RPH Census - Grade: A PDF

Title RPH Census - Grade: A
Course Reading in Philippine History
Institution Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University
Pages 2
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BSA 1L – Rivera, Francine Ed M. 1.) In your opinion, how important is conducting population census in city/municipality or provinces in a given period? Why does census matter? It's for us to be able to know the population in a specific place. To determine the number of Boys, Girls, Young, Old and number of families that are living in that place. The number of families and people in a household. Why is it important? Because we use this on certain circumstances, for example is the giving of ayuda's, they determine the number of families per municipalities for them to know how much budget they will give to each municipality. Another example is the giving of School kits from the Sangguniang Kabataan. Through census they can determine the number of students living in the barangay. If they know the number of students they can estimate their budget and know how many school kits they will prepare.

2.) After studying demographic transition model, does the Philippines currently undergo transition because of the Covid-19 pandemic? I think that our country is at the first stage of demographic transition model. According to what I learned and discussed, the birth rate in our country, Philippines, this year 2020 is 20.177% for every 1000 people. The birth rate last year was 20.377% which shows that the birth rate decreased up to 0.200% so the difference is not that high. The death rate in our country this 2020 is 5.968%, if you compare them to the 2019 death rate there is a difference of 0.068%. As we can see, there is only a little difference between the death and birth rate in our country from last year to this year.

3.) How would you personally implement Reproductive Health Law? What is your stand about the law? I will implement it on different levels and different sectors. Why? Because not everyone have the same capacity and are the same. First is through opening the minds of youths into this matter. Through giving them the necessary knowledge about this topic. How? Through the education system, if at a young age they learn about what could possibly happen if they do things without safety precautions they will think twice before doing so. Some may say that they are too young for this but I believe that the earlier they know the earlier their minds will somehow mature to this kind of things. Yes, in our today’s generation most of the kids are curious about the things that they see so think it’s better that we teach them those things and the do’s and don’ts of it.

Second is to practice safe sex. I believe that having sex is okay because that is a normal human desire. Why practice safe sex? To avoid abortion, to avoid those innocent angels not having the opportunity to be born. We all know that killing is a sin, and abortion is killing an innocent child who’s a product of you having sex and not taking any safety precautions. An addition to this is giving birth pills and condom from barangays for those people who cannot afford to buy. As we can see the Philippines is overpopulated and as a country increases in population, our daily needs will also get higher because the people consuming the resources is higher than before. I think that it’s best to limit the number of people to lessen the population in our country. Not only to lessen the population but also to lessen the children who are not given the opportunity to get the education that they deserve and a proper life to live....

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