Roman Numerals - Douglas Platt PDF

Title Roman Numerals - Douglas Platt
Author Kourtney Bartholomew
Course Contemporary Applied Math For Everyone.
Institution Montclair State University
Pages 2
File Size 42 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 40
Total Views 126


Douglas Platt...


Roman Numerals Tuesday, February 6, 2018

5:03 PM

Hindu-Arabic numeration system: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Arranged in pace values to represent overall numbers Ex. 106, 2018 Roman Numerals: M= 1000 D= 500 C= 100 L= 50 X= 10 V= 5 I= 1 Numerals are arranged to determine a value Can be written as multiples of the same symbol I=1 II=2 III=3 X=10 XX=20 XXX=30 C=100 CC=200 CCC=300 M=1000 MM=2000 MMM=3000 Can be written as a smaller number preceding a larger number IV= 4 CD= 400 IX= 9 XL= 40 XC= 90 CM= 900 (only take away 1's, 10's, 100's) MMXVIII= MM+X+V+III= 2000+10+5+3=2018 MCMXCIX= M+CM+XC+IX= 1000+900+90+9=1999 MMMDCCCLXXXVIII= MMM+D+CCC+L+XXX+V+III= 3000+500+300+50+30+5+3= 3888 *when writing these, each number has to be smaller than the one before it, so a 300 (CCC) could not come before a 500 (D) or an 8 (IIX) could not come before a 10 (X) *if this does happen however that a smaller number is before a larger number, subtract that number instead of adding it in the


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