected Answer: Faith and Repentance

Question 16 3.5 out of 3.5 points

Salvation is a gift from God that humanity cannot earn through good works.

Selected Answer: True

Question 17 3.5 out of 3.5 points

Getting someone to pray to receive Christ is evidence that he/she has been saved.

Selected Answer: False

Question 18 3.5 out of 3.5 points

Saved from the presence of sin and being in the presence of God is known as:

Selected Answer: Glorification

Question 19 3.5 out of 3.5 points

Knowing the facts about God is all one needs to know in order to be saved.

Selected Answer: False

Question 20 3.5 out of 3.5 points

According to Powell, after establishing that God exists, that the resurrection was an historical event, and other things, what becomes the most important question to settle?

Selected Answer: Who did Jesus claim to be?...

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